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AFKing and Reporting


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I'll give my two cents :

- If you're not leeching but needs to go afk, just tell your squad.

- True leechers are very annoying (to those who wonder why, if you form or join a team it means you can't or don't want to solo the mission, and in this case it sucks to expect the help from three players and have only one or two active). However I also believe a kick function would do more harm than good. There must be a best-of- both-worlds solution to the issue somewhere but nobody has found it yet.

- I find the Cetus bounties to be fun, such is their purpose for me

- Always played the sorties with a recruted/joined squad, very rarely had any issues. Stating they have to be run solo is not true at all IMO. Plenty of people know what they are doing and know what teamwork means. Just don't go in with randoms obviously, but that's true for everything, not only sorties.

Edited by Enno69
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7 minutes ago, Enno69 said:

I'll give my two cents :

- If you're not leeching but needs to go afk, just tell your squad.

- True leechers are very annoying (to those who wonder why, if you form or join team it means you can't or don't want to solo the mission, and in this case it sucks to expect the help from three players and have only one or two active). However I also believe a kick function would do more harm than good. There must be a best-of- both-worlds solution to the issue somewhere but nobody has found it yet.

- I find the Cetus bounties to be fun, such is their purpose for me

- Always played the sorties with a recruted/joined squad, very rarely had any issues. Stating they have to be run solo is not true at all IMO. Plenty of people know what they are doing and know what teamwork means. Just don't go in with randoms obviously, but that's true for everything, not only sorties.

I agree with all this. On public sorties, I'll do spies on my own because I don't like to replay missions and that's the type that is most prone to it but everything else is fine. Worst case scenario most of the time is there will be one or two not doing much damage or that will need regular reviving but that's no big deal. 

I do them all with randoms and 95% of the time it works out fine, I figure if I can do the mission solo then having three other players to help is unlikely to be a problem. 

Good luck to anyone trying to do a solo eximus interception for the last sortie. You'd need divine intervention let alone good luck. 

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One time I was running a defense mission and the three other players were so underleveled (both in weapons and MR) I was curious to see how it would play out... so after 7 or 8 rounds, I just stopped playing and watched them. They couldn’t kill anything, their collective kills at that point were under 20 (combining all three players) and the objective was quickly losing health. I asked them why they were playing that level while such underpowered and underprepared for it. They basically ended up saying that they figured I’d be able to handle it alone and were there for the affinity. 


I just laughed and stood still, the objective started to drop dangerously low on health and one by one they all quit. I wrapped up the last couple waves on my own and extracted. 

Some may say I’m a horrible person and a troll and an a$$hole or whatever. But I’d do it all again if it happened the same way. I’m not here to play the game for you and do all the work for you to progress. If you’re not even going to pretend to try, there’s no reason for me to be nice about it. Call it toxic or elitism or whatever but the truth is the truth. You work for what you get or you’re just riding on someone else’s effort.

Edited by (PS4)Gerbizzzle
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1 hour ago, (PS4)Gerbizzzle said:

One time I was running a defense mission and the three other players were so underleveled (both in weapons and MR) I was curious to see how it would play out... so after 7 or 8 rounds, I just stopped playing and watched them. They couldn’t kill anything, their collective kills at that point were under 20 (combining all three players) and the objective was quickly losing health. I asked them why they were playing that level while such underpowered and underprepared for it. They basically ended up saying that they figured I’d be able to handle it alone and were there for the affinity. 


I just laughed and stood still, the objective started to drop dangerously low on health and one by one they all quit. I wrapped up the last couple waves on my own and extracted. 

Some may say I’m a horrible person and a troll and an a$$hole or whatever. But I’d do it all again if it happened the same way. I’m not here to play the game for you and do all the work for you to progress. If you’re not even going to pretend to try, there’s no reason for me to be nice about it. Call it toxic or elitism or whatever but the truth is the truth. You work for what you get or you’re just riding on someone else’s effort.

Uh... But weren't they trying? From what you said, it sounded like they were, just not doing very well at it. 


Of course the other question is how they got there in the first place. 

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On 2018-08-06 at 8:27 PM, Drachnyn said:

What is the big deal with people doing nothing? It's not like the missions are so hard that we would need full participation anyway and at that point: how are you harmed by them?

My friend, there is something I learned with-in my life. And that is the fact that some people just want to argue good points for no reason- You are one of those people.

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This is so true, it is happening a lot on PC as well, and seems the only thing we can do is avoid public parties and use the chat to find recruits. It annoys me to no end seeing all these people half idle while the rest of the party does all the work, and at the end, they get the same rewards.


I can't stop laughing at all these people who are finding excuses for leechers, and say it is ok etc... it is the principle behind it, and to the person who said that having leechers is good because they boost the affinity and drops... having a player actually killing stuff or buffing the party is way more beneficial than someone doing nothing at all. 


So yes, look at the bright side of things all you want, and say it is ok to do nothing at all and get the same rewards. We do not have to agree with you, and anyone upvoting and agreeing with you are probably people who do this as a daily basis. 


Go do Elite Sanctuary to farm focus and tell me that have people leeching isn't worse than having people killing stuff or buffing the party.


Encouraging bad behavior doesn't help the community in any way.


Do not insult the OP telling him to get good or say that he is over reacting, because he isn't.


But to the OP, all I can suggest is to avoid full public groups as much as possible, and try to find some members on recruit chat first.

Edited by Vogue
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7 hours ago, Vogue said:

I can't stop laughing at all these people who are finding excuses for leechers, and say it is ok etc... it is the principle behind it, and to the person who said that having leechers is good because they boost the affinity and drops... having a player actually killing stuff or buffing the party is way more beneficial than someone doing nothing at all. 

"Should be". Having them active should be more useful. 

Baro's coming back, so yesterday I was trying to crack a bunch of lith relics. There was a survival, and I figured, yeah I enjoy survival, should be enjoyable. Boy was I wrong. 

You ever taken a bunch of super bouncy balls and dropped them off of th and top of a tall building into a narrow space? All go zipping around at high speeds, totally at random. I kept dropping way points in good spots. I kept trying to follow one or another, I kept buffing any time I saw one flying across my screen. I remember thinking, 'what this game needs is a kinetic siphon trap for allies, if I can just pop a couple down, and hold a couple of these n00bs in one spot, we can get the blasted things open and extract. 

Sure enough someone didn't manage to crack their own before the timer, and when the time came to choose a new one, 2 of us put no relic and headed straight for extraction. One of others who was totally oblivious to the rest of the team, used the chat to drop "ffs" and "really" then left the squad before I typed out that's what happens when people ignore the teammates. 

Give me an AFK player instead of that dude any day. 


Another one happened in the second run hunting acolytes. I went looking for the right room, found it, dropped a way point, killed the acolyte, got the mod, marked the module and went back to the area where the team was. After a bit people headed to extraction. I was the last man out, and saw a couple messages one asked "did we kill it?" and the other "only trash fajitas doesn't reply to teammates".

I responded 'sorry this trash was busy killing it for the teammates what were you doing?' He responded saying how many kills he got (the highest) and how he was helping out the team not being a lone wolf and leaving the team. I literally had just a couple fewer than him. One of the squad passed me heading for the way point. Didn't see the other two take any notice of it. 

Honestly, if I spent all that time running from room to room searching, and you only just passed my kills, then yeah, I would have been fine with an AFK player at least they don't cop an attitude and act like they're the one who did all the work. 😒

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb NoahXprshuN:

My friend, there is something I learned with-in my life. And that is the fact that some people just want to argue good points for no reason- You are one of those people.

I literally gave a reason in the very part you cited. Which you didn't answer in any way. 

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Il y a 13 heures, PatternistSlave a dit :

Because you need/want to be carried, but god forbid there be someone else that needs/wants to be carried in your squad.  You're a leech and the sooner you come to grips with that and stop blaming others for your failure the better.

Receiving help from a squad because solo is too hard or would be too long =/= leeching. Doing your best isn't leeching, even if your skills are weak. Leeching is when you intentionnaly don't contribute at all to the teamwork and let the others reap the benefits for you. How can you not know the difference ? And how can you invert the argument I made to make me appear like the one to blame ? How would you know I am worse than that "someone else that needs/wants to be carried" ? How would you know I am experiencing any kind of "failure" ? I wasn't even accusing anyone in particular in my post, just stating my opinion.

Edited by Enno69
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You are doing your self a disservice by playing with other players on sorties.

This is not new news, most of the player base will tell you to do sorties SOLO.

On 2018-08-07 at 8:21 AM, PhantomThiefOfHearts said:

PLAY THE GAME instead of leeching and making life harder for you

Life harder? on Warframe?

This game is as casual as it gets and easy to beat on your own.

You can even solo level 100+ enemies with level 1 warframes.

Did I mention we have access to broken weapons like the Tigris prime or the Zarr?

In other words, Get Good.




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21 hours ago, Enno69 said:

- True leechers are very annoying (to those who wonder why, if you form or join a team it means you can't or don't want to solo the mission, and in this case it sucks to expect the help from three players and have only one or two active). However I also believe a kick function would do more harm than good. There must be a best-of- both-worlds solution to the issue somewhere but nobody has found it yet.

How about the option to give end of mission awards to players (like MVP, leecher, toxic, best rezzer, etc), and then if someone hits too many negative awards they get flagged for review and DE takes action against them?

The positive points should definitely be on a profile, as they could be used for bragging rights.

The negative points should only be visible to that player and DE, and not the community as a whole, so that way players aren't getting harassed for past actions especially if they've changed their ways and are no longer being detrimental to the game.


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So... Should I report everyone in the pub lobbies I play with for usually being behind me, and allowing me to do everything because they can't catch up? 

Should I report everyone in my ESO games that can't do anything because Saryn and Volt kills everything before they get a chance to? 


I understand your problem with AFKs, but this is a game where one person is able to do the work of multiple people by accident. I usually run missions in which I'm the only person actually doing anything, so much so that my teammates hardly get the chance to help. I imagine there are quite a number of people as such, and so the community gets complacent and joins pubs for their participation trophy. 

Leeching and AFKing isn't so much of a problem unless you're doing something like Tridolons or focus farming, in which you should be recruiting groups anyway. If you have a problem pulling slightly more weight, you need to reconsider your loadout choices. 

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21 hours ago, (PS4)NachoZissou said:

Good luck to anyone trying to do a solo eximus interception for the last sortie. You'd need divine intervention let alone good luck. 

Or.. Just one parkour booster and some game knowledge. You don't need to kill enemies in interception to keep them from hacking your consoles. 


I do this every time in interception, and never know that people could potentially misunderstand and think I'm AFK. I use my Tenno, and just void dash in circles around consoles. I have infinite energy because hitting mass amounts of enemies gives it back, and they can't hack consoles because they're CCd. I usually go entire waves without losing consoles I'm paying attention to at all solo. I usually lose consoles in multiplayer, because I expect that my teammates can kill one enemy out of the 99% active spawn I keep eating dirt. But somehow...

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15 hours ago, Vogue said:

Encouraging bad behavior doesn't help the community in any way.


Do insult the OP telling him to get good or say that he is over reacting, because he isn't.

Two types of people in this world. 

One group: AFKs are the problem. 

Other group: People speed running missions and leaving me out and I don't get any of the stuff I need. 


Yes, OP is overreacting. AFKs aren't that much of a problem. He's not overreacting about how stupid in-game reports are at the moment, however. 


15 hours ago, Vogue said:

Go do Elite Sanctuary to farm focus and tell me that have people leeching isn't worse than having people killing stuff or buffing the party.

I go into ESO all the time and just find nothing but a Saryn and Volt making my participation entirely moot anyway as everything dies in spawn. Go ahead and report me, it's not like I'll stop "leeching" in ESO anyway. 

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6 hours ago, Enno69 said:

Receiving help from a squad because solo is too hard or would be too long =/= leeching. Doing your best isn't leeching, even if your skills are weak. Leeching is when you intentionnaly don't contribute at all to the teamwork and let the others reap the benefits for you. How can you not know the difference ? And how can you invert the argument I made to make me appear like the one to blame ? How would you know I am worse than that "someone else that needs/wants to be carried" ? How would you know I am experiencing any kind of "failure" ? I wasn't even accusing anyone in particular in my post, just stating my opinion.

I'd prefer someone that understood what they were doing.  At least then they would stay within affinity range and not be running around messing up the spawns.  If you were pulling your weight you wouldn't need teammates to carry you and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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2 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

I'd prefer someone that understood what they were doing.  At least then they would stay within affinity range and not be running around messing up the spawns.  If you were pulling your weight you wouldn't need teammates to carry you and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I guess you only ever play solo then ? Because I never mentioned a need to be carried - not for me at least. I see squadmates as supports who'll make sorties easier and some long boring missions faster and more fun (like alerts if it's a defense). I'll always do my part. This argument has nothing to do with leeching and why it's bad, which kinda was part of the original topic. In fact it's obvious you agree with me and other people on this thread, since you clearly see leechers as toxic players (versus others who have said they saw nothing wrong with the practice). Since we're in agreement, there's nothing to fight over. I wish you a very pleasant day !

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4 minutes ago, Enno69 said:

I never mentioned a need to be carried


22 hours ago, Enno69 said:

if you form or join a team it means you can't or don't want to solo the mission, and in this case it sucks to expect the help from three players and have only one or two active

I play with others because I enjoy playing with others.  I don't care how much or little they contibute.  I'm happy when they're not an active hindrance.


7 minutes ago, Enno69 said:

since you clearly see leechers as toxic players

No.  I see most anyone I'm matched with as a leech and have no problem with that.  I was carried through many a mission when I was new and don't mind returning the favor especially since it increases the spawns.

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On 2018-08-08 at 3:53 PM, ShichiseitenYasha said:

Two types of people in this world. 

One group: AFKs are the problem. 

Other group: People speed running missions and leaving me out and I don't get any of the stuff I need. 


Yes, OP is overreacting. AFKs aren't that much of a problem. He's not overreacting about how stupid in-game reports are at the moment, however. 


I go into ESO all the time and just find nothing but a Saryn and Volt making my participation entirely moot anyway as everything dies in spawn. Go ahead and report me, it's not like I'll stop "leeching" in ESO anyway. 

if you show 0% kills and damage and are hiding away in a ceiling or tube, then you are an AFK leecher and you are a problem for sure. I don't care of people doing little to no contribute, but at least they are doing something. You have no idea how often I see people join elite sanctuary as Rhino or Limbo, they put their armor buff or rift on, and climb on top of a high pillar or hide away from enemy sight, while the rest of the party are fighting, some even die and this one person won't even bother in coming to revive them or anything. Oh and if the round ends with a C or under score, they leave because it wasn't good exp... for real? At least run around to bait bullets or revive people, if your weapons are so bad and you don't know how to use CC abilities to assist the party, do something productive, don't say "Saryn and Volt kill everything" it is not the kills that we are talking about here, it is being of help with other things, so the buffed up people can kill with more ease and are revived if they die, etc.


So please, AGAIN, tell me how this is right and we shouldn't complain or report these people, who are doing nothing to help and yet, they receive affinity and rewards like we do?


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Everyone here defending the leechers must be leechers themselves it seems, had a level 30 rhino once that kept hiding away and refusing to do anything because the xp he was leeching was more than the xp he would get if he did something he cost us the match xp and loot.. Didn't even rhino stomp to try and to try and defend the pod because that's xp his frame would get and not his Lato Vandal... People share affinity and if that leecher is doing nothing then that is affinity that you're not getting.. Now whether you are xp farming or focus farming in a group having that leacher in your party is strain on the team not boost.

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On 2018-08-07 at 5:30 PM, Enno69 said:

I'll give my two cents :

- If you're not leeching but needs to go afk, just tell your squad.

- True leechers are very annoying (to those who wonder why, if you form or join a team it means you can't or don't want to solo the mission, and in this case it sucks to expect the help from three players and have only one or two active). However I also believe a kick function would do more harm than good. There must be a best-of- both-worlds solution to the issue somewhere but nobody has found it yet.

- I find the Cetus bounties to be fun, such is their purpose for me

- Always played the sorties with a recruted/joined squad, very rarely had any issues. Stating they have to be run solo is not true at all IMO. Plenty of people know what they are doing and know what teamwork means. Just don't go in with randoms obviously, but that's true for everything, not only sorties.

I agree with most of this.  The only thing I think might be added if you know your stuck in a loaded screen also let your team know (though this can be a little harder when your on cetus).  Also, I think someone should mention that the amount of drops from enemies, focus, and other things scales with team participation not just your team mate being there.

Mathematically speaking, I can show this case for mods and resources if anyone would care to see for fun. Actually I been working on some teamwork probability curves for players to help explain why in some missions it can be a time waster to solo or to afk.

Edited by mlane16
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Maybe I'm "too immature" in my understanding of the game, but I've been playing since 2014 and never experienced so many leeches. It gets old, after awhile it does start grinding my nerves and I start getting impatient with it. I came to play with a group, not to play as a carry.

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look man if im running sayrn on hydron it doesnt even matter what my teammates are doing at that point 

im not saying that you should leech it's just that unless you're doing ESO or sortie interceptions most of the missions are easy enough to where you can still complete them regardless of your team

also always expect your teammates to not help you and that you're going to have to carry your own weight when playing public matches or else you're expecting too much

I guess leechers are annoying on eidolon hunts too kinda forgot

personally i really dont care about AFKers when playing easy missions but ok

Edited by (PS4)thecoolman575
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On 2018-08-07 at 1:05 AM, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

Leeching has gotten ten times worse since tennocon, and I'm encountering someone hard AFKing, like doing nothing but maybe moving around to avoid the detection timer, every 4 or 5 missions at best.  They are always extremely arrogant when you call them on it as well.  One of the big points of pride for this community is how great it is, and the fact that it's so friendly and non-toxic.  That is going to change very, VERY fast if something isn't done about these people.  

Compounding this problem is the fact that reporting these players is such a painstaking, tedious process.  There's nothing that can be done in game, at least on xbox.  I'm literally so mad about how often this is happening that I'm actually starting to take the time to move screen shots over to onedrive just so I can send them in to support.  

Play the game or don't.  Just don't be half in, half out.

I suggested making it possible and much more accessible to report people in game for such behaviour but it got slammed by the "SOUNDS LIKE KICK SYSTEM REE" 
DE should make it so get X amount of reports for being AFK / leeching then generates an automated ticket for DE support to look over.

I'm getting tired of F12, upload, send to DE with typical note of "Yet again another AFK player" and it taking a week or 2 for them to send me an automated reply.

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2 hours ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

I suggested making it possible and much more accessible to report people in game for such behaviour but it got slammed by the "SOUNDS LIKE KICK SYSTEM REE" 
DE should make it so get X amount of reports for being AFK / leeching then generates an automated ticket for DE support to look over.

I'm getting tired of F12, upload, send to DE with typical note of "Yet again another AFK player" and it taking a week or 2 for them to send me an automated reply.

We should just to end of mission voting on stuff, and throw in a few positive ones like MVP and best rezzer along with the leecher and AFKer options - but don't show anyone the voting results.  Also, only the positive ones should appear on the profile with enough of the negative ones resulting in an internal flag to a GM to watch these players in a match or two, and possibly allowing them to communicate with the player so that the GM can help player can improve if they're getting false flagged.  The only caveat is that you can only vote on randoms, not for a preform.

That way, we can report the leechers and AFKers, but someone who happens to get RL'd doesn't get screwed, and we reward players for doing better.

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