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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Forums are a tough place if you have trouble reading opinions that are different than your own without feeling like you're being oppressed.
  2. No, just a very random idea that Corpus helmets--which I believe still have mechanics attached to them--are interfering with Incarnon charging in this very specific scenario...for some reason. Mostly I thought of it because they've tripped me up in the past when looking at damage in the Sim. But in this case it's an easy thing to eliminate if you see the same thing happening with Ospreys, Moas, or whatever.
  3. The most usual reason for this is that the config where an augment can't be seen has had the ability replaced to which the augment belongs. IOW, if you've replaced Charge on that config with another ability.
  4. I don't know if I'm for or against the general idea, but one way around this would be have the orbs buff shield resistances rather than amount, delay, or recharge.
  5. Removed from the drop tables, not removed from inventory.
  6. They're suggesting you have an Extinguished Dragon Key on, and that you should take it off. It would explain the problem you're having. Assuming it's actually a 75% reduction in damage, not 80% or 76%.
  7. It seems like something like Vex should be allowed to factor in damage to Overguard. Maybe a lower bonus percentage per point if that's necessary.
  8. As long as players aren't mislead and think aya is more of an offender than the unvaulted relics they replace. Which we can still get for...1 Aya. And we can buy the unvaulted relic we want out of those currently available, rather than being stuck with the one the game chooses. Or buy traces or ducats if none of those appeal. It's like the old system except with far, far more flexibility for the player, even if it isn't a panacea for all the issues players have with relic RNG.
  9. Yeah, Kengineer mentioned it too. Check out the first few seconds of this video: IN A MANNER OF SPEAKING, YES. :P
  10. I was questioning Airburst pulling in loot. I just did a quick Sim test and it did not. So it'd be interesting to me if it's doing it under other conditions. I don't play Zephyr, so that wouldn't be an enormous shock. As background, I have a theory that DE nerfed injected Pull's range to 12.5m largely because of Greedy Pull. Obviously that theory should be tossed in the bin if they left another injectable loot gathering ability with 100m range and a pretty good radius.
  11. Corpus Techs are bad, but not one of the worst units. There were many others that couldn't break my shields setting up my test. Mainly because their accuracy was so horrendous against a motionless target at that range, and they were unwilling to get into a better range. And truth be told, it often wasn't much better at~60% of that range either.
  12. You can access the shop from the Orbiter using the Market console.
  13. For your amusement, I'll leave a not-so-quick-but dirty and not particularly helpful test comparison I did, timing shield break on Nyx and Ash against 6 L185 SP Corpus Techs. Both were modded for 1604 shields, otherwise essentially unmodded. I'd spawn the goons, step a little to the left of the console, and only start the timer once I took a shield hit. My main take away from this is that a lot of enemies can't hit ****. Corpus Techs were the most accurate I found that weren't snipers, AoE, or have inconvenient secondary attacks like grenades. Second take away is, wow, there's a lot of variability in those times. So much so that somebody will look at it and think Nyx's Evasion passive is doing the opposite of what it's supposed to do. I don't really think that's what's going on. If I took out that crazy 48s time, where maybe some AI broke, the averages are almost exactly the same. The most I'd say is it might illustrate why players don't rely on evasion. And that more tests should be done and they should probably involve simple movement. It seems plausible that Evasion isn't doing anything if the player is standing still. This will definitely happen, as it happens a shocking amount with standard enemy (in)accuracy. I think Evasion will still be beneficial, and I really don't think it makes this worse.. But I don't have data to back that up. There is some useful info about accuracy in the wiki. Evasion, Enemy Accuracy .
  14. Sonic Boom's knockaway affects most bosses and has for years. Which is usually fun, sometimes useful...and occasionally disastrous. Personally, it's one of my favorite things about Banshee. But the responsible adult thing to do would probably be to make at least the bosses that are prone to breaking immune to it.
  15. It's fun to compare the prime upgrades of Frost and Atlas side by side.
  16. I like the delay, but it feels like it needs a much better pay-off compared to Braton, Latron, Burston, etc. And it's harder to charge up than those weapons too, due to projectile behavior. More charges gets it some of the way there. I guess I'd take removal of the explosion delay, but I'd prefer it just get some better stats. Really I want something more radical than that, like a lingering damage field or defense stripping, but that's not realistic. The rest of these weapons I don't use, but your suggestions look a lot better balanced against the top tier Incarnonweapons than they are currently. Yeah, charging really needs rebalancing since the "Torid" nerf. I think they should start by taking multishot out of the equation entirely, and work them out from there. Use APS, accuracy / projectile behavior, and potential Incarnon output as the main factors to determine how charge economy on different weapons is balanced against each other I would not be in favor of making them all body-shot based unless they were far more efficient to charge up with headshots.
  17. Yeah, it's got all kinds of issues. I tried to skate around this with the "direct successor" bit, even though I don't have the brains or experience to be more than vaguely aware of some the problems that could come up with direct links to a literal wiki. It would have to be more of a clone of key articles with limited linking and only periodically updated with new info from the actual wiki. In any case, it's really unlikely, but I still think a lot more plausible than DE generating its own in game super-Codex that approaches the utility, overall accuracy, and scope of the wiki.
  18. I wouldn't trust an in-game resource created by DE to be 10% as useful as the wiki is. 10% is probably very optimistic. Of course the main reason it wouldn't be very useful is also the same reason it will never happen: DE has too much other stuff to do. The most I hope for some day is a linking system in game with the wiki, or a direct successor to it. Eve Online had something like that.
  19. I don't know who needs a second deluxe the most. But I don't like the Loki and Banshee options much, and something new for them could very well be instabuys for me.
  20. A wiki that any player could contribute to, accessible in game? Or do you just mean an in game info resource generated by DE?
  21. I already addressed this. No, it's not likely, but at least DE hasn't said 'no'. I do have some hope of it happening. It wasn't long ago I thought DE would never address shieldgating or innate radar. Also it helps that my list of frames that should have one or more augment functions built in is pretty small. I'm not even sure about Iron Shrapnel now, since Rhino is benefitting from Overguard gating and improved shieldgating.
  22. Its not a bug, Barrels got tuned up on the last update. They deal significantly more damage. From the update notes... Bolding mine. There are also a couple of items in the Known Issues thread about barrels doing excessive damage. These relate to Nightmare mode and defense objectives specifically, but may end up being an indication that the general tuning isn't where DE wanted it. No way to know for sure until they say more and/or those issues get fixed.
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