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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Since you have multishot you should be getting between 4 and 6 procs from forced impact alone on direct hits. i.e., a minimum of 2 on both the projectile and AoE, with a 36% chance of 3 on each. Ever seen more than 6?
  2. That's exactly what happens. They have a magnetic proc that sometimes happens on their hook attack. But in addition they have an aura that allows their own and allied melee attacks within 10m to drain energy based on damage dealt. Which seems to be calculated before some invuln effects are taken into account.
  3. That's right, sorry. Just want to be clear on this...Are you ever getting more than 2 impact procs? With a -100% impact riven, no multishot, and no external sources of impact like pets, the simple explanation for two procs is forced impact on both the explosion and projectile. Forced procs have no problem triggering from damage instances that lack their damage type. If you are seeing 3 or more, even once in a while, that'd be interesting. What are the exact stats on your riven?
  4. Yes, please. Also favoriting for relics, ideally along with filtering and/or sorting for that.
  5. So something odd is happening if you're sure about that. I've done a number of different tests, all leading to the conclusion that the Incarnon projectile has forced impact as well. The simplest one is to take off all mods, and make sure the punch through Evo 1 and the pure crit Evo 2 are selected. This gives the Incarnon projectile pure impact with a 46% status chance, and no natural impact on the Incarnon radial component. And very importantly: no multishot. If I do that, and hit a target directly in Incarnon mode, I get 3 impact procs about half the time.* The maximum impact procs should be two if there is no forced impact on projectile contact: one forced from the AoE, and one natural if the status chance on the projectile component rolls successfully. If you run the same test with your -impact riven, and you ever get only one impact proc on a direct hit, then something interesting is happening that I can't readily explain with known mechanics and the stats as shown in the Arsenal. *And sometimes a fourth non-impact proc: blast, puncture, or slash from natural status on the radial explosion.
  6. Are you signed up for Prime Gaming now? Have you claimed any currently active content from it? According to Prime Gaming's own FAQ, past content isn't gained retroactively. It would be cool if they were loosening this up, rather than it being some sort of freaky bug. @Hexerin
  7. Are you saying from your viewpoint? Or are you going a step further and guessing that's what DE thinks? If we're guessing about motivations, mine is that DE is some combination of. Bored with the headaches of dealing with dispo four times a year Playing with using dispo to push certain weapons even if they're both popular and powerful, to in turn promote specific content. And, possibly, stimulate engagement with the riven system. If so, I think we'll see more dispos above 0.5 on some or all new weapons. Whether it's overt, or more of the sneakier "Adapter" method they used for Incarnon Genesis.
  8. And they had the misfortune to come out before Incarnon Genesis weapons, which has apparently has made DE retreat, at least temporarily, from the idea of lower dispos reflecting higher popularity and higher power.
  9. It's definitely just the radial component. No, I goofed, it's definitely both. I was thinking the Incarnon projectiles had inherent multi, but they don't. I actually have a -impact riven, although only -78%, so if weight the weapon heavily toward rad and cold, Impact is only 4% of the payload on the projectile hit. With 0 multi, I always get two impact procs. With 120% multishot, I nearly always get 4 impact procs, sometimes 5, and never less than 4. Half are from the radial instance, and there's no way 4% impact weighting is resulting in the rest over about 50 shots. Me too, but I'd like to hear from somebody who's Icarnononanated something other than Strun Prime.
  10. I confirmed it's got forced impact on the radial damage after you posted yesterday. I thought about adding it to the wiki, but decided it would be better if somebody could confirm on one or more of the other Struns. If it's just the Prime, then it looks like a bug...although one could guess the other weapons are bugged in not having forced impact. Only DE could clear that up completely. It is unusual, but I wouldn't say it's that surprising. Human beings test the weapons and enter the wiki info for stuff like this, and not everybody has -100% impact Strun rivens. And since Internal Bleeding isn't slottable on shotguns, there's no great advantage to it. Nor is the impact particularly annoying like it would be on a non-AoE or lower damage weapon. * * * Long story short, it would be nice if forced procs were spelled out in game for weapons like they are for melee weapon stances.
  11. I can imagine that. Frankly a fair amount of players seem to be in the same boat, given how often I've seen the advice "Disruptors are easy...just use Arcane Nullifier".
  12. That makes some sense. I feel like I'm often getting swamped when fighting Infested, but I imagine most people are using more ranged AoE than I usually do.
  13. Shoot, if it was just the hook, or even just the Disruptor itself, it might not be great, but it'd be about a hundred times easier to deal with.
  14. Mesmer Skin be like: Iron Skin and Recompense provide immunity too...most of the time. Every once in a while I'll get drained on Kullervo even with Overguard up, but it's rare. No idea why invulns generally don't work. I doubt it's intended. Or, at least that it started out as intended. I could imagine somebody at DE deciding energy was so plentiful and Infested so sad that it wasn't worth fixing.
  15. What's your feedback, exactly? Do you want forced impact on the explosions removed?
  16. It was a Twitch Prime promotion, and has only shown up once. Verv isn't that old, but I don't think any of the older Twitch promotions have come back yet. I think Vistapa Prime is the oldest I have, and that goes back to 2017 or so. Other than that, I imagine only Amazon and DE know for sure what allowance there is for those coming back, if any. edit; I doubt it, but perhaps some more clues are buried in their disclaimers. I had a quick look and couldn't find the disclaimers to check, but I'll try to remember to check again with the next item.
  17. That's interesting. You're sure that nobody used anything but single target weapons? How about abilities or pets? Was this an open instance of the Plains?
  18. Oh, gawd, is it The Build That Must Not Be Named? Most long time players are vaguely aware Reckoning has a blind. What they don't know is that it works even better on allies than enemies.
  19. I didn't forget. But since they can't (as of yet) have advanced versions, I think it's understandable leaving them out for my purpose. Same reason I didn't include Destreza Prime, which I assume is one of your four. Not that I would object if DE released Destreza Prime Prime. :P
  20. More than anything else, I'd like more verticality to Hallowed Ground and some amount of lingering duration for its status immunity buff; and a cap on Renewal's drain and how it refreshes its buffs. I'd also appreciate a change to the main part of his passive so that it's not totally dependent on link mods. It should just be bonuses to companion resistances and recovery, with freedom to mod however one likes. That's probably enough, although I sure wouldn't object to an increase to his energy. (As a side-note, it's odd how at rank 0 there are only two frames with better innate energy than Oberon Prime, but at rank 30 there are ten due to higher than normal rank-up scaling on some frames. Particularly irksome that Wisp happens to be one of them.)
  21. That sucks. It sounds like a bug though. That many eximus probably should not be spawning during the course of the test, let alone immediately.
  22. I think this is intentional. Kullervo has never been able to block while Recompense is up, and Rhino was never able to block with Iron Skin, even before it was converted to Overguard. Same thing with Mesmer Skin, although that's getting pretty far afield. I'd prefer it if weapon blocking at least worked for the purpose of ancillary effects like Guardian Derision and combo gain, even if it didn't prevent damage to Overguard.
  23. That would make me extremely happy. But I don't see DE priming it when there are only two weapons in the class.
  24. I don't really care where it comes from, but a new rapier is long overdue.
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