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Everything posted by 0_The_F00l

  1. I am not sure what you are asking ? Quick Thinking converts lethal damage to health into damage to energy , If you have status immunity you won't have status effects. Those are two different things.
  2. Its something relevant for new players for sure but ... why?
  3. Keeping max shields low with a dragon key and having negative energy efficiency to max shields on casting abilities using augur mods and needing to run a very specific build would be abusive. And yes the one that lasts longer is stronger , but you raised the point of it being boring not of it being stronger. If you don't use full shield gate then 0.5s invulnerability for overguard break is better than 0.3s but if you do use max shield (by any means) that would be better if you can keep it up and recast after 1.3s.
  4. Ceramic dagger doesn't have slash. It has slash on its stance though , And incarnon forms heavy attacks throws projectiles that have slash. So be mindful what you are checking for.
  5. Yeah , more than standard without an abusive tactic , but less than what you get with abusive tactics. Also if perma casting one ability is not fun , how is perma casting a different ability any more fun ? I am just highlighting that both will be effectively doing the same thing. All the points you mentioned apply to both shield and overguard gates equally. With the difference being one lasts longer.
  6. 1.3 seconds from a full shield gate . It's 0.3 seconds on a partial one and for kullervo you gain some invulnerability on casting his 1 as well , I haven't tested it yet , but it's pretty good for no specific abusive tactics being applied.
  7. Wait a minute ... If there is a moment of invulnerability on cast and there is planned shieldgate with the cert update of 0.5s , doesn't that functionally make him have a better shield gate now ? Oh well , I don't mind either way , he was tanky enough for me , he is tankier now and now my companions wil be chunkier. I am curious as to why there is a change to the EULA , seems more of a clarification than any actual change .... But this usually comes when something new is about to be launched that may have financial implications by my experience.
  8. They can be very useful in the right loadout and enemy density. Lycaths hunt can be a "cast and forget " ability if you have a primer weapon that can give you enough status effects. But if you can't , then it can be a little costly to cast each time. And as I said , pair with effects that take advantage of health orbs ( blessing , health conversion , equilibrium) to add even more qol and replace any energy mods/arcanes/shards. I had to recast rather frequently as most enemies were dead before they got enough procs :P but rarely faced energy problems. The health conversion .... Wasn't as effective unfortunately , as you would usually run on 2 stacks as you keep getting damage to health. Fracturing blast works a little weirdly on him , it doesn't have the same range as his curse but causes enemies to be damaged atleast a bit , so it's 2 guaranteed procs on some enemies for CO, it's quick and cheap and doesn't impede movement. Both work best in higher enemy density.
  9. I have used kullervo quite a bit and I have settled on the vanilla kit for now as I like it and doesn't feel that it's lacking anything per se , But in my experimentation I have found the following to be very useful. 1) Lycaths hunt - pair with health conversion and equilibrium and we got a very effective health tank that can spam (almost) non stop. 2) Gloom works too , but then you need to focus on the energy economy quite a bit , which takes away from his berserker like quality. 3) fracturing blast - same as lycaths hunt , 4) Tharos strike/terrify - not bad , but i have yet to encounter enemies that will stay alive long enough to justify the cast time of a different ability rather than just attacking, i recommend Tharos strike as it also heals and is front facing just like most of his abilities. Bonus : being a health tank , kullervo does very well with companions (2k Armor and 5k health average) and I am enjoying using hounds with the precept that steals eximus auras. It can be very interesting. p.s. I either replace his 2 or his 4 with a subsume , if the ability also has some healing I replace his 2 , if it has nothing defensive I replace his 4. To be fair any melee with life strike can replace his 2.
  10. Duviri isn't a new mode , I feel it is the new game that DE is too scared to launch standalone. I have half a feeling that DE will abandon soulframe and bring back the departing devs to work on the duviri side of things. But i do actually enjoy it , it's a nice change of pace. As to Kahl , I do occasionally do that mission. But i have enough shards to max out any new frame that comes (with basic shards) so I don't bother with it that much. I really wish they had developed that into more missions though.
  11. The circuit is an alternative to existing grind ,but it is not a significant time saver or grind skipper. While in the past on average you would spend maybe 3 hours to grind a frame , now you need near 4 hours if you do so casually. What it does skip is a significant amount of rng dependency ,you know what you will get at the end of your journey which has been an annoyance for ages. It also is very curated , so you can't just farm everything in a day. The time gate will either let you drip or force you to do the original grind anyway. So I am actually happy to see this to mitigate much of the problems . Maybe we will see more niche frame users cause they are more easily accessible.
  12. Many enemies in undercroft have elemental damage (depends on the spiral and type of eximus as well). Kinetic playing doesn't protect from all attacks , only specific ones.
  13. I don't use controllers for warframe , so I can't say if it's harder or easier. I definitely don't face any major problems with it.
  14. The priority is mostly for companions with "precepts" , Passive mods (health , Armor etc.) are not going to matter much outside of elemental combos. Many players simply remove attack precepts to reduce aggro on their companions.
  15. Best of luck for your future Endeavors , and thanks for all that you have done so far.
  16. If you have some means of healing your frame then link health will heal your companion (it's an exhaustive list so not everything works) https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Link_Health
  17. I feel this is subject to the culture and intent behind the perceived offense. There are many things that can be considered offensive where I am but i also know I am playing a game with an M rating, so I can deal with it maturely cause not everyone I meet will have the same context. If you really feel it is intended to hurt (which is possible) and not innocent then you can ask the person so , and if you lack the willingness to do so i suggest you not bother and move on. But if you really, without a shadow of a doubt , believe it is intended to hurt them report said player. Censorship is a slippery slope and i already hate some of the stupid things DE has done in a game that is supposed to be rated for mature audiences. What they should do I feel is put a test for maturity and not allow access to public matchmaking until they pass , I doubt there will be many players left in pub after that :P
  18. I think i misunderstood partially , i thought you meant the kuva/tenwt weapons that need forma to rank to 40 adding 1000 mastery if you use 5 forma. As to other avenues , intrinsics , mission nodes , companions , modular items also add mastery . Details can be found here. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank
  19. You don't really need to bother with those forma for mastery weapons too much, most of mine are having maybe 2 to 3 forma and I am still LR3. There are other avenues of gaining mastery.
  20. i know for a fact that it is possible to speedrun in 15 minutes (managed it myself) if you really rush (or go on the kullervos hold standalone quest) But i usually complete in around 20 minutes average on experience. so for 42 banes , you need maximum 11 runs (considering drop of 4 banes on every run) and minimum 7 runs (6 banes per run) so somewhere between 3.6 to 2.3 hours I have the second kullervo building as we speak - and it didnt feel that bad as i was making steady progress and also adding the pathos clamps for later - didnt feel too bad.
  21. i guess it just seem underwhelming if you already have a good heavy melee , as that will do a lot more damage instantly than waiting for the slashes to ad up, it does look like the HP of the enemies is trying to race to zero and can be fun to pull off.
  22. I feel this has been the norm for a few years now (exceptions do exist) but most of the new frames are a mishmash of old concepts in some form. Guess DE is limiting modularisation of frames to the Dev builds :p As to the main topic , i too am loving the simplicity and effectiveness of kullervo (despite having a relatively narrow playstyle at higher levels). It does have a more melee focused theme , but it can really do devastating things with any good weapon. I keep saying this , but kullervo is the distant cousin of Ash that is the one that will likely inherit the family business. His passive is great on already heavy focused melee builds and allows a bit of hybridisation on light builds. His 1 is great as a buff as well as for mobility , though it is not the best long traversal tool. His 2 is ok , and can largely be ignored with something else that provides healing (life strike paired with 1 makes it kinda redundant) but is fine as is - the overguard itself is just ok. It's a good "oh S#&$" option at times. His 3 is what makes his kit really link together (haha) it is what marked for death should have been in my opinion (or atleast a short lived version of it) His 4 is ok , not sure it is worth it's cost , but if you are in a mission where there are choke points it can really bump up damage "death by a thousand cuts" style when paired with his 3. From a base stats perspective he looked squishy and does need some investment to be an effective health tank but is ok for content under an hour of endurance.
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