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Everything posted by CoffeeElemental

  1. Sounds good but please consider letting robotics stay in the list of skin types. Merge 'robotics' and 'machinery' into 'mechanical' or smth. It would be really strange to see robots get melted by toxin/slash like almost everything else.
  2. I think it would become exponentially better if overguard gets replaced with just shields in this modifier. But not 50%, something like 25-30% because the damage types we use for the murmur are usually terrible vs shields (rad/heat/cor). And most importantly - CC wouldn't be completely useless with this.
  3. The only good overguard ability I can think of is Rhino's Iron Skin. For two reasons: It works only for Rhino and does not 'disrupt' anyone; It scales off of enemy damage output. This is important because overguard cannot get damage reduction and overguard cap is honestly bs - it will always feel imbalanced for lower level content and completely irrelevant in higher level content where it gets deleted if a lancer looks at you funny. The window where capped overguard stays relevant is tiny (and different for all frames that have it for some reason). 0.5 seconds gating is nice tho but not much. So, nerfing Dante's og buff will not achieve much aside from pissing everyone off I think. Making it scale with enemy lvl around Dante when he casts it can work, probably. Originally, this was a thread about Overguard, not Dante in particular. Why did it get merged?
  4. Well, it was the first thing that came to mind, because the list of abilities that were nerfed back then was actually huge. OR some completely unrelated stuff could just break the halo, you never know with this game.
  5. It might have been nerfed when DE massively nerfed interactions of a list of abilities and defense objectives. It happened during Scarlet Spear if I recall (and I don't think the so-called 'nerf crowd™' asked for it).
  6. Yareli deluxe skin will let her look like a ME2 Collector. So it's awesome.
  7. Unique visual style of this game is being pushed out of the window for quite some time already with cosmetics like this. I just wonder what's next, clown makeup maybe?
  8. As an introvert myself, I can confidently say that the guy above me is absolutely right. What people check (if anything) is you fashion, but that can be done without browsing your profile.
  9. "Land a certain number of hits on enemies before time runs out in order to respawn". Hits, not damage. So I suppose not.
  10. Hmm, why endless only? I play fissures to (try to) burn through my ridiculously huge pile of relics, not to get more of them. Pretty sure I'm not the only one who does that.
  11. Keyglyph's description says - "Slain enemies explode with Void energy". Slain. Enemies. Explode. So my question is - why tf do the explosions appear at my position when I slay enemies? It doesn't happen all the time, but more often than not. And it's funny because those explosions block your shots and can blind you sometimes.
  12. I wish DE added more guns with active reload similar to Sirocco (if you press reload at the right moment - you skip the rest of it + empower your next shot, but just skipping is great already imo), or added active reload to all existing ones (with the exception of bows and thrown secondaries). If done right, it can greatly improve the gameplay by breaking the monotony. Just like Tennokai did - it's a really simple function on paper, but just because it requires player's input (and some reaction) - it really improves the engagement with melee. And I'm saying it as someone who doesn't really like melee - I started using it more. So yeah, reloading is important, but it can be improved.
  13. It's called Borderlands I believe.
  14. Speaking of, when you try to eat Lumbering Fragments (the legs) - they simply disappear from the game. It counts as killing them towards the Netracell progress btw.
  15. I'm surprised it took DE this long to finally see it tbh. All helminthable abilities are substantially nerfed when subsumed. But not Nourish - all it got is no heal + you proc 1 viral on retaliation instead of 10. w o w Also, fk helminth.
  16. not only that, it straight up refuses to work if someone you try to CC with it is standing even slightly higher than the curvature of the fkn planet you're currently on. The only use for Aegis Storm I can think of is 'cheesing' the Ambulas fight (the part where you need to defend the hacked Abulases). Even then you run out of shields way before the dropship arrives. I'd say not only let us use Pillage during AS, but make Pillage waves travel 2x faster if it's cast during AS.
  17. For objectives, I usually start with 3-5. For Undercroft portals - 15 or more if I don't feel comfortable with the current loadout. And of course, it depends on the quality of the decrees. Like, if you get double crit, double status, status spread and armor to strength - you can go to the portals right away.
  18. Yes. If you're not the host and the connection is not great - it will happen like every second time. Annoying af. You'll need to reapply ML 2-3 times until the game becomes kind enough to register it. This bug exists since Magus Lockdown was introduced, I think.
  19. This sht's driving me mad since the beninging. What's even worse is that it can sometimes happen after a single regular jump. Still, Pulverize with Catapult is one of the best mobility tools in the game and I will not give up on it, because it's funny.
  20. Just use Limbo lmao. You get your incarnon charges, bramma spammers get mad. Win-win. Until the first host migration.
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