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Everything posted by quxier

  1. this was exactly how I saw some streamers predict it would go, a lower starting percentage so it would require a HUGE power investment to get it upto 90% and make it only fully viable for some warframes avoiding it becoming a goto add to every frame like skill Cap of 90% for armor/shield stripping is like trolling (to use better words!). Here you can armor/shield strip... but not exactly. Whatever your build is you still have to 2x cast it. I would prefer lower starting point and normal cap (100%). And in case of Thanos strike, it's still very active ability so it doesn't have to be nerfed to 90%.
  2. I guess there are some topics already. Some of them (probably me included) mention about collision detection (e.g. Protea's would jump over obstacles, Xaku's could slide through holes etc). Maybe with sticky corner update we would get some qol like this? Because it's simply never going to happen, each frame has its own uniqueness, don't like it, well, maybe WF isn't for you. Wisp, Titiana and now Dante are the only 3 frames that will have the Floaty walking animation and as of right now Dante is the first Male frame to have it. It's an option. So you can turn it on or off. Quoting some minor sentient: "Don't be afraid". Also, what do you mean by he "truly represents me" are you telling me you are some Scholar and Librarian? this: Hmm... that sounded better on paper. :| Maybe he likes books & reading? When I was younger I used to be a reader. I've used to read a lot of fictions. I was much more 'curious person' so I've used to read papers/posts about various topics. Nowadays I don't read too much. I prefer watching (it's easier). I still "can" read. So that librarian/scholar vibe resonates with me as well. Not to that degree as Qorvex' but still. However there is 'Mage' vibe that I love so much. I love magic & stuff a lot. So thematically speaking, I will love Dante probably. Oh no no, he doesn't want to see Pink Rhinos with Butterfly Wings floating around the mission burning his eyes. Or Pink Grendel, with fluffy pink wings, Hmm.... there is "fox" tail as well.
  3. Are calendar apps not available in your country? Or just normal paper calendars? They could just set it in Twitch. That will change dates automatically.
  4. Some slight buff is ok. If they want some synergies then they should make it 'group synergy'. For example every single handed weapons get +50% slash status duration when used with Ash/prime. Making interesting weapon is always good. Just don't tie synergies to the frames.
  5. One of the things to be aware of is that Xaku doesn't actually have DR, but rather has Evasion. And this difference is meaningful when Adaptation is in play. Because Adaptation only builds stacks when you are hit, which means that Adaptation builds stacks 4x faster on a frame with 75% DR when compared to a frame with 75% Evasion. This will result in the Evasion frame taking more damage until Adaptation reaches its cap(s). That's why I'm not a fan of using Adaptation with Xaku, because their own passive actually fights against Adaptation. Good things to know. Thanks. I would have probably get something to gather Adaptation stack. Still, I'm not fan of other Evasion ways so Adaptation or rolling guard is my top picks. More or less, you don't get 75% of hits. 25% of hits that hits you, will be reduced via Adaptation.
  6. I went with Xaku (75%) into old Archon hunts solo. It wasn't enough. I think I had Adaptation at that time. I wonder if it's worth. It goes from 75% to 93.75%. With the Adaptation it can go to ~99%. I'm still not sure if that 1% is enough to kill me easily. At least at "hard content" (sp, especially archon hunts).
  7. With little bit of changing this can goes like this: - each objective gives you 2 (3) pathos clamps - defeating Orowyrm would give you 4 (6) pathos clamps - so that's 14 (21) pathos clamps per session (no side objective) - so let's make incarnon adapter genesis upgrade cost 28 pathos clamps - some side objective may give you more than 2 (3) pathos clamps depending on difficulty Maybe add something unique to the shop... dunno. Still, if I could farm Pathos clamps like above I would be more willing to do them. Yeah, you there is almost nothing to pick. If incarnon were trade-able then you would at least get some plat from them I wish we have some unique stuff. It's little bit offtopic but I've mentioned about "element change" for kuva/sister weapons. Maybe we could get something similar? Some "on heavy do X" or "aerial attacks do Y", with few versions? Or add void damage/status? Yeah, when I started I kept paying attention to all attacks. Now I can mostly stand and I will be fine. I've tried SP version but I got some one-shots so It may not be good too (need more tries). Mats from Fishing, Kullervo, 3 Optional portals (SP Arcanes). Also Lore parts. What are those mats? You get Kullervo x2 + Rauta very quickly imho. I don't think I've even played SP version for, I think, more Kullervo's banes. Arcanes are.. meh. I got few from normal Duviri and they were all trash-like arcanes. Sure, you can change like 10 for 3 arcanes with Loid but it's still random thing. Plus Circuit from portals takes time. And I would go for lore parts but... where do I look for them? I mean, I don't need exact map. However looking into every places is too much. IMHO Zariman had great way to hide soundtapes. They weren't hidden in random places. You just have to look for "hidden places". If we had something like "ok, there is something nearby, like 50 meter in radius, look for them" it would be cool. In Circuit I like when "fragments" (or however those 3 thingies are called) are near edge of map. I void sling in spaces and look for shiny thing. It rewards "good eye". I think I see your problem. You played it too much. You got everything and you "finished the duviri". That's entirely on you. IMHO not exactly. The most grind is Circuit. To get to 10 rank you need 3-4 hours. You get some resources, incarnons, arcanes, kuva/rivens, endo. Even when you want only 2 from 5 weekly arcanes it's still a lot of time. Not to mention intristic. On other hand, in Duviri experience, I just farm pathos clams and sometimes some resource to upgrade incarnons. I barely go there as I've enough of everything in most cases. And I don't feel like going for arcanes when I bet there are better methods.
  8. Is Desication cures augment modable (e.g. increase Kawats more damage, more kawats etc)? Does it still applies 2x damage to ALL KAWATS? This is sadly what makes 1st ability not great. It's hard to do finishers. I think they should add heavy attacks as well. Still "facing part" is bad. It should be all enemies. Was this changed? I think DE/Pablo said about damage per tick not per second. Or did I understood it incorrectly? Does it applies status as well? So we can for example put corrosive archon shard for armor stripping?
  9. Chroma prime have just Chroma prime neuro/system/chassis. Normal frame used parts from different frames.
  10. +1 They scream so much that they break laws of physics (or void). :D
  11. Limbo main here! I don't have that problem because I consider Eximus units to be high-priority targets that are to be eliminated immediately. It isn't a Limbo issue, it's a target prioritization issue. In other words: and no, his Zanuka project will not fix that for you. *Meanwhile I around Eximus, Sentients, Jumpers, Nullies and other Overguard units with only few normal units*: so you are saying that I need to pick the highest of the high target first then continue with other part of enemies? Let me use simple method: No, no, no, it's not complicated. You just put "READY TO RELEASE UPDATE"* in all caps on the company's shared calendar. But put it on an EARLY date. And then when that day comes...you release it. Implement this plan and really nothing is stopping us from getting major expansions every day! *Extra credit for posting "READY TO RELEASE BUG FREE UPDATE". Next time DE: "Echoes of whispers of Dante AMR" will come 27th March.
  12. When rivens were good in general then I would think about it. I had (screenshot only) Riven with 2x drain but (slightly) worse stats (same polarity). It's just 10 rolls at 10+ rolled riven. With few rivens it's NOTHING. Till they fix riven to be some proper upgrade, without stupid rng that may make your riven into useless thing, then I won't visit yonta & co for this. I just get some kuva from Nigwave. Travel to country where they don't ask you for liver for small virtual currency > get a job > Work few hours > buy arcanes
  13. Let us, pc players, beta test content. We used to do this. DE get opinions/bugreports/suggestion and we get update earlier. It's "win win" situation. Sure, console/mobile would get it later because certificates but it would be still better/earlier content. Make better scheduling If that were easy... You can have "almost" finished product and one bug appears and you spend hours, fixing it.
  14. You may be looking into this wrong since it does have a TBD and the dates look like actual set times since alerts have to be switched on and the Prime thing has a set date for the next, The same goes for the dev stream at PAX since people will be physically going there. However, if the update doesn't come out until the 27-29th then at this point, I'm not even surprised that this level of Ignoration, they said MARCH, not the end of March or anything like that and likewise to a comment I saw, it just is all truth. (The quote below) Honestly, when I see something this unfounded, it physically hurts me I know it's TBD which but when writing such dates I would put TBD in another section. But it's just me. They said in the devstream "not the 1st nor the 30th" so releasing it on the 27-29th is almost lying Wasn't it about DE Nikana? And you get this weapon from near end-game content so it's not bad to assume that player can farm/get them. I don't remember my tests exactly but I think I had 2 tome mods (energy + armor/stuff reduction) and some arcanes. Was it too much to ask? Maybe for normal content. I've not tested corossive build + shard armor stripping but it should be fine. No need to change damage types. Maybe add some. It's like they have added bunch of slash/impact/puncture to weapons that had only elemental (e.g. toxic) damage type. There is a new Incarnon Arm Cannon coming with Dante, it's called the Onos Wasn't it "Oh Noes"? I may heard it wrongly.
  15. Yeah, but the poster talking about some ridiculous buffs. Not sure how it compare to "ridiculously average augment" that you are tlaking about.
  16. Not everyone. That's just Grigori being bad weapon that needed to be changed. Tennokai just made it more obvious. IMHO, tennokai should affect 2 heavies. That would fix another pc problem where you have heavies on roll (up/down) executing 2 heavies. That would at least fix that "grigori on 2nd heavy attack disc" issue. Or, in case of Grigori, just make the Disc on any/first heavy attack.
  17. I'm pretty sure majority would agree with this Topic. Daily/Weeklies were not originally designed as time games. They were made with good intentions as an alternate option for long spawn timers in MMOs. They were used together not separate. It was to help curve waiting for a spawn that's 7days +/- 12 hours only to have another raiding guild come in and snatch your kill. These days game use it as a time gate instead of just letting players get gains by playing what they want on the side. I want enemies to drop loot I care about again. I don't care if it's 0.01% chance. Just something to make playing the mission interesting. Make the endless Void missions worth while so we're not all just hunting for captures and exterminates to spam. It's terrible gameplay. Low drop chance (e.g. your example of 0.01%) with rare unit is the same as time gate. It's even worse. With time gate you have to e.g. pick certain Incarnon, play for ~3 hours every week. How about low drop chance? You play 1, 5, 10, 50 and you can still not get that loot. Or your loot can be bugged (e.g. not vacuumed because "let's make tenno live miserable", you get host migration etc). IMHO we need something like "decent" drop chance + pity shop. Citrine/Voruna farms were pretty good (later, in date, farm were little worse but still 'ok'). You get some loot by playing, then you get some currency that you can change for missing part. Imagine with your low drop chance you get most parts. You just need the last one. What you can do? Play another hours, praying that you get it. That's HORRIBLE.
  18. New weapons are subjective since you can level the weapon, make a build then move on to the next, however when they give a new weapon subtype (like the tome) then it's a little different, Sure, it's subjective but if the change is just e.g. +2 to status then that weapon won't last long. Sure, it may change what you previously used/liked. I think it just need some buff. Speed version has some killing potential. Slow version werent' good. Not sure after they have changed multisot bug. Still, it's little bit utility weapon so it may not have to be the best. Yeah, farm for arcanes is sometimes bad. Whisper hasn't fixed that. It just gave you roulette. If you have tons of arcanes you can get arcanes without playing a content tied to such arcanes. Something like Eidolons or timed Duviri will be easier in Whisper-way. However you still have to do a lot of roulettes. Wukong serves another purpose as well. Traversing/spie is good with Wukong. I don't see how Dante would challenge that. And Mesa has aimbot that helps in certain mission (especially solo) and again I don't think Dante has that potential. ps. At OP: in the news section We can se Dante update AFTER all dates. I may read too much into it but it seems like Dante will come after 22.03. Probably 27-29
  19. Yes, there are many things hidden in game. First you have scan-things: - cephalon fragment - give you some image, some story etc - songs - so you can e.g. play it in Orbiter - kuria - forget what are those Then you soundtapes in Zariman. Duviri have some *stuff* (forgot the names) - I've not dwelled too much. Then certain places you have some npc or something telling you 'something'. Probably every tileset has some hidden room with some loot. There are probably more 'types'.
  20. This is by design so that in order to get all these things, it retains Warframe as at best your "main" game, or at worst, just a habit. It's hard for DE not to approach content in this manner (like Deep Archimedea), because the content is otherwise farmed in a relatively short time-frame. This adds longevity and habits for logging in, which correlate to more opportunities for you to spend money. I can see both sides of the coin for why it is this way. It makes the most sense for free games to approach content this way, even if it becomes tedious over time for players. I may not like how many weeklies are being stacked on one another, but atleast I'm not playing a massive game of catch-up like I would be if I was starting another online game (as is the case these days for new players starting Warframe as well). That make sense for developers. Make content grindy/time-gated enough so people would buy/trade. However make content easy enough so people can still farm them. However that's not always the case. DE has been praised for their stance against Kubrow roultette. That were good choice. However we have similar mechanic and it's "fine". Like we have rivens that you have dozen of roulettes and you may end up with worse mod than normal mod (I got 2x drain, and slightly worse stats than one slash mod). Or you had opportunity to get timegated content to 1-2 small boost for only 1 frame (archon hunt + kahl, before Netracell). Even Netracells have things that are easily obtainable. Or Circuit. You are missing only 1 part, maybe main blueprint? Do 2-3 hours. Or do you want 2 incarnons that are just slight different than original weapon? Another ~3 hours. Or you want specific frame/incarnon? Wait even month+. How is it "ok"? Just because it's trades money for time, it doesn't make it ok, imho.
  21. Nope. You don't even need to kill them : this will show how good it is. If you don't kill enemies AND enemies enter your Catasis then it shows it's good?! That's joke, I guess. Limbo-healer/reviver is still good, I guess. But CC is not. Perhaps, but Frost bubble won't protect the defense target neither, as Eximus abilities will bypass it. The same for Gara's Glass wall, Volt's Shields, Zephyr's Turbulence... Eximus abilities are a "problem" for every frame and Limbo is not the most affected. Ok, maybe Limbo without Rift is.. what? What you can do? Nothing except what all frame can do: shoot, melee etc. Zephyr can damage with 4, can boost damage via being in air. Volt & Gara still has some stuffs that works. When I've been trying to protect stuff then enemies teleport to me. They move through Cataisis. And if you are saying all I have to do is kill Overguarded enemies then... I can do it with other DPS frame better. Or just If I can one-shoot Oveguard the chances are that I don't even need Limbo. Right, because Helminth ability proves that Limbo is "ok". No, it doesn't. Yes, because the Drone appears before me, outside Stasis. And maybe it even don't move. /sarcasm Nullies can come with packs, they can make their bubble bigger and hide their drone, afair. You can even have 2-3 Nullies together - try to find all Drones. Wait... so I cna Bane Guardian eximus with Overguard that has his Drone killed?! Good to know!
  22. I get that I tend to Play Warframe (or similar game types) in phases, where if an update comes out that I'm looking forward to, I'll play it, farm the frame/weapon, level then master them, but since the update has "inspired" me to play, I'll also do the backlog of frames and weapons I planned to Farm/Level as well. For example: Dante given how he is on paper -might- become my new main, since I love floaty stuff and got into mystic lately, so I'll powerhouse the hek out of him and make him as strong as possible can, while also levelling my current main Guass Prime. I'm not sure what DE could release that will be "meaningful content" There are few categories that are "meaningful" so you don't drop them as soon as you max them (except subjectivity) New modes and tileset. For example when Zariman came, I've played that tileset a lot. There were soundtapes to find, new tileset to explore, new enemy/boss to defeat. Duviri were the same. Whispers... on low scale. New weapons & co. They can introduce new weapons, mods/arcanes or stances. New stuff have to be different. There were matchete from Kahl update. It's forgetable because it's just +6s seconds to slash duration. It's not moddable. New Sun & moon and it's stance is just another melee. Nothing new/different. Some of the new arcanes change our gameplay. For example Melee Crescendo let you have 12x combo for whole mission (- some recharge time). Melee influence give you AoE. Tenet exec has waves on slams. Sadly it's almost unmodable (the most mods won't affect waves). They are changing slams damage so maybe it will be changed. Rauta lets you build combo. New frames. That's where they can shine. Build frame. Let have them good passive & abilities. No dependency (ability work on their own) but have many synergies. All or most of aspects can be moded. If ability has long duration (e.g. STyanax/4) then don't ban usage of other abilities. Abilities should be distinct. There is more but that's on top of my head.
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