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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Just to add some detail to this: it does apply a bonus to ranged weapons but not to melee, despite not specifying a weapon type. If that's the intent, and it's just the description is wrong... that's pretty ironic for the so-called melee school. Since we're on the subject, I have some feedback on this too: the trigger condition is pretty annoying. Lifted status gets negated by any tiny bit of damage, some units are immune to it, and some units seem to be temporarily immune while they're under the effect of other CC.
  2. I'm not a level cap runner, but I don't think it actually applies to "all" abilities. Reportedly it's more like all channels, and most or all defensive or offensive buffs, Sorry, I don't have a list or anything, as it's something I've read and noticed periodically, but never made a point to examine. @Her_Lovely_Tentacles might have more infoormation on this. That aside, one obvious strat is to turn off abilities or let them expire before going Op. When this isn't feasible, the less obvious strat is it can be forced by jumping out of bounds or into a nullifier effect first.
  3. I can't fathom running low on Cyan stars. Amber though, those I've run out of a couple of times. I've made some use of the transmutation recipe for those. edit: yeah, despite using the transmutation a fair amount, I've got a totally different ratio than you; 1134 Cyan to 57 Amber. :P
  4. Did you have heat damage on your Hystrix? Without a heat source, the forced heat procs are very low damage. If you're doing a lot of non-heat damage there will be proportionately fewer heat damage kills. And the weaker the enemies, the easier it is to kill them before heat procs have a chance to do so.
  5. The passive applies to Caliban as well. Nourish addresses what for me is his biggest weakness: energy economy. It also provides viral procs and some incidental CC, and these benefits apply to his minions which makes them much more worthwhile. So it's not the only way to go, of course, but it does combine several useful things in one package. I'm never replacing anything but Razor Gyre on Caliban, so Pillage is redundant with the shield regen function of his 3 and the defense stripping of his 4. I'd appreciate its status cleanse, but I do have Rolling Guard for that, and would probably want to keep it on even with Pillage. So no slot freed up. Pillage absolutely would work on him of course, because like Nourish it's an extremely powerful Helminth option, redundancies or not.
  6. Thanks for bringing back Efficient Beams and a couple of other long missing augments
  7. For me he's slightly better now...but I never felt his problem was survivability in the first place. (I don't play him in long endurance though. YMMV.) For me it was much more a combination of annoying mechanics and bugs in three of his abilities, one horrific ability, and bad energy consumption. The last two things have been fixable by replacing his 1 with Nourish, but all the irksome aspects are still there. Fortunately he's was born handsome.
  8. Cool, thanks. I found it at the end of #171. "Shelved" seems like a good way to describe it, although I don't know about "completely shelved". But yeah, I think we don't see it for years, and more likely never. It always seemed very out of character for DE to bring back a prominent mechanic they'd replaced rather than revising the replacement or inventing a completely new thing.
  9. Haha, sometimes, but overall I'd say hell no. If it feels that way sometimes, I think it's less the community keeping secrets and more that the game is mechanically convoluted, and there are so many intricacies, inconsistencies, weird interactions, and bugs, nobody can keep track of the bulk of them.
  10. So, I've only done it the one time. But I've heard that's just a standard thing they say but don't necessarily stick to. Again, not saying it'll work. Your situation is different. Just that it might.
  11. It's been true for a long time. I can't swear it's been true since the day Eximus Reborn hit. But I tested it within a few months (probably weeks) of that. And a few times since, including yesterday. I was only speaking of the Guardian aura. Most don't , but at least one source of DR affects Recompense Overguard: dodging. (And at least two invulns.) And the Ancient Disruptor aura affects enemy Overguard. Or used to. I haven't tested it in a few months. There are or were also some innate DRs that affected enemy Overguard.. And Nox had their DR reduced rather than removed according to the wiki.
  12. Try a support ticket. I don't know if they'll do it for built frames, but I was once refunded after purchasing a frame copy I didn't actually need. It's worth a try.
  13. Maybe you're thinking of the CD reduction on Cordon? Or if you're sure it was the status application, maybe it was Diriga Arc Coil? That's probably the craziest Manifold status applicator.
  14. Alternox is a really good comp. Except Alternox is like a double dog dare Ambassador: even cooler, and even worse. And unlike Ambassador, it doesn't really have an esoteric bug / questionable interaction it can leverage. Or if it does, I haven't heard about it. But you're right: at least Alternox is pretty much guaranteed to get a better version some day.
  15. I'd kill for a transmute recipe. Heck, I'd maim just to be able to sell them for credits. Not because I care about credits-- it would just give me a way to consign a lot of my inventory to oblivion, and cut down my relic screen to the ones I might...might consider cracking some day. And it'd be less tedious than transmuting. Traces or ducats would be much better than credits, obviously. But less likely. And anybody who thinks it will be more than a paltry number of either is dreaming IMO. Not without some radical overhaul of the systems involved, anyway. All that said though, I won't need any of it... ...the second DE gives us a favoriting system for relics. I'll happily ignore the thousands I'll never use if we ever get that. Talk about dreaming though. :/
  16. Have they actually said so? AFAIK they haven't mentioned it at all since the last Devstream of 2022, when they said it would be postponed until after Duviri. And it's easy to draw conclusions 6 months after Duviri and nearly a year of silence--I certainly am. But I'm still curious if they ever said, "lol, screw that" and I missed it.
  17. Overguard of other Eximus units isn't affected by the Guardian DR aura. Health and Shields are though.
  18. Well that, and having 4x the unmodded dps of the next closest sentinel weapon before status is even taken into account. :P
  19. Ok, that's much better. Better even than that would be addressing the problem directly though.
  20. Like I said, I understand the sentiment. And I might feel the same way if my most used frames weren't Banshee, Nezha, Loki, and Kullervo and were more purely CC focused. But it's not only because I'm selfish that I don't want solo SP eximus spawns nerfed. Because it would only apply to solo SP it's a band-aid, not a remedy. As I've said elsewhere in the thread, the thing I totally support is giving CC abilities some lesser effect on Overguard-protected units. There are a variety of ways to do this, but one of the models already exists in game and predated Overguard: the slow on Bastille and Tornado, that only takes effect on units immune to their main CC. DE should of course also update their documented reasoning on what CCs affect units through Overguard, and start working on the exceptions. Or at least explain why they're better off as exceptions.
  21. Honestly I think it almost doesn't matter. Sure, it doesn't help, but the fact is, DE just doesn't balance weapons well. And they almost never make any adjustments to old, underperforming weapons except via dispo, and the occasional augment or variant.
  22. Just to add to what Voltage said, they said in last week's devstream that they're looking at overall pet balance in part 2, and specifically called out sentinel weapons as an example of a category where they want to see more diversity in usage. I don't think anybody mentioned beast damage, although it could be inferred they're looking at that too from the focus on overall pet balance.
  23. I don't know if you meant it this way, but since this is a feedback forum, it'd be easy to interpret yours as "Ambassador is fine. Great job, DE." I hope if anybody from DE reads it, they don't high 5 themselves and move on. I find it pretty mediocre for its MR without ragdoll grouping, and that's dumping its regular fire entirely. Probably would be nice if the weapon as a whole were improved some on a wider variety of builds, particularly in the event of DE deciding ragdoll hitscan AoE / electric status exponential damage shenanigans are a bug that needs to get fixed. Not that I'd actually expect any improvements to a 2 year old weapon at this point. But pointless or not, that's my feedback.
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