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Everything posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. I would like the Mecha set to get some QOL so that the icon indicating the the pet mark follows their energy color, or at least is made more visible. I would also like it if allies killing the marked target didn't steal the armor buff from me. This set has the potential to be really nice for survivability in a world where the good boys stay alive and mob density in Steel Path is ridiculous enough to rack up +1000% armor pretty easily. Just needs some tweakin.
  2. Unfortunately DE has made the classic DE move of allowing something clearly dumb and unintended to exist for years so that by now1 players feel entitled to it. The crying and whining about any eventual shield gate fix is going to make the ammo economy changes look positively civil by comparison.
  3. Yeah but when you say that the eidolon farmers come out of the woodwork to reee about it because you're undermining their plat source.
  4. I am fine with the best weapons in the game right now not being available for plat and something you have to actually earn.
  5. TBF to OP, it is a meaningless roadblock for the New War. You're in your necramech for a fraction of a fraction of that quest, and you could have easily had broken ones around for the player to possess and not require them to grind up their own for it. It being so obnoxious to craft and being so ancillary to the actual quest makes it pretty clear that DE just has it the way it is to make a lot of people pay the plat.
  6. Arcane Trickery is a stand-out example of bad mechanics, yes. Short duration and guaranteed is fine. Longer duration and a chance is fine. 15% chance on finisher and 30s duration is the sweet spot of 'just too infrequent enough' and 'not long enough' to actually be reliable. And in a world where there are plenty of reliable arcanes that help survivability, it's pretty hard to justify Trickery unless you're literally doing a finisher-spam build (and even then, why not just take a frame that has an invis ability and take a better arcane?). I'd like for them to actually fix the UI bug on Theorem/Residuals that makes it look like they don't refresh at max stacks (except they do), myself. Oh and also make those arcanes not a joke for the investment, especially after they fixed Demulcent applying its damage bonus to a lot of Warframe abilities (hey DE you should probably just make it a generic damage increase and restore that interaction because that was fun).
  7. Y'all just be glad they haven't looked at the double-dipping that contagion does.
  8. I mean. Being able to heavy attack-throw the exodia contagion kind of was an obvious oversight, and was clearly never intended. I had some fun with it, but come on, you had to know it was just living on borrowed time until the baleful eye of DE's capricious and inconsistent QA turned towards it. I do wonder whose video was released recently that prompted them to do this, though, because most of the time some screamlord with an obnoxious video thumbnail is the catalyst for stuff like this.
  9. Currently, when your kubrow marks a target via the set bonus for the Mecha set, another player can kill that target, and if they do, they will gain the bonus of Mecha Pulse rather than you. If possible, I'd suggest making it so both the killer and supplier of the buff benefit, so that the player running Mecha Pulse doesn't feel 'robbed' by a teammate. Or less fun but still an improvement, just making it so if the mark came from your kubrow, you get the benefit. (Also it's probably a crazy ask, but would it be too nuts for Mecha Pulse to multiply total armor, or at least fold in the armor provided by archon shards?)
  10. I'm bumping this up considering the upcoming companion rework and the fact that I might actually want to run mecha pulse. It's just annoying to see as is.
  11. Hipsters, man. Like, there are niche uses for other companions, or companions that are hyper focused for tasks like fishing and shiz by auto-dyeing. The dethcube can give more free orbs, the nautilus can group enemies, etc. Etc. And that's fine... for normal starchart, where they aren't just going to pop like a balloon when the wrong mob shows up. You can try to protect them, but the opportunity cost for doing so is usually too high. People like to think they're super smart for realizing that niche cases exist. They probably unironically use the term 'sheeple.' But it's like... the reason that panzer gets recommended is because newbies are just looking for something generally useful and widely applicable. They can worry about the other stuff if they stay around long enough to care.
  12. Doing repeated profit taker runs usually gives me a migraine, what with the washed out white landscape and the magnetic effects causing the only non-eyestrainy part of the screen to suddenly go nuts. I wish there was an alternate, less obnoxious option for displaying the effect, but I don't think it's high on DE's priorities.
  13. The free viral is perhaps the least important reason for panzer dominance. Most important is that it can't die, so you never lose vacuum. Other vulpas also get this, but Panzer's AoE quills synergize well with Hunter Recovery, providing you a consistent source of self-healing. Sly vulpas are a good second choice because of the granted evasion, but it's kind of six of one, half a dozen of the other, depending on how much damage resistance and sources of self-healing your warframe is playing with. The free viral is just a bonus that pushes panzer over the top by dint of sheer convenience. If you don't want to use the meta that's fine, but there's a reason it is what it has been for years.
  14. My thoughts are on things like Djinn. Does its revive mod get changed to something else, like halved base revive time? What about that Parazon mod that revives a Sentinel on three finishers within 40s or whatever the time limit was? And Protea's Dispensary augment? DE has put a lot of things in the game to try and not do what they're finally doing next month, and I hope that they're not just going to leave those mods untouched. Hopefully they'll be worked into the coming system in some way.
  15. They're following the model other companies have done - keep trying to push the envelope of what's acceptable in the community, pull back when there's backlash, but not to zero. Then after some time start pushing again, and shift the overton window of what's acceptable monetization more and more.
  16. Insert picture of Vay Hek with huge anime eyes and mouth agape going POGGERS?! while looking at a Torid
  17. If they can't accuse you for only not liking it because you can't afford it, they'll just say 'devs need to make money you're selfish' (they say about a 10 year old game that has obviously not needed to do these kinds of practices to make money and stay profitable). If they can't do that, they'll say 'it's not that bad other companies do it all the time' (like that's somehow a justification for bad practices, how well the gaming industry has trained people to accept the deplorable as standard). It's the same lame arguments every time.
  18. Yeah and getting a baseball bat to the knee is a lot better than getting your fingers cut off. The game industry is in a deplorable state - that's not an excuse for DE to engage in the same practices. One of the reasons we've loved DE and stuck with them despite their often ... questionable ... design decisions is because they have the most fair model of a game out there.
  19. Also, can we put Arcanes here, too? *gestures to ALL of the Theorem/Residual series* Absolute madness how weak they are for taking two arcane slots. Also they've had a long-standing bug since creation where the arcane doesn't appear to refresh once it hits max stacks, but it actually does. Also bring back Theorem Demulcent applying to Warframe abilities. That was so lame that that got fixed/nerfed.
  20. You do realize that a lot of the reason people love DE is because they've largely stayed AWAY from the same BS practices that other developers have embraced, right?
  21. Uh. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Reflection ? I always forget that stuff exists.
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