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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Got any examples? I'll check my riven collection after I get home (although I do not have too many of them as I quickly realized they are a scam)*. It would be only possibility since i cant recall any Warframe/Helminth ability than can reduce recoil (augument maybe?) It would still only work in Warframe mode, so no Necramech or Archwing.
  2. Mausolon has a kick? On alt fire maybe. Did you mean the Mandonel? There is no way to mod stability (neg recoil) on Archguns and afaik there is no positive/negative stability/recoil stat on rivens either. Disabling screenshake in options menu may bring some improvements to your gameplay overall (not only with htis weapon).
  3. So you essentially want all the benefits with zero responsibility?
  4. What you are describing here exists IRL and is called Dragon's Breath: Dragon's breath (ammunition) - Wikipedia
  5. Mesa is all about proper positioning. You have to find the sweet spot and elevation. You also have to occasionallyt grab the little golden pyramids, so you cannot stay in Waltz all the time.
  6. Capture fissures can take about 90 seconds. 3000 relics, that is 75 hours.
  7. 10 Razorflies you say? How exactly, if the limit is 6? HP increase will change nothing, they will still get 1shot.
  8. Just keep rollin' rollin' rollin'
  9. How fast compared to what? Proper build? Other setups? I would if he also shown proper build, but i am 100% sure he doesnt. I am not curious. Internet is full of videos with bad builds. Hell, I could do bad build myself any time i wish. I rather watch someone who shows me something new, interesting, something I can learn from, who knows his stuff, who has something interesting to say. Kill showcases do not interest me in general. I sometimes watch cleaver mechanics Tridolons/PT speedruns, but I prefer the world records really. If someone is best (fastest) in the world they are worth the time and curiousity. Warframe - Levels - Speedrun.com
  10. Saying maybe, but do you also write starting the sentence with "like"? What is the purpose/meaning of that word there? I know certain people use it in the middle of speaking as a filler. But that is in speaking English (not written one) and in the middle. I know the saying, I just do not understand this grammar structure at all. I know certain people talk like this, but rarely have I had a chance to see anything like that written down. It is offtopic anyway. No need to continue this on here, feel free to DM me if you want to.
  11. I did watch the begining up to the part, when i stopped watching, because of what I saw. And it would be fine as is, but people keep responding to it (offtopic), so I keep responding to them. That is why I comment. Out of respect. If you do not wish to see my comments, feel free to stop addressing/calling me (by quoting me).
  12. I do not attempt to belittle anyone. If anything, I am belittling myself for having trouble understanding. I am just curious. eg: this part
  13. Can you be bothered to read my posts where i explained everything?
  14. There are numerous things not mentioned in the game that are in wiki and true (some weven untrue). Main problem with it showing in game is that it is a variant of different weapon that doesnt have this mechanics. It is more of how status chance is calculated for shotguns.
  15. And it proves what exactly? You want to tell me that his experience in this one video trumps my experience of playing Umbra in normal content? Inaros have been 1shot on this exact mission from the special mob. And probably still is because they nerfed the boss but not the mooks. Want me to find you all the topics?
  16. It is not about the words it is about the respect to others. You clearly have none. Also you may think he is an idiot, hell you may be 100% sure of that. But calling him an idiot in game, on a logged chat is the definition of acting like an idiot. PS: I have hard times understanding your English. Is that some kind of slang? Jersey shore?
  17. Someone is not up to date with automelee.
  18. That is the point. You did not just write the word idiot. You most likely called someone an idiot. Would you like to be called idiot by others? If you have a habit of calling other people idiots, maybe lose the habit? Nobody cares about your childhood experience. If you cant behave, you will be punished up to a point you can learn. It has nothing to do with being offended or not. We do not run around and call other people names. This is not how civilised societies work. Feel free to endure whatever you like, but treat others the best way you;d like to be treated yourself. Yes, this is a game. I sometimes also vocalise when I get frustrated by other people behaviour. Or I just think about vocalising it. But typing it on chat is completely pointless.
  19. I havent watched it so I cant say whether it was fast or slow. But it surely as hell would be faster if he understood what the mods do. So say you. How do you know what was that all about? This is a showcase. He even mousevers on the damn mod. Not only it is not perfect, it is stupid. People watch Leyzar and other youtubers like this and never learn to mod properly.
  20. Not really, no. He goes poof as soon as the shield gate is gone.
  21. Which part? Carnis mandible is specifically used in full IPS slash without WW in order to achieve higher Slash ratio for more bleed procs. Sometimes also in WW build but with diminished results. His setup has no slash at all so there is no slash ratio to increase and the %status is already massive from Chromatic Blade (300%) Power STR scaling, any other bonus is purely additive. Carnis Mandible is not only wasted mod slot but also an evidence that someone doesnt understand Warframe on basic level, therefore anything that he shows further is either a coincidence he doesnt understand either or plain wrong.
  22. Special snowflake prize for this week goes to you.
  23. Carnis Mandible on fully elemental Exalted Chromatic blade. I do not need to watch further.
  24. I have read somewhere that there is a slight difference in jump height, double jump tends to not work for drifter and void sling is slower. I play exlusively with Drifter since TNW as well. After wiki: The roll maneuver for the Drifter uses a standard roll instead of sliding like the Operator, which travels slightly further. The distance travelled by rolling 3 times is roughly similar to an Operator sliding 4 times. The Drifter is noticeably taller than the Operator, making them a far bigger target.
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