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Everything posted by Chewarette

  1. Well as you said, it's probably more a matter for them to re-classify some resources as "common" and the spam will be lessened.
  2. Well that could be Wally in the box. That would explain why Loid would try to break it as soon as he enters in. Maybe Wally is locked inside, expressing himself or "leaking" from the pod through murmurs corrupting whatever is in Deimos. The fact the pod was broken/malfunctioning is probably what made Wally "connect" to the computer, leading to Warframe 1999 (seems likely considering the symbol on Albrecht's computer is the same than the one in the metro station when Arthur tries to access it - pictures here https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1364417-arthur-and-excalibur-and-the-fantasy-of-warframe-with-famous-tales/?do=findComment&comment=12857111) So I would say... - Wally indeed escaped in lieu of Albrecht - Loid/Albrecht discovered it somehow (or Albrecht anticipated ?) and locked him up in the pod, but why would Wally even go willingly in the pod to begin with ? - Wally tried to find a way out only to be locked (again) in the computer - During the quest, we're connecting ourselves to the Sleeper, making us join Wally in his simulation. - Could it be that part of the plan is for Loid to "transfer" Wally toward the Player Character, in order to allow Albrecht to come back, as a sort of deal between Loid and Wally ? I could very well see that happen, as it could lead to have some duality between "Real Loid" being the bad guy and "Sentinel Loid" trying to help us
  3. You've got a point, but also to put that back into the context, we ask her what she saw right after she's not even sure who she is anymore. So about a weird experience with the Void... Also, maybe she had already seen the other side of the wall, but maybe it's the first time Wally appears as her doppelganger for all we know.
  4. Yeah, her "I saw... Nothing. Nothing." sounds like "I saw something but I'm not sure what and I probably hallucinated it so I won't tell you 'cuz I don't wanna end up in psychiatry". And as Wally (not the Wall) wears a Lotus helmet and a suit that doesn't look like the Operator's, it would be weird that he showed himself to us, I'm pretty sure Lotus saw him. Maybe Lotus will be key in our next development with Wally. I've just re-watched the scene and when the Wall disappears (when going toward US, not going back to the Void Portal), Lotus makes weird gestures and even smiles at us before fainting. I don't wanna be paranoid but the signature "move" of Wally is his damn smile haha, maybe Lotus was just happy to have saved us though
  5. Yeah this part was difficult to analyze, we don't clearly see Wally except he wears the Lotus helmet, and we don't even know from which point of view we saw that (Lotus, PC, or even a neutral PoV). But that's probably the only time Wally has appeared to more than one person at a time ? And in the end it might have appeared as an amalgamation of both (Operator with Lotus helm), but I couldn't see clearly whether Wally's "body/face" matched with the PC's
  6. You'd need a new faction for that though. Grineer are not known to be agile, Corpus are relying on Tech, infestation well... they're not here to think either. Sentients a probably a mix of tech and brute force I'd say So unless the boss you're talking about is a giant Kavat, we need a faction that's more into ninja/close-combat stuff
  7. He has also appeared to Lotus (and us ? I'm not sure about that, our Operator clearly reacts) at the end of TNW.
  8. Interesting I don't know, but it'd be unique at least. Having a modular weapon to have 5% more status or crits sounds interesting to you ?
  9. Its nature could very well lead to having many "alternate modes", on the contrary to guns that usually have 2 (or quite rarely 3). It could also have side-mechanics : I don't see this type of weapons use ammo, maybe it will pool from the Warframes' energy ? -- I'm all in for modular stuff, unless it comes with the useless Gilding Mechanics that is the worst thing that DE has ever invented: It doesn't bring anything to the table, prevents your weapon to be fully functional from rank 0 (have to rank it once before being able to have a correct build).
  10. There are better options nowadays but it's still an awesome weapon (the Prime ofc). If you're only looking at its basic damage statistic and not the rest (fire rate, recoil, riven disposition, specific mods, crits, multishot, mag size, reload speed etc) - then use a shotgun or sniper
  11. Yeah, Uncommon Formas should either give a Built Forma or 2 BPs.
  12. Maybe "E" will act like "your Warframe will auto-melee until [X]", where X is any other action (firing, hacking, bullet jumping, rolling...). Could also be the Hold mechanics will be reworked as well, difficult to say with the lack of information on what they plan
  13. I don't care either way, but the focus orbs have never been a really big issue. That's just a nice boost that spawns from time to time, and I'm not sure why you'd even need to go back at all ? Focus Orbs spawn on a defeated enemy I think they shouldn't change the Focus acquisition as you suggested, because that'd be another boring exp gain that stacks passively, that's meh. I like the fact it acts as short-timed boost. If Focus Orbs are a problem, make it so you gain the Focus buff after doing something, like a mercy kill or killing an Eximus, dunno. But another passive you don't have to care about at all like Exp / Standing already are ? Bleh
  14. Honestly, we have so many options to level up weapons/warframes now that it's a non-issue really.
  15. More probably in the range of Kahl's quest tbh. Very likely a one-off mission (or suite of mission) that you get to play occasionally to get the FOTM stuff (like Archon Shards). But a complete update in Duviri's range ? It would require "Arthur" to be able to "play" as all Warframes and not only Excal, which just in the animations/design stage would be a total nightmare. I see that more "You get to play Excalarthur in these select few missions to get [X] on a weekly basis"
  16. Let Kahl's content die and move the Shards to a more interesting game mode / function. At the very least, a hardcore Archon Hunt where you face all 3 (at once or in succession) that would reward you with 3 Shards would be a great start.
  17. Except the Vasero Sekhara which for some reason goes uglier, as a reward for killing 1.000 enemies with the Operator
  18. I never said it was, just translated OP's one
  19. Well I have to say I didn't invest myself enough in Incarnons to know that they could be removed, thanks for the info!
  20. I guess what you missed is I'm no Conclave expert, but 700 kills with an MK1-weapon sounds good
  21. I think the point is that Zylok will be the "first released prime with an Incarnon adapter" ? In which case it's not only forma/cata, it's also the Incarnon Adapter that's more painful to obtain I guess
  22. Honestly ? None, because partnerships usually end up with additional paid content
  23. Do you know why they've changed the "roots of the game" ? Because it sucked and they wanted to do better. Going back to a more annoying version of Warframe is not a "brilliant idea". I don't know what WF99 is made of, but you have it backward. Nostalgia can only go up to a certain point, but some elements were changed for a good reason.
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