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Everything posted by (PSN)iuvenilis

  1. You probably got the other type of coupon
  2. If you bought the boar incarnon genesis and already used it on the boar, you'll have to get another to use on the boar prime. Which means you'll have to farm it from SP circuit. I don't think you can buy a second one, it's a one-time only purchase.
  3. 2fa for trading is a PC thing. It's not required for console. You can if you wish turn on 2fa for your xbox account via Microsoft but it has nothing to do with Warframe.
  4. Your best bet is to contact support.
  5. What weapon are you trying to equip it on? It can only go on bows.
  6. The 1M you see is the same 250k x4. So it's basically showing the rewards twice, I.e. double counting. The reward screen UI for index has been wrong for years.
  7. Are you completing the challenges? You only get the stock for each challenge once. The end-of-mission screen might be showing the stock for the challenges you've already completed. So if it's showing 2 of 6, that means there's still 4 challenges to complete to get the rest of the stock.
  8. Yeh it's super weird like that. It places an invisible orb/ring on the ground which allies have to walk through to get the buff. Once they have the buff, as long as you keep the ability active, the buff will remain active. If someone falls out of bounds, they have to go find the invisible ring to pickup the buff again (or you have to deactivate and reactivate to move/create a new ring for them to walk through to pickup the buff again). So it's like a weird mix between wisp motes and gloom.
  9. Sorry, I was mistaken, turns out I don't own the tenet plinx. I don't own any of those normal variants. I think what happened was I'd only just purchased the tenet ferrox about 2min prior and maybe it doesn't showup as an option until the next time it shows up in circuit. Probably just a weird bug. Apologies, please disregard.
  10. Did I miss something? I was running SP circuit last night and on one run the Ferrox was an option and another run was the Plinx. On both occasions I was only shown their normal variant yet I have the tenet variant of both. I would've assumed tenet weapons were supposed to be available in circuit? My kuva weapons show up just fine. Edit: I was mistaken, I don't own the tenet plinx. I'd purchased the tenet ferrox about 2min prior, so perhaps just a weird bug where it won't be available in circuit until next time the ferrox is available.
  11. I wonder if your railjack crew is getting the kill and this somehow prevents you from stabbing it. Just a guess.
  12. This is all normal behaviour. The items are outside the rift while you're inside the rift. Just like you can't interact with stuff while you're inside the rift.
  13. That's happening because you're warframe is falling out of bounds.
  14. Do you have an active lich? Have you completed the necessary quests (e.g. call of tempestarii).
  15. Prime JUNK means 15 ducat items, not 100 ducat items. Perhaps you've misunderstood what 'junk' means. Some people will also include prices for 45 and 100 ducat items. E.g. wtb prime parts 15d 1p/45d 3p/100d 10p. Or they may even specify something like "wtb parime parts 100d 45p full trades only". When you're seeing "wtb prime junk 5p full trades" they asking for 15ducat items, not 100ducat. That's not to say they might be hoping you accidentally give a 45/100ducat item.
  16. Sorry, I'm not sure what you're trying to suggest? Allowing rivens to be dissolved/traded for slivers basically bypasses transmutation, so I can't see any reason DE would do this. Even if they did, you'd be lucky to get 2 slivers per dissolved riven, maintaining a similar ratio.
  17. Only if you want to guarantee a riven of the same type. Any 4 rivens will work.
  18. That's what transmutation is for. Sure would be nice if the transmuters could be acquired outside of eidolons.
  19. What are you trying to buy? I'm assuming it's 75% off a single in-game market purchase. It doesn't apply to everything.
  20. You'll get to skip a week every now and then.
  21. This change isn't for the 1% of players who already have everything from the shop. It's for the rest of us. This is a wonderful change. It takes a little pressure off having to complete every challenge every week. And helps reduce the time required to buy the other stuff from the shop. DE have the stats, they can see engagement isn't high for the khal stuff. Similarly, the went and made the Yarelli mission much simpler... same reasoning. They can see the stats. Engagement is low. Some methods to craft a tau-forged would of course be wonderful, and has been requested since archon shards launched. At this point, I'm not expecting it.
  22. The % to get a tau forged is independent across the shards. So if you're at 60% for tau forged amber, that has not effect on the % for tau-forged on the other shards.
  23. What's super confusing is that we seem to still have both versions of the coupons. Last week I got a "bonus plat" coupon. Yesterday I got an in-game market discount coupon. I'm guessing DE are keeping track to see if one coupon seems more popular. Is it at all possible you were looking at items which aren't discounted e.g. bundles/tennogen?
  24. Have you accidentally turned off cross-play?
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