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Everything posted by Dunkelheit

  1. If you don't have adequate weapons, mods, builds and frames, you are not ready for Steel path. This should be clear. The next point seems to be really hard to understand: If you don't have a lot of adequate weapons, mods, builds and maybe all frames built for Steel Path level, you are not ready for Duviri Circuit. If you don't like Duviri Circuit, you can just play with your one frame, the one primary, your favorite and only melee and probably a primer in some way. Because you don't need Duviri Rewards to reach endgame or even solo stuff till lvl 9999 in endurance runs. Duviri Circuit is the long awaited content for veterans that have everything in the game and still put so much time into it that they have a lot of stuff maxed (and oh boy, did they deliver). If you are not of this group, Duviri is not for you. Best thing is: you doon't need it. But here is the kicker: If you have half-decent teammates, a well built operator with the meta Arcanes and weapons and a bit of luck with the roguelite element, the decrees, you can play till level 9999 anyway in Cicrcuit. Hell, you can use the operator exclusively, because this thing becomes so unbelievable powerful with the right decrees, it is amazing. TL;DR: Do you have A LOT OF weapons and frames maxed as well as the meta aracanes together with a well prepared operator and Forma is your drug that you sink the majority of plat into? -> Duviri Circruit is great for you Do you play the game for 200 hours, have got a meta weapon due to being taxi twinked by a friend, a copied build from your favorite youtuber and think you are the tenno that is spoken about in legends, because you can handle steel path and feel buying weapon and Warframe slots is a waste of plat? -> avoid Duviri Circuit till you have a couple of hundreds hours in as well with the thought that you like building all kinds of weapons and understanding the builds and Forma being your best friend. It is really that easy....
  2. I don't even know how many hours I have in this game alltogether, because I changed to Steam, but even on steam I have a couple of thousand hours in. This game is relaxing, complex, fun, it scratches my collector itch, it has the fairest model of all F2P games and after Reb and Pablo took over, the game even got better. I will play this game (maybe on and off, but I will play it) till the servers shut down. And then I will cry, because the game that accompanied me for so long will be gone. Hopefully this will never happen.
  3. Came here to say exactly that. But as in all endless game modes, ocurring bugs are especially annoying. So this is the only thing I want to change. Warframe players are like: "Moar difficulty, more, there is no endgame, everything to easy" Circuit is released "woah there, when I say more difficulty, I meant more difficulty that is actually doable for me!!! I don't want to feel bad!"
  4. Just for the sake of it, I played Bramma again. You cannot compare that monster to any Incarnon, even the Torid is very, very weak in comparison.
  5. I wish that Kahl and Chipper die a peaceful death so that DE has to decide for other sources of that shard. I loved Kahl at the beginning, but now I only feel disgust when the week is over and I need to do the newest mission.
  6. Remember? We talked about how you define content and how it changes your 3 hours per day theory. You can very well define a weapon as "content". If you only count quests, you get away with a lot less hours.
  7. Depends on how you define content. If you mean "play all quests", yeah, that might be doable, but you won't even be close to MR L3 with playing 3 hours a day. I don't see a problem btw, even if it is a "me" problem. The longer I need to finish the game, the better it is for me.
  8. To 1: The problem are people who ruin the game for themselves by rushing to the endgame, when Warframe has so many other things to offer. On the other hand, who wants to play stuff for 1-2 years till they finally reach the endgame? So finding a middle ground is hard. There will always be people who only play one Warframe and one set of weapons, because they are considered the strongest, but they are not the typical Warframe players. I play this game for a long time and I always come back for the fast gameplay with hordes of enemies and the newest content drops. So while I think you have a point, I think it won't matter in the end, because if you play the wrong game, if you desperately want raids and super hard content while playing copypasta workloads from some streamers, you won't stay for long anyway. To 2: A game that lasts for 10 years cannot exist without power creep, plain and simple. If you think differently, you are fooling yourself. For how long can you keep new weapons and Warframes interesting without change in power dynamics? Additionally, please name one game that lasted for 10 years which did not have power creep in it? Maybe I am missing one, but I can't think of a single game. But the game also needs ideas to make the new content challenging, this is the main point. To 3: Circuit is an extreme example. There are no companions, which are a focal point of some builds, enemies come from all sides and you cannot hide from their shots, enemies are not clustered, which makes it hard for some builds as well. On the other hand, it is fantastic endgame content, because it will show you where your builds need work. I can assure you that every single frame can reach Tier 10 in one go and survive against lvl 9999 enemies. You just need to put more work into it, e.g. use your Operator. You said somewhere in your text that there is low skill ceiling in Warframe and on the other hand you complain that some things are not effective enough in Circuit. Last but not least you ask for buffing AOE weapons, which are the bane of high skill ceiling and make the game super boring. I am glad that a Bramma is not usable in Circuit because of ammo issues, but maybe that is just me. I like the Incarnon single target weapons that are really strong and I personally would love to nerf the AOE weapons even further. Not the AOE weapons that take preparation/skill to use for a couple of shoots, but the likes of Bramma/Zarr where you can mindlessly shoot into a direction where you see red triangles on the minimap or just shoot at your feet to clear everything without even aiming once. While we are at it, as much as I love the Torid, I feel that this weapon is way too easy to charge into Incarnon mode and it could be better balanced if it would be harder. Other weapons need faster Incarnon charge rate. Balance this the correct way and we are on a good path. To 4: The game is more than playable without using the meta. The only thing that bothers me is that using AOE weapons like Torid/Bramma/Zarr is way too oppressive for those who want to play with non-meta setups. If someone uses one of those weapons, you won't get a lot of kills, which makes it unfun. Whatever Iflynn says (I don't even know the guy), Warframe is in a better state than ever before. The gameplay is more fun, the new Warframes design is better than the old ones and Incarnon weapons are just amazing. One thing though, watch at your hours that you have in the game. In my humble opinion, if you put 5k hours into one game and you criticize it on a basic level, you need to rethink your arguments. Hey, a very fair F2P game made you put thousands of hours into it, it cannot be too bad. It is just a lot more probably that your expectation and perspective of the game changed over time. For me, Warframe is a relaxing shooter that is fast paced and fun and leans more to the casual side. There is a lot of fun to find in mass murdering other factions while moving through the air like some kind of Spider-Man without his net. If I want very difficult or PVP or high skill ceiling, I just go to other games. Remember, this game is going strong for 10 years and even if I cannot speak for you or other gamers, I am very happy about the state of the game and I can't wait for the new content drop or what they have in store for next year. Your points are valid though (minus the powercreep thing, I don't want to play a game for 10 years and have the same strength all the time, I like my characters to advance to new power levels) and of course it would be great to think about them, but the game is nowhere near being a bad or even average game. Edit: Forgot one thing - Occurances with players who behave badly are very rare. If someone leeches, it might be a dad/mom having to look for his/her child. Most of the time, I play with my alliance anyway and when I play solo, there are a lot of kick ass helpful players to meet among all tenno.
  9. Disclaimer: I play Warframe for 10 years now, I own every single thing in the game that counts to MR progress. With this in mind, some things might not weigh heavy on you, because you play the game from a different perspective. 1. Game-breaking bugs in Duviri Circuit that leave you with nothing after 1 hour of gametime 2. Entering the Underworld leaves you no exit. You are at the mercy of your teammates, if they don't join you, you will sit there for a long time. 3. Kahl Missions: Maybe I am alone in this, but starting the Kahl Mission every week feels like going to the dentist with heavy pain and at the reception they tell you that the doc is out of anesthesia drugs. I enjoyed them at first, was a nice change of pace, but I already suspected that I might burn-out very fast on them. But hey, I am sure there are people who like it a lot, so more power to them. It just feels bad that Kahl is 1 of 2 sources in the game which reward Archon Shards. 4. The "moonwalk" bug which happens quite often and leaves you completely helpless. Thank god mobs can't kill you either. 5. If you release new Warframes, please go through the effort and put up a quest or something. While I really enjoyed farming Daggath, a cool, playable story around it would have felt amazing. 6. The best mission in the game in my humble opinion is Conjunction Survival. Masses of tough enemies, change of pace with sentients attacking, Acolytes and Thrax and the added bonus of areas that push your abilities, please consider to create more of this content in the game. The Citrine Mars mission was great as well, don't get me wrong. 7. Give us the option to notify our pick-up teammates that we will stay with the team for the next run. Maybe a green frame around our name in the top. People are very, very impatient these days and when you have not acknowledged the mission, will force right away. Others will leave the team. Again, maybe it is just me, but sometimes I would love to stick with a team. 8. The recruitment and trade channels are flooded by two things: opening relics and selling rivens. Can we have separate channels for them, please? I would love to use the recruitment channel for things like "conjunction survival 1 hour" or "Duviri Circuit from tier 0 to 10" or "any new guys here that need help? I am up for it" or "need at team to farm relics and go for the newest prime equipment". But it feels that those are drowned in the sea of relic openers. 9. Archon Hunts are absolutely amazing, please more content like this. Hell, I would love if the missions for a bit longer as well. It really feels special and the rewards are great. 10. Incarnon weapons: I have to say it - Incarnon weapons are the best idea ever. They feel fresh, they feel very balanced and they are fun. Just give us more interesting options on the incarnon ability tree. 11. not last, but not least either: The new Warframe designs are all amazing. They feel so good, the Hydroid rework was one of the best you ever made. More like that, please :) I am very sure that this is not an exhausting list, I just wanted to give some overview over the things that bother me most and I felt like some compliments for the direction of the game might change the game to the better as well. Feel free to comment, even criticise, but I would love to hear your opinions. But honestly, Warframe never felt this good before and I play for a long time now :). Can't wait for the new content and the new game modes.
  10. LUA conjunction on Steel Path difficulty is the best. I don't need S#&$ from those locations any more, but I still play it, because masses of enemies that start at 180-200 are absolutely fun.
  11. There is no problem with said weapons, there is only a problem with expectations. If you expect to just brammafly through the levels, killing everything without even aiming, you are in the wrong game. Play Vampire Survivors. Bramma and Zarr was a cancer to the game and it is good that they are no longer played. The worse thing is though that the nerfs were not that active and I can easily play those weapons without any hassle, if you know how to mod and shoot.
  12. I don't, it is bland, boring and hitting my mouse button over and over is killing my wrists. Actually the content is so bad, I don't even want to play it for the Glyph, because this might awaken the though that this pool of boringness was a good idea and it comes more often.
  13. 1. the game is not dieing. I hear this for 10 years now and they still have constant players numbers. 2. The game lives without endgame content (raids?) for years and the games is still fine for a reason. Warframe scratches the collectors itch. Like every other game that is not driven by psychological tricks like FOMO, people stop playing at some point. But the gameplay is engaging and fun enough to come back after a while. Collecting things is fun as well for a lot of people. Same goes for trying out new weapons, builds. Maybe I am just talking for me, but Incarnon alone gave me at least 6 months to collect and build them. 3. The game is becoming better and better now that Pable and Reb are at the helm. All new Warframes have interesting abilities that synergize with each other. Reworks like Hydroid are amazing, Duviri was so much fun and Circuit is an interesting take when you are a Veteran. Zariman was one of my favorite expansions and Duviri is close after. Yeah, at a point it becomes boring to play, but even WoW became boring at a point. 4. Games do not constantly need to grow, it is enough when they retain constant numbers. Especially if the game is so good that people come back again and again like in Warframe. 5. After playing for 10 years, I am still very excited about the new big content drop coming in December, I can't wait actually
  14. Duviri Experience is at a point where I am scared to run it, because there are so many gamebreaking bugs.
  15. My guess is that "Post if you have something useful to add." means "Post something that I like to hear". And complaining about a bug not fixed yet and ignoring literally 1000s of bugs that have been fixed is ridiculous. But probably "fix bugs!" means for you "fix bugs that I find annoying for ME!"
  16. I don't know what to say about your idea, but I have a great proposal for you: Stop working and stop taking money from your government and start helping kids :) Oh, you can't? Why is that? Maybe the same reason why DE should not stop making money?
  17. Devs: Here is one of the best reworks of Warframe ever. We need to get rid of puddle, because we had problems with it gametech wise. We really tried to do our best, we feel there is not much left to complain about. Players: Hold my beer....
  18. The game has never been better: Incarnon weapons, Archon Hunts, Circuit, endgame being slightly difficult, shield gate changes, pet changes.... the day Pablo and Reb took over was the best day for Warframe ever.
  19. You don't know what you are talking about. FYI, you don't have to go to Tier 10. This marked with a personal attack at the Devs is ... hmm.... how do I say it? ... problematic?
  20. How are people still complaining about this in 2023? I don't recollect any item that needs a lot of those and if you need them, you run a fast Steel Path mission and 30 minutes later you can swim in them. Maybe it is inconvenient, but opening a thread for it? There are other issues far better suited for this.
  21. Of people who have no clue about the game or how it works and want to change it for the worse, but think they make it better.
  22. Ferrari did the same... the Enzo was incredibly overpriced for a car. SCAM! And they even used FOMO, because the Enzo only had a limited edition. But at least they did not bundle the car with an F40. Sounds familiar?
  23. Thanks guys for all the hints and links!
  24. I have a question: A friend has just shown me AlecaFrame. This is a dream come true, I always thought it would be nice to have an official API in Warframe like Destiny 2 provides. Now my question: Is this legal? My guess is that Overwolf sniffs the details from a stream and this does not sound very good at all :D
  25. Exactly, all those "likes" and "emojis", they all achieve only one thing: A dopamine hit for the person who wrote the posting. Since a dopamine hit is very addictive, people try to get it again. Slowly you are trained to no longer voice your opinion, but the opinion that will achieve the most likes. This is why the internet is such a mess and discussions died down with the exception of warriors who like to mess up their body chemistry with constant enraging.
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