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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Ground finishers are easy mechanically. Knock a target down, put your reticle on the prone body, and hit melee attack while in melee range. There can be some issues with it, I think the most common ones being the target dying or other CC taking effect before the finisher is registered. These are under our control if we play solo. Every once in a while I'll run into a problem where I can't activate it, I -think- maybe because of the body being too near some geometry for the animation to play. It's not totally rare, but I can go whole mission using lots of ground finishers (Primed Paralysis builds) without it happening either. You experiencing only a 5% success rate tells me something else is going very wrong for you. I don't have the Incarnon Magistar--it's completely plausible there is something wrong with that evo properly registering ground finishers. I also wouldn't automatically trust DE to have successfully converted all finisher conditions to include ground finishers.
  2. Sorry... :P I do understand it's inconvenient for conventional kills per minute. But whenever you're craving "conventional" rather than the pure delight of flinging enemies into the outer atmosphere, there are about 500 other weapons to choose from. If loving Talon nonsense is wrong, I don't wanna be right:
  3. Oh sorry. As penance I confirmed this isn't working in mission, after noticing that the evolution wasn't changing properly in the Sim. (I was still getting both Trusty Sidearm buffs even after switching to Hoplite.) In mission, I was getting 266 / 531 non-Incarnon body shot damage with against Overguard with Trusty Sidearm, 239/478 with Hoplite. Unmodded, no other pertinent Evos or buffs, other than a damage blessing that was active for both. For me it wasn't changing over unless I went all the way back to the Orbiter. I only tested this briefly, but that would match the behavior of past Sim equipment update bugs. Very inconvenient, and hopefully it doesn't mean those larger problems are back.
  4. Absolutely. I'm glad the tab funciton exists (Although do people on controllers have access to it?) but an icon would be immeasurably better. I'll also tack on what I always do every time this is proposed: DE, please give us the ability to favorite relics and use that (and vault status) as a sort condition.
  5. I absolutely agree with your suggestion. But does pressing tab while hovering over the relics mid-match not work? I can't remember for sure. It does work in the Void Relic console, though not in inventory or info screens.
  6. It's working for me in the Sim. Damage goes from 459 to 663 on yellow crit and Critical Parallel with the buff active, which is showing up on the buff bar. I noticed you're testing against Corpus in the images. The buff is triggered on personal shield break, not enemy, which should be spelled out on both this and Incarnon Gorgon.
  7. Each NW series store only takes its specific currency. Old currency doesn't disappear from your inventory, but is worthless other than some paltry credit value.
  8. I've presumed there is a backstage reason for the gaps, as it seems more in DE's interests to have them transition seamlessly. Otherwise, yeah, no interval would be better and simpler for people to understand. That aside, I've always advocated for a unified currency, an old-to-new exchange value, or at least a transitional store to cover the gap periods. It took years, but we finally got a simple countdown timer in game not that long ago, so I haven't given up hope on further improvements.
  9. I don't recall an announcement it would end any day but the 22nd. The 29th is the scheduled start for the next series, but there is always a gap between them.
  10. I've been wanting better stealth content for a long time. Very cool raw ideas here. This is one of the things I always look for in these proposals. Good job. I think some additional counter-invisibility enemies / objects / mechanics would be nice too, rather than it being just one specific type of enemy.
  11. Seems unlikely DE intended it to work with holstered reload in the first place. If they did, they sure didn't realize the ramifications. So I expect any fix to involve it no longer working or no longer working so well as host.
  12. They certainly try. I think a few moves DE has made imply they don't work well enough for their tastes. Reading into their motives, of course, since they rarely say anything directly about afk exploits, bots, and so on. One that's vaguely on-topic being the changes to Pull and the goofy 50% range nerf it got as an injected ability when things like Ensnare have no penalty. An idea I have is this was intended to be just as much a Greedy Pull nerf.
  13. One very general rule is if your health is 300 more than your armor, adding armor or health shards are equally efficient for raw ehp. So if health is 301+ more than armor, add an armor shard. Otherwise add health. Again though, that's just a very general rule that only applies to raw ehp. It doesn't account for buffs you may get frequently but not 100% of the time, or for bleeds bypassing armor, or for healing, or for some mechanics that leverage armor as a stat, etc. Also some people may tell you the answer to health or armor shards is "neither" if you can slot enough energy shards to get by without Flow. Or yellow/red shards that make other aspects of the frame more efficient. Thats getting into much more complicated questions though.
  14. Sepulcrum has an altfire lock-on mode that's accessible once you get 5 kills with the primary fire. Radial damage, radius, crit, crit damage, and status go way up in that mode. Extremely engaging, and one of my favorite and most used weapons. Cyanex is way up there too, although I find its homing mode more convenient but not anywhere near as satisfying as Sepulcrum's.
  15. Well that depends on if you've got plenty of overkill or not. And this mod was created (and Magnum Force buffed while Vicious Spread was untouched) long before 3x headshot multipliers and Incarnon, let alone the Incarnon multishot nerf. If DE regards it as a potential bonus on shotguns, it doesn't mean it has to be lower than the equivalents, only that the mod as a whole should take that into account. So +5% more spread is fine--it's more than balanced out by 75% less damage bonus. Again, just a theory to explain the potential thinking behind it leaving it the same when Magnum Force was buffed. One that's different than the easier "DE forgot about X". Which is a valid theory too. If someone suggested DE has forgotten about all these mods in 2023, I wouldn't think they were full of ****. Although I might venture alternative ideas like I'm doing here.
  16. I wasn't trying to bring Cyanex into this, or taking any stand on Diplos at all. I was just pointing out an interesting tactic that the person I was responding to might not have been aware of, and I believe that turned out to not be the case. I guess I'm just glad I didn't bring up Sepulcrum... :P
  17. The magazine riven is already essential to the 69 shot Sobek. And the 72 shot Sobek, but let's not get ridiculous here.
  18. Might be because they view spread as more of a sometime positive on pellet shotguns than it is on most rifles and sidearms. I've gotten some amusement out of Magnum Force on Twin Rogga, although I don't slot it on a normal build by any means. Vicious also takes less capacity than the other two.
  19. I don't have Diplos, but with Cyanex homing just elevating the aim point results in a lot of headshots.
  20. Pretty cool idea. Any ideas on the particulars for the vortex effect? It's Caliban's Helminth ability, so it'd be ideal to give it some design space where it offers something compared to Ensnare, Airburst, etc., without making the other options obsolete. OTOH it's currently the only damage vulnerability Helminth option besides Rest & Rage, which has a couple of odd restrictions of its own. Also I think it's the only ability source of true Lifted status, though few people will care about that. Anyway, perhaps it's best to preserve one or both of those functions.
  21. The glorious 7 shot Tigris Prime and 69 shot Sobek builds would be dreams forever out of reach without Burdened Magazine, Primed Ammo Stock, and rivens, so there you go.
  22. The 50% bonus is working in the Sim at least. My amp does 50% more damage to Overguard than it does to Infested health on the same targets. And Xata does 50% more damage on the void damage component If you mean it's ineffective compared to weapons, I'm sure that's true depending on the amp, the level of the enemy, and what you're comparing it against. Amps don't have anything remotely like the top end that weapons do.
  23. Just FYI, Kullervo does this very well. Some passive heavy attack efficiency, and lots of combo generation.
  24. The answer, like so many other things in WF, is...more damage. Almost all the usual suspects, more base damage, more damage bonuses, more vulnerability, more attacks per second, more multishot, more crit, more status damage, more accuracy, etc. One notable exception being viral status, since Overguard isn't health. And a partial exception being bleed damage: this still affects Overguard, but it doesn't bypass it like it does armor. A maybe not obvious thing is that units protected by Overguard still take body part damage multipliers to the Overguard layer. So single target headshots are still really good. Overguard does have the vulnerability to void damage too, so Xata's Whisper should be excellent. There might be great amps for this too, but I wouldn't know how effective they are compared to top tier weapons.
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