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What is the reason you started playing Warframe?


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It seemed like a quirky f2p that was worth giving a shot. I actually gave up on it after a few hours (confusing start chart, didn't know if it was p2w)  only to return maybe a year or so later only to uninstall it and make space on my harddrive. I decided to boot it up one more time before deleting ... And I was greeted with a cool personal ship that the game did not have before. I've been hooked ever since

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Well, my story is interesting. 

Jumping back a few years ago, view the popular LEGO property of Ninjago. I know, I know, you all are now thinking I'm like 5 years old. Just hear me out. 

Since Ninjago was launched, it attracted my young self. LEGOs, as I'm sure is true for many, were a big part of my childhood. This new theme they'd created was nothing short of amazing. I had just about finished up with enjoying Star Wars LEGO sets (Likely because I could never afford to buy the expensive sets), so my friend tried to get me to watch Ninjago. I initially thought it was stupid and a waste of time, but he insisted and went as far as to buy me the first season for my birthday. 

I instantly fell in love with the show and followed it for the first 7 years of its run. However, around the time season 2 was showing up, Warframe launched. I was not a huge "gamer" at the time since my parents didn't like the idea of me playing violent video games, that and they thought I'd set a bad example for my siblings. So, I continued watching Ninjago as my main means of entertainment. 

Now, we get to good ol' 2016. This showed the 6th season of Ninjago, which was my favorite, and I was fully into ninjas and elemental powers. Now I think you all know where this is going. 

The friend that introduced me to Ninjago had grown up in a family full of gamers. His parents and sisters all played big violent games like WoW, StarCraft, Diablo (Mainly Blizzard), and most famed of all, Minecraft. He was huge into games and we went over to his house to hang out one time. He and another one of my friends had been playing Warframe for a few weeks at the time and they would never take the time to play with me since they were so hooked. So, as we were hanging out this one Sunday afternoon, he convinced me to try Warframe, his main argument being that it was like Ninjago since it was like ninjas with elemental powers. 

I was not disappointed. I played on his sister's account and she happened to have chosen Volt as her starter, which was great for me since Jay, the lightning ninja, was my favorite in the show. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience and quickly asked my dad if I could get Warframe. He said no... I was very disappointed, but after some thought, I realized that he was just setting it up. My birthday was at the end of the week, so he was probably just trying to get it for my birthday. I was not wrong. I started my campaign the same day I was born. In a way, my Tenno is just as old as I am.

Ninjago has had a rough time. The LEGO Ninjago Movie could have been alot better and I think it kinda gave the show a bad name. However, like Bionicle (Which I was not lucky enough to experience), it is actually really deep and thoughtful. Even though it's put into a younger format and is kinda cringy therefor, it will still always hold a place in my heart, not only for what it is, but also because it introduced me to Warframe, and therefore so many amazing people and experiences. (It also has some pretty amazing soundtracks. Like, better than some movie scores. Even if you don't like the show, I'd recommend checking out some of it on YouTube.)

Edited by KelsierSurvivor
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So I knew of Warframe for a couple years now. Back when DanieltheDemon, Smashley (At the time Ashley66444), Wgrates and Froster92 did a 5 hour t4 survival in 2016.

However I never had a computer to play a game. Always had some junk laptop. When I was finally able to get a gaming PC I was still watching some of these streamers and I decided to try Warframe myself in March I think. It's a game I always wanted to play. It seemed fun and it is indeed fun. Being a free game helped peak my interest. I originally played WoW when I first got my PC and it was such a toxic community, it wasn't worth paying each month. I've played other games that were $40 and I would only play for 20 hours and be bored with. Warframe was the game that I needed and I'm glad I started playing. 

I've met so many amazing people, especially on Twitch because of this game. My only regret is not being able to start sooner.

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Got a laptop for college, my brother installed Steam on it and started browsing it for good free-to-play games. He found this and told me to download it. At first I wasn't really sure, I was not that interrested into pc games since we had a PS3, but I did it anyway. When I started the game for the first time, I choosed Exca and a Skana for a melee-based playstyle, then as soon as I entered the Orbiter, I received the Dex Furis and Dex Dakras from the Lotus. I was so damn ready to blast those machines into spare parts, I went full melee in almost all my missions, including T1 Void def, and the Dex Dakras are still my most used melee weapons after all this time (and the Jat Kitty^^).

Now, 3 years later, I have 3k+ hours (Steam) on it, I'm a moderator of the French wiki Warframe and I simply can't get enough of this wonderfull game, all thanks to my little brother. Still, my playstyle isn't "end game"-based, as I prefer a more casual way of doing things, just like in the old days :P. 

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an old friend of mine first introduced me to it way back when it was first starting out - It was cool but I hadn't gotten into it and back then my laptop was old already for the time and wouldn't run it well.

a year or so later and I'm pretty sure it was me finding an old copy of dark sector on xbox an playing that for a bit, thinking it was cool (aesthetic wise) but not great, an then I remembered it was made by the people who made warframe, so I took another look at it on steam and ever since I've been addicted to fashionframing and then the cinematic quests, I'm still baffled its a TRUE free to play tbh.

it's now one of my main games and my favourite game behind the HALO series (which I have a lotta nostalgia and I'm a huge nerd for).

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Growing up, I was always hosting Halo 2 LAN parties at home for all of my friends. Always playing multiplayer games, because for me the bests times were those with friends. We all grew up playing Mario Party, Mario Kart, Halo, Call of Duty, Runescape, WoW, Lol, CSGO, the fun-for-a-minute games like Left for Dead, Portal, etc. Games that were most fun to play with a great party. 

But growing up, as much as no one wants to happen, happens. People like to say things like "Don't grow up, it's a trap!", "The creative adult is the child that survived", or "Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional".  And while I'd love to believe the last one 100%, I don't think it is entirely true. Sure, we can all have our childhood memories, our wants to stay young and have no real responsibilities,  but there is no way we can grow old in this life without also growing up. Part of growing up is having more responsibilities, meeting a significant other, for some that could involve marriage, kids, a house, a job or career, bills. The list could go on and on. 


All these things lead to the paths of those you grew up with to diverge and sometimes go their separate ways. Most of those friends at the LAN parties I had, even though I still consider them friends, I have not had real contact with since High school graduation. Now, being 27, it is hard to contact a good friend of mine and say, "Hey!  Want to hop online and play something?".  They have their lives and I have mine, most of which are on completely different schedules. I did however meet a few guys on CSGO a few years back who I have been able to play consistently with. 

That's the beauty of online gaming. Things like Discord and forums. You are not the only person on this earth who plays video games with a schedule like the one controlling your life. And thanks to one of those friends I met via CSGO, I was introduced to Warframe. The majority of my gaming life I have avoided forums because most games have toxic communities that make your experience better just by avoiding them. In my short time browsing the Warframe forums and now using them since last night, I have seen nothing but a fun, helpful community. That is what has really brought this game to my attention, and what will make me want to play it for a long time to come. I feel like I will be able to meet some great people, have some great times, and enjoy my time spent with the community. 


Sorry for the long post, it has just been a while since I have been this excited to get into a game. I look forward to having some fun 😎


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I was a closed beta tester for Black Light Retribution and stuck with it for a long time; won a special patient zero Viper hero (a mix of a skin and a character you couldn't build with you own character) from a really lucky loot box roll which more or less locked me in, my whole play style changed into playing solely this hero running around cloaking behind people and tossing knives at their heads for that sweet pop noise. Other players could HRV (in-game wall hack, that lowered your weapons) to see everyone so it was a tricky play style sometimes, but it was also exciting to watch a game get better over time, until it didn't. The game was far from perfect, had issues with pay to win and other dumb ideas being added. For example: infrared scopes which would allow you to see cloakers like myself and everyone else when you scope in, all you had to do then is shoot their toes and you could from the entire other side of the map. Balance was steadily being pushed out the window with less and less Dev communication happening which at the start there was little to none. I was also a tester for Tribes Ascend whose history was even worse, like the time they killed their own forums and decided to use reddit instead, without asking or telling the mods there, but this is getting long enough.

Warframe was getting talked about and a few players I knew jumped ship, so I followed. I picked Loki as my stater and used him for a long time with despair to mimic my old playstyle. I enjoyed what was in warframe enough at the time to buy into the founder program, mainly for the design council thinking the devs would be more involved there. They are not, but DE did and still does have more transparency and communication than hardsuit labs or Hi-Rez ever did.

I watched Blacklight and Tribes Ascend die slow painful deaths thanks to terrible choices and sometimes outright hostility towards players from the devs while warframe is going stronger than I ever thought it would. DE for sure started to show a few of these choices, but took a step back and handled their business.


I'm a whale that jumped around free to play shooters, DE actually gave half a S#&$ about their players while the others died slowly and painfully.

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