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Everything posted by moondog548

  1. YES! Trying to EV with Trinity is painful like this often times. I want to say it has been a lot better in the past year or two than it was before, but still. Your point about how the difference in controls for shooting vs abilities really matters is very good.
  2. I also saw that vid! He was very positive on the game, but as he said about the time gating being his biggest complaint: if he hadn't been so high on everything else about the game, he wouldn't likely have had the interest in looking any further into the game's economy and monetization over all beyond that heartbreaking moment (seeing how many days away he was from enjoying Rhino AFTER completing the farm!) Now I think most folks agree that Warframe's monetization is in the running for best in the biz. But, it's not perfect. There are still a couple instances of FOMO-sploiting, and many instances of "pay to undo the way we sabotaged the experience" such as tome/tennokai mods and yes: warframe crafting times. I think 3 day cook times are actually ok for late-game frames. You generally have lots of stuff to do while they cook. But how many new players have had a blast working from start to Jackal and grinding their first new frame *just like you intended* only to have an 84 hr bucket of ice water dunked on their head. Make newbie frames like Rhino and others that drop from early quests and low level bosses only take 24 hours TOTAL to craft, TOPS. Keep any new frame taking much longer and keep them out of reach and out of sight of MR0-3 players.
  3. In addition to what everyone else has advised: specters.
  4. Some of them are. I agree that more could be.
  5. I almost never see these problems and am almost always pugging at all levels. The squad should stick relatively together and except in survival they almsot always do- or at least all on the same path to eventual extraction. Plenty of reactant drops, and as long as you keep moving forward you'll find what has dropped from those ahead of you. Survival is definitely the one mode where what you describe can happen, but the only one.
  6. Past month or so I've been watching several "new to warframe" streamers, and hilariously and tragically every single one of them has had almost word for word the exact same experience at two different points. 1) They install the MOD SEGMENT. They then enter the mod screen and explore it. The entire time they are checking out the mod screen, ORDIS IS AGGRESSIVELY PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVELY HARASSING THEM TO INSTALL A MOD. They receive no instruction on how that is done, and continue to poke around the mod screen in vain while getting understandably frustrated all while being actively insulted. Solution: direct them to the damn upgrade screen within the arsenal. 2) They get to the Jackal fight. Lotus now begins to speak about the Parazon for the first time. When the Jackal goes down, Lotus pops up and commands them to use their parazon. THEY AT THAT POINT ASK OUT LOUD WHAT THE HELL THEIR PARAZON IS AND HOW TO USE IT. Every single streamer! 😆 They have never been told in game terms what it is. They have already BEEN using it to hack consoles and mercy kill enemies but have no idea that a doohicky called a "parazon" was involved in those activities. Solution: explain sooner what the parazon is, and have Lotus direct the player to approach and perform a mercy attack on the Jackal (with their parazon) And both of these are just symptoms of the very inconsistent way that the game provides gameplay information to the player. The experience has been constantly improved over the years and that's great! But there are still a lot of gaps, big and small, and there's a solution for that too. What is needed is a consistent design philosophy that is implemented comprehensively to every stage of the game where new mechanics become relevant. And spoilers: talking heads speaking in-character in the corner of the screen (especially during combat!!) is about the worst possible method for delivering gameplay instructions. I love love love DE's devotion to immersion and flavor, and want to keep the NPC interactions, but that's still not ok to be the way to deliver information we need to know to play the game. Go ahead and take the player by the hand and direct them to each menu screen that they need to interact with the first time they need to interact with. Flash and explicitly point to the "Tutorial" button you've put there. Have a little "ok" pop-up the first time they open a menu to explain the purpose of that menu and what sort of info can be found in it. Y'all have done so much great stuff in this regard! It just needs one big polish pass by someone with a clear vision of what players NEED to know and how to put it in front of their faces at least once. Thanks!
  7. The random selection of gear for more points isn't a bad mechanic (despite all the loud whining), but it absolutely needs to be improved in implementation. In other aspects of the game that use a similar mechanic, there are mitigating factors to offset the limitation. The OPPOSITE is true in THIS game mode, however. So you rrally gotta add a 4th option of each and/or get rid of the possibility of drawing a weapon you don't own, or something to make it less restrictive of a week-long requirement.
  8. Yup, kooky. Also mine dropped to 66 mod capacity after I added a 6th forma. Should be 70 or 80 at r40 w/ potato, right? I just realized this is because my mastery rank is 33 not 40 🥲
  9. Happened to me twice this week, once causing failure of 60-eye Effervo with about 0.7% boss hp remaining, and once on final stage of 27pt DA :(
  10. I understood that perfectly. It's precisely what I was addressing. EDIT: I think what no one here understands (especially me) is why you think endless missions are a problem in the first place. But again, your suggestions for other missions sound cool.
  11. I coulda swore they explicitly removed that bounty! It may have accidentally been re-enabled.
  12. I don't jibe with your underlying premise at all, but your mission suggestions are very intriguing as welcome ADDITIONS to the game.
  13. Did this get fixed in one of the hotfixes? I was on the Vallis mining yesterday, and The Business was NOT hassling me at all! 😅
  14. I align with your take on this whole matter more than not, however it needs pointing out that unlocking Elite requires using the rng gear. The sytem isn't perfect and it's ok to accept improvement, regardless of some wanting to throw the whole thing out.
  15. With all due respect, all you said was that you appreciate and enjoy CC as it currently exists in warframe. And that's all well and good, I don't begrudge you that, and I don't even dispute anything you've said about the SPECIFIC effectiveness of certain frames in certain situations. Aside from some poetic hyperbole, no one is claiming that CC is worthless. They're saying that the game design as a whole undermines and discourages it, often explicitly in the form of overgaurd which becomes more and more prevelent as the level of content gets higher. But aside from saying "the best CC is dead" isn't true, you didn't actually dispute it-- EXCEPT in some very very niche instances where re-spawning enemies is undesirable (long SP endless missions where you have decided that you don't want to just start over). In all other situations, killing enemies asap is preferable according to the design of the game. They're not hurting you and they've given you loot and affinity, and they've proc'd skills and arcanes etc, and you've advanced the kill-guys-meter in many mission types. CC does none of that except stop them from hurting you. So yeah, the SYSTEM OVERALL needs improvement, so that the CC situation you love and appreciate is actually fostered and appreciated by the game mechanics.
  16. TO BE FAIR... 😅 Game design in the last few years discourage it. Especially warframe design; (Pablo-bless, but...) they are ALL tanker-DPS nowadays.
  17. 100% agreed for the reasons you perfectly explained. BP acquisition is enough of a constraint, we need more than 1 forma per day. Another option would be crafting more than one at a time, maybe a 3x bp?
  18. Yeah this was mentioned a lot in reaponse to the initial feature announcement. It seems like a brainfart that they forgot every frame can be invisible. 😅
  19. And or instead of tooltips, let the extra info be in window in an expandable/collapsable tree format!
  20. Sorry, I wasn't explicit, but I meant "the best CC is dead" as pointing out an obvious *flaw* in the game.
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