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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. A weapon without crit is, apart from rare exceptions with special mechanics, not something you want either way. It's going to be literally completely useless against anything with a proc cap like Acolytes, why take that handycap?
  2. Atlas has a bunch of problems: 1): Why don't you just play Khora? Her whip is much, *much* better than Landslide. Like 100 times better. Her loot augment is *also* much better. Her cat is *also* much, *much* better than the Rumblers. And her Strangledome is *also* *so* much better than Petrify, as is Ensnare - it even works on Acolytes, Petrify does not. 2) Bugged / useless / weak abilities. Petrify actually can't be aimed with the camera, but with *Atlas's head* - it'll go completely off target in some situations. Atlas can make a useless rock wall and useless rock buddies. You need to target an enemy directly with Landslide, whereas Whiplash is an AoE ability. You can't petrify Eximus units for loot (an Eximus without Overguard is already dead), while Strangledome will pick them up and grant extra loot the instant the Overguard is gone. Ore Gaze is 25% at 75 energy and just too much effort. 3) Simply put, Atlas doesn't do anything at all. Lots of weapons are better than Landslide (by, pardon the pun, a landslide), and he really doesn't do *anything* else.
  3. If you wanted to make Limbo work outside of clunky solo play, you *have* to make rifted enemies attackable. And since Limbo *has* to have Stasis active 100% of the time anyway, you might as well make it part of an enemy being rifted by default. That way, being rifted is simply a form of CC like being frozen, plus enemies shooting across the rift get a 75% chance to automatically miss (similar to Xaku's dodge chance), which would in practice only apply to CC immune enemies as a "consolation price", and to Limbo/banished allies when being shot by non-rifted enemies. Limbo can still enter the rift himself to get the energy and damage benefits (from the augment, which would become an augment for his passive), but he would no longer be impervious to weapon attacks from enemies shooting across the rift, instead having the above 75% dodge chance for attacks from outside the rift. Next you'd change Cataclysm to very quickly shrink from being touched by a Nullifier bubble (until it ceases to touch them), instead of instantly detonating. Plus *nothing* outside of Cataclysm can damage anything *inside* (and vice versa), not via abilities nor via weapons, unless it is rifted (in other words, rifted creatures outside of Cataclysm count as both inside and outside at the same time, being able to damage anything either inside or outside), *and* all enemy gunfire is frozen within Cataclysm (which would only apply to CC immune enemies within Cataclysm). And you make Banish *always* banish enemies, even if Limbo himself is in the rift, and have Banish persist when entering/leaving Cataclysm. In summary: Banish is purely an upside to the team. No more frustration with their weapons not working, instead it's CC on enemies and a 75% dodge chance plus energy regen on allies. Cataclysm works on everything including abilities, being able to reliably protect whatever is inside from the outside (except anything outside that is banished). Stasis is the default now; Banished enemies are frozen, as are enemy projectiles within Cataclysm. Bonus: Limbo now has 2 free ability slots where DE can put some actual abilities instead of the redundant crap he has now.
  4. You can put 14 Corrosive procs on them with 5 shards, however it will not indicate that their armor is being removed (as opposed to say Acolytes, whose health will turn red from 14 Corrosive procs). Unless this is a visual bug, it appears to be entirely impossible to remove their armor.
  5. The only one I found is an invincible one:
  6. I don't think there is a Necramite anywhere. Been running around blowing stuff up with the Grattler, but I haven't even seen an enemy in a long while now.
  7. Netracells is prone to spawning objectives a thousand meters away from each other, the "kill area" might be 1000m from the Netracell, or each Necramite might be 1000m from said area (or both!). But now I've had the issue that the Necramite either doesn't exist, or isn't maked on the map at all. So I'd have to search the *entire* tileset for a tiny unmarked Necramite hiding in some corner. This is ridiculous.
  8. Honestly, a Catchmoon (max crit) modded for the element the boss is weak to should still be pretty great for a beginner. Otherwise, why don't you go into some more detail on what weapons you have available and what bosses you are trying to kill? As a primary the Tombfinger is probably better though.
  9. Here, first try 7 minutes 12 seconds. You can definitely go faster still:
  10. It really depends on the layout, but I've had about 7 minute times with Garuda. The blood orb can destroy Necramites from very far away, which I found rather handy. You don't have to find all three terminals by the way, so I suppose if you wanted to go for a record you could just ignore them and hope to get lucky. I sometimes skipped the last one on accident and it was fine since I was able to guess the Netracell location from the layout.
  11. This is *not* true, you can be reported for griefing if you, for example, get yourself rad procced on purpose and then destroy mission objectives. Turns out even in random matchmaking, griefing is in fact *not* allowed, and if I wanted to grief people I'd *definitely* pick Limbo.
  12. No he isn't. You can level cap with any frame and no mods at all, doesn't make it fine.
  13. So a) Limbo can't survive without his abilities, b) his abilities are a bother to your team, c) there are many other characters whose abilities *don't* bother people. Seems like an easy choice to me.
  14. Considering that SP Circuit had dogwater progression at the start, wanting to clear it in one go is pretty reasonable. And you hit level 9999 before that point.
  15. Please god play solo or don't ever use your abilities if you want to play Limbo. Nobody needs invincible enemies (yep, that's Limbo) / to have your weapons disabled unless you backflip every couple seconds (also Limbo) / to be unable to activate the mobile defense objective (you guessed it, it's your boy Limbo!). And for all that hassle, he provides *nothing* of any value. And now I remember Limbo from years ago, where he would just completely disable any and all guns of his entire team. You better had a good melee equipped, because that's all Limbo was gonna let you use! Truly the king of griefing.
  16. What challenge? Just equip Revenant. While Limbo can't attack enemies across the Rift and gets blasted by eximus abilities, Revenant is just invincible with no downsides.
  17. Limbo is a great frame around level 25. His abilities oneshot the entire map, and he can tank level 25 enemies all day. He's much better than Mesa at level 25. Oh, what is that? Level 25 is irrelevant and Limbo sucks? Why do you get to decide which level we use as a measuring stick?
  18. "aren't as good at doing what they do as other frames" doesn't even apply to Limbo, his abilities straight up do nothing against anything that isn't a trash mob, the absolute best you can do as Limbo is to *not use his abilities at all*, because they would accomplish very little anyhow, and just get in the way of your group.
  19. I just had a thought; Imagine if Titania could equip a *normal* melee weapon - she'd be so good! Maybe Diwata is intentionally useless.
  20. The heat procs being doubled or not is irrelevant in practice, but they probably are because the decoy indeed does activate Archon Stretch.
  21. Decoy has an elevated threat level; Enemies will prefer shooting it over you if they have line of sight on both (it's not perfectly reliable though). Molt has equal threat level to the player; Enemies will shoot whichever is closer to them (given that they have LoS of both). Generally speaking, enemies will shoot whatever is closer when it comes to players / objectives. You can for example distract enemies from an excarvator by standing closer to them than the excarvator.
  22. Oh, it's one of those! Yeah I've made this suggestion too, sometime in the past. Would be great, wouldn't it? Shame it's never gonna happen.
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