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Everything posted by TARINunit9

  1. I'll let DE speak for themselves: But yes that was the only nerf they gave Styanax, six days after his launch
  2. Dante was released on a 4-day weekend, I doubt anyone on the team besides Megan was even looking at the forums Little history lesson for you: Styanax was nerfed six days after his release. As of this writing he holds the record, not Dante. And you know what the Styanax nerf was? Removed the ability to cast his 4th ability "Final Stand" multiple times in midair. That's it, that was it. If that's an indicator of things to come, THAT is the level of "nerf" you can expect from Dante
  3. Styanax was nerfed twice within six days. First was a bugfix that removed an exploit, second was a direct nerf to prevent him from being almost untargetable
  4. Like I said, "usually" (In all seriousness to anyone wondering if I was serious, Corpus use something called "purpose breeding." As far as we can tell, women aren't given the Tech or Crewman purposes)
  5. Learning all the ways you can upgrade yourself. Right now that's going to be mods. Learning how the modding system works, what Endo does for you, how elemental damage works. These are all the foundation that your later upgrades will take advantage of
  6. I'm trying to corroborate this part. Both Sylvana's logs and the Ostrons creation myth paint the Orokin-era Earth as a polluted wasteland, but the involvement the Infested had in this blight, if any, is unclear. Sylvana was an infested biologist, but I can't tell if she was trying to remove the technocyte infestation from the environment... or introduce them. Remember, the Orokin had such control over Helminth they could use it as a surgeon (source: Dagath lore) so I could see it going either way. Sylvana also describes "vegetation" which we know from Deimos, the Infested doesn't really bother with. There is one more account: Ballas. He describes Earth as being ruled by "the spores and the ruin." The visuals of the Saryn Prime trailer does imply these are infested spores
  7. It's usually not legal for Corpus women to serve in combat roles, so...
  8. Yes. This is a failsafe in case the lich clips into a wall and can't be stabbed (has happened to me before), the mission will just end without counting as completed or failed (so no +1 on your mission failed count) and the lich is still alive for another try As Kronxito said, I wouldn't have had Public on for a taxi mission like this
  9. I haven't messed with the ship chromatic in a while, does the ship have an energy or emissive color?
  10. Yes because it made them less powerful. A change can be both a nerf and a fix
  11. Alright let me try to help by clearing up some basic terms: A "chamber" is a slot where a bullet fits in. A revolver (Vasto) has multiple chambers. A double-barrelled shotgun (Tigris) has two chambers. Every other gun, literally every single other gun, has one chamber. The Braton, the Latron, and the Vectis, even the Imperator all count as having only one chamber. But there are some more differences The "action" determines how the trigger behaves and how new bullets are loaded into the chamber after the trigger is pulled. The Braton is an automatic rifle. The Burston is a burst-action rifle. The Latron is a semi-automatic rifle. The Vectis is a bolt-action sniper rifle (the Rubico would also count as a bolt-action in real life, but the game simplifies it to semi-automatic). This works for shotguns too: The Boar is automatic, the Strun is semi-automatic, the Corinth is pump-action. The Tigris (mentioned above) is something we call break-action, that's a bit above this lesson right now
  12. ???? Excuse me sir, but this is quite a silly question Not silly at all, it's a real criteria for nerfs. Happened to Nova way back when, and I think to Mirage at one point too
  13. That might do it. I think OP and I are using Drifter Camp, and the snowman looks AWFUL there
  14. I'm going to take this line of logic a little further: I don't see people asking for nerfs in-game, but I don't see them asking for buffs either. In-game is not the place for feedback. These here forums, are the place
  15. Um, what? Most guns only have one chamber. Were you looking for a different term?
  16. It's actually working as intended now. The new design is: when the Demolyst or Necramech spawns, you get an objective marker for it for about 3 seconds, and then it fades away for about 5 seconds. Once you get close enough the objective marker becomes permanent (this part was in the old design too) Most players don't know about the "fades" part, because we can usually nuke the Demolyst down before its marker has a chance to fade
  17. No, see, let me repeat the problem from a couple replies ago: I struggle to hit his legs when it's an early game solo run. So... Good luck walking behind him when he can spin 720 in less than a second Yeah when we're running in a squad together you just wait for him to aggro onto someone else. Easy. But that aint happening solo. Thought you could go invis? That might work now, but he used to have Dispel too, so I was S-o-L no matter who I picked (luckily they took away his Dispel a couple days ago)
  18. I repeat my question: is that attack really so hard for people to dodge that it needs a "cheese" strat to "counter" it? I might as well say that attack is "countered" by the W key on my keyboard When people were saying that Jackal was "countered" by Z-kid I was hoping for something that kills the legs faster or stops the front legs from blocking the back legs
  19. Which is why I don't call Jackal "difficult." Repeating a pattern that's already solved is difficult; Jackal was solved on Venus, now you just repeat the pattern on Circuit. The difference is, he's MUCH tanker, so you're spending a lot of time just to do a small number of repetitions -- the definition of tedium
  20. Definitely useful This not so much. At least not from my perspective, were people really having so much trouble with the laser walls they had to use Z-kid to dodge it? Maybe it's just all the 3D platformers I played as a kid but I don't register the laser walls as a threat that would NEED invincibility And speaking of "were people really?" questions No and yes. Jackal isn't hard, but he can be very unfun and tedious in one specific circumstance: solo Steel Path Duviri if he shows up too early before you get any good decrees. If this happens, get ready for frustration. You have to kill three legs which means at least one hind leg, and he is VERY good at shielding his hind legs. Right when you have a shot lined up, or when you're in position with melee, he can just spam knockdown shockwaves to send you back to square one. This isn't a problem in a squad, but running solo he can focus all his efforts on blocking your bullets while shooting you right back. And early run means fewer decrees means no cheese (like cold procs on all enemies to slow him down + double damage on slowed enemies). Oh, and did you think you could spam Iron Skin or Protective Swarm to cheese him with knockdown immunity? Think again, his stomps nullify ALL Warframe powers and THEN knock you down So to nerf this obnoxious run stapler, they toned down his bullet damage, the AoE size of his grenades, and took away that stupid nullification on his shockwaves
  21. Second time I've seen this, what does Z-kid actually do against Jackal? Because all I've found the little twerp can do against Jackal is sit in Void Mode so Magus Repair (and Void Regen if I'm running Vazarin) until my Warframe is ready to try hitting the legs again Oh I have issues with the Jackal fight, I'll admit it. Can give me trouble sometimes. But it has more to do with the fact that bastard can do a freakin' 720 spin in half a second, so if you're trying to hit the hind legs with a squishy caster frame you're in for a tedious exercise in frustration
  22. Actually on the subject I can't wear any shoulder armor with him because, you guessed it, he's one of the crosshair blockers So just, slotting that in this thread for DE to see
  23. It screws up the snowman in the "winter orbiter" theme and I hate it
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