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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. The usage stats are vastly different though for Revenant compared to previous years for Wukong. And while Mesmer Skin is powerful, the point where it becomes useful over health tanking or other skill based tanking methods you are in content DE arent really considering balancing the game around. If you plan on doing the content the game has to offer overall, which includes Archons and Netracells, frames like Lavos and Kullervo are just as strong at not giving a S#&$ about incoming damage. Those frames have other ways that help their survival, like heavy CC. They also provide so much more damage through their buffs and debuffs. Revenant doesnt have a real edge elsewhere. He has a decent AoE skill, mediocre CC and a movement skill. And while reave can scale infinitely, the point where that becomes useful you are also in content so high that DE doesnt bother with balance for it. It also isnt an exactly fast or efficient way to kill since it requires setup and is practically capped to the number of enemies that Enthrall can affect at a single time, which is 7. However, I wouldnt mind if Revenant had his Mesmer Skin turned into a 90% DR with a duration, where enemies killed while stunned by the skin grants Revenant Overguard. I played Revenant for a while again after WitW released since he is a nice frontline frame for melee. But I grew tired of having to rebuff Mesmer so often that I went back over to Kullervo. A frame that has high armor, high HP, a heal that grants overguard which is also instant cast, deals slash procs, builds combo and grants a brief invulnerability window. Simply just part of the rotation and not really something you need to keep an eye on. In addition to that he pumps out such silly amounts of damage, even more if you add Roar.
  2. Eye of the beholder and all that, but it is still pure blasphemy, heresy and anti-waaaaaagh behavior. It's like a cute little fusion of an Imperator, a dreadnaught and a killa kan. What's next? You gonna tell me Gork and Mork arent real, the Eye of Terror doesnt exsist and Fenris isnt an actual planet? Pfft...
  3. They probably looked over at Path of Exile, or someone had recently played it and went "oh! Hideouts in WF! Kewl rite peeps!?" followed by "sure". Then nothing more than a non functional pointless hideout was added. All of that S#&$e could have gone into an expansion to the orbiter aswell as the TNW hideout so we could use it as an actual hub with more things. Right now I enter my dorm once per week, when I run through it on my way to Acrithis. Totally pointless like other things added that arent actual content. Public hubs outside of the trade relay are completely pointless. Why do I care about other people running around? Jack squat socialization tied to etc. Just why?
  4. Like I said I cant see it and I wont analyze it frame by frame. I'm aware that you proc influence in test two early on, but I cant see exactly where it procs and where it spreads, since you use a multiple hit weapon with bounce or PT and the mobs are just that close to eachother that it is hard to tell where exactly the first spread occurs.
  5. Yep Tony Hawk was awesome, no denying that, but that was Tony Hawk, not K-drive garbage. Never bought a single bait in Deimos. Never traded either. I did however fiddle with all the obelisks I saw. You do however need rank 3 with the Entrati to get recipes for the mining products. But you need those no matter if you like Necras or not, unless someone plans to skip everything else Deimos related aswell.
  6. Nope they arent, but I can clearly see who is. These days the Necra farm is short, since you can now obtain the needed pieces from standing aswell.
  7. It deals 50% of your modded weapon damage, 100% if commanded to attack a specific target. And while it doesnt benefit from certain mods there isnt much reason to consider that, since it is no longer really a situation you run into eitherway, because there isnt really a point anymore going with just a single weapon in your loadout. So whichever weapon you plan for your clone to use, mod it without conditional mods. Then mod whatever weapon you plan to use with the mods you would use otherwise for the frame. Right now I'd probably go with primary or secondary on the clone and melee on Wukong himself. Tenet Cycron is lovely if you just want reliable extra AoE and status application with decent damage, or you can go with Laetum or Phenmor for a chance at huge single target hits even if the clone wont activate incarnon mode. Just avoid anything with low ammo, since the clone is dumber than a door knob.
  8. How about Alighdente? And for me whenever I hear Dante I cant stop thinking of the Lord Commander himself. Whom I wouldnt mind playing in WF with a singature Melta and Power Axe. I guess he retired and became a chapter Librarian.
  9. I wish I could like her. She'll probably just end up as fish stick prime in the Orbiter freezer.
  10. It isnt since you miss alot of stuff in it. It isnt just the number of numbers and values being inconsistant, it is how they are inconsistant aswell in combination with how you claim/think the mechanic works. Let me explain. You have the Bombards take 70 damage, one instance only, nothing else. You have the Officers take near identical damage to the main target. You have 5 damage instances to the left split between two Officers along with a few Bombards that only have the 70 damage instance. None of these are explainable occurances with how you think the mechanics of the arcane works. Since if so, you are pretty much claiming it also deals true damage, which it doesnt, heck it would be a completely new type of damage since it also applies other statuses. Also, if it was true damage, how come the damage is different than that of the main target? How come it is mitigated by the Bombard and not by the Officers if it isnt true damage but still based on the damage dealt? Both would still remove near or over 95% of the damage purely from armor, since even with the corrosive bonuses, the Officer of that level would still retain enough raw armor value to reach near 95%. It wouldnt end up at 244/851 and then 70. Since the damage transfered in that case would be the two values seen on the main target and then mitigated by around 95% armor. Which is why it works exactly like it is described (in detail) on the wiki, a new damage instance based on your modded values etc. The only thing not fully clear is how crit interacts, if it is automatic if the parent damage instance crits or if it is rolled per new instance created by a status effect. But crit atleast interacts with the new damage instances, that much is sure. If it did work like you think, killing weak enemies would be absurdly beneficial and practically turn your melee into a 20m Curse on a stick, since it would ignore all defenses. I cant see that part in the video. I have however tested the 1HK and spread in-game today. It depends on how you 1HK the target, which explains why it doesnt work on the glaive which is a single hit resulting in death. The same applies to any "final" melee attack. So a HA that is made up of several hits will proc and spread as it 1HKs the main target, it just wont spread on the strike that results in the death of the target.
  11. I think I ran with 200% duration to effectively double his time in redline. It did however not help me stick to Gauss since I absolutely hate the redline mechanic due to more dura resulting in a longer ramp up time. Atleast it made it feel as good as it could get considering those circumstances of the skill. But I'm more like "why run places like a pleb when I can just teleport and shank things?". So Sisu > Redline.
  12. How do you not have 20 enemies in range in SP endless? And why on earth do you care about the actual testla effects? Those are not the main damage source, it's every single hit you make against the primary target that procs direct damage instances to everything else that matters. The electric is simply there to enable the arcane and provide further direct damage hits, not for the status itself on enemies, that is simply a bonus. Another arcane would not provide additional AoE damage. The procs (not the status effects themselves) clear whole rooms in content like SP Mot since all of your modded damage for the element hits everything within 20m whenever you land their status on the main target. No one is saying anything about double dipping on proc damage. I'm saying the damage you see is unrelated to the hit you land on the main target. The surrounding enemies take your modded elemental damage and applies it to enemies within 20m of the target you landed the status on, and on the target itself aswell. So if you have a weapon with 100 base damage and the only mod equipped is Shocking Touch any electrical status landed would spread 90 electric damage and apply the status. It wouldnt matter if the main attack would crit or not, 90 damage would be transfered, which then rolls seperately for critical. The critical just doesnt show up currently and always displays white damage. Not really sure what the screenshot is supposed to show since there is a lack of consistency in the numbers displayed. Some of them are only afflicted with 1 damage instance, others 2 and some with 3. And out of those they dont share the same numbers. The first to the left have 2x244 and 1x852, the left most only has 1 of each. Neither of those 2 have the 70 instance. The right most only has the 70 instance, the one in the back either has none or just the 70 instance. If it was a mirror of damage all HGs on the screen should have identical damage instances, both when it comes to numbers on the individual hits aswell as number of hits afflicting them, you shouldnt have between 1-3 across the screen of varying numbers. Maybe... just maybe... uhm have the uhm arcane active when you detonate instead of activating the arcane on detonation? The arcane isnt active so obviously it cannot proc the status on detonation. And like most other things in WF, the attack that triggers an effect never benefits from it. Like with CO, the hit that lands the first status does not benefit from the increased damage from the mod, and the attack that lands the second status only benefits from the first status and so on. The only 1HK source that does not spread statuses is from finisher damage since none of the damage dealt comes from the status, but from the finisher damage itself. But if you 1HK something with a HA and that HA procs an elemental status, that status will spread and inflict damage within 20m since the damage type in involved in the killing and the status is applied in the calculation before the mob is determined dead.
  13. Likely Protea considering the release order. Recent two primes have been male so Protea is up, then Xaku after that followed by Lavos and Sevagoth since they'll probably follow the normal frame order after that. Unless they move up Yarly in between Lavos and Sev.
  14. Well no not really considering his theme and concept. It is about as wierd as Atlas, Inaros, Wukong and Nezha in connection to their themes. It is a scribe and mystic Frame, so chances are high the inspiration is taken from Dante Alighieri. Although he was probably not an actual mystic, his work is claimed to be written as an incantation of the dead, By some in the supernatural sense and by other in the sense that his work lets the reader "meet" historical figures of the past, including Dante's love from his youth, which is probably also his true love considering she is not only mentioned, but also serves as his guide in paradise.
  15. In SP the density is simply so high that you will always have things that procs MI while sustaining a high KPM. I have a hard time believing your KPM/KPS is so high that you actually get downtime on spawns, since even with a self sustaining Dual Ichor that reaches around 3KPS you never run out of mobs. And that is when the Ichor is out strolling on its own and commiting genocide several rooms away in all possible directions. Even weapons on the worse side for utilizing MI wrecks maps with it aslong as you make a build suited for MI. This includes weapons without forced or high slash weighting to annihilate heavy mobs. You quite simply just build a bit differently from the other old cookie cutter builds. But it is like everything else, if you dont build for it, it prolly wont give the return you seek. So far with builds to make use of MI I've had great success with it on Dorrclave, Dual Ichor (bonkers), Bo Prime Incarnon, Sancti Magistar Incarnon, Nami Solo Incarnon, Prisma Skana Incarnon, Kronen Prime, Prisma Ohma, all the 2h Nikanas, Praedos, Silva & Aegis Prime, Ceti Lacera, Venka Prime, Ceramic Dagger and Furax Wraith. This has been with different frames with different potential, but even those that bring little on their own like Revenant make it work real well. The main thing is that most of those builds use Nourish, so I can mod for electric and HA improvements, like effeciency. Which gives me both constant AoE damage and the option to 1HK anything heavy if needed. The exception is when using Dual Ichor since it has innate Toxin, so needs an elemental combo anyways. These builds have worked very well in SP endless and makes short work of netracells and archons. And while electric isnt the best element for damage when compared 1:1, people seem to forget or ignore that MI deals more instances of elemental damage in addition to spreading the status effect. So while electric might be behind a bit, it still deals a full instance of extra electric damage whenever it triggers the status when MI is active. That is very likely intended. It does however not duplicate the damage of the hit, it takes the modded damage and applies it again. So the damage you see on surrounding targets depends on which elements triggered on the attack and their % of the damage spread on the weapon. And the number you see are all statuses combined into a single number.
  16. Neither. The accessories one to the right looks like a Necramech or Culverin crossing its arms and going "Nope!". Or is the helmet rocking a reversed handlebar mustache? I'm quite frankly not sure what I'm looking at. And for the default... isnt Gauss supposed to be uhm... aerodynamic? So what the #*!% is with all the openings and cavities in the front? "How to break your own neck, or on the best of days inflict serious whiplash" A Book by Gauss Prime.
  17. Yep I think that is why we see so many from the same artist back to back more or less. And I'm fully with you on wanting to see skins from people that arent Liger. I do however really like the look of the Styanax deluxe (Warframmer Lizardmen Croxigor or Saurus?). Not such a fan of his other delux skins though, since like you mention in your post, they interfear with personal fashion frame options. Which is why I loved the Revenant Deluxe, it's easy to work with and if I dont want to use the body, the head fits perfectly on the base or prime body. And the heads from those two fit well and look cool on the deluxe with the high collar from the syandana etc. And @L3512is spot on, visual clutter is a perfect phrase to describe most of them. What I'd want even though I enjoy the cultural references in skins is for them to be more machines of death and less alive in the interpretation. More morbid aswell in a warframe sense. Like the Styanax skin. Instead of being so smooth and symetrical, the "scales" could have been ablative pieces of armor, but with gaps between them that show infested muscles underneath, maybe with the armored pieces of the body intregrated or infused with the muscles through tubes and wires, while still giving it the sense of an animal warrior. More wild helminth and less generic lizardman.
  18. It's balanced by itself and what it requires. It's a great arcane, probably the best out of the bunch, but that isnt because it is too powerful, just that the others are kinda weak. Since Influence requires Electric to work it locks us out from Toxin and Heat by default, with the exception of Saryn due to her Lash which does not combine with other elements. It also locks you out from Corrosive and Radiation unless the weapon comes with either as innate effects. Some weapons can circumvent the electrical modding requirement by having innate non-combinable electric, like Ohma slam and similar. But that instead limits the arcane to specific weapons if you want to utilze Heat or Toxin spread. I enjoy it with either pure electric modding in a Nourish build or modded for Viral+Electric atm, where I prefer the Nourish approach. I had the idea of going Viral+Gas+Electric, with Nourish then mods to achieve Gas+Electric, but it is kinda pointless to spread out the elemental damage since the damage on proc is based on the modded element that procs. So you are better of with one reliant proc that can occur that benefits from all mods on the weapon for the direct damage instance of the spread. I would if I could mod Dual Ichor for full electricity, but as it is those mean lads come with innate toxin, so going viral+electric is needed. I do also enjoy the Exposure arcane, but that is pretty much only used on my Contagion weapons for more upfront damage, since those lack status chance to enable and make Influence reliable.
  19. I'm 100% aware what I build for. You simply have another idea of how you wanna play the game. You're still not answering what should be a very simple question about your own ideas and ideals in the game. They should be happy this isnt a level based game like MMOs are. If this was an MMO and level based content they'd be stuck with not being able to do most content since no one would be around to do it. They'd have to revert to asking for carries etc. Here they can just join a random group through an automatic matchmaker without impacting the speed desired by a veteran that has already ran the mission thousands of times and just want the current components. But there is practically no need to look at it as "keep up" since everything is available solo and there is no actual scaling for co-op to justify playing co-op and having to "keep up" in the first place. Getting more gear wont improve your gameplay in a PuG if you currently dont enjoy it because people kill everything. Since it will come down to who reacts first when you eventually have the gear and if you react slower than someone else they will kill most of the map still. That makes it your self created problem since you refuse to approach the game as it is intended i.e using the right tool for the right job when needed. That has always been the red line throughout WF, where different frames deal with different mission parameters better or worse. That is just a massive "what if?", since it hasnt become a reality yet. And if/when it becomes a reality that is just normal progression for a game. You however seem to want to skip directly to the end while not doing the several modes for progression in between that everyone else went through. They'd also need to introduce some seriously difficult content for SP to be required progression, since SP alone, which is practically still the highest content, doesnt need SP items in order to farm it. We farmed SP for hours and to level cap long before SP specific loot that increased our power progression was even introduced to the mode. We currently do not need incarnons, arcanes, shards or galv modding to do SP, Netracells or Archons comfortably. They are only bonuses that enable us to do even faster runs of those activities, or stay longer in endless. Plus most of the items are obtained outside of SP or content of similar levels anyways, purchasable with tokens obtained from normal difficulties or straight drops from those normal missions. Most of the major improvements to your power come from Sisters, Liches, Arbitrations, Duviri and the different syndicates without touching SP. Only 3 specific arcanes require you to actually do SP. That you can these days grab through Loid.
  20. But it was, since it isnt about a few passionate people. There have been massive amounts of criticism towards Netracells and the specific arcanes is the smallest part of it all. The main point regarding the arcanes is just that they take an insane amount of time to obtain. Not insane farm time, but simply gated time blocking them. But they are still just side criticism and more of a "DE are you aware of the absurd time gate?". The main issue(s) with netracells is everything else. Common farmable, purchasable arcanes and adapters as part of a 5/week gated mission, RNG on shards times two aswell as horrible mission flow, like having to backtrack 1k quite regularly to kill a very pointless enemy, all to then backtrack again to the actual mission zone. Not only did they ignore this, but to "fix" arcanes they decide to... introduce a new mode instead of fixing the brand new one they just released? And ontop of that, this new mode wont be a mode in addition to netracells, it will be instead of. So they arent fixing anything with the actual netracells, unless there are changes to the actual mode they havent mentioned yet. This was also in a devstream that they claimed would have a in depth discussion or review of the netracell mode and the criticism around it. Something they had gone out and highlighted for 2 or 3 weeks in their devshorts. And we get practically no info or feedback regarding the mode and criticism. So yes, it was a major negative thing. I for one sat down to watch this specific devstream just for the updates on what they plan for netracells, the in depth info I had been told through their devshorts would come with the january devstream. I also watched the devshorts in hope those would highlight some netracell things, but since they announced it would be brought up to a greater extent in the devstream it was unlikely they'd touch it in the shorts. So no biggy there. But you dont go out and say that in depth info will come when you practically mention it just as briefly as you did in the devshorts where you claimed it would be in depth in the devstream. They practically gave no new info on the subject, it was just echoed info regarding the arcanes. The one new thing was that there would be a new mode for the arcanes, but zero regarding netracells, the actual subject of matter.
  21. But that isnt true. Nor is it relevant to the topic. But it is outside of SP by your very own definition, since it was an Archon Disruption, which by your own words is not the same as SP. Something you made clear quite a while back in another thread when asked why you dont treat Archons and Netracells the same as SP. To which your answer since they arent according to you due to not having the specific SP modifiers. So this is very much about Disruptions outside of SP. Which you would have also understood when I earlier said I never do Disruption in PuGs since there is no way to know which rotation others need compared to your own needs. So this could have never been about SP Disruption since we are in a thread discussion PuG behavior and outcomes. And no one said confident to do multiple at once alone, I said multiple where everyone deals with one. Since doing several at once is very risky due to location of conduits locations and spawns. Which is why this disruption nearly failed, since the people that clearly couldnt handle demos at all slapped keys in eitherway. What? I really have a hard time getting what you are trying to say or ask here? I'm starting to think you've never done anything archon due to how you talk here. Or you have an extremely short attention span and cannot remember what has been discussed. There is no going further in these disruptions, it's 8 conduits then it is time for the Archon (which could be "going further" I guess), so geared for that. As to something changed... It was a PuG as the topic of the thread discusses. Do you have some magic access to the arsenal on the fly during missions? I sure as hell dont. So I went in prepared to do my part as people tend to do i.e handle my conduit/demo as others handle theirs. "Most" is a big word. No I really dont know of "most" other co-op games that dont allow that. I know of the poor co-op or GAAS games that lock everything to powerlevels so you practically never progress, where it is all an illusion and everything is the same. Like Inquisitor Martyr, where it doesnt matter if you have 5000 power levels or 500, if the content is 5200 or 700 in PL the enemies will deal the same % in damage and you will deal the same % less in damage to them. So going from 500 to 5000 gear has zero point really. The gear 4500 PL higher might provide you a total of 1% extra critical chance and 1% more X damage element on your weapon. And you still havent been able to provide an answer to the question asked. Beating round the bush a whole lot though. I mean, if you cant formulate what you mean, your criteria on the subject of consideration for others, how are others supposed to know when they arent even into the niche playstyle approach of yours. If you dont know, the person that came up with the idea in the first place, it is very illogical to expect others to know. Absurd really.
  22. Not lecturing just saying in connection to the example, just giving my personal opinion on the specific cases. What isnt fitting is everything practically in Loki's kit since none of it fits with how Loki decieves and schemes. Loki is most Loki when you augment his disarm and it is only because it makes enemies attack eachother at that point. The kit is simply to generic for such a theme hence why it wouldnt really matter what the skin would look like since it fits so many deceivers in a general sense. Well no one tried to correct you eitherway. Nowhere is there a distinction made in what I wrote that seperates greece from troy. The two things that tie Styanax to anything greek rests in his aestethics and his name that hails from a baby in the story about Troy, that is my point. His whole kit has nothing specific tied to anything greek in the theme, since you have a generic spearman/javeliner, which fit in practically anywhere in the world. Not to mention that DE in one of their videos regarding Styanax also said inspiration comes from other warrior cultures, including vikings. So whatever look Styanax gets doesnt really matter, since the kit fits into so many different cultures and the only thing that screams greek is his look and name. Hence why an aestethic from any region of the world would fit him, because he is in the end just themed around a generic spearman, one of the most common military units throughout pre-modern history (and in some regions even during modern history).
  23. What is too much? The "nipple piercings"? First of it is a quite common tribal thing, so quite understandable in that regard. In addition to that they arent even actual piercings, they are placed on a part of the frame that would be armor or clothing if this was a real person. Or do I suddenly have pireced nipples when wearing a shirt that has iron rings as decorations on the front chest pockets? Like I'm really confused now.
  24. Edgy? No I just have a place in my heart for old grandpa Beelz. Or do you not like the morning sun and other magnificent wonders of the universe? Clearly you havent since we werent discussing groups in that thread at all. And I've never said anyhting about bad builds, I've said there are builds and there are not-builds, simple as that. Not that this has anything to do with builds, but with grouping and what you deem expected from players in relation to other players, how one should consider the other etc. That is what you've failed to or avoided to explain. There is no scope regarding what is too little and enough consideration towards other players in your mind, that is what needs clarification so people might understand where you are comming from. If you wanna discuss the details of the other thread do it there. And what is alongside to you? I'm in the mission, I'm built so I can handle demos alone since there are 4 of them and 4 of us so we can do all 4 in one go as a group. That is alongside since all 4 does the mission together but can handle themselves. That however failed since the other 3 were undergeared yet were given freedom to try. So killing them 1 by 1 was needed. You cant give them more consideration than allowing them to try to the point where the demo reaches the target and nearly has time to detonate. Or should I have brought a build that would have just killed the demo by the time it reaches the conduit? Even if I would have done 99% of the damage to it just slower? Me using something worse doesnt mean the others do more in return, their damage would have still been just as insignificant in the end. No matter if I had chased the demo with a weaker tool from first contact all the way to the conduit or if I'd vaporize it in one hit as it reached the conduit. So again, what would be inclusive and considerate?
  25. If that was an issue and a given we would have already seen that with a frame that already exsists. But I've seen no Kaspers Kampy Komrades fashion frame coming from that frame either. And that frame has it all to make that a potential, including the religious nutjob angle. edit: Oh and do you seriously expect 3k groupies would use a frame that can both read and write?
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