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Everything posted by (PSN)Sentiel

  1. Negative projectile speed helps the homing so it would be beneficial on the likes of Akarius. I'd like negative accuracy which would help AoE weapons hit more enemies.
  2. I can share the opinion of two friends who picked up the game after seeing me play it often and they both hated it simply because they felt it makes absolutely no sense, they had no clue what is happening, and they really didn't enjoy being forced to play as 'some random dude' to quote them. They went in expecting to play as the 'weird mecha ninjas' again to quote them, which is how they built their expectations based on the PSN Store game description and pictures.
  3. This is a certainly valid feedback that can lead to new player believing they can only obtain new equipment through Platinum. Instead of Platinum, the unowned items should just take you to their market page which will explain how to obtain the item but also give you the option to pay for them. That would be much more user friendly.
  4. See, here I am doing it for Archon Shards and I'm instead swamped by Arcanes I don't know what to do with.
  5. Without any external buffs, going the good old Viral+Slash route would be the best, so Toxin progenitor. If you can apply Viral to your enemies through your secondary or companion then go Corrosive+Slash with optional Radiation and take Magnetic progenitor for max CO benefits and to be faction universal.
  6. I don't mod for Cold but use weapons with innate Cold. Not only does it slow down enemies but it also activated Primary Frostbite. I would mod for Cold if I had the space but I don't so I have to rely on getting Cold from other sources.
  7. I quite like this idea, especially since DE is planning to change Cold to be able to freeze enemies solid. I know they won't, but I'd like if they added this feature to Tenet Glaxion once the Cold rework is live.
  8. What a horrible day to have eyes and be reminded of Wisp's default helmet. Couldn't you use some other frame?! Yarelli, Nyx, Dagath, Grendel...why the receding hairline middle aged man Wisp...
  9. Voltage is right. It is perfectly fine and understandable when you do not want to stab your nemesis but the rest of the team should still get their murmur progressed when the nemesis despawns.
  10. With properly coloured Wukong deluxe skin and Staticor, even you can become a Super Saiyan.
  11. I got my hands on a Magnetic Tenet Glaxion and I'm quite satisfied with it. As one can expect, it's not as strong as Incarnon weapons but it is comparable to Tenet Cycron, Kuva Nukor, or Phantasma. One thing it has that makes it possibly better is the innate Cold which not only slows down enemies but also synergizes well with Primary Frostbite. Once the planned elemental reworks are done and Cold will be able to freeze enemies solid and get extra CD, Tenet Glaxion will likely surpass the above mentioned weapons, although it will still be inferior to Incarnons, as it should be.
  12. Wisp's Haste Mote screws up my ammo economy regardless of the Strength Wisp has. This is because she increases fire rate but not reload speed. It's the reason I hate Wisp and I get automatically upset when I see one on my team. That said, Haste Mote is a part of Wisp's kit and I would never ask the Wisp player to not use it. Abuse or trolling them are unthinkable. It's my personal problem and shouldn't affect the Wisp user. So, you play the way you want and like and if others have a problem with your Wisp they either have to deal with it or ask DE to implement buff opt-out feature.
  13. Also to note that while Bond mods are great, since you have to mod the Kubrow itself for both survivability and damage, you don't really have any room left for Bond mods. They would need to have a third mod row to he able to add those in.
  14. I only have Raksa Kubrow and love him but I cannot turn a blind eye to the various mechanical issues and outdated kit. With Paris Prime, I can give my Kubrow around 100%CC and over 200%SC. It's attacks are weak but the Slash procs can kill lvl SP enemies in a few seconds. The problem is that it struggles to hit even stationary enemies. Hitting any of the Murmur is basically impossible for him. For having to sacrifice my Primary Weapon I expect the Kubrow to do comparable damage but it doesn't. Perhaps if they got some sort of anime energy claws which you could mod separately and it would give them some attack range they would be fine but as it is now they really struggle to be combat worthy.
  15. The HCET system is not fine at all. Elements should combine only based on their source which should have the priority system applied to it instead of the elements themselves. Here's an example why: As for your idea, I quite like it as long as it involves multiple sources of the same element. The elements should combine by their mod order and the combinations should be locked once created so they cannot be interfered with by other mods. So, for example if you have a Magnus and give it Convulsion and Heated Charge, it should combine to make Radiation. If you then add Jolt, it should enhance the Radiation, but if you add Pathogen Rounds after Jolt they should combine to create Corrosive. This can open many modding possibilities but at the cost of extra mod space, so it seems fair at first glance.
  16. That's the thing right there. If you can kill the enemies with Overguard easily enough you don't need to CC them at all. CC is there to shut down the trash mobs around you so you can focus on the tough enemy with Overguard. Stripping Overguard is easy and once that is done you can either CC the enemy as well or kill it...or both. Overguard needs to have CC immunity otherwise a single cast of some abilities would shut down entire tiles of enemies down regardless of their level. Naturally, there will be content where CC is at a disadvantage, like increased Eximus or direct bossfights (Ropalolyst for example). This is ok as long as you know about this beforehand so you can pick a frame that won't be at a disadvantage. The problem CC has are enemies completely immune to it. These shouldn't exist at all. There can be enemies resistant to CC (bosses) through shorter duration or less severe negative effects applied to them, and enemies that can eventually gain a immunity to CC through adaptation (Sentients), but no enemy should be outright immune to it from the beginning with no way to remove the immunity because that invalidates the CC as a valid gameplay option. Especially if the said enemy isn't a guaranteed spawn. Rogue Necramechs are a good example as they are immune to CC but are not a guaranteed spawn. You can take a CC frame into any Lab mission and never run into one but once one spawns it's completely immune to your CC and you're either forced to leave it (if the mission allows it) or have a bad a time. That's the type of enemy complaints should be aimed at, not Overguard.
  17. We shoot the enemies first to remove Overguard and then CC them or just kill them.
  18. As mentioned already, a shield without additional melee weapon would be great, assuming it can be used with a secondary weapon. You could shoot and hide behind the shield. If an enemy gets too close you could bash them with the shield and use it for melee attacks.
  19. Tenet Glaxion is all I care about now until the June update, where all I will care about is the automatic trigger QoL.
  20. Shhhh Don't remind DE they exist or they'll nerf them. I love my specters.
  21. Yareli's +200%CC on Peacemaker with the augment.
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