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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. Out of all these answers the Innodem (only while in Incarnon mode and aim-gliding) and the Verdilac (every attack of the block combo) are the only real options. Both deal substantial damage and should satisfy your particular desire for a projectile. Contagion is more like a rocket launcher, several weapons only have projectiles on heavy attacks, and the Hate incarnon's projectile is probably not powerful enough unless you use warframe abilities to buff it. The Nepheri's fireballs are definitely not powerful enough, it's just 200% weapon damage as projectiles for the entire (quite slow!) combo. 2.9 seconds per 200% weapon damage is 69% weapon damage per second - that's completely atrociously terrible, there are combos with about 800% per second.
  2. It also is completely incapable of using Tennokai, or any heavy attacks at all, in addition to being unable to use combo based mods (Blood Rush). So basically, it can't use anything.
  3. Nullifier is sometimes useful, there's a number of enemies that can proc magnetic (like Thrax) - but these are special occasions, it's not a general use arcane. The other status preventing arcanes have no use however. If a toxin proc was going to kill you, the initial toxin hit already suffices, and everything else gets caught by shield gating. If I were to recommend an arcane it would be "Strike", attack speed is the most important stat on melee weapons, and the arcane is stronger than a primed mod.
  4. Rolling Guard is 13p right now, Rapid Resilience is 3p and drops from Corpus enemies. Helminth needs MR 8, that's nothing crazy.
  5. Rolling Guard removes status effects, Rapid Resilience helps by shortening the duration - ending the status effect before your shield gating invulnerability is over. There are also several subsumed abilities that can prevent status effects, like Spellbind.
  6. …just use the Xoris. And mod it for Corrosive. The first video I posted has some Xoris footage after the Glaive, it's good.
  7. Just a suggestion, but if you're going to prime the enemies how about you give the Bubonico a try? It's way better at it then the Phage, in my opinion. Not only is it AoE, it also has longer lasting status effects by default: And it can generate a lot of energy with Primary Exhilarate
  8. Thanks. I though it would have been obvious that putting Viral on your Glaive was pointless when you prime with your gun either way. By the way, did you know that you can mod your Cerata to deal Viral damage and it'll still proc Toxin as usual? Just in case you ever want to try playing without a primer.
  9. You could simply remove Vicious Frost from your Glaive and it would do much better against everything. Even better if you put Gladiator Might in that slot instead. Or, you know, a bane mod. That's what people usually put on slash weapons.
  10. Sounds pretty average, but that is absolutely not what you have shown in your clips. That was more like 1 enemy every 10 seconds.
  11. If your idea of a "surpisingly general" weapon is that you spend 5 seconds priming every single target with a gun then good for you. At least use an Epitaph or something for groups... I prefer to not prime at all:
  12. You are still priming every enemy one by one with a single target primer, and you prime with 14 Corrosive procs and 10 Viral procs. And you still have two dead mods on your Glaive. Your "test" is hilariously biased and impractical. How about you prime with Magnetic and Viral instead of Corrosive and Viral? Or how about you don't use a Glaive at all, since you point a gun at every single enemy for 5 seconds anyhow, at that point anything in your crosshairs should long be dead.
  13. Dude, if you're removing 100% of the targets armor you can kill those enemies with a rusty fork, and if you don't your Cerata does zero damage. Here's what glaives look like with no priming at all:
  14. It does not. At all. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Toxic_Ancient Terrible against Infested. Terrible against armor.
  15. That's ridiculous. You have two completely dead mods on your Glaive (since you prime with Viral), and you strip 100% of the enemies armor with your primer, completely mooting the point of using Grineer as targets.
  16. Shall I make you a video of me "decimating" those same enemies with a Magnetic/Gas weapon? And before you ask, no, Magnetic/Gas is *not* a "strong setup" at all.
  17. This is complete nonsense. Like complete nonsense. Viral/Slash is 100% effective against Murmur. Viral status multiplies the bleed as normal, and bleeds deal true damage which they do not resist. And neither Radiation nor Toxin is effective against Ferrite armor.
  18. How is this discussion still going? The Ciruit is long dead, stop beating it up already. The combination of random gear, completely useless braindead premade builds, being unable to mod stuff on the fly, people leaving left and right because of all of this, host migrations due to them leaving, the mode breaking down 100% of the time after host migration, and finally the loss of all rewards if the mode does break down, in addition to nonfunctional balancing (excarvators exploding before they hit the ground), ensured that the Circuit was dead on arrival. People only go there because it's the single way to get the current meta weapons, and they're super happy when they have to never ever ever suffer through this pile of terrible design ever again.
  19. This is completely false, if you went through the same procedure (grouping with Ensnare, damage buffing with Roar instead of Shooting Gallery's stealth multiplier, proccing the enemy up with a secondary) a Bramma would deal several times more damage despite not having access to Condition Overload. Regardless, the thread title is "Now that melee is worth using again..." - that should be enough clue to how absurdly irrelevant old videos about someone tryharding with their favourite Riven is. Stances are complete crap and need urgent reworking, at the very least the "forward combo" needs to also be usable with the "sideways" input. It's ridiculous that you can hold sideways while attacking and get the neutral combo (which likely catapults you forward while completely preventing sideways movement).
  20. Actually, the point about removing defense and excarvation when solo is surprisingly good. Thinking about it, the most effective way to protect these is by distracting enemies with your body, by standing closer to them than the objective is - obviously this just isn't possible when solo, as enemies spawn 360° around the objective (and even almost on top of it). I'm not sure it really matters in the end, as the Circuit is already dead to me either way (random garbage equipment? No thank you, I've already got my Incarnons), but making the mission type selection solo-friendly is a good idea in principle, at least. All of that being said, it is possible to stay in the Circuit indefinitely, solo, and without a frame that can defend objectives - it's just not worth the risk or hassle, with enemies spawning on top of excarvators and killing them in one hit, sometimes even before they hit the ground.
  21. I don't think nerfing TS (more) is going to have any effect at all. So that Titania is now spamming Null Star, how does that improve anything? And if you nerf Null Star next you'll have a Mirage with +100% parcour speed and her disco ball killing everything. Or a Saryn with Miasma. Or anyone at all with an explosive weapon, or Melee Influence. Killing weak enemies is the entire point of AoE abilities, if you don't want people killing your weak enemies, play solo or do Fissures on the Steel Path. The problem was never TS, the problem was you.
  22. Shooting Artemis Bow or Balefire Charger is a weapon attack, not an ability cast.
  23. Why are you expecting fissure missions (normal, *not* Steel Path) to be some sort of challenge? For most people these are just a chore, and using Thermal Sunder Titania makes the chore go by faster. On the Steel Path nobody is using TS, ever.
  24. I think the only reason to fight 60 eyes is for the fun, so you should in fact *not* run Octavia or limit your FPS.
  25. I don't think anybody ever said Railjack looks bad. In fact, I don't remember hearing anything but praise for the art and design in this game, ever. The problem is one of functionality. A lot of the bugs have been fixed, but using Archwing is no longer fun because of all the nerfs (to the enemies) and the removal of unique status effects, the Railjack is as clunky and unfun to use as ever, and regular enemies were nerfed so hard I might as well play the starchart.
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