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Everything posted by Numerounius

  1. Exactly my point! How is the author's message any different from being a call-out???? It doesn't present any meaningful info. Man, I hate how megathreads are done. I don't mind the concept of them but the moderators and DE staff members needs to do a better job of not being callus with them.
  2. This is seriously the original message that DE and moderators want to have their megathread started with???? JOFC. Would have really liked a more substantial message to start it off and more clearly indicate that this is intended to be a megathread than someone's cries that is in no way proper feedback.
  3. What is the problem with them??? Did they change something recently about it?
  4. Deep A, I'll keep my thoughts reserved until after I play it. Dante Overguard nerf. Saw that coming a mile away. It was clearly designed for steel path content and beyond but it was clearly too much if little-Timmy could walk into Cetus with 20K Overguard. Sure Frost, Rhino and others can reach higher numbers but at least it based on the content. Dante was entirely based on abilities so a nerf to 8K is entirely reasonable. Although with how the community is reacting to your call-out of "disruptive-ness" please also look at other elements such as Chroma Vex armor or Limbo's Rift. DPS nerf on Dante, I was expecting something like some status cap limit or enemy limit like many other reasonable sane abilities. Not a full on LOS nerf, That is insane! So annoying that the fallback for a damage nerf is LOS for everything. Divine Ret, come on DE, do we seriously have to do hard range caps on everything??? You put a hard cap on Nyx and Mag of all frames that saw very little usage. You couldn't at least wait til the dust settled to see things pan out??? This isn't a repeat of Null Star, this is a repeat of Marked for Death where just because it is shown off to be extremely powerful that isn't representative of how it'll pan out if left alone. If there was a change here I would've liked an enemy cap or status cap limit not another thing showcasing why you refuse to give us more range.
  5. Yes please! And extend this treatment to all forms of unable to pick up items, Limbo's is just more pronounced since it affects him with interactions as well. This issue isn't exclusive to Limbo, Wukong's Cloud Walker is another example. I was super surprised that when Murmur Eyes (new boss mechanic) came out that Limbo was able to pick them up in the rift so we know the technology is right there! The rift either needs a complete rework or a fixing of this "mechanic" that DE is so stubborn on not recognizing. It is a griefing tool that actively hurts Limbo because he needs to use Parkour, aka rolling, to pick up an objective item that results in him entering the rift therefore preventing him from picking up the item. And it doesn't help that this has been a growing problem with newly introduced gamemodes other than the aforementioned one (which has other issues in regards to rift usage).
  6. If we are really going to list off all the things that are disruptive: Trinity blessing is disruptive to Chroma, Shock Trooper is disruptive to my elemental combos. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of things that are directly disruptive to others. There are a lot of things that are disruptive, some on a greater level than others. I think that is what DE is referencing with some being on a much greater level of clarity than others not trying to get at all of the nitpicks. You are right that Chroma is up there in terms of being disrupted more often than others. I don't think he needs a full scale rework but he definitely needs something in order to shine because there are a ton of things that makes him not shine in the brightest light like Wisp's reservoirs negating Chroma's received damage and benefits it would've provided.
  7. I'd say the problem is that you either suffer with it being unable to tackle content that it is being designed for, i.e. deep archmedia, or it gets to an extreme level that it trivializes other content from a tanking perspective. With some versions of Overguard it scales with the content you are facing so it is balanced in that perspective whereas Dante doesn't care about what the content is and just provides a beefy amount of Overguard regardless since it is only based on casting abilities.
  8. This isn't that bad of a suggestion. Even knocks of my main gripe with Limbo with the rift being an active griefing tool vs. various gamemodes by changing the main mechanic of Rift. Having more sources of DR isn't necessarily a bad thing. Could probably get into the same problem with Overguard currently if its allowed to stack though. And that is my main point of criticism is how much Overguard is baked into this "rework", which I'm not going to be pleased about if I have to read dozens of reworks in the future that all mention Overguard. Overguard should be limited at most to one ability (that isn't the helminth one) if it is going to included as a point of a rework. The actual effects sounds good but having Overguard as the main mechanic sours it. Just remove Overguard altogether from this rework suggestion you have a solid base without it.
  9. Null Star is the closest thing there is that is from recent history but I'd say that is understandable with flying under the radar as it was buffed due to be under-used with leveling not really having tiers of content that makes lesser used strats as useful. I'd say the problem is two-fold for Dante. The first being the DOT statuses having no cap limit. Watching Brozime's Dante-Nezha build concoction and that was the thing that stood out to me. And the other is Overguard. If DE is going to continue down the rabbit hole of deathless content then they really need to beef up everything rather than having one frame doing to the job of the squad. If people are going to be seeing massive Overguard numbers on themselves with no relationship of where they came from then someone has it way too easy on abilities. There are many frames with this but at least with the current offerings, minus Dante, there is some sort of reactionary way of using said buffs whereas Dante with Overguard you have it on for good. I'd say here the biggest problem is people seeing massive Overguard numbers on themselves and not really doing anything about it. This is a problem with DE going off the deep end with Overguard as their Design philosophy right now. At least for enemies and existing abilities it was bearable since we could piece together how it could work but it doesn't work when you try to give us new ways of using it while at the same time trying to justify the newest and hardest content that Overguard is supposed to be used for. So it either ends up as being way too weak or way too strong based with little middle ground based on that pairing so that is how it ended up being on one of the two wrong ends of the spectrum.
  10. Why are still arguing about this ugh. Many things have gotten nerfed in the past that have ended up being just fine afterwards. CHILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about the Kuva Nukor that was KING and was never at all touched????????? Huh how come I never see that anymore? Why do we always have to point the finger at the biggest nerfs done and how that is the standard? Can we PLEASE stop pointing the finger at the word nerf and then go on writing paragraphs about how it relates to something? The fact of the matter is there are multiple ways things can be "Disruptive" or however you want to call it. There isn't a singular best way and that is the beauty of Warframe. I'm sure that DE will create a justification that sits well with many people about the change rather than trying to use it as an excuse to nerf something into the ground leaving him with nothing to use even though people are going to (preemptively) tout this as that's what's happening like you are doing here.
  11. Eclipse has tap/hold functionality now. With the Lunar on tap with the more popular Solar on hold by default you can swap this in the settings if you want. Kinda wished it had something more so you can instinctively tell the difference between which buff you got since your character still reacts based on surrounding lighting rather than which buff you've used. Also, doesn't help that I have to now relearn years of Eclipse button mashing as a result so I am still trying to rewire my button mashing to the get the correct buff I want.
  12. You can also swap the camera position to have the frame on the left/right side. Might be a bit tedious for those that are swap heavy but if it bothers you that much for a specific L/R discrepancy for a setup you can swap camera position it so that your frame is on the other side.
  13. There are still some londstanding bugs that needs to fixed and a newly introduced one that needs to fixed with Mirage's kit/Eclipse: Also now that disruption is the hot mission of week can we please finally squash a long standing bug related to host migrations, client usage and disruption?
  14. Total Eclipse states while active grant buff. However, if you deploy a specter/ally such as Wukong's Clone it does not get the current total eclipse buff. This is wrong, it should state on cast or be fixed so this interaction matches in line with what is stated on the mod. This has been bugged for ages now. However there is a new-ish bug that was recently introduced. There is a weird glazing effect with doppelgangers. If you do the above effect with casting hall of mirrors where you have an active (total) eclipse you get a weird glazing effect with the doppelgangers. It gets this weird glazing effect that appears on their weapons or over their entire body as well if you are using total eclipse. It will even sometimes refuse to do the effect where the clones won't block your view which was how I figured out this was a bug and maybe it might be related to something that's changed this patch? But I didn't encounter this glazing effect with other specters deployed such as with Celestial Twin or Railjack Crewmember On-Call. Let me know if I need to provide more info for reproduction such as providing a video. Seemed way too easy for me to reproduce.
  15. See title, been here forever that I shouldn't be needing to explain the issue. This seriously needs to get fixed it has been in the game for eons without being addressed.
  16. That is the point though, some people will want it, others will not, hence why it is an augment so you can choose. They aren't trying to make it be a BIS mod forcing people to pick it if they want the absolute highest ability strength count or something else if want the Exilus slot for something else. Not everybody will min-max a certain way or even min-max at all so a mod like this can be an enticing tool for people to experiment with.
  17. YES! If the damage is coming directly from a Warframe such as via exalted weapon it procs it. There is one exception and that is with Garuda's Talons with it only procing the heat and toxin status stuff not warframe ability stuff. Don't know about the archon shards and ability damage but I think it should work the same as with other ability stat buffs happening during channeled abilities. Pusedo-exalteds don't work since the damage source is coming from your regular melee weapon and not the exalted weapon attached to the frame. This is one of the more easier things to test out, slap on Cold/Electric mod and Archon flow. Slap enemies in Simulacrum until you get the red debuff indicator that archon flow/stretch procced.
  18. Conduit placement, disruption is supposed to have two tiles that connect to each other to form the placement of the four conduits. The new gamemode has a connector tile which goes against this already established rule. This needs to be removed as it should be considered a bug. It also massively downgrades the experience of playing on the map compared to regular disruption. Loot distribution is very wonky with Entrati Labs and the newly introduced tiles. Going to the backroom of the extraction tileset and there was 15 loot containers in there which I never experienced before. I know it has a lot of spawning points but it was very excessive with how many there are. I think there might've been some clipping which would say that it is a bug. It also seems like there is a chance it may spawn a massive expansion off into the distance for no reason? Maybe that needs to be trimmed up as well to keep the map a reasonable size given how large the conduit tiles are.
  19. This was the first thing I noticed! The conduit tiles needs to be right next to each other not have an adjoining tile in between and then situated on top of a big tile. This is my number one complaint about the mode. I also think the loot distribution is wonky on the newly introduced tiles.
  20. I see that DE is working hard on trying to crack down on what is happening with disruption rewards. So with that in mind, can we please finally get a fix for the long-standing bug where clients after host migration do not get the disruption rewards pop-up. Is that going to finally be fixed compared to the issue of the reward pop-up using a different rewards table? That is apparently the hot-bug flavor of the day so its gets a better treatment in terms of being fixed?
  21. That was changed a little bit ago so you could no longer through out the projectile with a heavy attack. There was a ton of discourse about it but the reality is that regular contagion attacks are still really strong and you don't need to be doing specific setups for aerial heavy attacks. You can still use regular heavy attack if you want. Don't know why that would've been changed.
  22. Ironic considering Xaku is the broken frame.
  23. They fixed the ability for stuff without a listed crit stat to crit because of random one-shots. Blitz eximus units and their BS fire aura still exists though, still not sure what its design goal for that is supposed to be other than to F over the invisible playstyle and chunk objective hp through everything.
  24. I actually want MORE augments that disables the passive effect not less. Maybe even a universal one. There are so many Frames where it would be beneficial in certain situations to have the passive disabled.
  25. I'd say Orokin moon. Right now the tileset is just too over the place. Some tiles are too rocky with too many alcoves, others are too nice. While others are a mess from a 3D perspective. Cleaning it up so that it flows smoother with better alcove management and 3D traverse would be awesome. Could also use it to help clean up some of the rarer tiles that exists on there like the speed drift room (which I know they did something similar for a really hard Kuria tile from Grineer Shipyard). It is the only place where I am super picky about staying if the disruption lands on a certain tile (one with the floating orb bordering the void).
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