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PS4 Beasts of the Sanctuary: Update 22.20.6 (LIMBO PRIME + Hotfixes)

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will only login for daily reward until i have the option to revert back from cursor , it is unplayable this way

edit : i believe by default it should be the way it was before & having the new cursor feature be an option for whoever wants it.

im sure people will lose trades because of this i myself couldnt msg people for whatever reason in trade chat because the button "X" was not working even thou the cursor was on the name highlighting it  , and i could scroll the Username box to the rightside of the chat to find the people i need to msg and when i did i still couldnt message them.. this is just awful.. so bad

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I've got to be honest here. I chewed on this update for hours, working through the UI trying to rebuild my Saryn. My most played and favorite frame. In fact, she makes up more than half of the several thousand gameplay hours I have on Warframe. I tried a ton of builds, suffering through the MUCH slower and arbitrary steps that were added to settle on one that I finally thought might be fun for ESO. I jump into said game of ESO and there are two Trinity's nuking every single enemy on the map immediately on spawn. I legitimately just ragequit a PvE game.


And I think the best part is that y'all won't give a single flying crap about any of this until after Tennocon.

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Been away from the game for like a month, then today I turn on my PS4 and says it have an update, so I said to myself "I guess i'll check it out" and sadly the first thing I notice upon logging in is this cursor. WTF. It's horrible and to make things WORSE I couldn't find ANY WAY to go back to how things were on the options menu. Congratulations, you guys just moved like 10 steps back on usability. Guess i'll be away again until you guys learn how to do the basics. Good luck.

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I love the new particle system and noticed an increased frame rate over the previous patch.

I would like to offer my constructive feedback on the new UI system. I like that we can highlight names and links in chat to directly interact with them. Not having to use L3 is nice. I also noticed that scrolling mission rewards and stats while in the loading screen is now fixed. 

I feel that taking away the button hotkeys previously in place was a mistake. An example is when a gun was highlighted and you could press triangle to upgrade it or square to change apppearances. I also feel that dpad functionality and hotkey navigation should take priority over analogue stick navigation in menus. Modding takes a long time now as well with the "click and drag" method.

Your new UI will be better for keyboard and mouse users, but the majority of your user base on console uses a controller. Forcing them to move a cursor around with an anologue stick will alienate them and make them feel as if they should be playing on PC. Yet, you offer no way to transfer a save from console to PC. Also if you did offer such a save transfer, from a business stand point, this would have a large impact on your revenue as PC players often wait until huge discounts to buy plat and console users get discounts rarely. The discounts we do see are up 45% off plat a few times a year and up to 50% off the market on only a very limited amount of items which most people will avoid. 

In summary, please keep in mind that most of your console users are on controller and you should not force a PC UI navigation scheme on them. I spent 6 hours with the new UI and while I can navigate proficiently, navigation has slowed down overall. Bring back button hotkeys that we previously had and continue to fix the bugs behind this UI release and i beleive you will reach your goal of seemless controller/Keyboard and mouse interation. It is just that one control scheme should not take away from the other, especially when the controls being crippled are what most of your console users are on. Consoles mostly plug into TVs, which sit in front of couches and do not work well with a keyboard and mouse.

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Why was the new menu controls force on us? Especially since a majority of PC players that use controllers expressed the UI controls are bad. It is factually more time consuming to swap weapons, Warframes, or leave squads with these changes. Everything else about this update is great. But the UI controls are terrible..

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I love warframe, and seeing this, warms my heart so much, I love everything that the devolpers bring to the table, each new expansion, weapon, anything, I can see the hardwork and determination these dev's put into the game, and it is amazing how far this game has come from its roots. You devolpers wow me everytime, and I bet you wow the community too, keep doing what you devs are doing, cause you're amazing at it! Thumbs up to you devs! You devs got the magic formula for this game, and it keeps me coming back for more! and now i can use my mouse and keyboard! love it!!:heart::community:

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The u.i. of this game is just as important as the gameplay itself. I'm sorry, but I can't let this one go. I do have mild but worsening arthritis and this new system is painful in more ways than one. Please just look at what I have spent on this game and tell me you want to lose that. I'm not saying to take it away completely but make this optional so it is optimized for both kinds of players. I really do not want to have to throw in the towel, and by the sounds of it nobody else does either. Ultimately, the games that make me happy will be the ones that get my business. This wouldn't be any different than a car company deciding that the steering wheel should be in rear passenger side of the vehicle... 

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Please DE give us option to change back to the old controls. Its simply terrile for joystik users.

For many of us time is money so i dont have time to put cursor and then to press X for interact/comand. I just want the old system to control menu very fast.

Hope u hear our voice! 

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Hey DE? I was wondering if you could make the operator's face look less greased than it does a the moment. This was kind of an inside joke that I ran with my friends, but the joke has run it's course, and I kind of hate how greasy it looks now. Please, take off the layer of sun tan lotion that's on their face.

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Right...managed to get a couple hours of testing in and here's my first feedback:

1) Not a huge fan of the UI changes but...a lot of the rage is totally over the top. If you up the sensitivity, it's only half as bad and I'm sure DE will improve this further. Not sure if I can use a regular keyboard (like you could in Dust514) or not though, didn't get a chance to test my regular Bluetooth keyboard yet.    

2) What have you done to my Mag??? Magnetize was always a great defensive ability too, but stepping inside the bubble is pretty much instadeath for Mag now at higher levels. Imo this was a totally unnecessary nerf to her. Damage is still fine though, so there's that at least. I liked using Magnetize for strategic defense and hate that this has been taken from me...at the very least, it's kinda unreliable now. My hope is, this is an unintended nerf and will be reversed because I don't think Mag needed a damn nerf.

3) Saryn is AMAZING now if you set her up correctly. Damage is still amazing despite the "nerf" if you use the right guns and tactics. Molt rocks once you figure out how to properly place it and now enables you to solo high-level enemies way past sortie levels. In my tests, the best damage type for her is hands down radiation because that way, you make enemies help you spread spores. I run with a radiation/viral Mara Detron and 2 full sets of Arcane Awakening and it hits like a truck. Everyone complaining about a lack of damage or her being too squishy isn't setting her up or playing her correctly. She's beast now!

4) I run on a PS4 Pro and if I really go out of my way with spores on Saryn, I get frame rate hits. It's not super laggy and generally lasts only a few seconds...but it is noticeable. It's especially noticeable if I spam Miasma while a lot of enemies are affected by spores. Needs a bit of optimization still.

5) I'm fine with the cursor, but could I please still hit a button to get into menus like "fitting"? It's just quicker and right now, those buttons do nothing. Shouldn't be hard to give us the option to use both in menus. Fitting takes more clicks now, too many. Streamline (pun intended) it! 

Thank you for leaving Ash alone so he's still my (solo) endless run survival god. Keep it that way please 😉

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UI Suggestion: Implement the old and the new UI at same time on all platforms

  • New one: When using touch pad (on PS4) / mouse (on PC)
  • Old one: When using game pads (on all systems)


Hello dear DE

I understand the intention on unifying the UI between PC and console, and I am not against this standardization. Anyway as other have said it is true that with this new interface all actions are more costly in time. In its current form, this UI does not adapt well to a game pad.

I would like suggest that, instead remove it going back to the previous one, you would implement both at same time. Just make all UI working as before when using the analog stick or digital stick, and move the pointer when using the touch pad, left the button shortcuts as were before too (triangle for upgrade, square for appearance...).

Doing this will allow everybody to use whatever they like more. Even more, why not doing the same (only that the inverse) on PC. People using a game pad would behave the same as on console auto selecting the menu options, and people using the mouse would behave just as this pointer. Here is your standardization, the best of both worlds.

I have not experience on XBOX, so I do not know if they have touch pad as in PS4, anyway, on XBOX, I bet all people will be fine using the "old" system with the analog stick. It would be the same on PS4

Thanks a lot I will be happy listening the community about this suggestion.

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Please explain to me the logic in removing shortcuts and making most of the menus inaccessible using the D-Pad, such as the all important “invite player to squad” button? I wasn’t annoyed until I tried it and realized most of the UI is now cursor only, which is stupid, I gave you guys the benefit of the doubt thinking “oh they wouldn’t remove key features, they’re not idiots, this isn’t Bungie this is DE, they ADD features not remove them.” But I guess I was wrong. And why did you switch mods to a clunky drag and drop system when the previous select and switch system was faster and more intuitive for consoles. “UI unification”? That’s stupid, putting a PC UI on a console or vice versa doesn’t improve the user experience at all, if it did then they wouldn’t differ in the first place. Way to punish console players DE. WTF?! I try to keep open mind, I think of developer standpoint, and try things out for myself, before I complain, and I did. And I cannot come up with a Single logical reason why you would purposely sacrifice user experience and ease of use, for a new system that is a massive downgrade for console Users. It would be different if we could still navigate using the D-Pad to jump between buttons but most of them aren’t usable, “Add Player”, “Show profile”, the entire “event, alert, invasion, syndicate, tissue, and sortie” interface on the Star chart is not possible to use without the slow and clunky cursor. I don’t care if I can change the speed and sensitively, that doesn’t make it as pleasant or as fast to use as the previous system did. Mods now have to be *dragged and dropped* FFS. The foundry is stupid slow to navigate now, can’t just use the D-Pad to jump down a few items, oh no, that was too easy, presenting; the new and most certainly not improved cursor BS. Many other menus have suffered too. Literally every menu suffers on the console. Was this even tested?! Didn’t a single DEV think “hey wait a minute, why are we replacing a fully functional system with one completely designed around the PC?”. 

This has severely shaken my faith in you guys, a vast disappointment, and it’s not like when you F’d up Trinity (not the god mode thing) and gave her blessing a fixed range, instead of a stat. (That was dumb) but I got over it because as always, the rest of the update was good, and even if it made me never want to use Trinity again (which it by no means did); that’s only 1 frame out for 35+ and growing. But now, I can’t enjoy a single moment of gameplay because I’m constantly irritated by slow and clunky Menus. One of My favorite parts of Warframe was building Mod Loadouts and Fashion frame, now it takes twice as long with much irritation for no reason. Remind me why we can’t just use the D-Pad again? And why Mods are Drag and Drop only? Why can’t I just select and switch like before?

this is all day one so I’m hopeful (though far less than before) that it will be improved and these issues addressed. I’m not against a cursor by itself, just the fact that all the existing functions were removed to make way for it, when there was no need to do so. Example; [Triangle] to open mod loadout from arsenal. Gone. Which if I had to press Right on D-Pad to jump to it and then hit X, that’d be fine, an extra button can still be done in a fraction of a second. But it can’t. That option isn’t there. And the D-Pad barely works with anything, often working with parts of a menu but not all, which is onsensical. Hopefully you will just add those things (such as Add Player and Show Profile) to list of selection “buttons” for the quick jump. As for the Mod Drag and Drop. I don’t know what to say.

You could have given us more favorite colors, RGB color selection, or addressed one of the dozens of other simple little requests that players have that would actually improve on the game. But instead, we got this. I remember playing Warframe Day one of the PS4 release. It was clunky, extremely confusing, and hard to maneuver around, but as time went on, massive game changing changes were made and it become this beautiful gem of games in an age where quality gameing was all but forgetting. This feels like a step backwards, towards a clunkier, less optimized Warframe, and it makes me worry greatly about these “Bigger UI Changes” on the horizon. I hope I’m wrong, and In a month or two; that I owe you a lengthy apology. Until then, I’ve lost any and all desire to play Warframe, and I’m deeply disappointed in DE, and saddened that playing one of my Favorite Games is now a UI nightmare. I hope all of mine, and everyone else’s (who took the time to read up and/or try this out first, and isn’t just whining aimlessly as some do with literally every update) well founded complains are addressed and in another month or two; results in a much better working version of this new UI.

TLDR: Clunky and hard to use. Please Fix.

—Long time Warframe Player.

—Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is a train.

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As a PC player for over 15 years and console player for about 3, I can totally agree with thoose, who said UI is nerfed.

Mouse is good for aiming, when you sitting in front of table, and you got a lot ob buttons on keyboard. But with gamepad gaming aiming is more painful, you know. Analog sticks cannot compete with mouse speed. Thats why all console menus adapted for controller, not mouse.

The major mistake is to remove hot buttons in Arsenal, they really was the fastest way to change warframes, weapons and its builds. Even when you jump menu by pressing arrows, it takes tripple more time then press square or triangle. I think there was less hate if new UI works as ADDITION to old binded buttons. Also, unintuitive scroll in Arsenal and Foundry - arrows works only on wisible items, they don't scroll whole list, as it supposed by intuition. Relics selection is broken - now you need to press X to see what items in, on each relic, even a cursor is on.

Map navigation broken too. When I open Alerts I thought I can switch missions with arrows, but no, I can only use this slow cursor now.

I don't believe someone tested this build UI on consoles, because this things is first that they can see. Lots of players I know just can't go through this new UI to play as they did before. And, of course, didn't reach all improovements mentioned in first post.

Hope you guys realize, that we don't want to injure you with our critics, but we do like to play with comfort in game we like, thats why we think you should fix this ASAP.


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The Ui needs to change.  Quality of life functionality in this game has taken a nose dive

I do not use a Mouse and keyboard.  This is just bad design and poor feedback must have been given for this to have been implemented. 


When making UI design changes you should make it more efficient, optimized and easier to understand.  You want less time spent moving around menu's.

This UI does the opposite of all these, Why do i have to move the cursor over a relic and then click X to see what it will give me, makes no sense. This is an example of poor design. Dpad scrolling worked just fine, quick and simple.  thing here is the cursor is not a good way to force controller users to play.  

Anyone ever tried playing Time Crisis with a controller.  Same thing, is horrible, but also removing dpad functionality and any option to choose the UI as well as some shortcuts was a serious mistake.  I am sorry but i cannot handle having to navigate this way, So much time in Warframe is spent in these menu's, now it will be so much more and not happy times either. 

Please at least give us the choice of having this new UI or the old one in options.  I know i would switch it back to the old one. .

Thank you for all your hard work, this is just a big misstep though.  

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16 hours ago, (PS4)Krader1 said:

Dear DE,

 I don't know who thought that was a good idea, but anyone that has played this game for an extended period of time would have used it for 10 minutes and said, "By god, don't release this to the public. Never release this in any form to anyone. This is bad, really, really bad. May god have mercy on your soul for ever conceiving this idea."

Hopefully this gets fixed soon so the game can be fun again. 

Incredibly bad design move. I simply cannot understand how they went this far wrong with this DOWNgrade. 

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Long time player, first (or 2nd) time poster... I follow the PC updates/forums quite closely, so it's no great surprise to see the virtual cursor causing quite a stir here.

I have nothing against it, although for the most part I would never use the virtual cursor. Can you please reinstate the D-pad functionality?

For example, in the Navigation window (and then pressing R1 I think) in those extra menus (alerts, invasion, etc) d-pad used to scroll up/down. Similarly, d-pad used to scroll through the foundary.

My biggest issue is with the Options button, and then leave squad, mute/unmute and profile. Admittedly I haven't tried while in a mission, but outside of a mission I have to use the cursor. Unfortunately those buttons are quite small and hard to select with the cursor.

Please (!!!!) reinstate the d-pad functionality.

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I’m the odd one out, but save for a few minor issues, such as clicking on a weapon or warframe and wanting the cursor automatically moving to equip, ungrade, appearance. I like the new UI. The default speed was a bit slow, but that can be altered in options. 

The best part is being able to click on names in chat, and automatically bring up the menu to talk, invite, etc. 

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The best part is being able to click on names in chat, and automatically bring up the menu to talk, invite, etc. 

what ? .. to me thats the worst , i can arrow down with the dpad only to the bottom of the screen and even tho it has a big X next to their name it does NOTHING until i mouse over to it , wtf , why do i have to double select everything.

and modding , wow , what a nightmare..


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