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Everything posted by CephalonCarnage

  1. Gunnery intrinsic gives you aiming reticle at level 1, level 10 gives you an auto-aim. Try the photor beam weapon, you can see where you're firing very easily.
  2. Vauban ever time - max range. You drop the vortex behind you as you run towards the canister. By the time you've picked it up and turned around, there's a huge pile of enemies waiting to be covered. Then run to the next one. I foudn the problem wasn't the time but the number of canisters - you really have to have the groups to make use of the limited number of throws you get. And this test is directly equivalent ot game play. Deimos missions for example have this exact mechanic.
  3. well, you can, but then you also have to explain to the health and safety tribunal how you never thought things would end up like they did. In DE's case, it'll be another example of how they're no longer thinking - like putting Duviri in as a new-player start track. I bet the story-skip will also get removed after they find out how stupid it is.
  4. Nothing much TBH, its not that hard a mission. However, some things will speed it up for you: 1. a max-range Loki, as one part of the mission is to escort a drone from <far away> to the site. Loki's swap-places ability is beautifully designed for this very section. 2. a fast-firing gun that has lots of crits. The Lephantis you fight at ther end has damage resistance mods, so something that gets past that helps. I suppose a high-multishot shotgun might be good too, but I think they'll have nerfed that after the Archon experience. This may not be the biggest 2, as I understand they'll be changing things a little. My advice for the caves part at the start is to drop a waypoint as you enter, which makes exiting easier. Otherwise, its run to cave, get gloop, run to drone, defend, slowly follow drone to site, shoot things.
  5. DE are putting such concepts in anyway, they might as well do it proplerly. the way to do it is via Darvo, and to allow players to trade multiple unwated parts for other parts. So, for example, if I have 3 Nova neuroptics and 3systems, but 0 chassis (thank's RNG) then I can go to Darvo and swap them for the missing part. This doesn't allow me to skip the story or the missions, I still have to play them a couple of times, but it would mean I don't have to play them over and over and over and over just because my RNG luck is bad. The number of parts that can be swapped for another would depend on the drop chances. I still think this is a good idea, but only for those parts that drop from the same mission. But, it can be extended to allow players to do the skippety skip straight to Duviri where they will give up playing after 10 hours anyway.
  6. HIPAA definitions of injury • Undetermined - Patient is awaiting physician and/or assessment. • Good - Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent. • Fair - Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious, but may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable. • Serious - Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable. • Critical - Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable. The 'crits' in games don't mean "critical injury" anyway, they are short for "critical hit". A hit that does more damage than usual based the luck of the RNG that abstracts damage. This hit will cause an injury to the target too, but that does not mean the criticalness of the hit reflects in the criticalness of the injury caused.
  7. I hear Microsoft is seriouslyt consideing making Windows 12 a subscription model. They alreayd shifted Office to such, so it isn't out the realms of possibility. Then you'll have to pay a sub to see ads in order to see ads on the apps you use to see the stuff you want to see.
  8. its for cross save. Wo while PC players never had 2 Bobs. When they connect up the console players, there may well be a Bob there too. Which one is the real Bob? which one gets to keep the name, and which has to choose a new name? Adding the numbers is possibly the only realistic solution - unless you have better.
  9. and looking at wiki.gg they are actively eager for games to migrate - even having options to import. Ultimately there is no reason to even ask, there can be multiple wikis for WF and players can go look at whichever one they prefer. Competition rules here, and there's no barrier to entry. It would be better if DE managed it, and Atlassian appear to want that, but its not essential.
  10. Oh easy. remove circuit completely. remove undercroft completely split Duviri into a new game and remove it from Warframe completely. Duviri is great, but its not warframe. Putting the warframe bits in devalues it significantly IMHO. It would be a much better experience without the warframe parts. Every time I go in, the undercroft missons make me groan and get them over with as quickly as possible. Especially when its the jackal. Duviri would be much better without that. And the circuit - why bother with it at all, put the concept of random weapons/frame/etc elsewhere. Simaris is ideal for it, then you can tweak it further with other options/buffs/nerfs without the silly card game that goes with it (ie the decrees)
  11. I have bought a book that is sitting on my shelf, unread. Tell me again how I know the knowledge contained within it. Its a magical idea you have, that I can purchase knowledge. I'd buy a library (or simply visit the local library's coffee shop for free) and be a god, mouhahah. But I cannot. I only gain the knowledge through the tedious process of reading. I can buy nothing but paper and ink. To get the knowledge, I must transfer the thoughts from the author to myself via the process of reading (and understanding). Buying the book is insufficient.
  12. Is this because DE have gotten bored with Warframe and want to turn it into something else - you remember the ill-fated decision to put Duviri on the new player screen as a starting track. A truly terrible idea. I think this is a plan B to achieve the same thing - they think new players arent interested in this space ninja game and want to skip ahead to the new cool stuff, ie Duviri and 1999. The truth is so far from this. All the old players are only still here because we went through the story. DE has this great game that should be considered stable, and ready for new players to experience for the next 10 years and another after that. The more DE wants to avoid it, the less hope I have for the future.
  13. No, you cannot. you bought a book. To obtain the knowledge inside you had to read it. That took time and effort on your part, You cannot buy knowledge, only access.
  14. Get a new game to play. Its possibly easier to dip in for the updates and extra bits of story that they add here and there in Warframe while waiting for a big quest that satisfies you. Warframe will be there when you feel like playing it. I saw "Dark Envoy" review today, looks good. is a lot harder than most grindy looters too, so might appeal more than D3.
  15. I saw some youtuber start playing WF from scratch. Seeing him on the start screen look at the duviri start or warframe start options was horrific. Fortunately he chose warframe and got the good stuff. I can only imagine how terrible it'd be to have started with Duviri as the initial impression and then (somehow) go on the warframe track afterwards. I'm not even sure how they planned for that.
  16. I thought about this somewhat ages ago - we can't realistically rework the New War, but it could be retconned away by saying its "drifter dreamtime that never was" and restarting it from the operator perspective. If the whole thing "was a dream" (and hey, we've hjad the other 2 aspects of really bad writing: multiverses and time travel, why not go the whole hog) then we can restart with the operator waking up. One thing though, if you want a good story, then lotus needs to remain the big baddy with all the misdirection and uncertainty of whether she saved the tenno for altrruistic or selfish reasons. Then the story can be added in, how did the moon get into the void and Lotus disabled for a thousand years until Vor did his thing. Why did the tenno betray the orokin, under Lotus's guidance, and was that a temporary "alliance" or part of a underhand scheme where we would have been next had something major not happened to scupper the plan. Lots of backstory can be filled in. Duviri was supposed to be the next big thing, but obviously failed. All this destruction of the old story for nothing, despite the Duviri thing itself being amazing, it didn't fit in warframe and diluted the brand. Managment needs to take the L here and bring us back to the old ways that built the company and game and playerbase. They will never go back to old quests and rework them, but they can make new ones to undo the damage and give them the possibility of taking warframe to another ten years of greatness.
  17. It has to be Volt simply because of the starter 3. however, if they were to add a 4th one... it'd probably be Wukong.. for $ reasons.
  18. Or why not create a new Orokin ship (not the Zariman) but one that's still intact and never went missing, or one that ended up entirely in the void and is as pristine as the orokin void towers. Orokin void galleons (for Orokin liches perhaps) would be awesome!
  19. I always love these threads, ever since someone complained about being banned for a while, posted a chatlog screenshot and then a DE employee popped in, checked and came back with "we see the disgusting things you said that were scrolled just off the top of the screenshot" and banned them permanently.
  20. Railjack's only problem is the lack of instruction. So many time I have taught someone how to play it, how to make revolite in the forge, how to build dome charges and use the artillery, how to patch holes in the hull using the omni. And then they love the missions. DE needs to add a tutorial, but int he meantime I'd recommend the wiki or a vid showing what to do. There are a few "beginners guides" to RJ on youtube, watch one and be amazed how good RJ becomes afterwards. Of course, its still not as good as it was back before the big solo-friendly nerf, but you can't have everything!
  21. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... you've provided no evidence at all. All you say is that its somehow different to a closed relay, despite everything about it being exactly like relays, and then saying its a mission despite no mission having anything like the loading lobby. So maybe they have placed the relay code using the first player as a server instance or creating a new one on demand without the usual 'choose server' startup. That's not so strange, but that's massively easier than changing the whole mission startup to be like open relays.
  22. You also want t build as secondaries - I have a rattleguts pistol ( with gibber and splat) that rocks so much. But mainly because the arcane pistoleer gives you ammo efficiency and it shoots so many little bullets you are guaranteed some headshots so you can fire for minutes at a time without reloading. It may not work as well in the bubble but the sheer quantity of bullets would do good. It does need a few forma though, but then it beccomes a SP-quality gun with the galvanised mods. Sporelacer is the other big deal kitgun, I have a secondary one that I take into archon hunts because its possibly the best damage dealer I have (and I have them all). However, its a mutli-shot storgun type weapon (with literal falloff as the shots arcs)
  23. TBH I think the affinity system needs a rework - there are many weapons I have "mastered" by not using, kill using soemthing else with the annoying or trash weapon equipped and its MR30 before you know it. I do think the affinity should come from the weapon being used, but at the same time the affinity received should be increased when it does get used, but only when it is used.
  24. The reason is that no 4-man squad mission uses a lobby. only the oipen worlds. And Zariman is not an open world but also uses the lobby system. So reusing the code for open worlds for circuit fits perfectly, you cannot use the normal "join mission" code because there is no lobby mechanism there. Doesn't matter if you only have 4 man squads and 1 is chosen as host, there is no other mission type where that occurs. Those cases, you join the squad in progress. The Teshin cave starts and you're not in a squad, you just happen to be in an open relay with just 3 other players who end up forming the squad because there's nobody else allowed in there. But they could if they wanted to - I'm surprised the cave doesn't have tens of players browsing the options and whoever goes through the gate forms a squad, just like Fortuna or Cetus or Deimos. They even have the same tunnel that allows the host to be chosen or set up, there's no other reason to have that middle bit between cave and circuit map if the host was already chosen like joining a exterminate mission on Mars. Don't forget Teshin's cave doesn't allow player loadouts, so not surprising the code is tweaked by more than just removing the arsenal UI.
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