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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. My critique has nothing to do with my sympathy or anytpathy for people or the system. It is simple logic. If a system worked with a scarcity of resource it will go completely nuts if you remove the scarcity factor. Like eg. monetary system. Currency has certain value in goods, but only because there is limited amount of it on the market. What happens if you can pay with 1 bill multiple times?
  2. Currently, not every player can have a riven to every weapon he wants, simply because of how many weapons exist. Thats why disposition 0.5 for very popular weapons is balanced. With your change every player will have access to a riven to the weapon he wants and with 1 "god roll" it will be usable on every meta weapon. This will make 0.5 dispo inadequate and it will have to drop far lower making rivens for those weapon next to useless. Anyway, no point in discussing cause the idea is so ridiculously wacky and puts whole riven system upside down it will not even be considered.
  3. And what do I do with all these credits? Transmute?
  4. That point completely destroys the balancing mechanics that says: you do not always get the riven to the weapon you want.
  5. According to my sources Zenith weighting in riven stats goes pretty standard: Positives: cc>cd>ms>dmg>>status ch>slash>elec>tox Neg: zoom>>ammo max>dmg to infested>>reload speed>mag capacity
  6. Also. Have the trade been "interrupted" by any chance? It is a common scam method to show you correct trade, interrupt it and then lower the amount of plat. Always look carefully what you are agreeing to.
  7. Yeah, they can be unranked. Not the sentinel itself, but its weapon. PS: You do not need Stormbringer if you run Volt with Shock Trooper. You could run Fire rate mod instead to go Brr and possibly get combo faster. Deadhead bonus sadly works only on actual head, not the Synovia.
  8. If only we had infinite source of knowledge fully updated at all times: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Tyl_Regor
  9. I do not know your build, but typical reasons for variety are crits, headshots, crit-tiers (vigilante set bonus, can be increased with sentinel stat stick). multishot, combo count - you could try tweak your damage text settings to see more info. 120ish cc, 100ish %dmg. Pretty low.
  10. That is unique part of data that needs to be attached to every item for every player in order for this to work. Unlikely it is gonna happen, since this info is useless. Unlike eg. increasing riven cap/limit which is being denied due to data capacity/memory restriction.
  11. Unless you have reliable outside source of %dmg (vex armor, arcane dex), no. Your standard Rubico P build for Eidolons has 2 flex slots, one can be used for the Riven (If you run Volt it has 3 flex slots). Mine looks sort of like this https://ibb.co/JnPjzbJ (yes, normal split chamber because there is no way to stack/keep stacked Galvanised one reliably)
  12. I heard you like that Kuva Bramma/Ogris/Zarr, so we propose more Bramma/Ogris/Zarr in your Bramma/Ogris/Zarr. Nevermind we just nerfed whole ammo mechanics due to these 3 weapons.
  13. You can already see that. For weapon it requires either mouseover or right click on Weapon Blueprint. For player just rlick and check their profile. If that is not at glance and requires 5 minutes of menus for you, am really sorry.
  14. Yes, but you pay for them/obtain them yourself and it doesnt involve a trade with another player. If there were some plat problems and the plat balance/purchase had to be reverted it is much easier to do.
  15. Anyone who will post again and compare Supra Vandal to Prisma Grakata, please realise OP is not talking about Vandal version, but normal Supra as the Vandal has MR14 requirement similar to Prisma Grakata.
  16. Someone made the calculation:
  17. 180 slots but only those unveiled count. Veiled you can have inifinite amount. Devs have many times stated the reason they do not want to add bigger limit is memory storage due to fact every riven is unique (but it kinda sounds sus).
  18. Zakkhar


    Contact support: https://support.warframe.com/ This is public forums, we cannot help you with this. Also for the future, you may want to use a thread title that best describes your problem. Word "riven" doesnt narrow down to anything.
  19. Opening riven in Open World may be bugged. Seems a BUG as Active Pet must be a Beast (Kavat, Kubrow, Vulpa, Predasite) and they do not have Robotic weapon to equip. May try with Hound but doubt it will work.
  20. Shoot it with anything really. Normal weaponry works just fine as well. PSL This one is easy, and described in wiki. What I have been having trouble with there is occasionally a Harry Potter gate (under the stairs).
  21. Not worth it. You most likely do not own any of the special mods for Grakata that make it unique. Both are essentially single target auto-rifles that are very out of meta and require some kind of punch through (modding) to be viable on SP due to amount of enemies to mow down. May I suggest something completely different? https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ignis_Wraith
  22. You can Ivara invis arrow your own Sentinel via intricate parkour manouvers and have perma invis on any nuking frame. Sadly still not fixed.
  23. Isn't accumutation enough of a reason? Or you could just stop if that bothers you. This is not a novelty idea. And every 3 months or so. The threads die pretty fast though and nothing happens. Maybe yours is different?
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