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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. All glaives actually are prone to resetting your effective combo (used for Blood Rush etc) to zero, despite your actual combo still remaining and locking you out of building more. Though in rare cases this can also cause you to have a higher Blood Rush counter than you're supposed to have. It's supposed to be "combo minus 1", or 11 at 12x combo, but due to the bug it can be pretty much anything, and most often is 0 at 12x. This most severely effects the Pathocyst, which is what I had to equip this week, as that weapon does not have any DoT on it's heavy attacks, making them subpar compared to other glaives (and subpar compared to *any* melee, as glaive heavy attacks actually are bugged to not benefit from Condition Overload at all) - if it weren't for the bug, you could use it at 12x combo for regular throwing. Here's the long version of the video I used for my bug report, more than 3 years ago:
  2. 3. Complain to DE that you don't want to play goddamn useless troll Limbo, nor weapons that have crippling bugs which I personally reported multiple times, first 3 years ago, and that DE simply ignores. Dont give me frames that are designed to be trash, and don't give me bugged garbage that you are too lazy to fix. Can't do that? Then don't do RNG, simple as.
  3. To even unlock elite, you actually *have* to clear one run with *everything* active - including all gear being from the random list. But yeah, funnily enough this makes elite the easier mode once you've unlocked it.
  4. Also a point of note with "headshot kills" - if an enemy dies to a status effect caused by a headshot, this does not qualify as a headshot kill. Combined with the fact that any damage apart from slash DoT becomes irrelevant against high level armored enemies (unless you remove said armor), you can easily find yourself in a situation where you quickly dispatch enemies via headshots, yet your "on headshot kill" conditional mods never trigger at all.
  5. This is incorrect, for example Garuda's Dread Mirror cannot be cast on overguard at all - you get an error; Invalid Target. So Overguard blocks the damage, the mobility, the shield, everything.
  6. It does not accumulate, highest score counts.
  7. Let me throw my opinion into the ring, as someone wholly unaffected by the change: You are rising prices in poorer regions of the globe, to a level that is disproportional to the income in those regions, because you feel you are "losing out on money you could have made" due to people in some form or another taking advantage of this - like for example paying in one of those weaker currencies despite not living in any of those regions, correct? Well then you are fools. It's the very same argument big companies make with piracy: "Oh we lost 7 gazillion dollars of profit last year because of piracy, boo hoo!" No you didn't, those people would never have bought whatever it is you are selling anyway. And if you then go and implement crazy DRM that just pisses your paying customer base off in order to capture all the virtual "lost money" you are imagining, all you do is throw away real profits. Make a good service, demand a reasonable price, make a good profit. And stop chasing things that don't exist.
  8. Expedite Suffering is useless against damage attenuated enemies. You do less damage by casting it than you'd do by... doing nothing. Acolytes for example have a wonky damage cap that applies to (most) abilities, including Expedite Suffering.
  9. Hold the button to get the damage buff (though it's a very small damage buff now).
  10. On the plus side, Torid's beam length is already more than sufficient. By the way, punch through also has no effect at all on the beam.
  11. You didn't read my post, a Blitz Eximus killed Chipper without downed state. He just flew into the air and I got a mission failed seconds later.
  12. Archon hunt missions with defensive objectives just randomly fail out of nowhere, if you pay attention you can see those Narmer guys killing it in one or two hits of their laser. Just now Chipper got instagibbed without even getting into downed state - he flew into the air after getting hit with a Blitz Eximus ability (I think) and the mission just failed. Considering that these missions take an absolutely atrociously boring 15+ minutes solo I really don't want to randomly get a game-over screen. What's your take on this?
  13. What is this sorcery, you're not going to let us pre-alpha test the new mode on the live servers? Is it going to *gasp* have reasonable rewards that don't get deleted by one of 7 different game breaking bugs? Quips aside, this is good, looking forward to it.
  14. The only reason that mod is ever good is if it bypasses damage attenuation (it does for Acolytes, for example). Otherwise rolling every two shots is far worse than putting something else in that mod slot and making use of the >8 shots per second fire rate.
  15. Affinity boosters also boost fokus, don't they? So there you go, it's already in the game. Not that I care either way, DE can just outright sell those eidolon shards for plat if they want for all I care.
  16. Could it also get armor equal to the highest armor value of any enemy in range, not affected by ability strength? Because otherwise it'll do nothing against high level Grineer.
  17. That's a great point; I tried Trinity myself a while back and had the exact same experience - with Link only, as great as it is for making you status immune, enemies *will* still kill you.
  18. You should use both. Though adaptation is far from a 90% damage reduction - of course it does nothing against initial hits (like occasional Bombard rockets), but it also fares rather poorly against "composite damage", that is enemies who deal multiple damage types in roughly equal amounts, since it only recognizes the highest damage type per hit.
  19. The skill is only worth using on frames that are already insanely tanky. Hildryn is going to love it. It'll probably stack with other abilities - x0,05 x0,25 for Mesa for example.
  20. My two favorite Helminth abilities haven't even been mentioned yet; For general play I like Breach Surge the best - you can animation cancel it with another cast (if you have enough casting speed), and it causes infinite AoE damage on enemies tagged with her 4. The CC is also nice. And if you really need something dead *now*, no questions asked (like a level 9k demolyst): Expedite Suffering with lots of casting speed (plus her 4). Whatever damage you tag the enemy with will get multiplied by roughly 7.5, exponentially, every ~0.3 seconds. I've had people ask me in a public disruption why the demolysts all suddenly drop dead, this is why (there's 4 casting speed shards on Garuda): And Quick Thinking is really only there for comfort, so I don't drop dead if I'm careless and tap to 2 HP, then walk into some sort of life drain - like from those Leech Eximus, or the Netracell one.
  21. A big damage buff (75% compared to Roar's 30%), a retaliatory stagger, procs the best status in the game on everything, *and* infinite energy. It's not overrated, it *is* that good.
  22. Or you could use Nourish, makes your 4 proc Viral *and* Slash, and greatly increases it's damage. Also makes you go to 100% energy in one cast even with negative efficiency.
  23. His 4 does 40% health damage as Toxin (and removes armor prior to the damage), thus it kills everything in one cast if the enemies have Viral procs (which they should have 10 of, because you have the un-nerfed version of Nourish). And you only need 134% strength for the full armor strip. If you really want Grendel to nuke everything, you're free to add +Toxin damage green shards. Then you don't even need the Viral procs. Or Roar. Total overkill though.
  24. It's not hypocrisy if person a says one thing, and person b says the opposite.
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