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Warframe.Market Used to Dictate Prices


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I know that there have already been complaints concerning the topic, but I hope this doesn't come across as one of them. I just want to hear some opinions so I can form my own and answer the following question: Should I stick to my own prices or get in line?

For context, I've been selling (slowly but successfully) prime sets at MUCH higher prices than what Warframe.Market lists because I feel they should be higher. And since Warframe.Market is often used to price check I've been called a scammer a few times. I obviously don't like being known as "that guy" but at the same time I'm making more platinum per set than I would otherwise.

So, should I continue at risk of being seen as a scumbag or change to what's generally accepted?


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You can sell at what ever price you want, but if you are targeting new players with inflated prices on semi necessary gear then you are a scammer.  Warframe.market is a representation of what the market equilibrium price is.  Sell at a current price and it will take lomger

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It's up to you and how much you can deal with people not being happy with your prices. Like you said people will check, see you're going above market price, and might resort to name calling. If that doesn't bother you keep on selling because you claim you're getting people to buy at your prices. No one is forcing people to buy at your prices, just like no one is forcing you to sell at theirs or warframe markets.

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Just now, Gabbynaru said:

It's a free market, do what you want. WF.market is not the be all and end all of plat prices, so, if you can get more, then why not do it? No one's stopping you.

Basically this.

If you're moving sets and people are paying your prices and getting what they've paid for, it's not a scam.

They can watch trade chat to see what similar items are going for, check warframe.market to see where you are relative to average (probably? I find the site a pain to use), or just grab the first copy they want and hope they got a decent deal.

You can ask whatever you want for anything you're selling, the other party can choose to not buy it.

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Well let me put it like this, after using the in-game trade chat i've gotten nothing but headaches from it and as a result i refuse to use it because there are scammers that seem to live there as well as a couple of trolls. I like using the warframe market because the general prices there are decent and i always look for the lowest price avaliable, i mean no one in their right mind will pay Seller B 50 platinum for something Seller A has for 15 and thats usually the difference between in-game trade chat and the warframe market. Now as a seller myself, i will always sell my stuff a couple platinum cheaper than the lowest price because i don't need it and i figure whatever i make off of it, is that much more than i had before. If it keeps my inventory non cluttered then so be it.

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I honestly just watch the trade chat and sometimes base my selling price range on what I see others selling for, warfame.market is just a community site at the end of the day, and trade chat is a free market as others have said.


Sometimes I try and sell things for alot more, sometimes I get buy offers sometimes I dont, its the way trade chat works

Edited by Nova73
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Selling in game can be quite the head ache and while peeps can do what they want, I wont think anyone is a scammer per say, I tend to look at prices on the market website to see if I am being ripped off or trying to sell too high or too low.

I can't help but shake my head and chuckle at some of the highly inflated prices I see people trying to sell stuff for in game compared to the market. As a newish player I am so happy I found out about the Market within a day or two or I would have been severely put off.

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Its an Offer and Demand situation. The Warframe Market allows players to have an idea of how many of certain items are available for sale and compare or compete in prices, this causes the prices of certain items to drop depending on how many are in offer and players will use the prices set on the site as a reference to how low they can find that same item when going for the cheapest price.

I recently bought the Rhino Prime Set for a friend through the WF Market. Since Rhino Prime was unvaulted, i knew his price would drop and managed to buy the set for 220 Plat wile most players were asking for 550+ Plat. So yeah, if i suggest someone a price to buy Rhino Prime, i would go with something nearing what i payed for him

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Its an Offer and Demand situation. The Warframe Market allows players to have an idea of how many of certain items are available for sale and compare or compete in prices, this causes the prices of certain items to drop depending on how many are in offer and players will use the prices set on the site as a reference to how low they can find that same item when going for the cheapest price.

I recently bought the Rhino Prime Set for a friend through the WF Market. Since Rhino Prime was unvaulted, i knew his price would drop and managed to buy the set for 220 Plat wile most players were asking for 550+ Plat. So yeah, if i suggest someone a price to buy Rhino Prime, i would go with something nearing what i payed for him.

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18 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

You can sell at what ever price you want, but if you are targeting new players with inflated prices on semi necessary gear then you are a scammer.  Warframe.market is a representation of what the market equilibrium price is.  Sell at a current price and it will take lomger

Not really. If you are selling an item for 50p, even if an inflated price, and someone accepts it - I'd sell it for 50p. Why go for less when someone's willing to pay it? It's not really a scam when the other party knows what they're getting and what they have to pay to get it.

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It is more the targeting of newer less educated players then you are scaling.  If you are selling a frame at more than market price then it is not a problem.  The scaming comes from who the consumer is.  Is it the new and uneducated or the exprinced and impatient.  After all if you are more convinit than another seller you can and should charge for that.  

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There are 2 sides to this, IMO:

On the one hand, as others have said, you are entitled, technically, to set whatever price you want for things you are offering to sell.  You are not scamming anyone unless you change the price on them or try to give less for the same price, something like that.

That said, look at it from the other point of view.  Let's say there are 10 gas stations selling gas at $2.50 a gallon, and one selling for $5 a gallon.  They're entitled to do so, maybe someone buys it once in a while.  However, they are going to get less business, and most people will not think they are very rational charging higher than market price.  If I am looking to buy something, I do check WFMarket, and I would ignore you asking 1.5-2x what I know I can get the item for.  

Whether asking more than something is subjectively worth as determined by the general market on the excuse that a sucker is born every minute and you move the item eventually - that's up to your own sense of ethics.  For the record, I keep my prices, on the rare times,I sell things, within 5-10% plus/minus of WFMarket.  Both because I don't want to try to rip people off (as I see it ethically) and I assume most people are like me and looking at "market" price, and would ignore me if I post unreasonable prices.  If I'm selling, I'd rather move something today than wait 2 months for a rube to take for all their shekels - for practical and personal ethics reasons.

For this reason, I almost never DM people who post WTS, I post "WTB X set 100p" or whatever, and let someone who is happy to get what I offered (around WFM price) with no haggling, DM me.  I don't haggle - I ask for what I believe something is worth, I offer what I believe it's worth, and that's that. 

Some people will say they lowball/highroll to allow for haggling, which is fine I guess - I don't assume someone is flexible, and I'd rather not waste my time and theirs playing ring around the rosie finding what we really want because neither person will give a straight number.  I prefer "I'm buying Tchotchky Prime 100p"  If you will sell if for 100, fine - if you DM me "Will you do 125" or something, no - that's why I specifically offered what it's worth.

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If someone seen a better offer, why do they spend 5 minutes convincing me to match that price then I politely said “no”? That other seller is a couple of clicks away ;).

While I do take WF Market prices into consideration (and had my fair share of good deals thanks to it), there are other factors that influence my prices. Time and effort spent farming, rarity, is it available now and then it will return if not, is it current meta, how many duplicates I have, what kind of Twitch promotion are out there, do I really want to spent hours in trade chat looking for a good deal...

Edited by rand0mname
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3 hours ago, spirit_of_76 said:

You can sell at what ever price you want, but if you are targeting new players with inflated prices on semi necessary gear then you are a scammer.  Warframe.market is a representation of what the market equilibrium price is.  Sell at a current price and it will take lomger

That is not what "scam" is because by that definition everyone ever that sold something for platinum is scammer.
And prices are exactly what people are willing to pay.
You know why no company does sell car for 90000000000000000000000 dollars? Because no one have that much money,they will still overprice cars as much as they can
Cars that cost 100k to build cost 25m easy and people have no problem to pay that

If you pay 50m for car and you do not get the car,that is scam. If the car cost 49m in other country x km away,that does not mean you got scamed for 1m

Pretty much anything you buy has 20 to 30% margin for factory 20-30% for main seller 20-30% for reseller

I can buy stuff directly from china that cost 1000$ in my country for just 50$ with free shipping
I would not call every business in my country scammers.

And that is very similar to this set selling:You buy parts from factory(people that farm fissures) and assemly it for profit
You can even buy set from someone and become reseller.

No one is forcing you to pay more,you are welcome to google or ask in chat. 

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Whenever someone points to me that my prices are higher than those on warframe.market, I politely tell them to buy the item from warframe.market.

I have no problems with my sales and very, very seldom I have to lower my price. 

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1 minute ago, Orgoon said:

Whenever someone points to me that my prices are higher than those on warframe.market, I politely tell them to buy the item from warframe.market.

I have no problems with my sales and very, very seldom I have to lower my price. 

Yeah but best people are " 1000 for riven,you *** * *** *** * ****** it is not worth so much,it is not even that good" btw i list my prices none of that PMO bull** so if you do not like just do not pm me.
I tell them"link me or show me on some internet page better riven than this"
they never do NEVER

One person managed to point me to wf riven market and found same rolls with LOWER numbers and for 4500pl 
So all It did accomplish was I changed my "wts x for 1000pl" to wts x for 2000pl and sold it hour later for 2k...

It is also mostly people under mr12 that have like 1 or 2 rivens with great stats like +30% zoom -30% recoil

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6 hours ago, spirit_of_76 said:

You can sell at what ever price you want, but if you are targeting new players with inflated prices on semi necessary gear then you are a scammer.  Warframe.market is a representation of what the market equilibrium price is.  Sell at a current price and it will take lomger

It's not necessarily scamming them just exploiting them due their lack of knowledge as it is a free market for you to do what you want. Besides unless you inv them to your squad you won't actually know if they are new or not.

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14 hours ago, LightsFrame said:

I know that there have already been complaints concerning the topic, but I hope this doesn't come across as one of them. I just want to hear some opinions so I can form my own and answer the following question: Should I stick to my own prices or get in line?

For context, I've been selling (slowly but successfully) prime sets at MUCH higher prices than what Warframe.Market lists because I feel they should be higher. And since Warframe.Market is often used to price check I've been called a scammer a few times. I obviously don't like being known as "that guy" but at the same time I'm making more platinum per set than I would otherwise.

So, should I continue at risk of being seen as a scumbag or change to what's generally accepted?



you are not risking because you already am one by admitting to doing so. it is not like you will change and lower your price just to be the better person so why bother about it?


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10 hours ago, (PS4)Mahd2_7 said:

It's not necessarily scamming them just exploiting them due their lack of knowledge as it is a free market for you to do what you want. Besides unless you inv them to your squad you won't actually know if they are new or not.

No, I don't believe I exploit my customers. My targeted market segment are people that have platinum, but don't have time and will to waste their time in order to buy single items for cheaper prices. Big part of my customers buy more than set from me.

My prices aren't exorbitant, but they aren't in the cheapest segment either.

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