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Everything posted by Xzorn

  1. I think he just means the lack of key words "Additive" / "Multiplicative" / "Base Value". I would prefer to fix the belligerently powerful Incarnons over dumping on the Riven Disposition. I have an 8 year old Torrid Riven from 100 rolls I knew would never change because no one outside endurance runners knew of it's power. Now I can't stop using it for anything. One hit and I go Incarnon thanks to a Multishot of 4.8. Just reduce the number of beam chains or something. I only invested in hipster Rivens for high level enemies cuz of pointless disposition changes. Hate it so much.
  2. Reworks can have very polarizing effects while adding an augment or passive gains over time generally doesn't. The Nyx rework for instance made me entirely stop playing her and she was my most used frame. I wonder if they ever fixed Snow Globe allowing ground effects to bypass it.
  3. It doesn't really narrow builds down. It just shows what's always been bad. I remember when Fortuna came out. The community was crazy over Catchmoon but it was a terrible gun. Tombfinger was far superior. Everyone got mad they nerf'd Banshee's 4th ability but using that ability at any notable level will get her killed. Same with Mag's Crush. I noted they added free cast speed on the augment. Probably for that exact same reason. Many things were never "viable", players were just punching far below their belt so they didn't notice. That's the beauty of using real synergy. Catchmoon might have sucked but give it to Garuda. CPx4 also drastically changed viability. It anything the entire game is more limited now at all levels.
  4. Unfortunately due to ever increasing capacity cost from mods this is a problem that's only gotten worse. It was already a problem with guns 8 years ago and that was before Exilus slots. The forced "synergy" aspect of abilities they started while back to prevent building with a dump stat didn't help either. The community made Umbra mods a chase item to fit into builds so I doubt there will be any change. Surprised Teshin now has them at times.
  5. I'm assuming 3.1 instead of '95 since it was considerably more stable. No workplace environment would benefit from running 95. Though 98 was a vast improvement, I don't think they made a similarly stable OS till NT / Windows 7. The drives I poke fun at because the revolution of 3.5 from 5.25 was very fast. These drives were only 5-10 bucks and copying data was easy. It wasn't like CD-ROM to DVD. Esp to transfer over data which required an expensive burner. I enjoy the idea this whole catastrophe was caused by an IRQ conflict or Albrekt messed up this Hayes modem commands =D
  6. My only issue with the Wukong rework was they hadn't addressed the Armor double dip issue yet so giving him Armor as a replacement was just bad. Putting a cap on the Armor value was salt in the wound at the time. After 8 years they finally fixed that issue and all frames that use Armor mitigation are reasonable. Still not better than flat DR but nothing Arcane Deflection can't fix. Seriously underrated Arcane. I remember buying my set for 40p. Surprising given the Shield Gate fanatics which Bleeds ignore. But Wukong is fun now. Not my first pick but I like him. Grendel seems like they might have the "Nidus Factor" where if the screen is being evaporated they can't function properly. Whenever I get Nidus in Circuit I run into my own corner and sad stomp till I get my stacks and can help the group. =D
  7. Frost has always been busted technically since they never dropped the Invulnerable from his Snow Globe so it scales forever. It's a neat lil mod to give Frost damage output though his 1st ability can accomplish similar with Arcanes if you feel like swapping all the time. If you could fit both and not use Viral on your weapon that would be even better. I always liked the 1st ability buff mods. Made me sad when Saryn's was changed from Toxic to Corrosive. "Venom Dose" = Corrosive. Great job guys.
  8. This is an interesting concept to me. For years we were told "no scaling rewards for endless missions". Not even a little. Yet here we are with scaling rewards. In a twist of irony DE's version of scaling rewards is far less healthy for the game than what players wanted. Spamming instead of playing and planning for missions. Not to mentioned unchecked power creep. The endless bounties even have reverse scaling if you still want rep since they give none past the first rotation. Forcing spam. No one likes spamming missions, do they?
  9. The PC systems in the game display Star Field simulation which was first released on Windows 3.1 back in 1992. What's even more odd is they're using 5 1/4 floppy drives when CD-ROM drives were already very common. I don't recall a "terminal" setup for 3,.1 so there was certainly no need to use both 3.5 and 5.25. I do enjoy the inclusion of the key lock though there's no "turbo" button. Yes, this is just me being silly and retro nerd analyzing the game.
  10. How does it make any sense that a head-shot improves a radial effect? That was one of the original flaws with gas. The original incarnation of the status was reasonably fine otherwise. Gas is a state of matter not a means of hurting something. It's used to disperse Toxin.
  11. I mean. If we're talking about this "new" damage system. It's all screwed up. In the previous there was a reason to use every status type outside Magnetic in Vallis. Every single type and combination had value. Some player's might not have seen this due to the general level range at the time. Corpus were a notable stand out where most used Toxic but at around level 350, even the most shield based Corpus would have more life than shields so Viral / Viral + Electric started to perform better. This system can pretty much be summed up as stacking Heat / Bleed because everything else caps. Pure status weapons are near useless as result. Sure, you can go over 100% status now which is nice but it's essentially a 2x multiplier at each break point while Crit is much higher due to Crit multiplier mods. So it's kinda pointless to do. I also don't get why they insist on using -%Accuracy debuffs. They only half work. It only works against precision weaponry.
  12. I recall the Orokin gave Tenno their powers. They were made that way. The "entity" created the void paradox. I recall Rel, the tenno operator of Harrow saw the entity as well and apparently all known tenno have seen it, well as the Lotus and Vor. There's graffiti in the Zaramin giving evidence that others with us had seen it. It's "true" form drawn on walls. It's possible the entity created the paradox with us when the Zaramin went to the void so that it could get to Albrecht. Though there's also an audio message from him saying that he's not sure if it was him or the entity that came back from the void. Likely both IMO. It's shown the capacity to mimic any void touched and directly control. Both Rel and Albrecht show signs of two entirely different personalities but there's no direct evidence given if they are two or one. I've partially kept track of the story changes over time. Originally Warframes were suits then they expanded on all that. The whole thing feels like trying to understand a film student's semester final project.
  13. Already tested Mining tool back in the day. Sadly not quite level cap. Least at the time. Maybe now =D I was actually impressed how melee DPS was demolished to 1/3 it's original output. Most players didn't even use melee at high levels cuz few frames could deal with the extra damage intake.
  14. Yea, in the 6 weeks I've been back I got about 30mil. 20 of it is in Zenurik. Obviously after it's 3rd rework I still had plenty to max everything with spare, again. I actually dislike that you just get 5k for the school you have on. It made my Focus values all screwed up. It also really took the wind out of the Lens progression. I always felt they should have never added that annoying ping and kept it passive gains.
  15. The community goes through phases on what is "good". In this case it's probably the Helmith. Trinity went from a god frame to a not good frame somehow. It wasn't like she was affected by design changes like Nyx or Loki. She still follows the eHP + DPS brainless face shooting that was created years back after DE went nuts attacking Stealth and CC. Now she can even Roar to replace her one dead ability. People used to think Inaros was immortal despite the Puncture double dip allowing a high level Nullifier to one-shot him. Plenty were more tanky. People used to spam topics about nerf Ember's 4th cuz it killed low level enemies and was nothing but unreliable CC later on. I'm surprised anyone cares these days honestly. I don't. The weapons do most the talking, always have when scaling kicked in.
  16. Besides the time gates. It's also a result of making all notable rewards the sum of mission complete and not playing the mission. Players used to be content sitting in missions if they had a good team and just fighting till they felt like leaving. I think at one point I'd hit 2 mil Cryotic because the game was about farming more than spamming. Going more than one rotation didn't matter if your efficiency didn't go down. As a point of reference this trend of putting weapon parts in the endless bounties might be more appealing if they gave rep each rotation.
  17. I've used Ignis / Ignis Wraith forever. I think together they're about 50% usage. I didn't use it cuz I liked the weapon though. I used it for farming efficiency. I call it the "Crate Breaker". I used to run Sorties with it most the time on a damage boost frame since it wasn't lacking in status. It was more a lack of caring for "normal content". Sorties helped introduce the general / new community to status effects being useful over crit. This trend used to continue further as level went higher. Weapons like Torrid, Zarr, Pox, Synapse, Sicarus Prime, Marelok, Akstiletto Prime. These were all signature endurance runner weapons because they had decent crit but more importantly high status per second. The general rule was that it's easy to amp your damage output but there's few sources to improve your status. So you pick status and amp damage with buffs/debuffs. Without getting into math, the sweet spot for status used to be if you red-line (fully strip armor) at about 30% with body shots but kill without red-line on head-shots. The new damage system is very basic. You can't fully strip armor with status anymore. In fact, you only need 10 Corrosive procs and 1 Heat proc before 8 seconds. Ideally ~3-4 seconds. Every status caps now except Heat, Toxic and Slash thus 90% of weapon builds try to stack Heat and Slash. We also have the new Eximus units with Overguard which further deters from having too much status rate since only raw damage will break their Overguard. Against Armor: If a weapon has around 70% base Slash weight you build Viral. If not you build Corrosive + Heat. That's a generalization of course. Against Corpus: Toxic,. Viral, Gas or Viral + Electric isn't viable anymore in late scaling due to shield scaling changes. Against Infested: Nothing really changed. There are Arcanes since I last played that try to make Cold and Electric useful. Cold seems like it could work but I haven't bothered to math it out and that's the thing. You don't really need to bother. I never used Paracesis. It didn't have enough status at the time even after a buff. I used Galantine Prime and later Gram Prime, cuz power creep. Melee isn't in a great state right now though. it does less than half the damage it when I last played. Until you get yet more arcanes to fix flaws with this new damage system. I used to have 6 Ignis builds. Now there's only 3 with one (Viral/Rad) being a support build to CC for frames like Mesa.
  18. The Energy Drain through invulnerable and similar was a direct action against perma Hysteria Valkyr. Despite her claws not scaling well enough do to anything but finishers by the time the immortal would matter. For some reason this got a lot of attention at the time. There were a considerable amount of topics and debate over her. Sadly, the actual scaling problem with Disrupters has never been addressed. Their drain is a product of base damage, not the damage they deal. So around level 300 they can clean your energy without breaking your shields. If I'm not mistaken, they also never addressed their aura effect being additive resulting in 0 duration on abilities.
  19. Only issue I've had is trying to distinguish the elemental things from ammo pick ups. The ground gets littered with color very quickly. This is mostly because the icon goes away if you're close to any so it feels like I'm needlessly running to see one that was next to me. I've been doing 4 since I can already guess there's a weapon part in rotation. Seems to be the trend since Diemos.
  20. I'll say what I say in every game where someone asks for a damage meter or combat log. They're not accurate and have never been accurate. This is the nature of a UDP connection and batch processing. Even in ideal conditions, P2P connection, where doors won't even open if you're too far from the host? That's awful conditions. Practically there's also no gauge. If I'm playing my 14x Banshee and don't die against lvl 900 enemies. Did I do better or worse than others? Things like Mag's Bubble and Void Status also attribute the damage to the effect's owner. Not the person shooting. These tools in the best of conditions are only good when applied correctly, which can't really be done in this game. You could do the math. I used to all the time when the damage system was more complex. With that your aim is the only factor.
  21. This kept me busy beyond any content DE has ever made. I used to do Solo endurance runs. Just push every frame near it's limit. Once it started to struggle I'd bail. Mostly because of the time investment. 3 hours to test a build was quite enough. That time has only increased from power creep. I quit when they changed enemy scaling. I'm back but not sure how long since what I enjoyed is gone. Rather, it's dumbed down to where you just build durable as possible/immune and let OP weapons do the work. The damage system is also dumbed down.
  22. I've been enjoying some of the new tracks. The updated Corpus ship music is a bop though I'm meh on the tileset. I like the old style still. The Archon combat track will get me going. Too bad I hear it once a week. After all these years. Warframe music guys still love their drums. I still remember the original combat music. Nothing but drums. =D I just got back from a 5 year break so been enjoying the new stuff (mostly) and haven't turned on my own music yet.
  23. I've worked on some projects up to 4 years and keeping the code clean can get very hard. Esp when you add things you never intended. As a coder you're left with an option of re-writing thousands of lines to make a clean function or use a shortcut which works just as fine and only someone looking at the code could tell. The first example I gave would be inserted into a new global function that deals with all animations which not only requires listing them but also scalping all other code in other places involving it. Say Rhino's Stomp animation is a product of the skill's code itself. That would have to be removed and moved into the global controller. Every time they create a new animation, status, skill, damage type, whatever. It's given a string name. Because it works and doesn't work at the same time, it makes me think they took the shortcut of running it through a list of these strings. Which also means anything new would have to be added to the list. Forever. I'm obviously guessing too but the behavior lines up.
  24. Old Endurance runner here. This is due to Warframe always setting the bar too low. Back 7ish years ago the bar was level 300-400. This is solo btw. I took every frame to 300+. Even the ones player's considered poopy. Of those I'd say Banshee and Ember were stand outs as requiring hyper speed play to hit that bar. Both had QT and that was it. A "chance" to survive a hit. At that time groups had already hit the level cap and not just by cheese means like Intercept. Even via Defense in a group we had beaten the game with the previous record being able to hit 1.4 billion eHP. By comparison a 9999 Bombard rocket did 3mil. Safe to say they lost control of group synergy very early on so they couldn't reward it. Since they couldn't reward group effort, players stopped caring about it and thus other players are just a means of getting loot faster. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are still those who enjoy playing with group synergy. I've been running Abating Link, Roar Trinity in this event just to keep the Kavats alive =D Steel Path Circuit last week I used my group Banshee with her 14x Sonar and we did 10 ranks quick and easy. I generally pick frames assuming others aren't going to think about team synergy and it often works out.
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