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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Reb mentioned 190 during the stream but also said she could have been misremembering. I really think it would be much, much higher than that.
  2. Stances shouldn't even have a real polarity, and just add the extra capacity. It's nuts that if you like claws or nikana or any single stance class you don't have to worry about matching stance polarities at all, but if you like dual daggers there are three different ones, Or if Grim Fury is your favorite stance in the world, there isn't even a sparring weapon that matches it, lol. Of course, around the last time I made a big deal about this, Stance Forma got introduced. :/
  3. If it is unintended, they've definitely been aware that it exists for a very long time. Maybe I'm mixing it up with something else, but I think there was even an old post talking about it from one of the technical people there. Maybe in regard to Roar. In any case, if it was to be removed, whether it was called a nerf or a bugfix...that has no direct bearing on my desire for status damage mods.
  4. I believe the technology now exists to figure out what 1.55 * 1.55 equals. That would be a starting point for determining a final bonus.
  5. I'd like universal DoT multiplier mods, i.e., doing very roughly what banes do but just for damage over time procs. If we got those, they could get rid of the bane mods entirely for all I care, though both that and true universal banes seem very unlikely to me.
  6. Not only that, but you could start a new account, do everything right, get nearly to MR30...and then find out somebody else got there a couple of hours before you. :P
  7. All props to @Probably_Asleep ... ...and I think it would be great if DE mentioned the accomplishment in a stream or something, or did some sort of easy one-off like a forum title. But making a formal path for that to encourage more people to grind their arses off for a unique reward? Terrible idea. Fortunately there's no way DE's going to do anything like that. It's very much in their interests for people to do the opposite.
  8. Seems like it. The only explanation I think we got was this... The limit of players you can choose to /ignore is now capped at 100. When adding a new ignored user, the older ignored user will be prompted for removal if already at 100. The count and cap has been added to the ‘Manage Ignore List’ screen for ease of use. This decision was made after a performance issue was revealed and a cap must now be added to avoid further issues. From here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1275793-nightwave-nora’s-choice-update-3060/
  9. It turns out I was looking at the wrong frame's profile numbers when I ran the test earlier. Oberon Prime specter kills are definitely counting toward Oberon Prime profile kills. IIRC they could also count toward usage%, but I have too much actual usage on my available specters for a quick test to be likely to confirm that. They don't count toward experience though. The specter's primary kills also counted toward my total Phenmor kills. Also a couple of Phenmor headshots.
  10. It used to be very good and it's not useless now, but I'm pretty skeptical of it since Galvanized Diffusion was released. This lowered the value of Shrapnel's multishot contribution, and to me the weapon cries out for Lethal Torrent's RoF bonus. Even status isn't clear cut, since RoF helps a great deal with status application over time. I like headshotting with it, which makes a crit build best, so there's no room for both. If somebody isn't into headshots or can offload RoF bonuses to an ability or arcane, I suppose Shrapnel still has a niche there. (Although I'd also want Punch Through and a bane mod ideally, so...)
  11. Congrats, that's amazing. Do you have any Kills on spectered frames? It used to be that specters could add to these numbers. It looks like this was fixed or partially fixed at some point, but I don't know when. (Not that I'm suggesting you'll need to start over if this is the case. :P )
  12. If you're not opposed to buying virtual goods outright, there's a $5 pack that includes it and 100 plat. Worth it? Hard to say. I've gotten a ton of joy out of that weapon--it's in my top 5 for sure. But if you just want something to farm stuff fast or semi-mindlessly, probably not.
  13. I don't agree. If I don't care about the shards, I don't see why I should have to pay to remove them on top of the cost of subsuming the frame. That would be making the current system a small step worse AFAIC. If you're just referring to an automatic refund of shards on subsume, I don't see the problem there either. Each type of frame can only be subsumed once, so it's not like players can circumvent bile costs forever by doing so. I'm fine with the current confirmation box system. And I'm fine with shards being refunded. I'd even be fine with what you proposed--I just prefer the other two.
  14. Which makes the removal cost mandatory. Which might be DE's intent, but right now we can decide for ourselves whether to pay the cost or not when subsuming. I prefer that to paying bile on a frame I'm getting rid of to preserve shards I don't care about. But since we're going offtopic from Players Helping Players into Feedback, the best and fairest thing would be Helminth burping up shards.
  15. Oh, the reason for that simple: all the people who aren't crazy are running it solo. In other words, trying to run it with randoms...
  16. Ah, I didn't see your edit... That's the confirmation box I get when I try to subsume a frame without shards installed. If I use a frame with shards, I get a confirmation box that includes the warning about shards I quoted earlier. So this is showing that the confirmation boxes are customized depending on what's installed on the frame. If you see the confirmation box with no warning about shards while on a frame with shards installed, that should be bug reported.
  17. Closest for me is Veldt probably. Still love it; and still use it occasionally. But it's very high effort in horde-y Steel Path. Prisma Grinlok has the same problem, but kind of worse. It has much better stats, but the slower RoF makes it tougher going. Similar story with Euphona. Those weapons haven't changed--the game has changed around them. For one that has outright changed for the worse: Javlok, specifically the throw build. The speargun rework really killed it, though it's still usable as a rifle. I guess I'd put Talons in that category too. They weren't eviscerated in the same way Javlok throws were, but the AoE ammo nerfs made them much harder to use. It's pretty funny that they were hit much harder than things like KTonkodonk and Envoy.
  18. I think this is true too. Or at least, if it didn't happen simultaneously with the Prime, it didn't happen long before the Prime release.
  19. Furis in Incarnon form can be added to the list. Have you had a chance to look at Tenet Glaxion?
  20. This screenshake is on the regular Incarnon Furis too. I don't have the MK1 to test, but using anti-recoil mods/arcanes reduces it. Using more than 100% eliminates it entirely, at least at 60 FPS. Which is the other thing to look at: if you're running higher FPS, this screenshake will be worse. Same problem exists on some other beams like Phantasma.
  21. Almost certainly not a bug, though I don't blame you for wondering since no explanation is hinted at in game. Generally--there are exceptions in either direction--passive reload mods are disallowed on weapons that have an AoE component.
  22. If you're concerned about the base form, there's really no comparison in terms of power. Even after perks are taken into account, Strun Prime will always have better damage, crit, RoF, reload, and falloff. It even has some innate punch through, which is handy if you're not using a channeling power for the PT evo. It does have less status application per triggerpull. But with two more pellets and better RoF its theoretical status application per second gets close to the Wraith's, and can pull ahead with the status evo. Even for someone who doesn't care so much about the base form and thinks, "Well, the Wraith will be easier to charge up as it's less likely to kill targets before headshots register on them," I'm skeptical. Punch Through, multishot, and RoF help with charging up too, and the Strun Prime has much less spread than the Wraith, which means more headshot charges on targets that can take the hits.
  23. You may be right, but I would not have drawn the same conclusion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edam_cheese
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