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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. With a headshot aimbot tool of some sort?
  2. I agree that on headshot would be way too strong unless the damage were reduced. But what makes it AFK? Is bot-headshot a thing, like with Scourge or something?
  3. It depends on the console as well as other factors. I'm sure there are cases where they're better hosts than some PC players. But more optimized host selection would be a great thing. edit: Long before crossplay was a thing, this was very common on PC too. So the old solutions still apply: get a group together, play solo, or just learn to live with it.
  4. I know those feel different, but there's really no practical difference. Name any ability synergy you love, and you have to use more than one ability to get it: that's a restriction. The first question is, is the synergy impactful enough to justify needing two abilities together? Armor strip is worth it, no doubt. Second question: how does it compare to similar effects from other sources? Third question: are the abilities good enough on their own even before the synergy? Questions 2 and 3 are where Hallowed Ground and Reckoning fall short. Although I'll point out that on your Terrify replacing Reckoning build you're getting some different restrictions. You no longer have Reckoning. You're giving up the ability to armor strip bosses, and your strip is no longer permanent, which can be important on Demolysts and where there are duration reduction effects in play. And if you find fleeing enemies inconvenient, you're going to lose a slot on the augment. Still, Terrify strip is really tempting considering the state of HG/Reckoning. Even more tempting for me might be Pillage. But that's why I didn't say "HG/Reckoning strip is fine". I said they need to offer more and mesh better. A good illustration of the problem is imagining if the armor strip was broken apart and just put on HG. That'd be an improvement, but I'd still prefer other strips because of HG's limitations. So address some of those limitations! And when it comes down to it, I wouldn't cry for days if the armor strip synergy was just put on one of his abilities. I think the chances are at least 50% that's what happens if Oberon ever gets some attention, because DE's direction seems to be simplifying, i.e., making different things more like each other. I just find it unique and appreciate that it's not a generic strip, and I'd rather it be salvaged than dumpstered. ..
  5. :P But it's true my non-floof spending thus far has been zero.
  6. Sorry, Merlin's not a proper Eximus frame unless he poops out health and energy orbs and a bunch of credits whenever he dies.
  7. Although if they had matching ranges at least in length, and HG had some depth, they'd work much better than they do. I get why that's a frequent request, but I kind of like that Oberon requires both for his strip. I just wish both abilities offered more on their own to make up for it, and meshed somewhat better.
  8. Not as far as I know. Just kind of funny that it's an interesting but unimportant forced impact proc that wasn't in the wiki and came up in another thread at the same time as this one. The Innodem procs show up in videos around the weapon's release, and are obvious because the projectiles have no impact component. So hopefully nobody will be insisting that one's a bug.
  9. Strun Wraith Incarnon has a forced Impact Proc on direct hit and AoE. Ah cool. Were you aware of forced impact on the Innodem projectiles? That came up in another thread recently.
  10. Glad we're on the same page. I already confirmed this, and was aware of what "forced proc" means. Also if you expect DE to confirm specific forced procs on anything but melee stances,--which only took them 9 years--you may be waiting a long time. I'll ask you again. With your riven and no other multishot or mods, do you ever see 7 or more impact procs on a direct hit. Or fewer than 4? Because 4, 5, or 6 are perfectly explained by your multi/-impact riven and forced impact on both the projectile hits and the explosions.
  11. Not much of an Excal player anymore, but I kind of like the idea. As far as energy cost goes, it seems like if the effects are reduced from the full ability, the energy costs should also be reduced or maybe free. Not truly cost-free anyway, because EB has a running cost, and neither slides nor slams are exactly optimal. The slide version of RB only has a 5m radius according to the wiki, so it's definitely reduced in that way compared to the real ability. (It also blinds eximus but doesn't open up enemies to finishers....but I think it's likely these are both bugs.) It does have half the cost of true RB, but I think it should be 10 or 5 or nothing.
  12. Oh, sorry, I thought you meant the reverse. Yeah, the EB effect is also referred to as a Radial Blind in the ability tips. edit: I was playing with it a bit in the Sim, trying to figure out if it benefits from Radiant Finish. Still don't know, because I discovered that another difference the slide effect has with the ability is it doesn't open up blinded targets to finishers. Which seems like a bug.
  13. The Exalted Blade slide blind is the one that works on Eximus. Or did...I don't play Excal regularly, and haven't checked recently. Radial Blind doesn't work. That one I have checked in the last month or so.
  14. That's not entirely serious, right? Of course monetization is going to move features up the priority list. But they've always done some amount of non-monetized improvements, and just put out an update with a bunch of them. If your point was more "keep your expectations in check because monetization seems to be becoming a bigger deal" ...yeah, that's fair.
  15. Any progress on getting regular player test clusters again? Reb said last year it's something yall still wanted to do, even though the logistics were complicated by crossplay. The thing is, crossplay has made it a bigger deal. It's just...depressing having major bugs that can only be addressed through code changes active for 6-10 weeks, and sometimes longer. I know a test cluster won't address all of these problems, but if you have time to prioritize and act on some of the feedback, I feel like it would cut the problems down significantly.
  16. Any progress on getting regular player test clusters again? Reb said last year it's something yall still wanted to do, even though the logistics were complicated by crossplay. The thing is, crossplay has made it a bigger deal. It's just...depressing having major bugs that can only be addressed through code changes active for 6-10 weeks, and sometimes longer. I know a test cluster won't address all of these problems, but if you have time to prioritize and act on some of the feedback, I feel like it would cut the problems down significantly.
  17. Why do you think so? Multishot affects the number of forced procs on almost all weapons*. So with the multi on your riven, 4, 5, or 6 forced impact procs would be expected on direct hits, as there will be 2-3 on the projectile and 2-3 on the explosion. *The one exception I know of is Javlok's throw explosion, and it's only because multishot doesn't function on it in any way.
  18. It sounds like you're saying it's definitely a drop chance issue rather than a KPM issue. Is that correct?
  19. It's such a weird thing to happen from a game crash, I do wonder if it means somebody is working on bringing back the old exclusives.
  20. Not only Hysteria, and I haven't forgotten about the other thread--I just didn't feel the need to get into it. For true invulns I was also talking about Sim invuln, Vazarin dash, Defy, and (I think) Rolling Guard. The wiki also mentions Absorb, but I haven't tested that. It seems plausible it's in the hypothetical Hysteria class anyway, since it tracks damage for an eventual explosion anyway. OTOH Covenant, Iron Skin, and (I think) the initial invuln of Halo do protect against it, and they all track damage input in various ways too. The Hysteria theory in the other thread was just a very plausible and pleasing explanation I was venturing in any case, not something I was declaring a fact. Even though it doesn't explain Vazarin, I still find it very plausible. Even moreso now, since its damage storage is more literal, and so more similar to Defy and Absorb in that way than it is to those other abilities. Counterpoint: What the hell do I know? AFAIC only somebody at DE or a hacker could clear it up for sure...and I can't swear I'd have zero doubt about somebody at DE. :P
  21. I'm pretty sure it's a forced impact proc. If I load up the weapon with elemental damage, I still get impact procs 100% of the time from the projectiles. There's some odd variability with the damage numbers I don't understand, or otherwise I'd look at it unmodded and figure out if there was anything but pure radiation on the projectiles by comparing damage popups against different hp types. Anyway, I believe Shattering Impact has is only triggered by actual impact damage. A forced impact proc by itself wouldn't qualify. edit; Just saw deucich's post, Ah! That's a very simple test for things like this I've never thought of.
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