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Everything posted by (PSN)iuvenilis

  1. Either you've already completed them (they've been up for about a week), or you don't have access to the nodes.
  2. That's precisely how you make a vasca kavat. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Vasca_Kavat
  3. That's not a bug. You can swap between them. Try pressing alt-fire to swap between forward artillery and turrets (not sure if that's the correct keybinding sorry, you may have to trial and error).
  4. No it doesn't. I can take completely unranked gear into Steel path. Unless you're talking about something completely different.
  5. You'll probably need to contact support directly https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us
  6. I think there's at least two different helminth segments. Do you know if you already own any? Do you recall which one you tried to build? Screenshots might help.
  7. Any chance that was from last week, but you hadn't completed the mission so it didn't refresh?
  8. You seem to perhaps be a bit confused about how stealth works. The enemy must be unalerted. Simply going invisible won't change an enemies alert status.
  9. Was it weakened? Had it been hit by some infested before your caught it?
  10. Quite possibly just a UI bug. If you counted up everything and checked it against your total MR, I rekon is has been counted. Unfortunately, that could take a frustratingly long time to test.
  11. The sounds seem to play whether the collectible is there or not. It's the same with all of them that make a sound. The bug is the sound itself, not that the object is invisible.
  12. You don't get the rewards a 2nd time if that's what you're hoping.
  13. It's not a thing for console users. If you want to activate 2FA, I think you can do it on the playstation app or playstation dot com. But it has no affect on warframe.
  14. Have a closer look at limbo abilities. That's how being in "the rift" works. Roll to shift between the rift. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Limbo
  15. Do you have the riven equipped? Could you include a link to a screenshot to double check the challenge?
  16. Afaik they're still aiming for before end of year.
  17. If you get a weapon kill, only that weapon (and your frame) get experience, nothing for your other weapons. If you want the shared affinity approach, join a squad. There's always plenty of squads available for things like hydron/helene or SO/ESO or just random relic cracking. It's already super quick to level things. You don't need a potatoe'd loadout to kill stuff. Just slap on base damage (e.g. serration) and maybe an element, and you should be fine. Most weapons are capable of killing in the normal starchart. A solution already exists; join a squad.
  18. I'm guessing what's happening is, you've setup your volt eidolon loadout, and then while you're still on that same loadout, you're changing your arsenal. Basically, you'll also need to keep a "random" loadout which you use for all your random needs. The loadout slots all remember what you last had equipped while using that loadout slot. There is no generic loadout slot, so you basically have to make your own. For example, I have 3 loadout slots called "1 hildryn", "2 wisp" and "3 random", and there's are my non-specifc loadout slots. I also then have all my specific loadout slots. I make sure when I'm done using a specific loadout, I switch back to one of those 3 non-specifc loadouts. Hope that makes a little sense.
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