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Everything posted by Slayer-.

  1. I follow them on you-tube, they do some awesome work, and these Warframe latest ones are very spectacular.
  2. With Nekros, the first thing you do is Forma the Aura slot to get more capacity for mods. Mine has a range of 70-metre range to allow for dropkick mates running to other rooms in say survival, I also use Despoil. (Health used instead of energy) SOS is good as well Shield of Shadows, damage reduction and they help kill things. Others have mentioned ideas, to set up.
  3. Don't worry, a Kardashian butt implant is in the mail. Yeah, tell me about it, fighting the Jackel in SP with Rhino. I was running around like a headless chook staying alive and helping to kill it in between losing iron skin and nearly dying in the first shot. The Soma/P was a big letdown for that gun for me, though I guess it does kill in carny mode not as fast as others but at the same time the non-carny mode is even better now at least. Thank you DE for fixing the Spacekid camera rotation, wasn't nice trying to get back into the fight only to realise I've just void-dashed off a cliff.
  4. Yeah between Energy Siphon and getting a Trinity on the team, you knew life was great.
  5. I just did the /profile command on myself and both show RJ 75,000 & Drifter 75,000. Where clicking the link to look at the profile top left they show as RJ 75,000 - Drifter 60,000 Oh well, the eight wonder of the world.
  6. Mine are all max'd out RJ 75,000 - Drifter 60,000 L3 PC it's got me puzzled, I've seen differences between PC players, and I just put it down to a UI bug. Just had a look at my recent players list and got these results. PC players stats I've looked at one was, L2 PC 66,000 66,000 Another was, L3 PC 75,000 75,000 Another was, L2 PC 73,500 73,500
  7. At OP just ignore the haters, a minority of Limbo players mess it up for the rest of you. Other frames can be just as annoying at times. If the player keeps the 2 skills up that stop enemies, you only have to contend with eximus units.
  8. The War did look great back in the day when we could channel and it would light up like a neon sign, damn it looked awesome.
  9. Ah fair enough I was just thinking of the lot in one bunch. :P
  10. Like @(PSN)haphazardlynamed Juggy breaks them, I worded mine not quite right, though I'm sure the fire ring could hurt them if next to the pumkins. Mission 1. Sabotage Earth (1-2) Mission 1. Survival Saturn (40-50) Mission 1. Defense Europa (45-50)
  11. It's an old event redone with a new name, I posted this in another thread, it should help explain the door and power cell. Also, in the second part with Juggy, you lead it near the pumpkins and destroy them you will notice they put out a ring of flames which does damage to Juggy, Defence well it's Defence enough said. Chesse mode so I've read doing Juggy get downed use spacekid to kill everything.
  12. It's not a new event, you must not have played it before where you see a door that states a power cell is needed then you look around the map for the console that you should really know roughly where they are, hack the console and drops a power cell, exploring will yield all you need. Edit: TBH The group I joined in the pub squad had no idea it wasn't hard to figure it out like the first time I did years ago had to remember but it came back to me, I went to a console and hacked it and took the power cell to the door.
  13. Press Escape directly after getting your last Decree and click Leave Duviri, you will notice the fine print under it telling you how it works by keeping everything from your last earned Decree.
  14. Fair enough if players are happy with it, I guess it'll ok, so long as the normal trading system doesn't become a ghost town over time. Yes, I do trade both ways in the game, I'm only temporarily blind when I'm asleep, eyelids shut.
  15. I have one of those as a tag-along buddy in the form of a spectre. lol
  16. Just recently like you now and then I have been losing focus with my ingame cursor/mouse, I know when it happens because the game acts as though it's alt-tabbed out and I hear no sound along with my Warframe stops dead in its tracks, I just put it down to my old system. I just have to click on the game screen which is still sitting there to get it back into the game as the active screen, which I find crazy because I run my game in fullscreen mode so it should not be doing it.
  17. You suggest a 1plat tax for a 5plat purchase, I'd hate to have to fork out extra plat on top of a purchase plat price, what's wrong with paying a credit tax as we do now in Dojo's I'd hate to have to burn through extra plat for say a 500p riven then pay Plat tax on top as an example.
  18. Screw paying Tax in the form of Plat, why not leave it at credits or leave it how it is now, no way in hell would I pay extra Plat as a tax.
  19. Run it in fullscreen maybe, sounds like something has changed. When mine was doing it I fixed it with this Dual Monitor Tools it does other stuff but below should fix the cursor for you.
  20. Ok, though it's easy to fix when working on a config in your arsenal back out and go back in, but having them missing in Duviri loadouts really sucks because we can't fix it in the cave.
  21. That's been around for years, happens to me everytime I work a mod config, you remove a mod you can't find it so you back out of Arsenal go back in and poof it's back again.
  22. It's where I do my three all the time, guess they'll change it one day to do three different Assassination tasks. Every other able body player, cry me a river and get over it, learn to adapt. There I said it.
  23. They do go off in your hand if you hold them too long. Unless you're a person with a disability or very uncoordinated then I don't see the problem with the fight other than players saying it's too hard and too boring, for that would be very true, my perception of the fight as an old fart of 58 years old I personally find the fight easy, I don't analyse it I just go in there and do what's needed to win. I doubt DE would want to change it in any foreseeable future it's been around a long time now and it's a very old fight that would get changed. They were going to make the Sergeant fight harder but it's never happened, as a boutique fight like Nihils is I'd say at a guess it won't change either.
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