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[PC] Update 23: General Feedback Megathread


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2 minutes ago, Gamerknight999 said:




After I killed all the sentients around ballas, my umbra puts away his weapons and nothing happenes. Please help me.

I fixed this by exiting out of warframe, and relogging and then i fought all the senitents at the far back and walked up to ballas again and it triggered the next part.

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Few things

-I dislike the forced-opening of the operator's hood during cutscenes in general (and would like it reverted), but at the very least, MAKE IT CLOSE AGAIN AFTER THE CUTSCENE ENDS. As-is, I have to go back to operator appearance every time to close the hood again - or else deal with seeing his ugly, patchily-shaved head stickin' out the back of my Vahd mask.

-The new login UI is good, the new inventory UI is ass. There's a bunch of incorrect icons (akstilleto and akstilleto prime sharing one icon, karak and karak wraith sharing one icon, vulkar and vulkar wraith sharing one icon...), and beyond that, the lack of item names is infuriating even for a long-time player that has most of the stuff memorized.

     -If you go into keys, you see a sea of the same dragon key icon and OD icon with no indication of which is which, if you go into prime parts you see a sea of                identical prime part icons with no indication before mouseover of which is which...

-Mission 1 of The Sacrifice gave me MASSIVE lag and framerate issues the likes of which I haven't seen anywhere else in the game (including PoE), and I have a pretty darn beefy PC. It also started with me spawning into like 7 ghouls already on top of me coming out of the liset, which looked jank as hell.

     -On that note, why ARE ghouls there? They have to be explicitly planted as shock, rapid-deploy ground forces; why did Vey Hek or anyone put 'em there? Just stinks of "we have a new enemy type, let's use them here too!" Doesn't fit the lore one bit for them to be in this random earth forest.

-Esc. main menu now has a big, super-awkward looking black space at its top where (I believe?) expanded lists of players in your session used to be. That needs fixing.

Edited by Gamwhiz
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Was a pleasant little ride, didn't have the same impact of Second Dream but I found myself a little fascinated either way.

Although I have many, MANY concerns now, I'll restrain myself to one or two.

I vaguely remember, don't know where I heard this, but it was implied that not every frame was getting an Umbra variant.
Considering Umbra is pretty much an upgrade, the polarities letting you use the horribly power-creeped umbra mods without starving your capacity, and the perks of running around as Operator with Umbra, I feel any frame that doesn't get the Umbra treatment is going to be inferior.

Not a fan of the power creep mods and their polarity, but for the Operator-Umbra thing, I do understand the lore/fluff reasons behind it, it's just I'm not an Excalibur fan -or a fan of current Operator gameplay, really- so I feel kinda left out.

And other than my usual gripes about Warframe's ancient damage/combat system, I like where the story's going, I'm quite intrigued to see where it goes next with the Sentient and how the whole Umbra situation develops.

I also strangely enjoyed the Vitruvian stuff and the thing with Ordis far too much...

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  • Hide chat and pop-ups during cut-scenes and plot points. We have many people asking how to hide chat and our answers are only to open a whisper tab or go invite-only so we get a squad tab without text.
  • Exalted melee capacity should be the same as the current highest melee capacity with stance mods. Current melee weapons have a max mod capacity of 70 but Exalted only have 60. This plus the need to forma a weapon that; only lasts on energy, barley gets used outside heavy situations, and can't use the full extent of the melee mods; it all makes modding these exalted melees feel overwhelming and boring.
  • The new UI outshines basic menus like modding, foundry, and pets. It's a bit disconnecting.
2 hours ago, Hixlysss said:

I honestly was expecting more. I hope more of the UI gets converted over, such as the foundry, mods, when I press ESC even...currently you only see it in log in and the inventory...or is that a bug?

And considering we have been waiting for this for a little more than half a year(We were expecting it what...september last year? Then december, and now it's finally here...half way into the next year.) and...it's a decent chunk of story, good story by the way, but I was expecting...more? I got to the end and was like "Wait...is that it?" 

Now don't get me wrong, what was there is good, solid, love it. I love this update, but it doesn't feel like a major update, nowhere near second dream or war within, it's a little bit more of a Harrow style update. I was expecting some new system to work with, like using Helminth to augment our warframes or something(Think Monster Hunter, give it a 'meal' to buff it for a mission or two?) Or...something, I donno. This just didn't measure up to the hype/wait, but that doesn't mean it was a bad update.

It's a stepping stone update, this is CLEARLY laying foundations for other things with all the setup it does, showing us the new orokin hacking, hunting umbra, and then the finale with the sentients...this is leading up to being able to get other umbra's as well as a new sentient focused update/tileset in the future as the umbra's are more geared for fighting sentients so it only makes sense for us to encounter them more often and very soon...

TL;DR: Too much hype for what we got, we got a Harrow like mainline update that took roughly a year to make.

Umbra has been iffy for a long time and Sacrifice was only teased late last year, we've been teased with certain updates for longer than this. As the quest it's self; it has solidified years of so much speculation and made it easier of new players to understand. The Second Dream did bring the focus system but the Sacrifice brings a lot of the wibbly-wobbly lore into line. Each quest doesn't need a new system to present the player. However this update does feel dwarfed by the prospect of Venus open-world. Like it's really-really exciting but there is another larger update just off the horizon.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Considering some people formatted some weapons EXCLUSIVELY for the Exalted weapons, it's a shame you didn't even thought about giving formas or any other solution to back it up.

The only reason my Twin Grakata has 6 formas is for Mesa. I have to level Peacemakers 6 times now ? Great, thank you.

That seems to be a messy unnecessary change. Newcomers will never understand what the heck is happening when they'll level Valkyr, Titania or Mesa. They'll just see crappy damage, they'll remove the frame.

Edited by Chewarette
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My main issue stays the same. Focusing on operator gameplay is not the way to go. You entered this path over the year ago, and now it's forced more and more. It's not even lore friendly, or accurate in any way. Suits are made for fighting, not emo crippled kids.

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Lore wise, the quest was a fairly solid 8/10. I was interested to see how things would play out, though I had a very solid idea of what was going to happen fairly early on. Still, it was enjoyable to see it play out. Gameplay wise, I am not, and will not ever be a fan of playing as the operator in its current form. I understand why it is important for the lore, but I play to be a space ninja flying around the map shooting and slashing like a badass, not some hobbling hobo kid.



Also what the ---- did ya'll decide to do to space mom? A grineer ghoul is more attractive than that thing... THE IMAGE IS RUINED FOREVER!


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I was expecting more from this, really. That reveal at the end and then... what, we wait another 6 months? I hope not.

The "choices" felt reversed. I always though that moon=violence and sun=peaceful/merciful. Did you guys get it wrong?



we got wrath for sun, and acceptance for moon, then telling ballas off for sun, and cycle is broken for moon. 

The sentiments seem inconsistent with the choices we had for TWW, yes?

I did like how the walls changed as time went on in that cutscene.


Edited by UncaIroh
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Umbra's version of radial blind is delayed because of the new animation. Dunno if intended or not.

and Why melee exalted weapons don't gain any capacity from their stance mod. Having to add the extra forma for that 10 free capacity just limits builds even more and is clearly a "nerf" compared to the previous iteration.

Edited by SSI_Seraph
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Well, thanks for the quest Digital Extremes.

1) On Exalted weapons, i think you managed to more or less balance these. For example, regulators no longer have 103% crit chance, which is a bit of a nerf, but overall it's fine.

2) Umbra fights. Stunlocks are bad Digital Extremes.

3) I want to keep "broken" Ordis voice set. "Done, Star Child" is better than "Ordis has been counting stars, operator" in my books. Can i buy it with plat? Please?

4) I knew the Lotus is the HAL9000.

Again, thanks for the update, it was fun, now back to hunting and waiting for Venus.

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Well, lets begin, I'll keep it short. SPOILERS AHEAD.
First of all - it was promoted as an end of a trilogy. But nothing ended! No plotlines were concluded, it was a set up for new quests to come, not an end of a trilogy.


And what connects this trilogy of quests except for the player playing them?

Second - there was nothing new. Lore bits that are given were mostly already known, except for Umbra lore, but that was just a small piece. Also - no new mechanics.
But how about forma'ing some more stuff coz that's exciting!


And warframe spectres are already in the game.

Three - Gameplay and ending.


Mimics were... meh. They're the same as in Prey (2017), but they are done better there since they're the whole gimmick of the game. Here they looked silly. Why would sentients need mimics anyway?


Orokin were presented to players as sort of superhumans, superior immortal beings from space with superior technologies. So let's just stab one with a knife in a cutscene and that's it! We don't even get a boss battle!
Also - choices still don't matter. Eh

Overall it feels lackluster and inferior to previous cinematic quests.

Luckily, I didn't ran into any bugs or progression stoppers, so kudos to Q&A guys.

TL;DR Primed Umbral Disappointment

P.S. Better luck next time Don't postpone something you announced in favor of something else, especially when this something can be done in two months and that other something isn't playable until 2 months after release and players get tired of it a few weeks later. Knowing this, I can't not be salty.

Edited by DonLakonchinno
Formatting here, better wording there
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Thanks for working hard to bring this out on Thursday.  Thanks for all the free stuff!  I'm sure there is a deeper explanation to what we have been given that we will find out in time.  Also, loved the Orokin Ciphers those are really cool wish they or something like them would come to more parts of the game.  New hacking mini games would be awesome.  Anyway, take care, much love!

Edited by W4cky
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I don't know what you guys did, but keyboard navigation through the menus is still busted to the nth degree. Go to the options menu, the cursor hovers above the tab names, therefore having no interactivity with them. It also doesn't go down. Furthermore, if you move the cursor down with the mouse, then start using the keyboard, the cursor will not go back up again, and it doesn't scroll down either (like, for example, under the Display options), it just goes back to hovering above the tabs. It is horrible. I know you guys are working to make controllers usable in menus, but you kinda killed the usability of keyboards by doing so.

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So, we got no new planet, no new transferance mode and no free cosmetics. I was pretty sure that there would be a transferance upgrade where your warframe will behave like a specter while in operator mode and we got that but sadly only for 1 warframe. Instead we got a free warframe that I hate, a sword that I probably won't use and endo / forma sink. The new UI is terrible - I see only pictures and no text, when I click ESC while in a mission to see what other warframes are in my party I have to mouseover everyone to see their warframes and auras. Also why tf are the new operator cosmetics 3 times more expensive than the old ones?

Disappointment Umbra


1.Make all warframes behave like specters while in operator mode.

2.Fix polarities on new mods so they make sense. Putting 2-3 forma on every single warframe is a bit too much.

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Hey guys, great job on the quest. You're all making a lot of positive progress on the cinematic quests and I really appreciate all the hard work and care that goes into these. 

Some spoilers in the feedback below

Lore: Every time you all have expanded on the lore, it's been real good. I was not disappointed this go-round. And it was really nice to get confirmation on several things that you all seemed to have hinted at awhile ago about the nature of the warframes and their, uh, crafting. Loved it. (And on a personal note, feelin' real good about calling some of the reveals XD) 

The tension was well crafted especially the creepy and startling things that happen on the ship. SO GOOD. 

There's still more questions of course but this was, I feel, a solid installment of the story even if it didn't resolve many things. And I'm excited to see how it goes from here (especially in regards to speculation bubbling up). The set up for what comes next is tantalizing. 

Only real gripe I have about the lore in the quest is the purpose of the ghouls in the forest. I hope that isn't just a convenient usage of assets but has some potential in the future. Like, an introduction of smarter, more deadly ghouls or something. 

Environments/Visuals: Aside from a couple areas on Lua, where there was a bit of blurry textures on the wall near the first and second terminals (first one was on the wall where the first clue is and the second was in the next section but I can't remember where), the new set pieces for this quest were stellar. The lighting changes really made things pop in a way other quests and missions haven't. My favorite space was probably in the flashbacks and the space changes. The surrealism there and the dread it fosters was real good. Honestly, every new piece was well designed -- aside from the one or two texture issues on Lua. 

Mechanics: Loved the new hacking type, though it'd probably be difficult to include in future missions so that's unfortunate. But I hope to see it again in the future. Whoever came up with that gets a thumbs-up from me. Oh, and the spirally Orokin text selection thing was neat.

Some less than positive feedback: the only thing I really wish for in these kinds of quests after the War Within is some kind of leniency in regards to Operator level/Focus abilities unlocked/amp level. Like, one of my friends would love to play this quest but they are still pretty new and have pretty crap gear (they're working on it). I know that they're going to get frustrated with the Umbra encounters given that their Operator is real weak at the moment. I know it would probably really difficult to implement something reactive to those parameters but for those people that enjoy Warframe but aren't as hardcore or can't grind as often but love the lore/want to experience the story, those encounters are not the most fun. Especially not the stun-locking. That was pretty irritating.

I'm not sure what the solution is here so that the quest is still challenging but not deeply frustrating in those parts for people who have their Operator available but not equipped well. But I do feel like that needs to be considered at the very least. 

Last bit about mechanics: I figured that Umbra would be somewhat sentient but the moment I went into Operator mode and Umbra joined in the fight was such a good feeling. Super delightful and I gotta say thanks for creating this so we could experience that. 

All in all, I found the Sacrifice a positive experience. I do wish it had been longer but it's definitely feels like it's going somewhere good. And it's obvious you all put a lot of effort and love into this cinematic quest. Thanks for that. I look forward to where the story will be going next. 


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Although I am a PS4 player, I watched the gameplay of Sacrifice as soon as it was available. As a result, my feedback will have very little to do with the game mechanics and more to do with the lore itself. I do however, hope it is a useful feedback nonetheless. 



Pros: First, thank you Dev team and everyone at DE for the beautiful work on UI and general flow of the quest gameplay. I am not well versed in making video games but even I could tell how much hard work had been put into this quest. So thank you for that! The cutscenes were excellent, music was astounding and I absolutely loved the voice acting. In some cases I can say it was even better than a AAA title. I specially loved the mini game with Ballas and the backstory of warframes. 

Cons: While the pros certainly outweight the cons, I cannot help but notice something: the story felt quite... lacking. While I understand the focus on Umbra, I felt that everything else was overshadowed by it. The sotry felt very short, and revealed very little about game characters like Ballas, Lotus and Margulis. It failed to explain why the Apostacy Prologue was the way it was. How was Ballas still alive? Why did the Lotus recognize him after his "void blast" and why are they working together now despite the ending clearly showing Lotus was still Natah and not Margulis? 

I do acknowledge that for this game, cliffhangers are a must however, these questions could and should have been answered regardless of the cliffhanger at the end. Specially that the quest ending gave the impression that Ballas's arc was over. Making the story feel rushed and very much incomplete. 

I do hope this feedback is useful to you in the end. Thank you for reading and once again, great job but please expand more on the story! 



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