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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. If you're talking about the OP, I think the author has progressed from asking for a mod solution to advocating for a setting. As all sensible people should! :P Although the title still suggests a mod solution as one of the possibilities, so maybe I'm wrong about their desires. @Salenstormwing what's your current stance? Would an autofire exilus slot be delightful news, better than nothing, or a serious disappointment?
  2. What level content are you playing where you have trouble with them surviving? I don't play long endurance, but in SP they're functionally immortal for 30 minutes and SP Circuit for 9-10 rounds. (Maybe longer, but I haven't played Caliban further than that in hard content.) I don't have a problem with the proposal, but in case you don't know, the way to manage it now is to stagger their casts so all 3 aren't lost at once. (Which is the achilles heel of proposals to summon all 3 with one button press that don't also make any adjustments for recasting.) Some things you didn't mention for Progeny that I'd really like: - A shorter tether. It's silly that they can wander outside their shield restore range. Or at least increase the shield restore range to match the tether, but really I'd like the tether to be 25-30m - Make them intangible to player movement and weapon fire. - Make their models more transparent and maybe a bit smaller. I also think Sentient Wrath and Fusion Strike definitely need some changes and fixes, but I won't go into that here.
  3. Don't waste your time trying to farm these on Eris. They're a rare resource there, and just uncommon on Deimos. I'd guess they're between 5-10x faster to get on Deimos. As far as the topic goes, I don't have strong feelings about it, but still think the requirement should be reduced.
  4. I'd count zaws as 22, and kitguns as 12. For Zaws, two for each Strike. For Kitguns, two for each Chamber. In reality I imagine a lot of the basic Zaws out of the 22 are rarely touched. DE probably factored in combinations to some degree for coming up with things like sortie percentages. According to the wiki, there are currently 1760 zaw combos 1200 kitgun combos. I'd love to know what details about how many are used frequently. Like with Zaws, I could imagine something like 5% of the combos making up 75% of the usage.
  5. Hah, well, there's not any esoteric mechanical benefit to understand. I just enjoy using maneuvers to avoid hard landings--or fail at avoiding them--and Valk takes this pleasure away from me. She's got the passive because she's cat-like (And because it's mighty convenient with Ripline.) and cats are some of my favorite things. But I feel less cat-like playing her because I can just land like a galoot and it doesn't make any difference. It's kind of parallel to how I feel about Mesa's Peacemaker. Cool, I love gunfighter themes! Too bad her ultimate takes away my opportunity to demonstrate gunfighter skills...
  6. Yeah, that's one of the methods that gets mentioned a lot, and it makes a ton of sense to me. WF's never had a hold function that I'm aware of on reload, but hopefully it's still a simple thing to implement on their end. Most of them do, anyway. Probably all of them, but I don't have all of them. There's been at least one that didn't do this, where DE fixed it, so it seems at least reasonable to presume they're all supposed to.
  7. Crit Delay? Yes. The RoF is minor compared to the CC gain over Point Strike, generally speaking. On Boltor P, with no other RoF bonuses, it lowers Incarnon's from 11.33 to 9.07. Since that's before multishot, the Boltor can still put out a high volume of lead in a short amount of time. You might even find that you get better efficiency out of it in Incarnon mode, especially if you have other RoF mods or buffs. I have a RoF riven for it, and it gets pretty silly how fast I can burn Incarnon mode down to nothing, especially if I'm playing Harrow.
  8. No, just with one crit chance mod. Scope by itself it can get even the pure status build just over 100% crit while aiming...at max stacks. Which is a lot to ask, given the way its stacks decay. Because of its stack decay, personally I'm not fond of Galvanized Scope outside of a few weapons, mostly snipers, or some builds where I can keep enemies unalerted or immobile. If you're thinking of using it here, I'll just point out that in Incarnon mode the Boltor P's accuracy gets pretty bad. I'm not saying it's not viable for the mod, but it's something to keep in mind.
  9. If you're willing to entertain using Crit Delay, the stat/crit evo will get you to 102% CC in Incarnon. The pure crit evo will get it to 116%, which is nice...but 100 is a more important threshold. Point Strike gets the balanced evo to 65, and the crit evo to 95. Personally I wouldn't consider the pure status evo for this weapon on a build modded for Corrosive. (Or Viral.) It will get targets to 10 stacks really fast with any of the evolutions.
  10. I think it's the same as sorties, based on no record-keeping whatsoever, but just my impression that I get far more melee/rifle/sidearm rivens than zaw/kitguns, and shotgun rivens are quite rare. Sortie percentages: Melee 29.18% Pistol 27.28% Rifle 24.34% Kitgun 7.17% Zaw 7.17% Shotgun 4.87% It does seem to me like I get more zaw/kitgun rivens from Paladino than I used. Or maybe they just irk me more, since I'm barely using modular weapons at all. And mostly looking for rivens for weapons that are new or new to me, and no new kitguns have come out for a long time. And no new Zaws since the 1990s, I think. Those systems could really use some new items, new arcanes, and a bit of general refreshing.
  11. Hopper is asking for a Helminth exclusive ability--like Expedite Suffering, Marked For Death, etc.--which wouldn't be connected to or affect Wukong's current Defy in any fashion. Maybe if he'd given it a new name people wouldn't be so flummoxed by this. :P
  12. I'd like one of these for Valk, specifically the hard landing immunity. I don't ever expect to get it though, as I doubt enough people would see the point.
  13. Originally it was created with those intentions, but I think its become closer and closer to just a difficulty setting. Basically the result of power creep, special SP rewards, and lack of other stuff to do. In any case, I think it's worth some effort to balance, even if it will never be balanced. Some things are too punishing, some things are too easy. A lot of things are strangely inconsistent. Some adjustments here and there could make the game mode more fun. I'd say the same thing about WF as a whole, including regular Star Chart.
  14. You're an all or nothing kind of fellow, I see. At least when talking about content you don't want to play anyway.
  15. With no mods and no multi, and either Commodore's Fortune or Brutal Edge, 3 impact is one of the expected results. One for the forced impact on the explosion, one for the forced impact on the projectile, and a 46% or 94% chance of one more on the projectile depending on which Evo IV was selected. I'm not sure what you're not grasping with these posts. Do you think if a damage instance has forced impact it means no status chance roll is made? If so, that's incorrect. A forced proc is a guaranteed proc in addition to the status chance result. If you mean something else, let me know.
  16. Well I think there are probably a few ways to adjust it so that it'd be a little more forgiving in SP without affecting things outside SP significantly. If the spawn rate on Disruptors were throttled or capped, I'm not sure somebody like you who treats them as high priority targets would notice a difference because your spawn rate is slow to begin with. Maybe I'm wrong about that one, but having the melee energy drain aura not scale far beyond the energy capacity of frames at high levels would be something only people playing high level content would notice. I'm sure there are better solutions that a game designer could come up with that I won't. I don't buy into the "Because it's SP, might as well not try to balance it" idea, not completely. There's a limit on how much effort should be put into it, but a limit isn't a prohibition. Maybe. I think the wind up is generally pretty good. I feel like when I get nailed, it's either because I've gotten careless, or that generally just that there are so many enemies in SP, often coming from multiple directions that it's easy to miss the telegraphs. And if I'm not using ranged AoE, it's often the fodder under the influence of the aura that are getting me, rather than the Disruptors themeselves. One thing I will say about the hook specifically though: DE put in additional counters to hook attacks last year. It would be nice if the energy drain (and the magnetic proc) was delayed a bit, so that if we do counter the attack, it doesn't take effect, or has less impact. That doesn't address the larger issues, but it's a small adjustment that just feels fair. To me anyway.
  17. I think you're right, and it's probably 25% base. I equipped a sheev (not that this should matter) modified for 100% status, made sure Venari was inactive, and attacked 3 targets with the explosion 25 times. One status effect every time, no 2s, no 0s. When I modified it for 103.8 status, after 7 attempts I got a double status effect. Probably should do more testing, but that's all I've got time for now. In any case, I think this is less likely a bug, and more likely the wiki being in error/out of date. I don't see an in-game source for the info, so it's probably derived from a contributor's testing a long time ago. While this wiki has been made the "official" one by DE, that doesn't mean they're responsible for information there. A bug report doesn't hurt here, but you should probably bring it up over there.
  18. Gotcha. In terms of SP, I do find Disruptors more restrictive than any other single normal unit. Much moreso than Nullifiers in base SP, although they also get really bad as time goes up in endless SP. I'm not sure what I'd propose as a solution that wouldn't affect non-SP, probably negatively in the view of somebody like you. Maybe a cap on the number of Disruptors that can spawn at one time in one area. And/or a change in how the aura's melee damage energy drain cap is calculated, so that it doesn't scale upwards so steeply. I don't really have a problem with it piercing invulns and immunities. I'd probably want it to be more consistent about doing so, which would make a lot of people upset, no doubt.
  19. Kind of true in SP because of the increased spawn density. IIRC, Greybones mostly plays non-SP, and it is much, much easier to treat them tactically there. Their aura reduces the durations of a lot of debuffs and CCs, and the effects stack. Discharge has that funky delay on pulse damage, and I imagine the aura is reducing Discharge's duration below that threshold.
  20. Incarnon Kulstar was in a pre-Duviri leak, but its place in that release order and most if its leaked evolutions were taken by Atomos. One theory being they realized late that Kulstar had an altfire, didn't have a plan to deal with that, and threw Atomos in there instead. All the leaked weapons were accurate otherwise, as well as the sequence. I'd love to see Incarnon Kulstar some day though. Hopefully they're figuring out how to deal with altfire issues, as most of the weapons I'd like to see adaptors for have the same issue.
  21. Oops, it was supposed to include the word "Regular" between "Fiber" and "Informal" for AFRICA. The Air Force Installation Contracting Agency method of doing Plague Star is a different thing entirely. :P
  22. I'd rather they multiplied Sicarus status by six.
  23. I looked it up, and apparently it stands for Asbestos Fibre Informal Counting Arrangement, or it refers to a large continent that was named after a song by Toto. Hope this helps!
  24. As someone who is ashamed to say has bought a fair amount of infested fish guts from Daughter, I don't think I ever saw parasitic tethermaw or ocular stem there. Seems like a bug, because I think everything else shows up.
  25. Yep. I'd rather the cost was removed, but the big deal about it isn't the amount of resources, it's the spread. There isn't any. Look at Helminth subsume/injection costs for an example of DE making an effort to do this right. It can be both a bigger resource sink and more player friendly.
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