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Everything posted by Genitive

  1. If you're interested in scaling, then I thing it would be better to apply archon hunt scaling to squad instead of messing with abilities.
  2. Reaching rank 5 in these is not required to progress the main story. I don't think the skip would include maxing any syndicate.
  3. Last time they talked about it, they said they aren't going to release it until they've figured out what they want to do with the archwing content in general. Don't expect it any time soon, if at all.
  4. Nothing stops them from doing both. However, if you want to know my opinion, I don't see any particular value in a story skip, because there is not much you skip to. In other mmos you'd buy a skip or a level boost to immediately do endgame. In Warframe, the main appeal now is to play new content with friends sooner. And get some equipment. At least for now. This isn't a lot and there are better things to spend platinum on. This is a type of thing I wouldn't recommend to anyone, but at the same time wouldn't care if someone bought it.
  5. Most people use guides and wikis anyway, the game isn't very good at explaining things. Sure, there are players who like to experiment, but the majority will look up a guide on whatever they need. Public matchmaking is a lottery and you can encounter both bad players and good players. Story skip isn't going to change that. If you are interested in playing only with people who know the game well, the recruiting channel is right there for you. The game is not rocket science, let's not pretend you have to play all the quests to learn the mechanics. Even if you skip the story you can: a) replay the quests, b) check a guide. Besides, some of the missions you mentioned don't have tutorials at all. Kuva siphons aren't in any quest, you encounter them after completing the War Within and the only guide is the Lotus transmissions. Orphix was introduced in an operation that is no longer in the game, yet we somehow manage. I think you seriously overestimate the difficulty here. As a final remark, some players are just bad and no amount of tutorials will help them, skip or not.
  6. After reading some posts and thinking about it for a while I'm starting to lean towards not implementing a skip, and rather further improving the new-player experience. Increase starting equipment slots, reduce crafting times (especially of warframes, 72 hours is absurd), give better rewards from junctions (equipment slots, important mods, forma, orokin cells). Completing quests and junctions should also provide experience boosters to make levelling equipment less of a slog. Reintroduce the old operations as quests. Currently, you have a quest, hours of grind, a quest, hours of grind, etc. Operations have a lot of story that is no longer accessible, putting them back in the game will not only make the story more interesting and coherent, but will provide a better experience when going through the star chart. The 10-year anniversary showed that adding them back is totally possible. At the end of the day adding a story skip won't be a big deal, but I think everyone will gain if changes to progression will be a priority. Because even when a new player skips the story, the game will be the same as for the rest of us. Is there really anything to skip to?
  7. No plans for Chroma and other frames would come first. I saw a lot of people asking for Inaros rework, so he might next in line.
  8. That's what I meant by instantaneously craftable blueprints. Now that I look at it again, it isn't as clear as just shorter craft times.
  9. Another way to handle it, if story skip isn't to many players' liking, is to have an account boost that will get you to MR5 and provide all the mandatory resources. Grinding mastery is probably the biggest hurdle now to get through all the quests, as well as getting all the materials to craft railjacks and necramechs. This way you will have players prepared for the story more quickly, without any skips. Add to that making any quest blueprints craftable instantaneously, and you will probably shave off a lot of time without sacrificing the quests.
  10. It's fine as long as it's not in-your-face thing you see the first time you log into the game. Would feel bad it it was a bait for new players to buy platinum. If I started the game as a new player it would put me off if I immediately saw a banner advertising not playing the game for money.
  11. I agree, but I'm not going to tell someone else how to play the game. If they just want to play some missions with friends, then I don't really care if they skipped a bunch of quests or not. And quests are repeatable, so they can just replay them without weeks of grind.
  12. Because there are people who are just not interested in the story. Look at Final Fantasy 14, a game where the story is a main selling point. Yet, there are plenty of people who are just interested in endgame raiding and don't want to spend months getting there. Story skips are for people like that. Unless you are a person who is bothered by mere existence of a skip, you can just ignore it.
  13. Yeah, operations should definitely be brought back as permanent quests. Makes me wonder if the new one is going to stay (probably not). However, if they decided not bring the old operations back they should just remove mutalist Alad V from the game. It's a plot thread that leads nowhere and makes no sense without related operations. Or just replace him with random one-time infested dude if they want to keep the quest.
  14. There is only that much streamlining you can do. You don't have a traditional campaign where you do one quest after another, like Destiny 2. At some point you will have to grind to improve your stuff and unlock more missions, etc. It's really not a big deal. People who will want to experience the game as it is will still do it. Those who don't, will get the skip. For DE it makes sense because it will mean that more potential new players will stay longer. For players it will hardly make any difference. Aaand they might not implement it at all if people are too upset.
  15. That Pablo, now he must be laughing maniacally while twirling his moustache.
  16. But you will never be satisfied, no matter what they do. Say they fix all the bugs, you will return here the next day complaining about something else. That's what you do. And even when people prove you wrong you will proceed to ignore them, just like you have been doing in this thread. You don't get a discussion because you are not interested in one. What you're interested in is validation of your opinions. Just do us all a favour and put people you don't like on your ignore list and proceed talking to those you agree with.
  17. I believe the original reason for arbitrations to save some progress was the fact that there were no revives, not even last gasp, so it's much more difficult to recover from mistakes. Whether this should apply to the rest of the game, perhaps to the circuit. As said above, there might be internet issues or the game might crash, and it's much worse to lose progress there than in other missions. Your idea of losing only some rewards is also good.
  18. Having bugs lingering is really, really frustrating. However, those bugs are usually not gamebreaking. Or, as in this case, affect a small minority of players. Serious bugs usually get sorted out fairly quickly. I myself have been making threads about certain issues that haven't been addressed for years, but making fixes is not as easy as some people here make it out to be, and developers have have to track a lot of things (really, a lot) in order to make sure the game doesn't fall apart.
  19. I hope they are planning on expanding this concept. Would be a shame to have it only to introduce an adult version of our character.
  20. OP looks like they need some ducks 🦆
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