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  1. It's strange to think that some players found the entire plat thingy as a "bad choice", "poor taste" or a "cash grab", but ultimately many players will simply pick the ones they want on release to get things done instead of waiting.
  2. I would rather have perpetual invigorations instead, even if we could only select 1 warframe or 1 weapon with it. I can also say that the current invigorations are meant to make players use certain warframes more often since not all warframes have the same % of beeing selected, think of Atlas and saryn, Atlas will likely appear more often and saryn will hardly appear.
  3. The verv items release indeed say certain things, such as: In defense of DE, they never actually stated if the items would return or not and the FAQs don't actually mention this, so they did pick their words wisely, they used the item exclusivity in the partnership with prime gamming, individual drops are exclusive to that single week. However using the terms like this does give the impression that they would be exclusive overall.
  4. Kuva used to be a difficult resource to aquire, so rivens with desireable stats were expensive, you had many players onto the same rivens and players couls easily charge high ammounts. Kuva and rivens are more accessible now, so if you see an expensive riven, it's not a problem, you can always use warframe market and filter the available rivens in the auctions, you'll see that the stuff available is greater and overall cheaper. You can also aquire more rivens and reroll more often yourself, so the demand is lower overall. Do stay away from 99.999 plat rivens, i say this because i have seen on ocasion those same rivens being sold for real life currencies, the reason they are 99.999 plat is to make sure nobody will think of buying them, they just need a place to list and catalog them. It's not that the riven is problematic, it's that the user himself may be involved in activities that can cause problems for you. Since you can only use 1 weapon at a time, investing heavily into a favorite weapon isn't unreasonable.
  5. omg I knew i had that spark you speak of but i never knew it was related to inner might. ty
  6. You're going to have a few issues finding someone for 2 main reasons. Since this isn't something that the trading UI supports, even if you manage to include a trade using the interface, it will always be a 2 stage trade, meaning someone does something 1st and then someone does something afterwards. Since it's not supported, there won't be any help to either party if something goes wrong, like someone bailing to fufill a promise. If you go 1st with any sort of compensation, you're at risk of being messaged by users who will simply collect their share, but do nothing afterwards. If you demand the decoration to be done 1st, then you'll find it extremelly difficult to find anyone, this is because some decorators already felt the price of wasting hours doing something, only to have the other entity (the one requesting the service) to change name, change clan name, remove any friendship links and simply bailing only to never be seen again. Decorators can claim they did X rooms in a clan, but you and others won't ever see such creations. These stories are shared and as such pretty much everyone you can think of will most likely won't even look at your request, in fear that you'll just bail. ----------------------------------------------------- A couple notes you should know Since you won't be the one doing anything, decorators will often make a firm stance that they did those rooms, they will say this to everyone, they might use this to promote other content (youtube, discord servers,...) and in general you and your clan will only get a name reference, you'll hardly be of any importance and this becomes obvious regarding the resources required to build the decorations, because it is likely that you and your clan will need to have said resources ready to go. You may give tips on what you want, you may coordinate, your clan members will donate lots of resources, but in the end the credits will be tied to the decorator only. Make sure you and your clan members are ok with this before hand. As for asking in the forums, the odds are low, often the strategy is to get in touch with decorators directly and asking them in private, because while they brag about the things they did (mainly to other decorators), they oddly keep it hush hush aswell when it comes to stating what they did and where. They will unlikely message you in this topic. None of this is certain, but you should be aware of the risks before moving forward
  7. 1 or 2 per room, maybe 3 in the biggest ones.
  8. Also waiting on that to happen, but only if they don't cost to much decoration space.
  9. Clan Name: - Black Paper - Clan Tier: Ghost Clan Clan Platform: PC Clan Role: Founding Warlord Submission: All Star / Ascendent Notes: This clan size tier is ghost, we however have both the shadow and ghost tier trophy, despite never beeing shadow tier. The dojo is easily explorable. Warp portal isn't mandatory since we don't have too many rooms and/or a confusing layout. Fast travel isn't mandatory since we don't have too many warp locations. We made sure non decorated rooms (like reactors and other unused/non essential content) to be hidden from sight, when warping or fast traveling you will not enter them by mistake. While the dojo is heavily decorated, the goal is mainly to showcase clan members (and other players) what they played and achieved, each room is a trip down memory lane due to events and certain updates, as such we showcase the clan itself, a reflection of what we did. While unintended, rooms are less prone to visual glitches (like unusual shadows) We have a unique Tenet panel decoration. Unlike many featured dojos, you will not enter empty rooms that signify you are in the wrong area of the dojo. We did not purchase (via favors, plat, patreon benefits) any sort of decoration service, the rooms resources and looks are done via it's clan members. Likewise members of the clan are not responsible for decorating other featured dojos. Also, dojo not visited by Rebbeca&Megan in Primetime In previous contest due to assuming they had already visited it. @[DE]Ronnie Main spawn room: Remaining images:
  10. Hounds could use some skins, a simple void shell skin would do wonders.
  11. My tips Activate necramechs and defeat them to decrease time, this adds to difficulty and must be done midway the 1st defense section upon analizing your team, if the team lacks defensive capability, do not summon it. Never add difficulty if the team is already on the brick of colapse Summon your own necramechs as they can deal high damage to anything using the 4th ability Summon specters (mission conditions do not stop you from using an army of specters) Summon Railjack Crewmember Create openings, collect the glyphs and return instantly to a defensive position as enemies have high speed and the objective relies on high defensive capabilities, never wander around. You collect glyphs only when you see said opening. If your teammates are careless, then defend, remember that for the AI you are a high priority target, place yourself between the enemy and the defense target. Caliban sentient summons are also high priority btw.
  12. Simply report your post and explain why. I been reading your post and i can clarify some things: Bans until 2035 aren't temporary bans, it's just the max date the system allows, it is in fact a permanent ban The user needs to resolve the issue with support, other players aren't responsible for fixing the issue. If he has tried that and failed, then there's nothing he can do. While we can discuss if hate speech warrants a permaban or if that solves the issue at hand, reality is that DE has a 0 tolerance policy, it's not that it's a bad decision, only that its their decision and players like ourselves must comply, it's their platform we're using afterall.
  13. While i can't be sure it happens everytime, the riven and plat are part of a trade that gets reversed incase of a trade that isn't supposed to happen. When that happens, the riven seller simply gets his riven back, while losing on the plat. The riven however becomes untradable. If things don't work out, all you need is to contact support to have the matter resolved, including the mod/riven restoration or even the possibility of removing premium content to decrease or nullify the negative plat. My biggest eye opener was when a user who had been banned from the game, took upon himself to get as many players banned using the method you described, this forced numerous players to complain on reddit, drawing negative light on DE, which is what this user wanted, a payback for the ban. This made me realize (among other complaints, especially on steamforums) that you can't always take the complaints at facevalue, i'm not saying OP is a puppet or that the topic is an imaginary situation, it's only that sometimes complaints are fabricated or the users complaining don't realize that they are being used to complain on the behalf of some random banned member.
  14. Begging doesn't violate any rules. If you don't like it, you can always contact the users with alternatives (like incentivizing them to farm the item) or just ignore them, they aren't hurting anyone.
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