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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. You are *still* dancing around the question. How would you change Thermal Sunder? It can't be *that* hard to answer, unless the answer actually is that you want it to kill nothing, and you just can't admit to it.
  2. Not at all, I'm just asking "how would you nerf it". Because it should be clear that just making the ability do nothing isn't an option, yes? The question was and still is, "what point between doing nothing and killing enemies without Steel Path modifiers are you aiming for".
  3. There is really no use being evasive when you've clearly stated in the OP that you want more, bigger nerfs to Thermal Sunder.
  4. Right. You can already achieve that goal by recruiting people into a group that plays exactly like you want. Random matchmaking means people have no obligation to play a certain, preferred way. So I ask you again, how would you change Thermal Sunder (and other AoE abilities) so that they don't kill anything, without making them useless?
  5. You literally said you don't want the ability to kill stuff in a Corpus Sortie. Stop being so evasive and just get clear about what the goal is - and the goal is *not* to "be able to play the game", your goal is very clearly to get certain abilities nerfed (some more). Be specific please.
  6. That's a funny story actually, see, a while back DE released the Xoris - this neat little glaive had the pretty convenient perk of an infinite combo duration. Since combo is essential for pseudo exalted weapons like Whipclaw, and people didn't like being forced to use Naramon, soon the Xoris became popular as the stat stick of choice. This was purely for the convenience of allowing a free choice of focus school, and in fact has a lower power ceiling than using traditional stat sticks - mastery fodder weapons with high riven dispositions. DE however, in their infinite wisdom, made a statement about how the Xoris conferred "overwhelming power" to exalted weapons, and consequently turned it, and with it every other weapon that pauses the combo timer, from a convenient but low-power option for stat sticks into the literal worst options you could possibly use. In short, when you have such a weapon equipped (and this includes Incarnon evolutions that pause the combo timer), using any pseudo exalted weapon will delete your entire combo bar. Yes, that's not a bug but a concsious design descision taken by someone at DE. And what's even funnier is that now, the new incarnon weapons that buff base crit and/or status are the uncontested best stat sticks in the game, with truly unrivaled power, yet DE isn't doing anything about it at all, while the poor Xoris and similar weapons, who never actually were very strong at all, are still literally unusable.
  7. That is not a thing, if you're priming enemies with the Epitaph so your TS can kill, you might as well skip all of that and just use an AoE gun which will outright kill anything you shoot it at.
  8. What is the endgame here? You seem to advocate for all abilities being unable to kill Corpus, even outside of the Steel Path - I'm sure you will be aware that this makes them completely useless, right? If you want to make any and all AoE abilities useless, maybe just say so? Because with the baby steps you are making (nerf Thermal Sunder subsume! Now nerf it some more! Now nerf the next best ability!) you'll never accomplish anything. Thermal Sunder with the 10x cap is no longer useful on the Steel Path. Mission accomplished as far as I am concerned.
  9. You've already been told the reason (no Impact damage), but I think I can add something useful here: This handy little mod works with the Innodem (it being a dagger and all), and with any damage it causes, even via procs.
  10. That's a lot of words to say nothing at all. The fact is I oneshot with Reave at 199 strength so why should I get more? Still waiting for that answer.
  11. Just a question for the professional with the clearly superior build, why exactly do you need more than 199% strength when you already oneshot everything at that point? Anyhow, I'll stick to my build, thank you very much. Wouldn't want to get anywhere near that glistening magnificence you just posted.
  12. You are not putting the right mods on your Revenant then. Here, I'll help you out: That's one cast. Here's the build: Rush makes you Reave faster/further, if you really want to move fast you can jump and aimglide before it ends. And this is the primer so your Reave oneshots, it also recharges your energy quickly: Have fun!
  13. Let me see, Revenant is literally permanently invincible and status immune, has low to mid level AoE nuking, CC with his thralls, an instakill combo, a decent movement skill, and an augment to buff weapon damage. I don't think he needs anything more, honestly. How about we rework Ember (again) instead?
  14. Welcome to Warframe. We've been asking for the game to not force us to walk at a snails pace for many, many years now. Since there is no way DE isn't keenly aware of the constant requests on this topic over the years, I have to assume they are either incapable of making sprinting work in this game (what an embarassment!), or they just don't care at all about what the players want. Could also be both, of course.
  15. In addition the enemies *very* quickly get pushed out of the fire field, so it's functionality would be questionable even if it did reasonable damage over time.
  16. I wanted to report how this feature is bugged to not take several kinds of mods into consideration though. I don't think bug reports go into feedback do they?
  17. With those Rivens you'll want a Corrosive element crit build. And that means the first one is much better (Primed Fever Strike).
  18. Unfortunately, that *is* the point. That part exists for the explicit purpose to waste your time.
  19. Admirable effort at aiming for "worst take of the day". Here's your medal, champ.
  20. Let me get this straight, the mission completely breaks, making it impossible to complete the objective and leaving all players with zero reward for their time, and some of you people's reaction is "Well that's clearly your fault, don't you know that the mission breaks if you just... do the mission? No, you *obviously* have to *not* do the mission and instead go afk for 5 minutes (and make sure your entire team also goes afk, since even a single player trying to actually, you know, do the mission will break it for everyone)." How about we get off our white horse for just a second, and make DE actually fix one obvious thing, for once?
  21. Evasion is a nothing stat. In particular since enemy accuracy goes up with level, try playing the circuit and you'll notice enemies hitscan snipe you from the other side of the map while you're bullet jumping, once the level starts going up significantly.
  22. This was a capture mission. Then it became an extermination (change of plans!). Then the game stopped spawning enemies. Then we ran around looking for reactant. Then 2 players gave up and went to extraction. Nobody was able to open their relic. We could just, you know, not have all this annoying broken crap that doesn't add anything (but bloody well substracts a lot!). If you lack the capability of making reactant work, why keep it?
  23. The 1 ability. Also the 2 ability works very well with the mod Condition Overload.
  24. While I'm not going to read all of that, what I've seen looks pretty good. Maybe DE should hire you, because you clearly put much more effort into thinking about these than DE did themselves. They just slapped stuff together, didn't even test half of it, and put in into the game as throwaway content. It's not like they are going to go back and fix or update this stuff, they already moved on.
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