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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. It would steal the jobs of the enginers. Do not quite understand what you mean here. Elaborate please. By on foot, do you mean skirmish? What would it change? There are no Starchart resources in PoE, Orb Valis, Cambion Drift, Zariman, Duviri and Albrecht Laboratories either. They all have their own resources and containers drop those.
  2. Do not use fashionframe that blocks your view. Do not like that. Rather see the hide the right shoulder/syndana mechanics used with wings.
  3. Possible Qorvex passive was interfering: All primary, secondary, selective melee weapons (Glaives and Gunblades), and Crucible Blast wielded by Qorvex gain Core Exposure, granting them a +3 Punch Through bonus.
  4. It can be an Ok Primer (not as good as Epitaph or Kuva Nukor).
  5. Except you probably arent MR5 with 10hours in game.
  6. That is great for everyone who did not get the items properly by progressing Nightwave before (although I bet they will still whine, because they actually need to login in a week the mods are in the shop or do you want easy easy mode whole shop with everything all at once?). All those who actually did get just more credits. It is not a great incentive for systematic playing, wouldnt you agree?
  7. None of these beside the exalted thing one seem to be a bug. And the exalted thing one is easily solved by matching letters of your weapon loudouts to your frame loudouts. And literally none of those even slightly affects the Aksomati build variants. You have read just the title, right? Did not bother reading the actual post.
  8. What issues? I have been playing like this forever and havent experienced any. I currently run supressed Magnus P on her with https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Deadly_Maneuvers considering she rolls a lot anyway, but I find it hard to get headshots because enemies keep moving because they cant see and shot me in Prowl.
  9. You can create other builds for Aksomati that do not involve Supress. They will properly stick to the builds assigned in the setup slot.
  10. She is clearly not affected by any mutator with Energy in it, beside the ones specifically mentioning Energy Orbs and Nourish doesnt specifically adress EO. Even if it would it is still not very efficient, compared to other sources of shields. Energy Orb pickups restore 25 shield points and instantly reset shield recharge delay. Because Hildryn can still pick up energy orbs to restore shield, mods or arcanes that benefit from picking up energy, such as Equilibrium, Energy Conversion, and Arcane Energize, still function. However, Arcane Energize has no effect on her, even though it can still trigger. Increasing the effectiveness of Energy Orbs with an Amber Archon Shard also works with Hildryn, increasing the amount of shields gained per orb. Can only pick up Energy Orbs when Hildryn's shield pool is not at or above maximum. Shield points from Energy Orbs cannot create Overshields.
  11. If you: 1. Do not know which weapons' rivens are popular sought after 2. Do not know what builds those weapons run and which stats are beneficial on rivens. You shouldnt really do Rivens. It is a waste of your time and resources and if you somehow get a good thing you will either not see it and roll over it or get scammed by a scalper, because you do not understand the market values of stuff. Best way to get some plat is to sell the rivens unrolled with whichever stats they have. But if you insist anyway, just use this site: https://semlar.com/comp Have in mind a lot of info here is outdated and it shows popular stats, which are not equal with good stats, because sadly majority of people also do knnot know the builds of those weapons and what stats are beneficial and eg. why %dmg is not as great as it was before.
  12. It is not an argument. It is an opinion. Just like your commennt is. This is just a game. Healthy way would be to treat it as such. unhealthy would to treat is as job and value it more than real life. And even in those you do not always get what you want, however much you try. If it was somethiiing really unique and one of a kind maybe, I could understand a fuss. But it is just another weapon that will be power crept in next update, just like most Kuva/Tenet weapons were.
  13. Also it is totally possible to get Prime Frames as a new guy. Some of them are far easier/less tedious to get than their normal versions. You need: 1. Make a plan: Check wiki which relics drop stuff you want. Since you are new and have nothing yet, pretty much any relics drop stuff. But maybe you aim to get certain stuff first. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki type in the name of the thing you want (adding prime) in search box here or in google "warframe wiki xxx prime" note the relics you want 2. Farm the relics. The fastest possible way to get relics is playing Capture Void (Hepit for Lith, Ukko for Neo/Meso). Try to run all possible void fissues in the void. You will need the Traces to refine the relics you want to focus on. Sadly for Axi Relics fastest way is likely unavailable to you untill you progress the story. 3. Get traces & refine the relics you need Silver/Gold(Uncommon/Rare) parts from. 4. Open relics. Most efficient way is finding other people who want to open certain relic (Rercruit chat) - this way you are investing only 1 relic and traces but get 4 chances to get the one thing you want. I wouldnt stress about it till maybe MR10-12. Just progress the startchart, story quests and rank up more weapons. TL;DR: Can, but should not.
  14. Will changing the skin for non prime Gauss make it visible? 1 mission does not infect you 100%. If you want to get immunity try to source, as in Nidus.
  15. Please, no. It was overused as stat stick due to Augument and massive Riven Dispo, until Ceramic Dagger kiilled it. It doesnt need a revival. We have plenty of incarnons already, lets not add more weeks for people to grind the Circuit.
  16. Or just restart the mission. It works just like riven and NW challenge. Do void captures preferably so you get some relics for your troubles.
  17. Just put a lot of forma on it and sort by forma. Or you could make a separate slot warframe slot with your favourite weapons on it. Or you can visit your profile to check usage. Or...
  18. 1. You really do not need it. There is plenty powerful weapons and weaponns combination. World is not going to end if someone doesnt have one. 2. Exactly that, someone is willing to sell the certainty of having it already as well as time between having it now and maybe obtaining it later for that amount of plat. If those two things are worth it for you that amount of plat buy it. If not, do not.
  19. Just look here at some of the auguments that were available before: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Wild_Frenzy Obtainable 2 times as progression prize and once from credit shop https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Napalm_Grenades 2 times as prize https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Bursting_Mass 2 times as prize https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Meticulous_Aim 2 times as prize https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Exposing_Harpoon 2 times as prize https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Efficient_Beams 1 time prize
  20. You can quickly solo low/mid tier missions with AI crew and to me it gives better yield of Holokeys than doing Void missions. Always pick Skirmish over other options.
  21. Pick Hildryn. 1. Equip https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Blazing_Pillage Or/and 2. Subsume https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Elemental_Ward (change your energy color so it is electric). Enemies kill/cc themselves while shooting you.
  22. Probably technical reasons. Warframe probably stores data your client side, if it crashes or is closed unconventionally it is gone, before it can be recorded. It works in Duviri after very specific action (picking Decree) that records the current state of the mission server side. Multitude of players lost something due to bugs, crashes or host migrations. This has been up forever and is part of the game almost.
  23. Tweak your light effects in options (disable them). As for Mesa 4rd, just pick brighter energy color.
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