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Everything posted by Aruquae

  1. Idk about that, both are time limited and were considered exclusive. The reasoning behind it would be considered negligible if we’re just talking about what was set as their “marketing strat” which is to say… FOMO. Edit: Now that I think of it… wouldn’t this be considered justification? They are both time limited, but it seems one is fine being time limited while the other isn’t? Even when both were marked as time limited. It wouldn’t be fair for those who bought it because of FOMO. Yes… they can be considered selfish just because of that, but a contract is a contract nonetheless. It would be more despicable for DE to bring it back, showing us how their FOMO strat was just an excuse get people to buy it, then rerelease it like a slap in the face for those who did buy it. All and all, if they mark something as limited time and “not returning,” they should stick to their word.
  2. I would rather use things I like then be forced to use things I don’t like That will always be the case Also, this is the forums…? People are bound to complain, and that’s fine. I took that excuse in Duviri, but clearly they are going to be adding that stupid randomized to more modes. This poor excuse doesn’t work anymore. Also “just play anything else” is a poor excuse in itself I get weapons I like… and I optimize all of them. The ones I don’t like, I don’t get. Now why do I have to be stuck with a weapon I don’t like… that has the DEFAULT BUILD, that does not do anything at all… no thanks. I would rather have my own gear that I enjoy using. As for collecting everything for mastery… what of the people like me? Who don’t want to waste their time in ESO/Hydron leveling up things they hope to never use…? Another reasoning error DW bro, I’m already doing that
  3. I’m guessing Chroma’s not going to get a rework anytime soon Simply because they already gave him an augment, and you know DE… ”Aight, gave him an augment. That should be fine for the next 4 years” -DE, probably
  4. Damn, calling us out And in regards to the post… They already marked it as exclusive and time limited, it can count as false advertisement if they bring it back Of course… the same thing happened for Excalibur Prime… in fact, this is the exact same thing. So, if you believe the heirlooms should come back, obviously Excalibur Prime should come back too, right? If not, that’s just hypocrisy/selfishness on your part. I believe the only reason people believe the heirloom pack would actually return unlike the founders pack is simply because it’s still relatively “new,” and people haven’t given up on their begging for a return. Does this mean I don’t want it to return? No, I’m just playing Devil’s Advocate.
  5. Arcane resistance stops the status proc, not the toxin damage Which is to say, you’ll still get the damage from toxin Overshields are your best friend for Hildryn, use condemn helminth in place of pillage for infested Could also replace your four if you want to keep pillage+augment
  6. It's supposed to, but ever since the thermal sunder nerf it's been "bugged" You can try it, sometimes it decides to not fire at enemies even though they are RIGHT THERE Then they occasionally hit them through walls (as they should), but that's rarely
  7. The LoS now is so much better! I can finally hit enemies with his fourth Now… why didn’t they do the same for seeking talons… it got excluded 😭
  8. Captura has that option, not sure if that’s what you were referring to If you meant screenshots without HUD, then… not sure we have that. You can remove the entire hud for the photo, but it wouldn’t work if you want a quick photo. That would be cool, I usually destroy their drones before killing them, which buys enough peaceful time to go fishing without interruption. Of course… not for long
  9. And chunky? Maybe round? Or something something? I'm going to stop you right there
  10. Yea, this is true If you do a survival (or endless) long enough, you run the risk of getting a ban Sometimes it’s an afk ban, and sometimes it’s banned due to hacking (I’ve seen someone report that in the forums). Apparently the system finds it suspicious how long you’re playing the game. Agreed, also I think you should move this to the “cross save bugs” subforums. Not sure if that still exists… pretty sure it does. If it doesn’t then you can just post it under general bugs subforum.
  11. Reading your other posts, still agree with it. I like the suggestion, the Stug being as good as a Phenmor? Yes Just to keep the topic from deviating any further… Nah, much like general MR not meaning anything to a player (as an MR15 can know a lot more than MR20 for example), it’s the same with weapons. Plenty of weapons with high MR requirements suck, while plenty of weapons with low (or no) MR requirements perform amazingly.
  12. Got a feeling most of this is due to being paired with someone hosting on an IOS…
  13. Could keep the restriction if you have the augment Disables the canceling feature by placing the augment on there maybe? Didn’t mark my other post as sarcasm… but I hope that was obvious Waiting for the inevitable Tenno who’s going to take it seriously
  14. Not to mention maim has a ramp up, could also contribute to them being hesitant about adding LoS
  15. Your lack of specifics will very much be the start of a great nerfing day… Honestly? Doesn’t sound too bad if they do balance all the weapons
  16. When has DE ever butchered a frame? Cmon now, I’m pretty sure they would implement that change and top it off with some nice QoL buffs!
  17. I take it you mean the Pablo’d where he blesses them with beautiful buffs, and not the Pablo’d where he wields his might nerf hammer?
  18. I second this A simple fix would be letting you deselect the element (pick toxin and electricity for corrosive, select his one to deselect toxin, turning it back into electricity)
  19. A wholesome post in the midst of all the other posts is always welcomed The changes to Chroma’s augment/vex armor is welcomed. Feels so much better to use
  20. Aside from Equinox I agree with the others She already has enough limitations and a good ramp up that falls off without armor strip. I think a damage falloff would be better.
  21. I love the reload sound the Tenet Cycron makes And the primary fire sounds like a high tech alien taking a piss
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