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Nidus Deluxe bundle feedback

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1 minute ago, Aratoro said:

There actually are changes to his second ability. You can see blade like on the back of his shoulders spinning in the middle of the tentacle mass, kinda looks like a blender XD

Ah ok guess I hadn’t noticed with all the enemy’s swarming in the middle of it I’ll have to look harder.

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yeah the big mutated shoulder looks a bit jarring when sprinting. hope they adjust it or move the blades to the back of his gold neckbrace instead or somewhere near.


also a bit of a nitpick, i wish you didnt put a clickbaity title for your post so everyone including devs immediately know what you want or talking about.

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47 minutes ago, Ejuz said:

Same. Like they give us skin for helminth which noone uses aside from MR and fashion frame since if ya need battle ready pet you should go with kavats since they have aoe attacks and can strip armor + buffs. But anyway they give us skins/ armor for our helminth but leave out the skin for hirudo which goes with Nidus.


Bit off topic but I've actually been using my charger a lot lately in anticipation of the deluxe pack (the new skin and armor for it look *awesome* ) and the Helminth chargers DO have an AOE attack in the form of Trample, do quite a bit of damage too.

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I like it personally, but the mutations are a bit much, it has the same issue as Chroma Dynasty does with REALLY over the top shoulder pieces that obscure my view when ADS'ing, and there isnt nearly as much of a difference when mutation stacks accrue than I was expecting (his entire back, low-mid-upper, even back of his head shows no difference at all.


Crazy request, but a opt out system in the customization tab for the mutation stacks would be right up my alley (yes im aware NOT using his abilities will let me do this manually, but it'd be silly.)

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3 minutes ago, Kezriak said:

I like it personally, but the mutations are a bit much, it has the same issue as Chroma Dynasty does with REALLY over the top shoulder pieces that obscure my view when ADS'ing, and there isnt nearly as much of a difference when mutation stacks accrue than I was expecting (his entire back, low-mid-upper, even back of his head shows no difference at all.


Crazy request, but a opt out system in the customization tab for the mutation stacks would be right up my alley (yes im aware NOT using his abilities will let me do this manually, but it'd be silly.)

change your field of view to a higher number it widens the view from behind this won't be an issue anymore 


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Just now, Starrskrream said:

change your field of view to a higher number it widens the view from behind this won't be an issue anymore 


FOV is already maxed, playing at 1920 by 1200, maybe a visual bug on my end, not sure.

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I wish to have my pet look like the one in your pictures and in the market but since every Kubrow/Helminth's default color is different, I'm having a hard time. Is it possible to have the option to use a fixed default color for Metus skin? And maybe even Helminth itself?

or if someone else have the exact color palletes for base Helminth and Helminth Metus, please tell me.

Edited by Sohki
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Heyo! Just bought the new Deluxe skin bundle and when I tried to color my new Nosos Syandana the metallic part would not get anywhere near the same color as the metallic parts on my Mirage Prime (I am using the lightest orange color of the Shamrock set).

Maybe it's just because it's mat, but it makes it kinda hard to color if you are going for a theme, tbh. The little cube like parts do have the correct color though, but I really wish the rest of it did too:3

Anyway, thank you for your time and the cool cosmetics:)



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Amazing job on this. The skin itself is great, the mutation armor is great, and I didn't even expect any changes to nidus' abilities so that's an added bonus. So many nice little touches like the dynamic eyes. I even like the little drool trails on the doggo skin. I can't comment on the weapon skin, though, as I don't ever run those so I don't have any on hand (heh).

Edited by Ayures
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Agreed. I happened to have the right colors to make what seems to be the right colors so it doesn't really matter much to me, but that should probably still be the default colors.

In case you're wondering:


Earth brown

Derelict black

Corpus grey

Inaros brown

Corpus grey energy is personal preference, but hyacinth blue is probably what the default should be

[edit] I've changed base color to flesh brown (nidus white might actually work better, but I don't have it) and teritary color to derelict black (after looking at the official model, it seems to be dark there as well).
Energy you'll still have to try to figure out on your own. I went with specter white after buying it trying to figure out what color worked best to match the "bone" tone on the metus armor.


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First of all lets get the Obvious out of the way, I am positively in love with this new skin, everything about it is incredible, from the Armor Like Mutations to the Zombie like non mutated helmet, to the fact that the Nosos Syandana has an actual Moving eyeball on it.  However I do have one thing that would make it the greatest of all.  If its possible, I would want to see the Syandana's "wings" move in tandem with mutation and/or Nidus' abilities, as in instead of them expanding just when he jumps around, I would love to seem them flare up whenever his mutation stacks reach a certain level, or whenever he casts one of his abilities.  This would make it way easier to go full fashion mid mission, and it would look cool as hell

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I think it would be nice if we could toggle the ghost arms on or off. Maybe make them a chest attachment so we can choose whether to have them equipped or not. The arms are probably the biggest complaint I have seen about the skin and giving the option to have them or not would would be good for people who like or dislike them. I just think they throw off the look of the rest of the skin and don't really add much to the design.

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I just dont lile that you can see his brain and that is why I can use energy color red or orange or I dont know pink....But i like that there is deluxe effect on powers

Edited by Vlada91
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My own biggest complain is the build for new skin. Default skin was kind of muscular but slim, elegant in that sense. This new one is way too bulky and looks like some sort of mix of rhino and chroma. Especially looks dumb when there is no armor on it

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I was hoping the arms would do something during higher mutation stacks. I'm not sure if it has special stuff at some point (that'd be neat) but Nidus' default skin seems to dynamic at 10+ and while this skin really does look great it just gets some armor is all. I mean I got it and I'm happy with it, and it's not like these comments make a lot of difference now. At least the eye's move, that's really cool. I like the sydanna and kubrow stuff a lot too.

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What do we think the story lore is for this skin? Seems the only ones we have gotten are the 3(Saryn, Loki, Oberon)  in the Apothecary storyline as being their own free roaming Frames.

Hearing about all that has been shown so far, I am adding to my headcannon that Nidus was found by the Oro and used to be the first subject to survive the infection. This is a few hundred of years after his first exposure and as such, his human body arms are what we see in the middle of the Frame as his new Frame flesh grew around the cryostasis pod he was found in. As he awoke, he showed the Oro higher ups how to replicate his former body before it changed to this form...this is Nidus that we have. 

Rest is regular power behind the Orokin (they learned how to become immortal from Nidus Phyrke, he helped them create the Frames which could not replicate his prior forms abilities so they added shield generators to the batch). 

Canno wait to get this on Consoles....I enjoy Nidus and want to see where his future state brings with his skin now a reality. 


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