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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. Someone should make a team of: Hildryn with Voracious Metastasis and Nourish Any 3 other frames with Thermal Sunder and all casting speed archon shards. This setup should make short work of even levelcap. And if you record it you'll probably get Thermal Sunder nerfed.
  2. The Riven is perfect for using a Hunter Munitions non-armor strip Latron. There's an evolution that also ups the critical stats significantly that's competing with the armor strip one, and it's arguably better. Enjoy that awesome Riven.
  3. I wouldn't worry about that kinda thing. I've been called a cheater in PvP games before, and I've never had any issues since I never cheat.
  4. Apart from the fact that we already have a necromancer frame, there are a couple of issues that I think you'll agree with: Damage reduction shouldn't start at 90%, else why put ability strength on the frame at all? Third ability seems terrible, small range, high cost, obsolete effect (1 is better CC, less damage than a weapon would do and in a smaller area). An ability cannot be modified by more than one augment at the same time. DE has nerfed summons (Wukong's clone) because they specifically do not want for AI companions to do the killing for you. The best you can hope for in summons are damage soaks. I'm not sure it makes sense for a necromancer to summon warframe specters, as they aren't really alive in the first place. Unless he had access to the original body, but that would require retroactively changing the lore. I think the style you were going for is cool though.
  5. Then just give them a weakpoint where the player can shoot them down after they've been activated or something. Or make them zap the player who triggered the trap and then turn off again.
  6. I think those traps should be made more deadly, as it stands people just rush through them because they are irrelevant.
  7. Enemies don't just get spawned, they also teleport. It's entirely possible that some of the enemies that spawned ahead of you then got teleported behind you. You'll notice this if you scan enemies for Simaris rep: You have to also kill them or eventually every enemy that apparently "spawns in" is actually already scanned.
  8. These Rivens are worth the same as any unrolled one for the respective weapon - the stats you got are worthless. And since the weapons in question are not in any way, shape, or form meta, that means not much. Maybe 50p, but that's if you even find someone willing to buy them at all. Rolling Rivens is only advisable if you want to use them yourself, or if they are for a meta weapon - say Glaive Rivens would be great for rolling.
  9. Looks like it's 300-350 plat for a rank 5 one.
  10. Incarnon weapons have been specifically nerfed to behave that way, originally they worked as you want. Also I'm 60% confident that this nerf was done on purpose, DE has a long history of nerfing popular items.
  11. Just keep in mind that it's nerfed by 50% in the Helminth, and has a 1 second cooldown.
  12. Well, since overguard does have a 0.5 second gate now, the new version actually makes your companion invincible as long as you melee stuff. Unless you were playing Inaros to get some absurd health values on your companion this might be a buff. And even then I don't think it's that bad.
  13. Just free to play things. In the free to play model, the developer is incentivised to make the game an absolute slog, and to give you the option to pay for the privilege of not playing. Your entire post translates to "$$$".
  14. That's where the idea came from, people have been asking for *years* to have precisely that function on Ash - long before Kullervo. So the answer is unfortunately "no", if DE wanted to fix up Ash they'd have had many years of opportunity, they chose not to.
  15. The big problem with the old system was that you'd feel the need to have *less* shields. With the changes you are no longer punished for having a bigger max shield value, and this is just objectively good. In place of the previous shield gating strategy (get your shields down to ~75 with a decaying dragon key, and get one of your abilities to restore that much via energy to shield conversion) there will likely be 3 options: Same as before, except a) you need an extra mod slot, and b) you don't need to hit 100% shield restore per cast - say 85% would be totally fine now. Rolling Guard + shield recharge delay mods. Not sure if this actually works, but if it does it might be problematic. As much shields and / or shield restore as possible. Simple and effective. As someone who has used shield gating quite a bit, I'm satisfied with the changes. It's an improvement for sure.
  16. So you want to play with random people, but you also want those people by chance all: Stay in the mission for at least 20 minutes, have no emergencies or sudden visits or calls happen, stick to you like Robin to Batman, play at exactly your pace, do all the objectives for you, not use any nuke abilities and/or generally just don't kill anything they don't absolutely have to. Ithink what you're looking for is a slave, not a random person.
  17. This is getting a bit ridiculous. Hydroid literally dissolves 100% of enemies combat armor instantly - not even the strongest acids used in chemistry are *that* strong. And you guys are telling me that jells perfectly with him being the water / ocean frame because salt water. Have you ever been in to the ocean? Have you tasted sea water? Did you notice your skin *not* falling of your body during a swim? Ocean water is cool, pleasant, clean. You don't get diseases or acid burns from it. You just don't. Hydroid is *far* better at dissolving metal and diseasing his enemies than Saryn with this rework. 100% armor strip vs 80%, 10 viral procs vs 1. Salt water > nerve agent + acid.
  18. I really don't see it, water cleanses and cools, it doesn't dissolve metal. If you get acid on you the first thing you do is rinse with lots of water. Acid and Viruses are the opposite of water, in many ways. The water-frame becoming the "removes all armor instantly via acid and procs everything up with viral-frame" just doesn't fit with the theme at all.
  19. I've lived at the ocean (a couple times actually). Yes, metal corrodes near the sea - slowly over years. It is not in any way, shape, or form comparable to acid. You don't dip some metal into the sea and it comes out full of holes, that's not how water works. You can swim in the stuff.
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