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The Sacrifice: Hotfix 23.0.7


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11 minutes ago, Infamy said:

>for every forma on the frame be able to add a free polarity to exalted weapons or riot

If you are going to request things, be sure to be respectful when you post. Saying "or riot" is not very helpful for feedback on Exalted Weapons.

Exalted Weapon modding could be more streamlined with the Warframe Forma process. Allowing every Forma applied to a Warframe to grant a single polarity to the Exalted Weapon would make Exalted Warframes not require double the Forma requirement for the same outcome.

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10 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

YES FINALLY. You guys fixed that annoying bug with umbra when you go into your operator form and you go back you had a chance of falling out the map the only way to go back was to using His 3rd ability so thank you for fixing that bug now i can play umbra and not worry about falling out the map



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Still no Fix for this....

  • Umbra Kubrow armor & scarft slipped inside Bulky Kubrow body & neck.



  • Targis Prime Armor chest plate on Trinity Prime. I pay REAL WORLD MONEY for these Armor. so please fix this one at least.



  • Also same thing happend to it when using Excalibur Proto skin on Excalibur Umbra.


Please Fix these. Please...

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13 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


The Sacrifice: Hotfix 23.0.7

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PLS GIB DE ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


  • Optimized HUD performance slightly for several mission types.
  • Tweaked unicode filtering for private channels so you can play in English but still chat in Swedish with your Clan!

Gud vad skönt!

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why is there a notepad art of a lady in a bikini when you press f9??


The Sacrifice: Hotfix 23.0.7 - PC Update & Build Notes

[DE]Megan    65,819
7-9 minutes

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I have a question: Is Phoenix Talons and Phoenix Spirit from Maudari supposed to affect only Weapons or Warframe Abilities and Weapons [Exalted Weapons included]?

If it's supposed to affect Weapons and Warframe Abilities [Exalted's included], could this please be fixed, since Warframe Abilities are not being affected.

If it's only supposed to be Weapons, could the description in the Focus Tree for Maudari please reflect this.

Thank you for your time!

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8 minutes ago, SoulEaterReaper said:

and now fix this

  Hide contents





bugged survival 🙂


It's great that you want to help by posting screenshots of the problem, but:

1.) The screenshot has to be taken using the F6 key. Using this embeds debug information into the image file.


2) You can't host the images to Imgur. It removes the embedded data that would help the level artists find the problem.


To help out,  head to http://support.warframe.com/ 

Then, at the top right, "Submit a request".  You can attach your F6 screenshot as a file. Doing it this way will keep the debug info attached.

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29 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Tweaked unicode filtering for private channels so you can play in English but still chat in Swedish with your Clan!

sounds great. but what about cyrillic in inglish? 

UPD cheked it. thx a lot

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19 minutes ago, ScarletHuntress said:

why is there a notepad art of a lady in a bikini when you press f9??

Because '---Quill-Onkko---' posted it on the first page & your browser's 'reader mode' can't handle the page correctly. ('reader modes' are guesstimation anyway, they next to never work as intended anyway)

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