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Everything posted by Dunkelheit

  1. Like Archon Shards and Tauforged Shards, Rivens are one of those carrots to dangle from highly active players who have everything. Rivens are not needed for anything, so this works out great. They give A LOT to do for players, they can be extremely valuable. They are not going to take this away for a "pity" system however that would work without a defined endpoint. Because it would devalue the whole system and prevent a lot of time invest. I wish they would pin this: Forma, Archon Shards, Tauforged Shareds, Reactors and Catalysts won't be changed. And there are certain cosmetics which will never be available in the game without paying hard earned real-life currency. Reasons: Player need to have something to do in the game. Something needs to pay the bills for DE.
  2. I think that I personally love Rivens. We have a great source for Pathos clamps which only takes a couple of minutes. If you are dead set to it, you can farm100 Clamps per hour. Orokin catalysts and built forma are one of the main moneymakers for DE, why would they put them in? Or would you willingly forego parts of your wage to make your boss happy? There are only so many activities to get Rivens, here are 2 more, great. If you find a good riven, you can easily sell them for plat and buy tons of Forma and Orokin Catalysts.
  3. I wish the stupid "powercreep" argument would just die. Becoming stronger and mightier is a very good way to retain long-term motivation in any PVE game, also called progress. How are you keeping your players if there is no way to progress any more? How much fun would an RPG be, if there were no powerful items or levelups? None. Powercreep is very important to keep a game relevant. In case I am wrong, please present me a PvE game which lasted for a longer time while having no powercreep in it at all? The game play would need to be absolute amazing a neverending fountin of fun to make this happen. Even PVP games have "powercreep" only that you take care for it yourself by becoming better. Because this is progress, too. Every progress is good for a game and needed, otherwise the game will die fast.
  4. At first, your posting added nothing constructive either. Games in itself are artificial. So all scarcity is artificial. This being said, Artificial Scarcity, is all items ever available in every game ever made. This is obviously good for longevity of the gameplay, if done right. If you get all items in a game from the very start, there would not be much fun left, would it? So I hope we can agree that scarcity can be good for long motivation goals. Are shards "done right" though? I think everyone can agree that you can reach each and every goal of Warframe without even posessing one shard. So they are an add-on item, maybe a trophy item for players who are already easily capable of handling the endgame. They are not required. Since they are not really required, let us assume what the goal is to put them into the game. My guess is that they are long-term motivation for players that do not have a lot to do in the game any more. If you would make them all readily available, it would not really be useful as long-term motivation, am I right? The shards make the already almighty player even more powerful. Tauforged shards push it over the top. Following my argumentation, I think this puts the complaints for Tauforged Shareds into perspective, doesnt it? Because a case could be made, that the Tauforged Shards fullfill exactly the goal that was intended: It is something to do for a long time when you already have everything else. And since they indeed raise the powerlevel but are not really required, it is no big deal if you cannot instantly outfit all your Warframes with a complete set of Tauforged shards, like many players want. Was that constructive enough? I am sorry about my sarcasm, but this pops up nearly every week and I am tired of writing the same again and again and again. Without explanation, this is a bold claim, because the current system is definitely a blueprint for a pity system.
  5. This is the one thing why I don't like to play Atlas. When I expect to play him for longer times, I always map his 1 to my melee key. I think this should be default for him and would solve most problems. Just make his 1 map to the melee button as a default.
  6. Or a BP that immediately builds everything and anything in the game, including shards and platinum!!! How cool would that be?
  7. Hey Mako, great to hear that you health is improving <3 I got to say this... Rebecca and Pablo taking over was the best thing that ever happened to Warframe. All the changes they mentioned today, were fabulous, there is no other word. So many things will be gone that bugged me for years and years. So happy and cannot wait for the next patch. This is glorious.
  8. Please Sir, enlighten me. From my perspective, he complained about useless crewmates (which they are not, you just need to have some knowledge about their strength and weaknesses and try out or learn about it. Then he comlained about void storms, which he clearly did not understand. After this he complained about having only 2 charges for the artillery, which you can rebuild and he did not know anything about. Oh, and the railjack controls are apparently trash, because he somehow wants separate buttons between "warp speed" (whatever that is) and sprinting (what does sprinting have to do with Railjack?). But hey, the railjack is clearly too much space to cover and he obviously does not know that you can teleport in the Railjack. So what exactly did I not understand? Nearly every single of his arguments are easily remedied with tools in the game. I know, we live in a time where we want to get rid of sports, because children cannot take a loss. So if someone goes public with some baseless rambling with a very agressive tone I might add and I answer in the exact same tone, you obviously feel the need to complain about me and protect him? Always open to criticism, so shoot.
  9. Works for me... my Crewmates do their jobs so good that sometimes I have to swap them out if I need something special done (e.g. when I have to conquer an enemy ship and destroy fighters with it for Nightwave). Yeah, their defense is not so good, but it works if you add a Kuva Lich into the mix with a good weapon. You are not supposed to solo missions, you know, but it still works, even on the highest level. Bugs? I cannot remember the last game breaking bug. Small anoyances? Yeah, they are real, but very rare. You don't even seem to know what Void Storms are. Oh and it seems you don't know that you can build more artillery charges. Say what you want, but it is fun for me to do Railjack solo, so much to do. Fighting, shooting, defending, re-building resources, finish missions outside, blow up crewships. Seems you don't like it, which is ok. If I were you, I would seek the forum for information, not for complaints. I would be embarassed when I complain without even knowing some basic concepts (like Void Storms or rebuilding resources). You are angry, like many people on the internet. Why? This game is for free.... be thankful for the fairest game on the whole F2P market.
  10. First: Everything in SP Circuit is OP with the right decrees. Second: I don't think there will be anyone in SP circuit who will complain that they move up the tiers too fast. Third: you are exaggerating a bit (a teenie tiny tinsy bit). Especially Saryn can be a two shot from 5k+ onward, probably earlier. Her 2 might be able to draw some fire, but you will use it A LOT. And Saryn still has the problem that her stacks will drop super fast once all enemies are gone and need to ramp up again. This being only important if you find anyone who is disagreeing with first/second.
  11. Please, you and all the others who complain about gameplay, do me a favor: Please learn more about the game, before you ask for drastic changes in the game. All your worries will be gone once you reach Steel Path. There no longer is Thermal Thunder Garuda and Saryn, one of the better nuke frames in Steel Path, still needs ramp up time till her abilities start killing anything. At this point she will clear the map once, then her stacks will go down very, very fast and it will be another couple of minutes till the map is clear again. There are other frames that can nuke in Steel Path, Kullervo for example, but the range limits his capabilities and he won't distract you. In normal mode, i.e. no Steel Path, you will quickly learn that in this mode, you will want your mission targets checked as soon as possible and with your first good weapon, shooting enemies is not really fun any more, because a) they cannot harm you and b) you will kill everything with the smidge of a grazing shot. If you need help to get to Steel Path, feel free to message me.
  12. Thermal Sunder is irrelevant in higher levels of enemies, especially in Steel Path. The ability exists for years now and has never been nerfed.
  13. I play Mag, Mirage and to a lesser extent Mesa. I play them for a couple of years now and never ever had their abilities lock up or something. Ash's 4 showing wrong numbers, who cares as long everything dies? Yeah, the operator thing is annoying against Jackal in Circuit, but honestly, never before did I encounter this. Yareli bugs... you mean Merulina? Becuase I am not aware of other bugs that happen often. Granted, I don't play her much. Never had Kahl getting stuck either. So you honestly suggest that they fix a 1 in 10.000 bug and leave all pressing matters and content development aside? I don't understand you guys. These are all very, very rare and not gamebreaking bugs. It is not like your inventory is empty somehow or you lose more than 5 minutes progress. I admire your persistence though, but please put it in things that actually matter.
  14. With such well written constructive criticism underlined by brilliant arguments disguised as a a general discusson (in the absolutely right forum) iinstead of bug report or feedback, this can only be a matter of minutes, maybe hours, nothing more. Hats off to you, Sir!
  15. Maybe see it this way: Up till now you can only use ONE single pet out of 3 dozen or something. After you can equip 3 dozen minus one pets and one is (as you say) unusable.
  16. Just quoting the most important aspect
  17. Ok, let me say something positive about Dmg Attenuation: I think we can all agree that Warframe is a bit more on the easy side. So I think it is good to make boss fights harder. And I think it is better to use Dmg Attenuation on the bosses instead of overall ner%&amp;^e. There, I said it :D Btw, I don't have any problems at all.
  18. I don't even know if this should be in UI, but the new dmg numbers make it so hard to aim. Because when I shoot a mob, they will start to clutter everything, so that I cannot even look through them. So my questions is, since noone seems to have problems except me: Can I move them to another position? Or are you guys happy with it the way it is?
  19. dude, how often are you going to post this? Is this narcisism? Or how do I call it when I see your posting at every corner of the forum?
  20. I bought it. Just now... but not for the skins, just for the color palette. It just looks too good and I want to work with. 😀
  21. Yeah, I understand, if someone does not the exact same thing that you wish them to do, they hate you. Of course, what else could it be?
  22. You get 4k platinum with it and this is worth the price tag alone. I have bought like 5 of them in 10 years, which is my thing to show them gratefulness for developing a game that kept me playing for so long. If you don't want to buy it, don't do it.
  23. Man (or woman), than you from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes I think that I don't belong in this world any more. People *@##&#036;, *@##&#036;, *@##&#036;, *@##&#036; and complain, complain, complain about a free game with an amazingly fair currency model. There is so much entitlement and ungratefulness going around, this must be the thing they described in the bible as Sodom and Gomorrha :D
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