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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. You know what a smart solution for that would be? Fixing the ability. Rather than, you know, adding an augment slot to every frame, whether they need it or not. :/ You're probably thinking "But they'll never fix the abilities that need it." It's very rare, but they do sometimes go back and give old abilities QoL or outright boosts. And at least the Design Director hasn't outright said it's not happening. Which he has about augment slots, most recently a month ago.
  2. I don't have that skin, but based on similar problems that have come up in the past, I'm going to make the following presumption.. I think all of the DotD weapon skins are for individual weapons and their direct variants. So Orthos DotD works on Orthos and Orthos Prime, but not other weapons in the polearm weapon class, like Cassowar or Serro. Makes perfect sense so far, right? Unfortunately back in the depths of time DE made "nikana" both a weapon and a weapon class. So the DotD skin is for the Nikana and its prime, but not the zaw Nikana or the Dragon Nikana, which are part of the weapon class, but not variants of the Nikana. lol If you're thinking this is confusing, opaque, misleading, and DEs responsibility to make right, I agree. But they never have publicly done anything about it. You should be able to get a refund, especially if you bought the skin recently.
  3. One built or two bps have been suggested many times, and either still sound great to me.
  4. I'll just copy some testing I did a long time ago in case it's helpful: I did a crude damage test against 6 x L185 SP CHG Eximus, all headshots. Holding trigger until death, not waiting for bleeds. Numbers are ammo leftover starting from full, so higher is better. Basic build: GChamber, GAptitude, Crit Delay, HM, 60/60 Viral, Zoom mod which would be Primed Shred, Vile Accel, or a bane normally. Also had Deadhead instead of Merciless. Since I was shooting only 1 target at a time, Merciless would have sucked too. Hammer Shot: 403, 428, 389. Avg 407 Vital Sense: 504, 550, 607. Avg 554 Vital Sense + PCR instead of Rime: 528, 566, 618. Avg 571 So based on that very preliminary test, HM builds shouldn't trade out Vital Sense for Hammer shot. The difference going to PCR is basically insignificant AFAIC, so probably even less worth the build inflexibility than normal. Again though, just a first stab at this. Obviously that testing all assumed HM. Based on a lot of non-Gotva testing, I'd say HM would be very hard to give up on a pure puncture weapon, except, obviously, in cases where things are dying too fast for it to matter. I see some things in the Gotva test setup I'd do differently now, although I think part of it was I was limited by capacity. My "final" build for it is the same as Voltage's, but with Rime Rounds instead of PCR. If I was using the weapon more, I'd really want to get Primed Shred on there. I love RoF on it, and the innate PT it has is so low as to often be pointless. I'm not sure if I'd replace the Bane or Gaptitude. Dropping Gaptitude probably sounds sacrilegious, but it's not crazy on setups where I can't count on additional status effects from other sources. Granted, these are easier than ever to get now. I liked the weapon well enough. But when want my assault rifle fix, I'm reaching for a few other options I like even more, very often Aeolak. So after my initial interest in figuring out its gimmick before DE gave up the info, I really haven't touched it. edit: have a couple of videos about this from people a lot more competent than me. Their builds are pretty different from each other though. https://youtu.be/vDTwmK4qZmM?si=wdqYHz6TzRpqc3Xo https://youtu.be/YOkSoIySZ1s?si=h4rOm9usbSx0e5Mb
  5. Yeah, I use them on a few pure primer weapons. They make these slightly better at their job, and are a little cheaper. Still, I wish there was a larger gap between the ranged pure status mods and their Galvanized upgrades.
  6. In case you don't know, they do show up, they're just really, really, really, really rare. I think DE tried to address this a long time ago: Hotfix 24.0.7 (2018-11-15) Ticker Changes Since the initial release of Fortuna, the acquisition of Debt-Bonds has proven to require further changes in order to bring balance between the procurement methods. As it is known, you can obtain Debt-Bonds by purchasing Ticker’s Case# or from Bounty rewards. Ticker’s inventory not only took quite some time to refresh, but the inventory itself did not offer a diverse source at any given time. Considering the cost at which Debt-Bonds are required to Rank up in Solaris United, we have made the following changes to bring a more balanced rotation for Ticker: There will now always be 3 Common, 1 Uncommon, and 1 Rare Case# available at any given time. But for instance, right now at Ticker, I'm seeing 6 different Training / Shelter offerings and nothing else. I'm nearly certain those are both common, and at minimum there should always be 3 different bonds available. Either the fix was reverted accidentally, or intentionally without documentation. Or common, uncommon, and rare don't mean what I think they should, perhaps relating to resource cost instead. That doesn't seem very plausible considering the stated goal of the change, but I can't rule it out completely. Or maybe the higher tier mods are there, but I can't see them due to not having the resources. Again, seems unlikely, as it doesn't match the behavior of similar shop items that would just be grayed out in that situation.
  7. I don't have Diplos, but Sepulcrum is fun as hell. One of my 3 favorite sidearms. Its lock-in mode is much better suited to slower play...and afaic, that's fine. There are some improvements I've always wanted for it. The only significant one is that locking on fewer than the max targets should concentrate its firepower rather than reducing it. That would be a situational increase to the speed of its gameplay, but not the main point.
  8. Probably just it's own thing. I don't know what's going on under the hood of course. But to take a real stab at analyzing some overt differences... On enemies Overguard doesn't prevent status or crits. it's also only almost neutral to damage type, having a vulnerability to void. On players it provides proc immunity, although this only got added later. It reportedly shares the vulnerability to void damage. I'd be surprised if it prevents crits, but don't actually know.
  9. There are a few things with hp that are crit immune...but you'll be sad to learn these are status immune as well. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage/Object
  10. It seems ok to me that there are a very few status immune enemies. We need some more crit immune enemies if anything. :P
  11. The ultimate trick is to play it solo with a radiation immune frame. If you play it with a nuke frame it can be much quicker than with a team too. When I feel like doing these with a squad and want to be 99% sure it's successful I use Loki with Safeguard Switch, as he can make the operative (and himself) invulnerable for long periods. Loki can also move the operative to safer and/or easier to defend locations. Radial Disarm, Decoy, and Invisibility have some value in these too, but really Safeguard can do all the heavy lifting. Loki's still only 99% successful because there is a bug where the operative can fall through the map and fail the mission. Same thing general thing can be done with any frame and Vazarin dash, but that's way more spammy. There's also Revenant Mesmer Skin's augment, which I think works on defense operatives. But I dislike Revenant and will take just about any excuse to play Loki. If you don't have these options I might have other suggestions.
  12. There are some downsides, especially for PC users. But the fact that 3 numbers after your name is what put you over the edge into "No Cross Play Land" is pretty funny. :P Obviously they're not going to abandon cross save. So realistically the best you can do is push for a different way to handle the problem and/or hiding the numbers.
  13. It's the Trumna regular fire explosion, not the grenade. Although there are some other examples on the list that are hilarious to imagine with working multishot.
  14. Injected Nourish doesn't have the requirement.
  15. Just to add to this, as somebody who has all of these weapons, "Blade And Whip" brings up nothing but regular Lacera. "Whip" brings up it and Mios...as well as a bunch of actual Whips, obviously.
  16. I don't know about any, not having tried to test that. But I would expect it to affect normal attacks. Eximus, ranged, and special attacks (and Infested have some odd ones) I'd want to look at individually.
  17. The wiki's description matches what I've seen in the past. Bolding the most important bits: Grants a passive aura to itself and allies within 10m. Affected units will have a purple glow. The aura grants three effects: Reduces damage received from Warframe powers by 90%. Does not stack with multiple Ancient Disruptor auras. Reduces the duration of Warframe abilities on on affected units by 75%. This effect stacks multiplicatively with multiple Ancient Disruptor auras. With enough of them near each other in a given area, this can allow them and other infested affected by their aura to ignore certain crowd control abilites such as Vauban's Bastille. On hitting a Warframe, drains energy equal to 25% of the attack's damage (this is separate from the Magnetic Status Effect). This effect stacks additively with multiple Ancient Disruptor auras. Energy drained is affected by certain forms of Damage Reduction. I'll add that a quick Sim test shows it's based on damage before that damage is negated by Hysteria. (And I probably shouldn't have made fun of you. :P ) This doesn't happen with Mesmer, so maybe that has something to do with Valk's damage storage feedback mechanic? Seems plausible as a guess. Otherwise nothing I see in the video makes me doubt the conclusion it's the aura. The drain is too high to be magnetic, and you don't show a magnetic debuff on your screen or in your status bar. Anyway, because it scales with enemy damage and multiple Disruptors, besides being an aura that can affect a lot of potential units and their attacks, it's a much bigger deal than magnetic procs/Energy Leech at sufficient levels. Of course Infested be like...
  18. Not saying this shouldn't be fixed, but it's a mechanical issue with all hitscan radial damage instances: So, as Rainy said... Ambassador alt-fire explosion. Mausolon explosions on both main and alt-fire. Trumna main-fire explosion. Battacor alt-fire explosion. Ferrox main-fire explosion. Tenet Ferrox main-fire explosion. Opticor Vandal explosion (likely Opticor too). Braton Incarnon explosion. Burston Incarnon explosion. Zylok Incarnon explosion. Regular Opticor explosion has been confirmed as well.
  19. Yeah, definitely a bug when he's got Overguard up. Since you're seeing it against Corrupted that throws out the Disruptor idea. I guess the next thing to ask is whether you're positive there is always an energy leech around, or if it's possible it's something even weirder causing the problem. Since you said you're not even seeing "bubbles" it makes me wonder.
  20. That's the aura ganking your energy. Magnetic procs only drain 80 maximum and don't do it instantly. Also you're immune to them in Hysteria. :P
  21. Ah, Kullervo. So...I have very rarely experienced some energy drain on him even with Recompense Overguard up, which is supposed to provide immunity to both magnetic procs and the Disruptor energy drain. I've only noticed this against Infested, so I assumed it was a Disruptor bug. But it's been rare enough maybe I just haven't run into other instances of it. I'm curious why you're running Nullifier on him though? I have a build I do this with when going against Infested, but it's one where I have Recompense replaced.
  22. Do you ever see the magnetic UI distortion with Nullifier equipped? Are you specifically having the problem against Infested? If you're using Arcane Nullifier the possibility that comes to mind is you're experiencing an Ancient Disruptor aura, not energy leech/magnetic procs. (Disruptors do have a potential magnetic proc on their arm attack, but this is only an additional and relatively minor source of their energy drain.) I just did a quick test in the Sim and experienced no drain at all with Nullifier on against Energy Leech Butchers. When I changed that to a couple of Disruptors and some Runners (no Eximus), all units could drain my energy by striking as long as I was near a Disruptor. Which would be the expected behavior.
  23. Aznvasions has a fun looking build for this here: https://youtu.be/BD7JoqxxtKg?si=uFtrF3F1jH7RMbTW&t=394
  24. If not enough reactant is collected, no relic is spent. That's the way it's supposed to work anyway. I've occasionally seen complaints of this not being the case, but never experienced it myself that I know of.
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