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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. In the mini-stream today, Reb said they were going to try to make them an auxiliary before release. Although Steve pointed out that removing them might encourage infection, lol. https://www.youtube.com/live/F-sXHQIgAeA?si=NOWehAhrBAwpG5rm
  2. Totally reasonable, and I don't expect the passive to require Noctua. OTOH I can't help but wonder anyway. Because... "If Grendel required Feast to get his armor bonus, it would be listed under Feast and not his passive." :P
  3. I don't have an opinion on the Helminth version yet. But more importantly ...thank you for revising your thinking on the base ability changes.
  4. No. In fact the original Incarnon datamine leak had Kulstar, but its spot was taken by Atomos on release. The theory being DE only remembered late in the process that Kulstar had an altfire. :P There have been a number of solutions proposed for Incarnon altfire weapons. But until DE actually implements one, I'm going to assume they're less likely.
  5. This one?: I don't see how a reasonable person could take it that way.
  6. I alluded to this earlier in the same sentence you quoted from. If it's because I said they were "trying to address it", that's only because I don't want to assume the Decoy problem has been solved until I've played with it.
  7. I think you're right in a way, but Efficiency is only part of the equation. I find Energy (and Duration) sources generous enough that Efficiency is rarely important. This probably feels different to people who don't have all these sources yet though.
  8. I don't see anything against it in the guidelines. If you want my personal opinion on informal etiquette, it's nearly always fine, but every once in a while done in a way that strikes me as crass. For instance, doing it in a thread more than once, or disparaging the ideas or conversation in a topic, overtly or subtly, while promoting ones own in comparison.
  9. I enjoy Switch Tele, so I see things very differently. I don't want it combined with another ability in any way that would make his current options clunkier. For instance, combining it with Decoy as a tap/hold. I can totally understand how that sounds like a good compromise when a player doesn't see much point in one or both though. I'd rather add another function or two to the base ability, so it's more appealing to more players. (Especially without the augment.) I also think this is far more likely than a consolidation, and a new ability...although "no improvement" is obviously the most likely future ahead of us. I also have a much higher opinion of Safeguard Switch, partially because I don't use other invuln options much. I don't play Revenant or Nyx. Don't do a lot of shieldgating or Protective Dash spam. I do play Valk, but nearly always without Hysteria. But more than anything the augment opened up another, more hectic way of playing Loki, and I've gotten hours of entertainment out of it. Again, I can understand how this might feel different to somebody who doesn't have fun using Switch Tele in the first place, or values easier sources of invulnerability, or whatever. I'm probably way out in the wilderness in my views on this compared to most players.
  10. As an enjoyer of Loki's current playstyle, I really appreciate that Pablo doesn't want to make him a dps frame. As an enjoyer of Loki's current playstyle who also sees lots of room for improvement in his kit, I don't understand Pablo's actual response at all. It does make some sense in the context of knowing that they've only got so much time to revisit old frames. But he didn't say that. Since they are actually trying to address one of the biggest problems with Loki fulfilling his current playstyle--the absurd flimsiness of Decoy--I'm just going to put it down to "Tweets are more conducive to fragmentary explanations than full ones" and leave it at that.
  11. There definitely is an issue. But I like making headshots with shotguns, so to me the problem feels more like Incarnon charge economy, post- multishot nerf. Every Dual Toxo headshot produces 30 Incarnon rounds. Every Bronco headshot produces 0.5 Incarnon rounds, 3.5 if every pellet lands (normalized for multishot mods)...which won't happen. Is the Bronco Incarnon mode 10x to 60x more powerful per shot than the Toxo's? Oh, hell no. And it's harder and slower to land those headshots with the Bronco, so the disparity is even worse than that. And that's not even the most extreme comparison--I'm not even going to talk about Torid, lol. Anyway, rebalance the headshot charge economy, taking into account accuracy and reload quotient in the base mod, so it more closely corresponds with Incarnon output...and the whole system will immediately feel a lot better to me. I am very open to additional, alternative ways to charge Incarnon weapons though. As long as headshots remain the most efficient way to do it, given adequate skill and actual heads to shoot at.
  12. Yeah, Progeny blocking movement (and, if you don't have punch through, shots!) is maybe the most irritating thing about his kit. And to me one of the biggest signs people at DE don't play him. I just don't see how something like that doesn't get fixed for over two years otherwise.
  13. I'm betting that way too, although it's more about these being designed with Overguard in mind rather than conversions of old mechanics. (But I'm also not absolutely convinced it's not just a die roll. :P )
  14. Rhino Iron Skin and Atlas Rumbled Overguard are also nullified. Personally I think they probably all should be nullified. Kullervo might have a better case for being an exception though, because he has no shields and no shield gate, and can't charge up in safety. (Styanax shares the latter, but can at least damage bubbles with his 4.) Although I think I'd still prefer Kullervo had to be more careful of bubbles, and just got a slightly longer Overguard gate when it gets nullified. Maybe 0.75 or 1s, rather than the standard 0.5. I'm really curious to see whether Dante's Overguard is nullifiable or not.
  15. Biggest thing is Coil Horizon only holds the grouping for a couple of seconds, unmoddable. Larva has 7s base, moddable. It's also only 25 energy compared to 50--significant for players that don't have all the energy solutions available yet. CH is harder to use if just considering a single cast, and there are some odd things it can't do like be cast upwards or jump a gap. Of course if energy isn't an issue CH is spammable, while Larva isn't without the augment. Anyway, they might be out of wack, but I wouldn't call it that weird. Out of Helminth grouping tools the stark juxtapositions for me are definitely Ensnare versus Pull or Larva. Ensnare is so good unless the build is relying on the ragdoll damage mechanic / bug.
  16. The gimmick was in the loot gathering on non-Mag frames with longer base range than it has now. These people thought it would be even better with the new Pull mechanics, but probably weren't aware of how much the injected version's range would be reduced. (I think DE mentioned a range reduction in advance, but not that it was going to be halved.) Again, I don't know that the range reduction was because of Greedy Pull, and I don't think it was -all- about Greedy Pull. It just seems plausible to me it was a factor.
  17. Qorvex strikes me as mirroring this, though to a lesser degree.
  18. I'm not sure. There was some talk about Greedy Pull builds being one of DE's anti-"automation" targets right around Veilbreaker. I did see a pretty awful looking video centered on exploiting it with a Nekros Wukong camp strat right before that talked about how much easier it would be with the new version.
  19. I think every ability should be weaker when injected, with some caveats. - This could be handled by f making them stronger on their native frame in many cases. - A few abilities like Shuriken and Decoy need a general buff before considering anything else. - Some abilities may already be sufficiently stronger on the native frame due to synergies. - A few abilities that are already weaker when injected are penalized too much. You mentioned Pull, and to me that's a great example. (Greedy Pull is probably the issue. But if so, that should be dealt with directly )
  20. Stripping eximus through Overguard is standard. I would not be surprised if there are a few exceptions, but I can't think of them. All the strips I use regularly work: Fusion Strike, Sonic Fracture, Seeking Shuriken, Terrify, Tharros Strike, Pillage, HG/Reckoning, Caustic Strike, Corrosive, Shattering Impact... Frost Avalanche was one originally, but was fixed by DE early on.
  21. Earth outdoor nodes are on a different, longer day/night cycle than Plains. I'm not positive, but I think you can tell in game by looking at the outdoor node pictures on the Nav Screen. The wiki also has a timer: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Grineer_Forest
  22. Check out Citrine's Prismatic Gem.
  23. I'm hoping they at least do something like raise significantly the base damage bonus for Mirage.
  24. On Kullervo and Rhino, Combat Discipline removed Overguard instead of health last I checked. It's possible it's changed or that it works differently when other players are the source of the Overguard, I don't know.
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