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Everything posted by Grommile

  1. A good trading system would not rely on (a) a third-party website for people to advertise on and (b) the person I want to purchase from or sell to being online at the same time as me. (And 5-10 minutes is above my "log off and do something else" threshold.)
  2. That's not the trading system. That's how you make an attempt to arrange to use it.
  3. Because the trading system is a terrible pile of garbage, and getting one for your specific weapon any other way is a godawful crapshoot.
  4. Smeeta Kavat does all that awesome Charm stuff. Adarza Kavat gives you +60 percentage points to crit chance (i.e. you go from 7% or 150% to 67% or 210%) for ten seconds every twenty, which becomes absolutely absurd in combination with weapons that have an insane crit multiplier that is officially "balanced" by them having terrible crit chance. Panzer Vulpaphyla (mechanically classified as a Kavat) is an infinitely self-reviving Viral status spreader. And apparently there's that Sharpened Claws armourstrip ability that I didn't know about 😀 Also, other people's pet moas are visually confusing in the same kind of way that Nekros or Caliban summons are.
  5. The short, inaccurate-but-containing-a-kernel-of-truth answer is that in a pure PvE online game (like, say, Warframe), if people can't solo, then you tend to run out of new players.
  6. This thread is simultaneously amusing and horrifying, and the reason for both is the same 😱 🤣
  7. Sounds like a skin for the Helminth Charger.
  8. Focus your anger on DE for writing buggy software, not on your fellow players.
  9. MR 16 to buy Tenet Exec from Ergo Glast and to use some Rivens. (Nominally also for some ranged Tenet weapons, but Lich/Sister weapons bypass MR requirements.)
  10. Better plan: Redesign the missions so that there is no motive for people to want to do this.
  11. ... makes you sound like the kind of bloviating marketing executive that makes me think Bill Hicks was right.
  12. I'm a habitual pubbie (except for Spy missions, Duviri Experience, and mining/fishing/conservation, all of which I find a much better experience solo than with other pubbies). With the bounty system I can walk up to the bounty issuer NPC in the hub, pick a task, and zone into an instance of the open world, confident in the knowledge that (barring trolls) if I end up in someone else's instance when I zone in, that instance contains people wanting to do the same task as me. This part of your proposal is excellent, by the way: and makes a perfectly good free-standing proposal independent of everything else in your OP.
  13. It's funny. You were complaining about people asking for things you like to be removed, and now here you are, asking for things I like to be removed.
  14. Railjack behaves basically the same as any other mission: if there are unoccupied slots in your squad and you have not yet completed the mission, then anyone who queues for that mission can (potentially) be inserted into those slots by the matchmaking system rather than starting a new squad.
  15. What does the compensation package look like?
  16. They changed that part just over two years ago. Cephalon Cy's blueprint was moved to the Market in update 30.2.2.
  17. I agree with you about the "should". Sadly, though, in practice cutting fish is the only way to get Fish Oil.
  18. There are four primed mods on Daily Tribute: Primed Shred, Primed Vigor, Primed Fury, and Primed Sure Footed.
  19. Keybinds are great! I've got 6 bound to omni recall, 7 to synthesis scanner, 8 to the synthesis trap, 9/0/-/= to various pizzas.
  20. Honestly, the biggest problem with Archwing on the free roam maps is getting INVALID LOCATION for no obvious reason when you try to launch it on terrain that isn't perfectly flat.
  21. You're an immortal with the body of a teenager who spacemagically controls telepresence spacemagic battle armour made of a former human encrusted with spacemagic fungus, and you're asking how your spacemagic cat is healing your spacemagic telepresence suit? 🙂
  22. I like Grineer railjack just fine. Corpus railjack, on the other hand, is less fun than logging off to argue with strangers on the Internet.
  23. Sounded more like sarcasm than drama to me.
  24. You can skip Rising Tide for 400 Platinum by buying a Railjack from the Market. That probably wasn't the answer you wanted.
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