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Everything posted by Xzorn

  1. I always get a kick out of these. Esp when people find the most horrible things to name their Companions. =D
  2. I gave my Trinity Roar so she's got the whole kit a group would want minus CC. 224% Power, 300% Duration, 104% Range, 45% Efficiency. I need to test if the Helmith version double dips DoTs still in this Slash/Heat stacking meta.
  3. Baruuk wasn't the best example at 240 base 44.4% DR. Any frame with 200 or less Armor is going to get more eHP from Armor than HP as the Shard bonus. Nova is a particularly good pick for an Armor shard since her DR buff only protects HP and has 135 Armor.. I put cast speed and armor on my Mesa since dropping that DR buff is deadly and she also has 135 Armor with a large Vitality pool. It's a shame they don't have status for Secondary cuz that's what Mesa needs most. I don't get how armor is useless though after they finally fixed the double dip issue. Only took 8 years but they did it.
  4. If I recall her Talons are better than Venka Prime and unlike other quasi Exalted weapons they can use the combo mods like Blood Rush / Weeping Wounds.
  5. Antimatter Drop for Nova is more useless than Decoy and Switch Teleport. It's damage cap is on par with most guns these days and you can't affect the radius either. I know people like her portal but she's fast at base value. I mostly troll with it. Problem with any "HP increased by damage taken during period" for Decoy is that it doesn't generally get hit for a good 5-10 seconds. It also doesn't have enough threat to overpower Radiation status from Disarm. They need to revert some of the nerfs from years ago like Molt.
  6. I saw one of the still going Youtuber vets pop up on my list for Archon Shards just to see if they're wrong like they often are. They said 90% of frames use Crimson which is not accurate for min/max. Plenty of frames can make use of Armor like Trinity, Baruuk, Nekros, etc. Anything with a 90% DR buff but low armor. Plenty can make use of cast speed. Though usually just one is good enough. Loki, Equinox, Protea and Trinity stand out. For myself, Crimson is more like a QoL thing similar to cast speed. I don't need more duration on Trinity, Mesa or Gara but it's nice.
  7. ...and people say switch teleport doesn't have much purpose =D
  8. I don't know much about consoles these days but doesn't PS5 support 120hz? Though technically speaking the console has nothing to do with it. It's the software. It is. In any 3D game. It's on the same level as an LCD VS an OLED.
  9. Well, they kinda made the Focus system into the nonsense it is now. Believe is or not outside some changed/nerfs. This is the best iteration Being the 3rd rework. Vazarin's Dome used to protect a lot more and prevented enemies from going inside it. It was very strong. Naramon used to make you invis on melee Crit, which holy crap someone was drunk when they thought of that. Ironically the old Madurai passive would be more useful more with status weight changes. It added +% to your physical damage. More Slash procs. As for the second version Naramon's combo count bonus died when combo multipliers died. Vasarin lost value when you could revive in Operator mode. The original concept of the system was a soft cap to Affinity "For players who have leveled everything" - DE Steve. That never happened. Interestingly the Focus system could have just been the Archon Shard system without the FOMO. 5mil for 1% Duration, 10mil for the next 1%, etc. Each school provides a bonus for using it per frame but they also made Focus waaaaay too easy at his point to get so *shrugs*.
  10. It wasn't a good system overall. It was only good because it promoted aiming, cover and more tactical thought. You could use inaccurate puncture weapons or you could do what I did and use MK1 Braton (the starting weapon) which had the highest accuracy and just tap weak points. Enemies had around 90% DR outside their weak points. Just a very different game in Damage 1.0. Infested were a lot more scary in that system too. Infested Ancients were rare and total power houses that put you in a back peddle instantly. Game was much harder. You can look up old videos and you won't see more than like 5 enemies in a room.
  11. Yea, it's been some time. I got happily stuck developing a large mod for 4 years. It was considered a bug when I reported Stealth + Gas triple dip. I recall getting in an argument with someone on Discord. They said it was intentional and I said there was just no way. So I posted here with all the data / pics and asked. DE Taylor responded that it was not intentional and then because it was such an old bug I got about 3 hate Youtube videos calling me out by name. Pretty much every other Youtuber covered it like a normal person would and around 80 in-game hate messages. None of it really bothered me though. It was fixed in one week. I believe these are all the same multiplicative function flaw in the game's math. You may recall Chroma had a similar problem with combined base damage element weapons like Staticor. That post was made roughly the same time I reported it and I was hardly the first. Just the first to get a response. In the end, it makes me wonder if they don't know of these bugs or just ignore them until it becomes a big enough problem.
  12. I actually do this for Larian Studios. Fortunately their code can be unpacked and 90% of the engine can be integrated with a Lua extension. I can't even count the number of bugs I fixed for Divinity OS2. I spent 4 years doing that and creating mods. I just refuse to do the same with BG3. Every time they patch BG3 they change core engine interactions which just makes it a nightmare of doing the same thing over and over. ...and holy crap did they add a lot of bugs this most recent patch.
  13. Start off with some un-fixed half a decade old bugs: Nyx's Pacifying Bolt augment duration stops when Chaos ends. Rhino's Roar double dips DoT effects. Ivara still swaps arrow types if you hold while rolling. Bane mods double dip DoT effects. Still fall and get stuck in PoE/Vallis doors. Invite to trade auto decline is still a thing. Auto fail trade is still a thing. Some new ones: Cursor goes wherever it wants during mission complete screen. Enemies now spawn randomly. I've seen they pop close as 10m from me. Notable hadshake stutter when you have an active quest. Group Specific new ones: Can end up in a Dojo or Relay "before" starting a mission. Relics can randomly be removed from equip, esp if the above happens. Starting a group mission can occasionally disband the whole team an cancel starting. I can make a larger list if I get back down to testing things. The reason this isn't in bug reports is questionable integrity. I get it. F2P games have a habit of always moving forward and never looking back but some of these are nearly a decade of nuisances. Oh man, don't even get me started on CO for guns. It doesn't work for AoE except when it does. It's additive except when it isn't. What a mess.
  14. All frames, least up to 5 years ago could "go the distance". You just might not enjoy the play method required. Examples would be Volt Shield camping, Mag Bubble hopping or drinking 5 energy drinks before playing Banshee. My favorite to play has changed over 10 years. Nyx with BRaton MK 1 used to be great in Damage 1.0. These days I like Brawler frames. (frames with big eHP that make your weapons good) Rhino has been a pretty consistently good frame. Use with any Bleed weapons since Roar double dips. Nidus is a great kit also but now that you can't fully strip armor via Pox or Torrid his stomp lost power. Nova is still a premium frame though Antimatter Drop got out power creeped hard so Helmith that crap. I tend to always make use of Nekros despite his need for multiple augments. Melee works best for him. Gara is quality in many way. I favor status melee due to her AoE damage. My current most used is Chroma with 340% Power, Incarnon Torrid and Helmith Xacu's buff on his first. Kullervo is a quality melee frame. Though I got Valkyr to 97.7% DR. I like Wisp for her quality kit and high skill ceiling at higher levels. Fixing the Armor double dip for Puncture/Toxic opened a lot more doors for me.
  15. Garuda feels more like a damage amp frame to me Like Banshee. Her slash procs are insane but unless you melee immune she's squish. Healing is also only useful if the others have good mitigation. Also, Trinity is good for groups. Just give her Roar =D Covers every base except CC.
  16. I can't find a setting for the crosshair anywhere. I swear it got very dim since last I played. Maybe I'm getting old... The one for Incarnon weapons is fine but I often lose the normal one, esp in Railjack. I literally just wana give it a slight +20%.
  17. It's not Limbo. DE has been on an anti-CC crusade for years. Ever since they saw players locking down old void missions. They saw players locking down the void and instead of tapering enemy damage scaling so there was a soft cap for the game to grow into then toning down CC. They just stopped making reliable CC. Added counters like Nullifiers, Raid Drones. Hell, I bet to this day Ancient Disruptor auras stack additive making abilities 0 duration. They did the same with stealth when Focus came out because players were able to cap their daily in one mission. Deception was removed specifically due to this and Sab missions stopped spawning non-altered enemies. Now it's an eHP/Immortal + DPS meta and frames like Ivara look like they were made for a different game. I'm not even sure it's possible to run a mission stealthily without invis/operator anymore. I really wish they'd gone a different direction 9 years ago.
  18. There are certain tweaks you can do to minimize Youtube's compression degradation. Higher Hz does translate but only slightly. The more important aspect is to publish your video at 50 Mbps. Yes, upload a 1GB video and there's a notable difference after compression. It of course depends on your resolution. I run 3440x1440p which puts 50 well above premium quality recording.
  19. You could actually die in his Rift even before these questionable Eximus changes. It was a funny bug involving large weapons. I had a video clip where I reported the issue 7 or so years ago. I have another where I just get one-shot but you can still see the issue. The gun itself is inside Cata but not the unit and so it hits you. This is one reason I never really got into playing Limbo.
  20. Oh man. You're like 8 years too late and I mean that. I would have to give an in-depth history on different versions of the Damage systems and design flaws that caused it to spiral. There has been a meta based on perspective in every version. For example. Damage 1.0 Puncture would bypass armor. However Aiming also did this and with greater effect. In Damage 2.0 it was very level dependent. Most believe Toxic was the best against Corpus. This only held true until around level 350 due to Health scaling faster that Shields. Viral was actually the best at that point. Despite constant complains about armor scaling, there was a reason to use all damage types besides Magnetic. Damage 3.0 it's just a dumbed down. Potentially because there's no longer mod capacity to build all the previously viable damage types. In terms of player Health and Energy management. That went out the window when they made the game a horde shooter.
  21. I very much agree. I came back after 5 years and nearly caught up on everything within a month. The weekly events are just a reason for me to log in once a week instead or each day and making it worse. They're not hard or eventful either. Nightwave is similar in that it's literally just a list of chores. I can skip all but the last two weeks and fully rank it. Sorties and Raids were better interaction though even those could be improved with diminishing returns on repeated runs. I'm currently playing Path of Exile waiting for the reset which is pretty much proof of concept.
  22. Not a fan of the weekly limit thing either. Wasn't a fan of Umbra Forma when it was turned into bait grind either. Far as getting burned out. That's normal. I've played off and on for 10 years. Fact is, they just don't make content that's lasting. It always has a dead end instead of allowing it to soft cap or extend into the other parts of the game. It's a lot of self contained biomes. Though I have to say Zaramin is a little closer to being "Integrated". Khal was certainly a highlight for the first few weeks. It's also cool you can repeat the mission if you're short on a shard but it's only like 4 missions sadly. I had a ton of fun with melee Drifter in Durviri. Least until I realized the Decree system. Yea, I did 2 normal and 3 Steel Path without them. It was very fun. I just came back after 5 years and I caught up in about a month. Mostly. I need some random meh weapons, Caliban and Citrine. Finished all content grinds. I used about 65 Forma, 40 Catalyst and 30 Reactors. I'm kinda at that point again where I spend hours farming a weapon I probably won't use. I'm certainly not a casual player by any means but after 6 weeks I feel like I'm now just gated by weeklies. There's certainly extra cool factor going on with new music and activities/quests but also much less theory crafting and complexity.
  23. No I'd just rather play the game instead of Shield Gate the mini-game. You're talking about bad designs for the health of the game. Shield Gate Immortal is very much that. Shields worked fine 9 years ago. We went from 7k eHP frames to 300k+. It got screwed up because of bad designs.
  24. Warframe has no FOMO. It doesn't really have any sort of promotion to keep playing it consistently in fact. The more time you spend away from the game. The easier everything becomes to farm. Comparatively after being away 5 years I know with near certainty I spent less time catching up with content than anyone who played on release. That's sadly how this game works. The only thing I missed out on was some Umbra Forma from Nightwave. I wouldn't be surprised if Archon Shards end up with a catch up feature similar to Nightwave in the future. Also, not a fan of this new weekly gated content. Least I could buy Arcanes from raids.
  25. You removed her affinity range group mitigation. The restore of the skill isn't why it's good. That's why I mentioned laughing at the Blessing augment. It would only function in very niche conditions if you're playing Trinity right.
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