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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Same area in practicality unless you wanna rely on his 4 for AoE. I rather use roar, wrathful and a influence melee at that point, since all of that allows me to stay mobile. The trade off is that Kullervo's cone results in instant killing, Dagath aswell since her Doom keeps spreading, so no need for constant prepping, so can just horse around mostly.
  2. Sampotes with Melee Influence is so much fun, especially on Kullervo with uhm 700% crit and some purple tau shards. Even the normal slam wipes rooms.
  3. She's like most damage frames, not much to offer a group but very able to handle her own. Kullervo is the same, he even offers less to a group because he doesnt provide viral nor an easily managable slow even. Both are strong as Hel none the less. I prefer to replace Dagath's 3 with Fractured Blast, works well with the range investments and strength, gives her other options to survive and gives something to the group if you are in one. And on Kullervo I replace Ukko with augmented Roar, which gives a nice buff to the group and knocks enemies down and makes them easier to crit and hitting others for less.
  4. The Dante farm has been the best. Did two SP disruption runs where I stayed for around 1h and 20min in each, after that I had everything I needed in order to buy the few things I was missing. Being able to go ham on C rotation over and over and over is amazing.
  5. No idea why Dagath gets brought up so often. She's been one of those frames that have been great out the door without any need for a tweak or buff. We've had few bad frame releases overall. Yareli, Calibum and Corvex are really those that stand out, but Yareli is currently a massive murderer thanks to the augment. Qorvex is solid but could use something to help his skills kill.
  6. 😲 I didnt even give the specters a thought. Hmm does that mean we can use our terminator cosplay guns aswell?
  7. The Nezha augment is still crazy strong even with the reduced range. I mean, it was an augment that wrecked as much or more than some skills that do similar things. Curse for instance is only a cone, Doom only procs after a certain threshold etc. Spears augment could reach a 50m circle and synced insanely well with ranged high status weapons or melee with influence and very high attacks per combo. It still maintains a 20m+ range without using all ranged mods, which is a damn nice improvement for ranged weapons that otherwise only hit 1 or a limited amount of targets, and it practically doubles the potential of influence. What I'm shocked about is the change they went with on Dante's #4. Why LoS, why not just make it a cone instead of radius? That would have fixed it since it works perfectly fine on Kullervo and doesnt need some LoS bull involved. I mean, it would practically still be the same thing as LoS but without potential bugs, since it would hit in a 90 degree angle no matter if something is behind a grain of sand or not.
  8. Yep yep, thanks for confirming it aswell. Just went back to the notes and caught that part. I thought they refered to permanent for the week since they kept mentioning the pointless "can play the new mode as much as you like for the week" without rewards, so thought they highlighted the permanent elite thing for those that wanted to do that just for uhm fun. Anyways, this made my day. Since from next week and onward, no need to do two run to get everything and free to pick 1 thing aswell, or one debuff less if the pulls are good.
  9. No way! Are you fantaboulasly serious? I need to go read them again. It would make some of the wording in the patch notes make more sense aswell, like everytime they specifically point out "or elite".
  10. That is not powercreep. Powercreep is a term used when we simply abandon content and items, constantly replacing it with higher items to do higher content. We still play the old content, we still use gear from way way back. In WF we replace things every few years at most, and often not for something directly more powerful. It's like with Primes, an item we replace another one with every 4(!) years. Then weapons come from time to time, mostly as side grades, and are never needed in order to finish some new piece of content. Heck, most of my modding is 7+ years old. And most new mod improvements are on a case to case basis depending on what you actually play. I'm not sure what "enough enemies" have to do with anything. Where are you playing if you run out of enemies? In endless they spawn as fast as we kill, in one-off missions they have always been static. Do you want a higher requirement on kills in exterminate? Do you have a kps well above 3.0 in survival? Where exactly do you want more enemies? The real problem are the levels that DE are afraid to utilize even though they are in the game. A simple tweak and cap of enemy damage output and they've have 9999 levels of potential enemies for a wider range of players.
  11. The downside of it is the RNG since it doesnt really change anything aside from making things go slower. Normal Deep isnt hard enough to be a real problem and in elite we can replace one pick anyways. So like for me today it was slow with Rev+Sibear, then when normal was done I just swapped over to Kullervo to smash things. Plus you can group for it, so they kinda already remove large parts of the difficulty. Even the elite demolisher mechs were fragile, to the point it made me wonder if they forgot to add group scaled ehp to them. And that was with popcicle incarnon and not a weapon that can guarantee massive bleeds even. Yet it fails to have anything to incentivize group play aside from making it less tedious. Unless you end up as the babysitter for people getting downed 24/7.
  12. Sadly it can potentially missfire before hitting Elite Deep though, unless DE has a fail safe implemented that grants us atleast 1 owned item in each category. If not it is enough you miss out on 1 category and you'll never reach Elite that week. It's not until you actually do Elite that you can skip 1 item to reach the maximum of useful rewards. Maybe @[DE]Megan or @[DE]Daniellecould help clarify that if possible. Are we guaranteed to always get atleast 1 item per category that we own? Would be terrible to find out later down the line that that isnt the case.
  13. Yes, that is why I say it doesnt make sense and that you are actually talking about progression. Since powercreep has nothing to do with what you are talking about when using the word powercrept in your original post. When you changed it to progression it atleast made sense, aside from you being upset about progression in a game about farming items and power.
  14. That would be absurd amounts of too much if he would end up with it himself. A one use strip for OG that just removes 50% could work since they cant be disarmed when they have OG up. They could add something so Loki can steal up to say 20k out of those 50% or something, or a lower cap that scales with strength. They were both made at different times to counter skills overall. So no reason to undo what they were made for. Only if they are weak, which the last batch of augments werent. Possibly, havent checked on it much. all I know is in order for it to do anything versus infested you need the augment, which is bad in itself since it is radiation or well confusion, which is just an annoying effect overall. And now with decoy it is massively counter productive since you want enemies to attack the decoy.
  15. When people ask for an advanced A.I in an arpg I always think of the JJJ+Parker gif since I laugh just as hard. We've seen arpgs set up the "tactical" A.I in their game from the start, it was both part of Martyr and Outriders, This included covers that could be used in both games and blown up aswell in Martyr. How long did people use those systems and feel some A.I threat? Until they reached max level, barely. Then it all turned into swoosh, swoosh, swoosh through the maps as much as you possibly could. I went from "owwwie! need to be careful" in Martyr to smashing down into enemy hordes with a jump pack as a crusader, or just running them over with fire and beams as a psyker, or bunny hopping and bouncing jiggly parts and carving enemies up as an assassin. Did I ever consider the tactical aspects at that point? Nope, and that was a game with avaragely lower density aswell. In Outriders it started out much the same, then turned into some mix of playing Saryn/Enox but with fire, The Hulk/Thing or The Terminator/Rambo, with no tactical consideration at all aside from when you faced some type of boss. The "smart" A.I just became annoying, since all it did was slow things down because it took cover etc. And that was also with lower density overall and a damage output setup that requires priming before actually deal map wide AoE damage of high values, which most often wasnt possible due to how the primers worked for the most part. So A.I improvements in WF? Uh...?
  16. Batteries ran out and Albrecht has plans to replace it with a Nokia 3210 anyways.
  17. Dante is really just Zoltun Kulle and we already have Maghda in Titania, Khom in Grendel and Siegebreaker in Rhino. Could we get a Belial frame? Also... Monty Burns > Baro Pleb'teer. Excellent... edit: Which reminds me, we need a Monty Burns frame, completely useless but he comes with an exalted Smithers that grants access to skills such as "Release the hounds".
  18. No you arent due to this... Since what you say doesnt make sense when you actually use the word powercreep in the context. What you talk about there is you having an issue with progression, that is it. Along with also dragging in tech limitations for some reason. You also somehow attribute the AoE and AFK nerfs to progress, when those were done for completely different reasons unrelated to powercreep. Those were done due to how the game is set up overall, with us doing high and low level content for the exact same items for the most part. So AFK farming was an issue due to it automating gameplay no matter where or at what power you were, since a mid level item could trivialize low level content to achieve automated farming with someone like Wukong. That has nothing to do with powercreep at all. AoE was nerfed because it was seen as disruptive, since co-op in this game lacks proper scaling, hence why it runs into these "issues" while other games do not. I mean, what do they expect when a mob in a 4 player group has the same eHP as in solo? And the damage attenuation and overguard, those are things that should have been in the game long ago to tackle our baseline progression overall. You also bring up startchart levels getting higher and higher for quests, that is also just simple normal progression. Powercreep would be if it went beyond our current access to power progress. Currently nothing within content will be powercreep, since it is not beyond the point where the game currently allows for already designed scaling. The scaling has also been partly reduced with the S curve. Enemy damage output could likely use an overhaul aswell so the content becomes more consistant. If content was to be labeled powercrept, it would need to surpass our power and also constantly replace previous content. None of that applies in WF, no content we have currently outpaces our power to incentivice us to farm new things to beat it while replacing the old content/items. And items that actually increase our power come so few and far between and it is also not guaranteed to replace something old. In some cases it does, but it depends on how players build, so that old item is still in use elsewhere. So new things really only lead to more choices while also enabling certain old things that might need help. Powercreep would be if we got more power contantly and always replaced the old. It would always result in power going ^ and not < or > most of the time. And content would always be higher and higher to get us to farm higher new items.
  19. The only thing I can see as a sensible adjustment to him is his OG since it is just way too easy to stack compared to other group-wide OG mechanics plus it doesnt come with some of the drawback of other OG. Like Kullervo's that cant be used versus ability immune enemies since it requires you to actually hit the enemy. But I'd probably just adjust it by giving it a cap for the group, like 50% of the personal cap, meaning in the avarage build you still have easy access to 20k+ OG for the group, which also regs on its own. And then add better buff tracking to him so we dont have to look among the other buffs. The rest of his kit can stay as is, since the 3+3+4 combo is still limited to an angle for priming, so it comes out comparable to many other AoE damage sources both from other frames and weapons. I practically played him, tried out most things I could think of but got bored due to the excessive spamming. Sure he deals alot of damage, but damn it's alot of button spamming!
  20. No since we arent talking about compromising our opinions. We are talking about them that specific group of a minority that has already gotten what they wanted. You are the source by bringing up your "issues" in groups. As I said, if the people seeking efficiency wasnt the larger part you wouldnt end up in groups with such players often enough for it to be a problem for you with your desire of a different and slower playstyle.
  21. But what you say is not related to powercreep, what you talk about is just simply progression as Kit points out. The things we have that could be considered powercreep actually reduces power creep by making more and old items viable at higher levels aswell. Shards, helminth, incarnons etc. that just strengthen without replacing something. For instance, releasing a new version of a mod every few years (vitality, intensify, fiber etc.) isnt powercreep, that is just regular progress over time so there is something new to get in a live service setting. Since enemies have practically not changed either with increasing power (since scaling has always been a thing) we dont have powercreep with mobs either. We just get new enemies with some new mechanics. We also dont leave old content behind, so yet another thing that indicates that WF doesnt have any real extent of powercreep. What WF has is a fear of adding content aimed for endgame, since the devs have this odd idea of being "inclusive" so everyone can more or less play new releases, even though new players have the whole game already to go through. If you actually look at things released it is just items added to give a new standard baseline as they start utilizing more of the already exsisting enemy scaling in the game, which kinda peaked with the introduction of Kuva weapons. For instance they didnt introduce more powerful items with Duviri, instead we got sidegrades that incentiviced using very old items again. And my point regarding the survey is. That if you answered it based on your opinion on our power, you answered the question wrong, since we dont have any particular powercreep in WF as it is, and power progression and powercreep are not interchangable. And if you answered it based on actual powercreep, then which powercreep did you refer to? Enemies? Players? And in what relation? Players in comparison to mobs, frames/weapons in comparison to frames/weapons? As I said, their questions are horribly vague and straight up bad and hard to answer. Since you dont even know what they actually base it on due to how those questions are asked and answered. While we surely have a few things that could be considered powercreep it is more an issue with poorly balanced outliers that can simply get fixed by tuning and tweaking those items specifically.
  22. But you yourself proved in this very thread that the question aswell as the answers are vague. They ask about powercreep, you answered it under a misconception, since what you complain about is progression, not power creep specifically. And the way the question is formulated along with the answers, the "Powercreep has no impact" would be the "powercreep is good", since again, it has no negative impact. In reality the question should have been phrased "Is powercreep bad for WF?" with "Yes", "No", "Undecided" as answers. Preferably there should be two questions, "Is player powercreep bad for WF?" and "Is enemy powercreep bad for WF?" since it can take the shape both ways. Just as the other following questions mostly vague with no real indication of which end represents a negative or not. a 5 on gear balance, does that mean. Does the person refer to balance between starter and endgame gear? Does he refer to gear balanced in comparison to the content it is obtained in? The co-op mission question is also the same. Does the person who answer refer to playing co-op in general or does he mean he values forced co-op activities like raids? Or does he simply value the option that co-op is there as a choice when help is needed? They are all so very very vague. I would for instance answer 1 on the co-op question and 5 on gear balance, since co-op I'd consider as being a question asked regarding forced group content like raids or similar and gear balance as a question regarding gear balanced accordingly to where it is obtained. The whole survey was poorly worded overall. In the real world yes you are correct. Since in the real world there are parameters they aim for. Here in a game as wide as WF it is a very small sample size, since it doesnt pinpoint certain age, experience or activity/occupation etc. It is really like a country sending out a random survey to X amount of people that are simply alive, making it end up with toddlers, senile seniors and everything in between. For instance a person that answers the survey with very little time spent in the game may answer it completely different from one at a later stage, just as it would differentiate massively between what type of content a player tends to do, or even which frame they play and have most experience with. It isnt like a nation sending out a survey to people between age 35-50 asking about family life or their experience with a union, banks or similar. Or one that focuses on a specific occupation, like social workers, service people, bus drivers etc.
  23. In a compromise no, since they've already recived their part of the negotiation, so should at that point be open for others to recieve a part aswell. If it went further with more compromises needed their opinion could be looked at again. We are talking a specific item here already coming to the game, so their opinion is invalid at this point because it is really their time to give. That it is the majority is uhm quite clear. Even you prove it by claiming there is an issue keeping up in groups for instance, so efficiency is quite obviously a big priority and most common. If it wasnt the most common type you wouldnt end up in groups with the problems you claim frequently enough for them to be a problem that according to you needs solving.
  24. That isnt the point. The point is we talk immersion, you are talking whatever happens outside the 4th wall regarding the game. There is only 1 protagonist when you look at it from the immersive viewpoint, which is what the people we talk about here do. But they wouldnt be... since no one would know if this toggle is used or not. So it has no impact on those that show their cosmetics in the first place, it only impact the player that makes us of the toggle because they want to. It isnt like it will strip the player using the cosmetics. But it isnt about people dressing up as they want or not, it is about people being against a toggle since they feel it reduces how they can express themselves (a fraction out of those that love to fashionframe overall), which isnt true, since it doesnt remove the item from their frame, so they still look exactly the same. So yes, it would be attention whoring, since they are most focused on the attention part. I for instance love to customize frames, weapons, operator, pet etc. but I would have no problem if someone else has a filter on that shows it differently, since I couldnt possibly know and I change cosmetics for my own enjoyment, and if someone happens to like it incase the see thats nice... I guess. Your caps part is exactly why this discussion about those players started. It doesnt matter if they run up to me either specifically, it is enough they cover everyone else with their wings or something else. So we should avoid everyone because a few are intrusive? If I could turn of wings for instance I could much more enjoy a hub, since I could actually see other people standing around without being covered up by a single person. You seem to be under the assumption that we dont wanna observe anyone, when it is in the end about extreme cases that look like a paint shop and a scrap yard threw up on their frame, or those that use energy colors that makes it look like a unicorn ejaculating any time they fire their weapon or use an ability in the group. Aswell as being able to turn of specific visuals that just dont belong. And again, no one would be aware if we did so. But we arent talking about actually excluding people. We are talking about a personal toggle that only affects the player using it. It's more like someone showing their "hot" girlfriend or "beatiful" and "cute" toddler and you internally go "yikes! oh help me gods, make me unsee it!" but say "you so lucky!" instead. The people arent aware of your thoughts and no one actually gets hurt. So the people running around looking like a Captain Planet reject or a cherub Rhino can keep imagining everyone soaking in their amazeballs fashion while people have the ability to unsee it if they like. It would really only make sense and be real world legal for the Drifter. Frames are frames, they are already "naked" and operators are... well... kids, and we dont wanna endorse people attracted to the playground and give them potential for happy fun time through pixels in a game. For Soulframe it makes perfect sense and is more common than not in most similar games. I have a hard time recalling a fantasy game where I couldnt run around in undies or hide certain armor pieces to show skin instead. Also, regarding this toggle and the people against it. Most are the type of person that things they are original and funny, when in reality they end up following some meme mainstream that quickly kills whatever little novelty there might have been to a "silly" look. So that they are against it because they want to "express" themselves is hypocritical at best, since they dont actually express themselves, they just follow some random neon-god fotm person from some corner of the interwebz.
  25. Yes but in real life silly is common and normal out of the perspective of immersion and peoples view on things. Here we look at it from the immersion of the tenno individual, what that specific player holds as canon in an RP sense of immersion. At that point the tenno of that player is the tenno, so what he sees as standard is what goes. So if he does not accept non-name tenno pleb 123 to wear X equipment he will not have him as part of his potential "crew". I'll describe this further in reply to your last segement of the post. Sure, that is in real life. I mean, if we had the option to run nekkid in the game it would be approapriate since the game allows it, but it might still not be appropriate out of a gameplay perspective where immersion is the focus. And that is the whole point of it, that the player concerned with immersion sees the story and world as his, since he bases it on that he is the protagonist that lives the story or the world. And we kinda have the running naked thing in the game which would be nice if we could set rules against on our own, here it is simply called flashy energy colors. It only goes so far though if we go back to what I said in the first segment. It is about the single tenno, he/she is the hero. And since we cannot avoid public interaction completely a toggle would be suited for that part, since that tenno decides whom he/she surrounds himself/herself with when going to those relays etc. that throw all players together. Like I said to Publik, if everything could be experienced fully solo or only in pre-mades a toggle wouldnt be needed, since then there would be an option for your specific preferences already, since you would be able to hit up relays and hubs completely solo or with likeminded people and friends. Which is why I said we need to set the rules ourselves, whatever fits our own narritive if we have one at all. We are the "law" since we make the story for our own specific tenno that is the tenno out of all, if we are into that thing. So while DE gives us access to alot of things it doesnt mean there shouldnt be ways to hide or avoid it, since even though the things are abiding by real life laws and are acceptable in that sense, it doesnt mean they are acceptable to every player out of a RP or immersive point of view. And those players that require full attention are forced upon us for starters and they wouldnt be any wiser if someone can or cannot see their cosmetics as they toot around in the first place. So their attention-whoring would still be intact asfar as they know.
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