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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. No MK1 Braton would not. I said without breaking a sweat. You dont need armor strip to "kill alot" with contagion if you've actually built a weapon designed for contagion. It kills as fast and effective as any ranged AoE weapon pretty much. But they dont unless enough people use it and bring it to light. Just as how Chroma went under the radar for years, all the way up to his popularity increase with Eidolons. And specters/clones going unnoticed up until the popularity increase of Wuklone. Which are all a result of high usage data. It already does/did crazy damage without the HA exploit. Hence why there was never a real reason to use the HA exploit, since you cant kill things in less than a hit in the end. So more and more indications you talk about an item you have probably never used, or bothered to actually build for. Your example still includes RMB as part of the command, so you'd be in the same situation of accidental wall latching not matter how much you remove from the manouver aslong as it requires any time of air-time and RMB in combination. That you've died versus the boss during recast is with a 99.99% probability due to getting hit by toxin at the wrong time. Since it is practically the only explaination in this case. Zero need for response time if you recast before it reaches zero since it has a quicker recast than the old 1.33 gate and it is removed and recast with the same button click. Rhino is more likely to get caught in between recasts if you have an augmented skin, since button click 1 removes and discharges Iron Skin and click 2 is required to reapply it. Not sure how it works now though when it is OG, if the discharge results in the OG immunity window or not. And a tip for those that play frames like Kullervo, Nezha, Hildryn or Rhino. Subsume Roar on the first 3 and use the augment on all 4. That gives you an additional 80% DR and knockdown on demand that applies to OG, shields and health all the same.
  2. But you havent answered it. I've asked you what the purpose and goal is of the build. If your 3 mod argonak takes say 10 rounds to kill mob X in arbis, is that your purpose and goal with the build, needing 10 shots instead of 8, 6, 4 or 2, or 12, 14, 16 etc? Or is the goal to simply clear arbis? If so, why not build for efficiency in arbis then? Is the goal to just be able to clear A? Why is that a goal? What does that goal bring you? What is the reason you only want to reach that point? Do you get more out of the mode that way, and what exactly is it you get out of the mode in that case that you wont get out of the mode by being more efficient? It seems you have some issue with making things "too easy". Which makes it sound like you never go beyond rota A, since if you build for something further, rota A is less engaging than needed for you, no matter what content you do really. Wouldnt it be better to build for a rotation further in that lets you have more engaging gameplay in a single session even if it trivializes the starting rotations? You'd still reach the engaging content that you are looking for. There is also nothing odd in taking a "Steel Path build" to arbitrations, since Arbitrations are set up in a way where staying longer is incentiviced due to the time gate and RNG nature of the mission types available. So if I wanna stay for X amount of time in arbis a "SP build" is likely suited for that since the damage output of the enemies will quite quickly be roughly the same, since those do not beyond the level increase of mobs. The difference is the eHP of the mobs and the density really. So even for a star chart mission, bringing a "SP build" would be viable if I wanna stay for X amount of time, since again, the damage scales with enemy levels, not SP specifically. So it seems you have less a problem with "SP builds" and more an issue with endless builds. So is running endless now the wrong approach to the game aswell?
  3. Ugh that reminds me of old Dark age of Camelot crafting where you wanted a specific quality percentage in order to push damage and durability above that of most random drops. Or how the upgrade systems work in some game. "Oh you want to upgrade a level? Oh well here you go with a level degrade instead, enjoy!". I far prefer WF heh.
  4. One thing I'm curious about. People that think crafting times should be removed, have you considered what would be put in their place to make crafting a time sink? Since no game out there has instant free crafting. Imagine instead of hitting up a 1 minute craft for 20 refined ore or crystals you suddenly need to spend 3 seconds for each single one, like done in classic RPG crafting systems. Sure the long times for crafting frames and weapons might suck, but it is also there instead of needing various rare materials in order to craft them at all. In other games you might farm the blueprints, then you also need to farm some very rare components, or sit several hours in real time to refine the needed amount of materials, unable to do anything else in the process. Not to mention the time you spend in most of those games to get the needed skills in those crafting professions in the first place. In the end, you wont get a system free of time sinks, so be careful what you wish and ask for.
  5. Not sure if mentioned yet but a big difference between hitscan and beam weapons is that ammo drain is lower (0.5) on beam weapons, or on most atleast. This is likely due to the need for damage to ramp up before dealing maximum damage.
  6. Can also confirm they still take damage since I use them daily to farm extra morphics for bile on 3 planets.
  7. He's definently my favorite right now. Teleport at will which increases final crit by absurd amounts, hitting like an A-bomb, free slash together with overguard and healing, insane damage spread on demand, free heavy attack bonuses from his passive, crapload of armor and health, and he looks awesome (and you can remove his knives for more fashionframe options). I've replaced his 4 with Roar and Nourish for different builds/weapons. Wrathful Advance is also fun on Chroma and Rhino.
  8. Will do when I get around to it. It reminded me of those old "jumping jack" toys with a string you pull to get their arms and legs to flap.
  9. It is very much extreme since the arcane is quite the opposite of useless. I mean ffs it 1HKs some of the toughest mobs in the game without breaking a sweat. The reason it was fixed/nerfed quite recently should be enough of an indication of use since the actual old nerf hit it. I'm refering to the interaction description on the bloody arcane. Not the hidden activation that was recently "fixed" which produced more damage. Exactly, it isnt. Do you uhm really need to ask that when we talk about a trigger that invloves having to aim i.e the same interaction as latching onto a wall if you are too close to it in the air? Like... really... you ask? OK I'll answer. You stand close to a wall, you 2x jump in order to use contagion, you hit RMB (or whatever aim button it is on a controller) and you latch onto the wall and instead of throwing the arcane you end up doing a melee manouver down from the wall you just latched onto. Have you ever even used the arcane you claim is "useless"? These are things you should know if you've actually used it. That argument makes zero sense. If you recast freely before the last stack falls you still have near 2 seconds of invulnerability from your always maxed shields. And what "enemies won't wait for you to stand still" means I have no clue about. So they dont wait... soooo they uhm... continue to shoot you. OK... sooooo that means those enemies will trigger your last stack and give you that extra second no matter what. What exactly is it they are supposed to wait for in order to trigger that "perfect situations" of yours? It is when you do not wait that you get less than the 3 seconds, but you still always have 2 seconds in those cases and Mesmer is far far far from a 2 second cast skill. It was possible to manage it even under the old gate system where he had 1.33 seconds, even before the stack loss immunity was added. So no idea what you actually try to say or argue here since again it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Do you play Rev at all? Have you ever touched the frame? Yeah I think the problem with Rev is if they nerf Mesmer as it is now his kit wont provide him anything that makes him stand out. And people that act as if his immortality through mesmer skin is new are either new to the game, to Rev or both. He's always been immortal, more so than he is now even, it is just that his old setup wasnt designed with SP in mind, where the density is so thick. Right now he needs to rebuff after roughly as many seconds as he has charges, or well slightly further in between rebuffs than that, but still. In normal content and in arbitrations etc. before SP was introduced, he could go full rotations without ever having to rebuff since enemies were fewer, so less random shots that would hit him and so on. And you could also Enthrall and Reave to keep it up. The recent buffs to his Mesmer Skin did nothing in content below SP, since it lasts just as long in there now as it did before. I practically stopped maining Rev due to SP, since it was too much rebuffing back then because the enemies ate your skin in a matter of seconds. And aslong as there are frames with far higher damage output along with either fully passive tanking or it weaved into normal gameplay, nerfing Rev would make no sense. Even my Dagath is built in a way where tanking is passive and not given much thought as I play. As opposed to when I play Rev, where I actually need to monitor his stacks and rebuff accordingly as a seperate part of his gameplay. Dagath just casts and kills and her tanking is at the maximum potential it can be at all times. I've actually dropped out of groups due to that #*!%ing augment since it completely screws up builds. One of the worst and most intrusive augments ever made. And it doesnt even work on the things you actually want it to work on when playing Rev.
  10. The foundry has for me been one of the best things with WF. I came here from MMOs with manual crafting. I've wasted less time in WF over the course of 6 (going on 7) years than I did in WoW over the course of a month, or a day in ArchAge or Black Desert more or less. Here I just start things up and then I can go do whatever I want in the game, aswell as log of and do something completely unrelated to the game. It really only comes down to having to wait early on, since at that point you craft a multitude of things with few to play with as you wait. But after that point you will practically always have something read to use as other things are cooking. Oh and I've spent less time in WF over these years than I did before I could even start playing my Doctor in Star Wars Galaxies.
  11. While AoE is fun, it kinda removes all threat in the game and makes it hard for DE to produce new content that is somewhat balanced. At which point they instead more or less remove our progression, and we get steaming S#&$e like Kahl missions, or the Nihil and Exploiter Orb encounters. Which is why it should likely be reduced both for weapons and frames to make the game more healthy overall. Our power should likely be reduced overall, but DE just wont put in the work needed, which would be a rework of the whole damage system really. DE have simply just let it go while other games do it constantly, so they've practically let the ant hill turn into a mountain. The problem in WF is that it is just that single encounter that kinda allows for it, and it practically only applies to the bonus version of the SP version. In other cases the only reason you'd swap over to a single target gun is if the boss has an arbitrary weakpoint mechanic so you must hit a very specific spot. If not you likely turn them into red mist and pulp with whatever AoE gun or melee you carry with you. The old damage attenuation also resulted in needing single target, but not any single target, rapid fire or pellet more or less. With the changes they made to it anything works. What WF would need has been suggested so many times over. Heavy units with massive resistance to AoE while also rocking weakpoint locations that you need to take out to kill them. That would allow for AoE to run crazy to kill trash, but also require people to actually stop and consider what enemy are in the middle of everything else, while carrying atleast 1 weapon to take out those priority targets. Guardian Eximus were a step in the right direction, but they have nothing to put up against you if you play melee, since you will likely go through them as if they werent there. We'd need a mix of them and the glassmaker enemies, it would create a priority target that left unchecked would significantly slow down the kill rate of trash, while giving that trash more uptime shooting at you. Another idea I've had for heavy mobs would be a necro or spawner. Also a very durable unit that hangs back and reanimates dead enemies into something tougher aslong as it is left alive. Would certainly fit for a potential infested expansion or a void related creature. Also heavy units that add immunity to damage types for allies would be a good solution aslong as they are also hard to kill and requires priority focus.
  12. I guess Wally also represents them cos he loves to touch ki.... ooops.
  13. The main point I'm trying to make is that no damage is transfered, that a new damage instance is calculated. You might want to call it transfer, but that is not how it works mechanically and should not be refered to as that. The reason is because if it was a transfer it would hit for nothing, since it would be mitigated by armor etc. since it is not true damage that is dealt. The reason Curse for instance can actually transfer damage is because it has its own rules, it ignores armor as part of the skill and transfers damage dealt to health directly to the health of cursed targets. So hitting a corpus on a corrupted tile with a toxin damage attack while having it curse linked with a grineer, you likely will wipe out the grineer aswell since it will ignore the armor, and if you hit a grineer with an attack of any damage type and have corpus linked to it, all the corpus linked will likely die since their health will get targetted directly as curse bypasses the shields since shields of the main target were never damaged (since grineer has no shields). And if you attack the corpus with non-toxin and you have grineer linked, the grineer will take no damage if you dont destroy the shields and start hitting health. That is just not how the spread works on the arcane. So it rolls a completely new damage instance based on your modding and not your attack. This is important since the main attack that inflicted the status might have benefited from stance multipliers, a direct debuff on the target or similar, which will not apply to the new instance, it may have also attacked a completely different armor type, or shields, or health directly, resulting in different modifiers for the total damage outcome of the elemental portion of the parent hit compared to the newly produced instance.
  14. Useless is an extremely extreme exaggeration. It has been used extensively since the nerfs that removed spam casting on it, which was years and years ago. It still wipes out whatever it hits (or doesnt hit for that matter). The latest nerf did zero to the arcane if you used it as intended. And using it in tiny rooms is not exactly a problem, the main problem is using it near walls due to wall latch, which would end up in the same situation with your "simple solution". No... just no... no you really dont. You are guaranteed 1 second invulnerability from losing a charge, then you are also guaranteed whatever seconds you gain from his natural shields of 925. Which would give you around a 3 second window to recast it in total. So he needs rolling guard as much or less than Rhino and others, which is pretty much not at all or less than not at all. He used to need it before he got invulnerability and the gate was a static 1.33 sec thing. But nowdays, even if he happens to get scrambed or nullied he still has a long ass shield gate.
  15. I think the latest melee changes/additions again show DE's DEsync in DEsign. They placed limitations on AoE guns through various methods, limited ammo, smaller radius, fall off, self stagger and so on. Then they go and release something that practically makes melee cover twice the area, with no self stagger, no ammo and no fall off involved. All you need to do is build slightly different from before, sacrificing some single target to gain massive AoE. Not that single target has ever been weak on melee, so making that small sacrifice is barely noticable either. And this is without even considering the optimal weapons for this, or looking at the single outlier that makes it all batS#&$ crazy. This is also in addition to the normal melee hits of the weapon that already cover a decent area with no ammo or self stagget. Some reaching up towards 10m and hitting fast.
  16. It's not that simple. This problem applies in high levels too and it just isnt efficient since you spend massive amounts of time on killing 1 target at a time just trying to charge up so you can actually start clearing things properly. Very noticable in SP survival, or getting ready to pop keys into Conduits etc. This is mainly rooted in the bullets hitting too hard, so multishot is never accounted for, while the whole incarnon charge system is based on accounting for multishot, hence the small gain per actual hit. Not a problem to the same extent on the OG incarnons, since they have perks that increase the charges gained per hit that lands. Not to mention how backwards it is with shotguns, where you benefit from a less accurate approach from further range, since more out of the several pellets have a chance to land headshots while also having reduced damage due to distance to target. Meaning that even if some of the pellets land on the body, you gain a crapload more charge than you would with a shot at close range that lands all pellets straight in the head fruit. So just because we can kill each single enemy with a single shot it doesnt mean it is good or enough, if it was we'd practically all run around with sniper rifles etc. since they do that very thing. It just doesnt work when you face 50 mobs at a time and the life support is based on that, or when you need to charge up a weapon to kill the heavier target that barely takes a dent from your single basic shot. I mean, even Torid runs into problems building charges at times, since some mobs are too weak to allow you to build charges, since it wont account for your multishot. The headshot requirement is also a massive hindrance versus a whole faction pretty much, since most of the mobs in infested missions have no proper head or weakspot. As mentioned by @Aldainboth kills and headshots should build stacks. And the best DE could do is make it so a headshot kill would consider your modded multishot even if only a single bullet/pellet lands and results in the kill.
  17. Does it not work at all or is it the one that makes Archwinged frames and Titania in Razorwing look like thay have a spastic meltdown? Since I remember almost making my friend die from laughter a few times back in the day when pulling of some emote in Razorwing. So long ago that I cant recall which one it was.
  18. The usage stats are vastly different though for Revenant compared to previous years for Wukong. And while Mesmer Skin is powerful, the point where it becomes useful over health tanking or other skill based tanking methods you are in content DE arent really considering balancing the game around. If you plan on doing the content the game has to offer overall, which includes Archons and Netracells, frames like Lavos and Kullervo are just as strong at not giving a S#&$ about incoming damage. Those frames have other ways that help their survival, like heavy CC. They also provide so much more damage through their buffs and debuffs. Revenant doesnt have a real edge elsewhere. He has a decent AoE skill, mediocre CC and a movement skill. And while reave can scale infinitely, the point where that becomes useful you are also in content so high that DE doesnt bother with balance for it. It also isnt an exactly fast or efficient way to kill since it requires setup and is practically capped to the number of enemies that Enthrall can affect at a single time, which is 7. However, I wouldnt mind if Revenant had his Mesmer Skin turned into a 90% DR with a duration, where enemies killed while stunned by the skin grants Revenant Overguard. I played Revenant for a while again after WitW released since he is a nice frontline frame for melee. But I grew tired of having to rebuff Mesmer so often that I went back over to Kullervo. A frame that has high armor, high HP, a heal that grants overguard which is also instant cast, deals slash procs, builds combo and grants a brief invulnerability window. Simply just part of the rotation and not really something you need to keep an eye on. In addition to that he pumps out such silly amounts of damage, even more if you add Roar.
  19. Eye of the beholder and all that, but it is still pure blasphemy, heresy and anti-waaaaaagh behavior. It's like a cute little fusion of an Imperator, a dreadnaught and a killa kan. What's next? You gonna tell me Gork and Mork arent real, the Eye of Terror doesnt exsist and Fenris isnt an actual planet? Pfft...
  20. They probably looked over at Path of Exile, or someone had recently played it and went "oh! Hideouts in WF! Kewl rite peeps!?" followed by "sure". Then nothing more than a non functional pointless hideout was added. All of that S#&$e could have gone into an expansion to the orbiter aswell as the TNW hideout so we could use it as an actual hub with more things. Right now I enter my dorm once per week, when I run through it on my way to Acrithis. Totally pointless like other things added that arent actual content. Public hubs outside of the trade relay are completely pointless. Why do I care about other people running around? Jack squat socialization tied to etc. Just why?
  21. Like I said I cant see it and I wont analyze it frame by frame. I'm aware that you proc influence in test two early on, but I cant see exactly where it procs and where it spreads, since you use a multiple hit weapon with bounce or PT and the mobs are just that close to eachother that it is hard to tell where exactly the first spread occurs.
  22. Yep Tony Hawk was awesome, no denying that, but that was Tony Hawk, not K-drive garbage. Never bought a single bait in Deimos. Never traded either. I did however fiddle with all the obelisks I saw. You do however need rank 3 with the Entrati to get recipes for the mining products. But you need those no matter if you like Necras or not, unless someone plans to skip everything else Deimos related aswell.
  23. Nope they arent, but I can clearly see who is. These days the Necra farm is short, since you can now obtain the needed pieces from standing aswell.
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