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New added pigments are awfully implemented


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New pigments that were recently added, all droping from POE ( someone has to tell me how this is not considered shoving POE down our throats) have revealed many issues so far.

- Dargyn pilots are offten bugged and will disapear not droping their pigments, Sometimes their dargyn will spawn without a pilot and attacking you, if you destroy it since there is no pilot, there will be no pigments.

- Kuaka's pink pigment ammounts dont make sense compared to the rest. You need 500 to complete the research as a moon clan yet white pigments from condrocs need 30 000. However according to wiki: - kuakas drop twice the amount pigments than condrocs do; - Have the same drop chance; The actual kuakas seems to spawn (on my experienced) about 4 to 6 times more often than condrocs.

- Pigments only drop for the player that gets the kill on the enemy that drops the pigment. Here is some pics of the same mission with 3 other clan mates, all with diferent ammounts










This means that a clan activity cannot be done as a clan, as we are "stealing" each others pigments, the more efficient way would be to run this solo, which clearly should be the oposite. 
This affects every pigment, not just devar grey.

- New pigments have now a chance% to drop instead of the guaranteed 100% with the older pigments. This change combined with the huge ammounts some of them require and the buggy mess that they currently are inserted in, makes this way too much of an unnecessary grind than it needs to be, Another pic to show the horrible grind



And this was using the most effective way possible, geting lucky with the cat buffs and having both boosters on. My clan needed 30 000

- Boosters dont always work, I had a double pickup and double drop chance boosters (doesnt work on actual ammounts I know)  on and when killing an enemy I got 5 grey pigments from Tusk Mortar Bombards. When it should be atleast 10. So on top of the drop chance of geting an pigment on killing an enemy, you also got a chance of the booster not working. So it's rng on top of rng while Im wasting plat away on boosters that don't work properly on POE.



On the screenshot above you can see the 5 pickup and the double pickup booster in the corner

- I was on a mission with some randoms (since using clanmates will make them harder to farm....), when I killed an enemy, saw it drop a pigment, went to pick it up only to have a random squad player running ahead of me and apparently taking the pigment for himself. It seems that if someone from another clan is doing the same research, they can take pigments you drop for themselfs while you get nothing. (Not blaming the player, he most likely had no ideia)
This sounds unbelievable but I saw it happen, the pigment was on the ground, the other guy came and it disapeared right there, meaning to get the best efficiency possible you have to make sure noone in the squad is doing the same research or run solo, amazing feature for a coop game.

This is troublesome as DE doesn't seem to be adressing any of these issues and judging from Hema fiasco we know how stuborn DE can be.

This is 1 of the last responses regarding pigments (condrocs)



 . Which is a worrying response for me. Considering condrocs are still way to grindy and birds that are guaranteed to spawn STILL don't drop pigments,

Edited by ---RV---Maniac
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Worse than Hema? Agreed. At least in derelict, you can just run around with resource boosters and despoil/pilfdroid knowing you'll at least get some per run. 

 These new colors on the other hand.. some people's devices can barely run PoE. Others, our PC fans sound like jet engines. So to get these new colors, we essentially gotta live in PoE to find these rabbits/birds/pilotLicenseGrineer so that we can kill them and have only a chance at getting a dye. Colors are cool and all but this just doesn't seem worth it.

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Just did three 5 tier bounties solo after the above clan run. Twice as Nova and once as Nekros. As Nova I received 30 for one and 10 for another. As Nekros I received 0. These drop rates are so disappointing. Why would you have pigments drop off of enemies that aren't even guaranteed spawns and then give them abysmal drop rates? Makes zero sense. Having sooo much fun DE!   

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Pigment drops should be shared among team members. Vomvalyst cores drop per player, as does every other form of loot in the game (I'm struggling to think of any other form of loot that is not shared - please correct me if I'm wrong). so there's no real logic why pigments are not shared. Right now it is indeed more efficient for my teammate and I to farm solo missions at the same time. 

For the current farm: Condrocs are a pain - if you need to actively farm them, I recommend using a Maim Equinox and you will get the ones from the ground before they take off.  Kuaka work well the same way. I'm currently working on Dargyns but having trouble because of the day/night cycle coinciding with the only times I have to play - that aside, when I have been on the plains hunting them I've managed about 200 in about two hours of farming. At least with the animals and vomvalysts you can get pigments while running Teralyst hunts - you can't do that with Dargyns. I have little love or need to run bounties, and the only passive drop of pigments I could get from those guys would be if I ran bounties actively. As it is, I have to actively farm them by roaming the plains and seek out random pilots, or aggro as many camps as I can during the day cycle. I don't know if the Ghoul event is reducing spawn rates, but I guess it could be.


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Yeah, the new pigment implementation is complete bollocks, the fact only the one who gets the kill is awarded with pigments is counterproductive, seeing as this is a CLAN RESEARCH.


And this is why you shouldn't let interns come up with ways of keeping people farming for stuff.

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same here, stuck with this pigment, noiceee not playing in a time, i just wanted to complete the last for my clan, but i have lost the interest afeter hours of farming condrocs for nothing probably loosing my eyes on the process

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On 2018-06-07 at 3:43 AM, RayxAyanami said:

FarmFrame 2k18.

No but seriously, best not have the whole Hema incident repeat itself, you'd think DE would learn from that.

And this time, you can't even buy it. So I don't know what's fueling their decision. The condroc pigment alone is nightmarish.

They keep designing these requirements around the idea that a clan is 100% full of people who play all the time.

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If they had 100% drop chance there wouldn't be as much of an issue, the issue is that there is 'rng' involved in getting the pigments.

As it is now no one in my clan can even be bothered to farm the colours... we don't mind farming stuff when it's fair but this isn't balanced. 


5 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

So I don't know what's fueling their decision.

Probably to make daytime PoE look 'popular' before tennocon/e3 etc, it needs to look like people are playing it (outside of night time) because of venus update coming etc... the problem is that it's just not popular anymore for a reason and rather than fix the reason we're not going there they make an excessively high grind on a resource many will want due to the dojo rework. 

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Yeah it's annoying they keep adding new stuff to the plains to force people that already did something a gazillion times to do it yet again for new drops and rewards.

Couple examples:

* Not too long ago they added new trophy, which forced me to redo tons of fishing, mining and other plains grind I had done a gazillion time already because it now counted for a trophy.

* They then added new zaws, which forced me to farms tons of ressources again and to grind cetus rep and standing yet again.

* They added the ghoul fragments to force me to run plains again to fill in my new fragments.

* After doing like two hundred eidolons, they added the tridolons and gave them action figures, forcing people to get back into eidolon fighting...

* Then a couple weeks later, they added the arcanes to the eidolons, forcing tridolon hunters to run them again like crasy...

* And now, once most people have farmed the new eidolons for weeks, they add pigment to force you to run them again.

* Likewise, after killing tons of beasts when POE launched, tons of beast when the trophies were added, you still have to go and kill tons of beast yet again for pigments now...

I "get" it, Warframe is kinda lacking in terms of content for vets lately, so they add small things to do like farming a couple new mods here and there , doing other things and such... But ugh, forcing people to constantly return to the plains because you add a small new thing kinda sucks.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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The vomulyst drop rate seemed appropriate- i personally farmed 4900 for PC for a mountain clan, and XB as a shadow clan we finished in 3 tridolon fights.

the kuaka seemed too easy (two runs and I finished it for a mountain clan on PC, 1 run and I finished it for my  shadow clan on XB)

the other colors I didn't even bother activating after doing the math on how many enemies were expected to be killed - and enemies that don't even spawn in any appreciable quantity.  They are absolutely insulting.


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Ya, trying to farm tower white here and it is a nightmare. Gotta love that they made pink stupid easy yet the colours most people want (white, grey, and black) are hard to nightmarish in comparison. At least for the black pigments, vomvalysts spawn regularly on a eidolon hunt but condrocs and tusk mortar bombards spawn irregularly, drop less, and require more to complete the research. How does that even make sense?

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On 2018-06-06 at 2:46 PM, TheGuyver said:

These are all absolutely ridiculous, I hate banging my face against the wall for 45 minutes at a time for 17 pigments when I need over 700 for one color.


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  • 1 month later...

Actually condroc pigment Tower White is not that bad if...

You use resource boosters, both of them.

You go to plains alone to do nothing but farm pigments for hour or two or more a day, more if you wanna make the most out of boosters.

Equinox day form 4th ability on all the time. Build is max range efficiency Flow, Animal Instinct and Thief's wit. Energy pizza when out of energy, though containers give energy often. Keep your eye on loot radar and check all loot.

If you know a better way to farm it please tell, I tried flying around with Zephyr looking for birds and it was much slower.

And Tusk Mortar Bombard and Dargyn pilot pigments were much easier than Tower White. Soloed all of those pigments for my shadow clan and only broke a sweat with Condrocs.

Edited by BoarWarrior
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New pigments that were recently added, all droping from POE ( someone has to tell me how this is not considered shoving POE down our throats)

I know the start of the thread is old, but hadn't seen it until this bump. While I agree some of the pigment drops have been a slog (I just have the bombard one left to have all pigments done), they are in no way required for any gameplay reason. They're only for coloring your dojo and they aren't the only colors out there. I mean I could see arguments that you need to join a clan for the MR items and helpful tools and that is restrictive, but colors aren't absolutely necessary and people made do with the colors that existed before the POE ones were added.

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