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Everything posted by Stormandreas

  1. Fire rate, multishot and an invocation mod, use primary direct hits to charge the alt, fire the alt to get your bonus strength, duration, efficiency or energy regeneration. It makes builds so stupidly easy to make now it's unreal!
  2. Do not build it for crit. The tome is a support tool, not a weapon. Build it for fire rate, multishot and use an Invocation mod. It's designed to be used with a caster frame, and that's where it actually works.
  3. The game tells us "Network not responding" and even the launcher and website struggles. This isn't because of DX12 (unless it's another thing)
  4. Don't if you have 2 accounts. This causes your NSW account to be deleted and lost, and then you only have the PC account in name, which becomes a WF account. MERGE your accounts, ALWAYS. There's no reason they should offer the linking system. Linking literally deletes your items and you lose them. Merging actually merges your items into a single account. Your account is then turned into a Warframe Account, which is accessable on all platforms, it's no longer a "Pc" or "NSW" account, it's just a WF account Cross save is a very fickle thing. If they rush it, they'll break peoples accounts, and that's something DE cannot afford. Cross play took 3 months to fully release testing, and longer to be fully stable, about 4ish months. Cross save is even worse due to the fact they're now manipulating the accounts themselves for accessability, which can have catastrophic problems. You HAVE to be patient with it, lest you risk losing your account.
  5. We were told there was a new syndicate. We knew this, they called it "a new faction and syndicate" which is exactly what they said with Solaris, Entrati and Holdfasts. We knew exactly what to expect.
  6. Considering Warframe can struggle to maintain 120fps even on powerful PC's due to the insane amount of particles, I doubt Consoles will get 120fps. 60fps works fine anyway. I'd rather play at a stable 60 than an unstable 120, gets extremely tiring on the eyes. It's jarring at first to transition back if you're used to that game in particular being 120, though play any game designed for 60 and running at 60, it'll look absolutely fine. Also going from 120-60, give it a few hours, you wont notice it too badly.
  7. As Genitive posted, Rebecca replied that they're looking to do it in Days rather than weeks. This was also the sentiment with crossplay. That took 3 months. Expect to be waiting a little bit, especially that they're dropping this RIGHT BEFORE going on holiday, so if anything goes wrong, we're gonna be stuck for a bit.
  8. Such as? What is the game full of that is completely different/locked between platforms. We know platform exclusive skins because that's a platform host required thing. We know tennogen because DE are not changing it. Now tell me, what other platform exclusives do we have that is all over the game? The builds on Console and PC are not different anymore. They are now the same build, using the same updates, same engines, same systems. Same everything. Everything you can do on PC, you can do on console, and vice versa, other than some graphical options for performance reasons (and yes, they could absolutely disable this on PC very easily). This is not a good argument to platform locking gameplay items considering all of this has been resolved over a year ago.
  9. With this logic, none of the Console exclusive skins should be available when playing on PC or any other console then, yet, that is exactly what's happening (other than sony being sony). It's insanely inconsistent, and favours retaining old outdated logic that does not work in a fully Cross-save/progression environment.
  10. Switch Opal skins are only available for purchase on Switch. Will be available on everything but PS. Xbox Jade skins are only available for purchase on Xbox. Will be available on everything but PS. Your point? Excal umbra is buggy AF honestly (and Pablo has confirmed they aren't going to fix him). Skiajati is not the same as a SkanaP or LatoP, namely in the sake of Rivens and Incarnons. This is still gameplay items being locked. This is the problem. Skins? Whatever, it's cosmetics, none of that affects gameplay. Anything that does affect or can be used for gameplay, is a problem for being locked.
  11. No. They. Were. Not. "Platform exclusive Skins like Opal Skins on Switch, Amethyst Skins from Discord, and Jade Skins on Xbox will not transfer to PlayStation during the One-Time Account Merge. In addition, PC exclusives such as the Phased Skins, Rubedo Skins, IAHGames Braton Skin and Rixty MOL skin will not be available on PlayStation. Conversely, PlayStation Obsidian Skins will not be available to use on platforms other than PlayStation." This is Sony being Sony. They're known for this. This is not a reason that DE should be arbitrarily locking gameplay gear.
  12. And yet Console and PC exclusive packs and skins, are not staying exclusive. Funny that. Again, it's been 10 years. Anyone who is complaining about that can get over it. There's people playing the game today who couldn't even drink back then. Making some things cross-able and some things not (especially when it comes to gameplay items) is for 1 of 2 reasons. Legal reasons (like nintendo and sony butting in with the PS skin packs and Nintendo Plat), or arbitrary decisions to "respect" people. The Founders gear being locked, has 0 reasoning given, making it look and feel Arbitrary, as it very likely is nowadays. This is not respectful at all considering founders are the entire reason Warframe exists today. Fortnite. Minecraft. Dauntless. Paladins. Smite. Apex (recently).
  13. Platform specific content does not belong in a full Crosssave environment, at least, not actual gameplay gear. Cosmetics, whatever, it's cosmetics. Not stuff that affects gameplay or can be used as gameplay items in any way. That is not a full cross-save system. It's been 10 years, a whole decade. 3650 days. If people are complaining Founders was only on PC, they can get over it. If it weren't for founders, they wouldn't have the game in the first place. I doubt this will be locked given that, the majority of people responding have also expressed confusion to this arbitrary restriction after all this time. Yep, that's exactly how it is. Sony cosmetics aren't cross-save, but Xbox/PC/Switch ones are. That is a legal thing clearly, and is Sony being Sony (just like Nintendo being Nintendo with the plat restrictions). The Founders stuff feels like Sony being Sony (they were the ones denying people using it in the first place). If so, DE could just do exactly as they are doing for the skins. Allow Excal, Lato and Skana prime on all platforms but Sony cause... Sony.
  14. This is more things DE need to answer better but aren't. From my understanding, you pick one account as the primary one to merge into. This one keeps all your progression. The rest are merged into that and you keep everything from those (gear, rivens, frames, weapons etc.). The "Primary" account then becomes a Warframe account, and is simply tied to the game, not the platform, so there is no harm at all in marking your Switch account as a "primary" account, as the Primary/Secondary account thing is simply for the merging process, not afterthefact.
  15. Unrelated, though I have to ask... why swap platform just to use a controller? PC has been able to use a controller the entire time due to Steam. Anyway. When you merge your account (do NOT Link your accounts, there's 0 reason they offer this, as this literally deletes the accounts. Merging is what you do), you'll have 1 account, a Warframe account. It's not a PS or PC account, it's simply a Warframe account. You'll only be able to use your Excal when playing on PC.
  16. DE know, they just aren't answering. There's so many questions and concerns about Cross-save, as well as problems that have been highlighted, and DE have remained silent thus far, which is a tad concerning ngl
  17. There's a reason this event hasn't returned for 6 years. It's boring, bland, PvP in a PvE mode (meaning anything we farm or want to use, means nothing generally. Just the exact same issue Kahl has), very little reward and conclave, having been abandoned for years (even new warframes are not added to the list of usable frames anymore), offers nothing to the main game. Very few of the seemingly useful mods, are even usable in the main game. Take Excaliburs Slash Dash augment. You regen shields of allies, this does NOT include you. Slash dash makes you immune to damage... EXCEPT your shields. This Augment would help fix that. It does not. The conclave skins aren't really all that special anymore either. The syandana is awesome, however ONLY lights up if you do your conclave DAILIES, meaning every single day you'd have to do conclave for hours just to get the actual full syandana. It's just not worth farming
  18. It's mostly a money thing. The Snowball PvP mode returning after 7 years is a bit left field considering like... 4 people play PvP and it's been relatively abandoned for years.
  19. I 100% garuntee DE could have worked to resolved these problems. All other devs are capable of doing so, so why not DE? I'd be MORE than happy if DE delayed Crossave even more, to ensure it is a true Cross-save/progression, and have everyone win, not the way they are doing it, where only the players/consumers lose out. One of the biggest problems here is Transparency on the topic. All they've said is "we looked at other options and this is the best one". It's been noted to them multiple times there are better options, yet they've stuck to their guns. We've been given 0 reasoning as to why the options they've chosen are the best ones. This is part of the problem. They have said they wanna protect their Tennogen creators, which they already are doing (albiet not in the best way possible) on the console versions, so why do they not just do that on PC? Is steam holding them back? are they contractually obliged? Even if they just say, "we're under NDA and we can't discuss that" would be something!
  20. Hildryn spams pillage. That's about it for spam. Her entire playstyle is, press 3, press 2 constantly, shoot. Her 1 and 4 have no use anymore. Her 1 suffers from powercreep (HEAVILY), and her 4 is useless without being able to cast pillage or use her weapons other than her massively outclased Balefire Charger. Base stat wise, sure, she has a lot of shields. That's about it. Health and armour shouldn't even have to be a consideration on her (same with energy ofc). She's a gimmick frame, who falls behind many others because of it. Put it this way. In Hildryns kit, what other than Pillage is useful in the majority of situations? Balefire does less than our guns, Haven pretty much requires allies, Aegis Storm leaves you without your guns, draining your shields rapidly, with no proper way to upkeep them, and her passive is really only best when you have Overshields so you ignore toxin damage. The Shield gate time on the passive is pretty null now given any frame can hit a 2.5s shield gate (Hildryns being 3.5), and using her one and only good stat, as her defence, offence and resource meter is the epitome of "All your eggs in one basket"
  21. Nothing is the answer. Balefire charger is not worth using. Pretty much any pistol in the game will perform better nowadays. It's damage may be high, but it lacks in Crit, status, and general usability because of that ragdoll garbage. Not only that, it drains Hildryns shields EVEN MORE to use, something she can't afford. She needs to use her shields both as defence, and as her energy. Unnecessary drain isn't good. Tbh Hildryns whole kit is lackluster. Pillage is the only real worthwhile ability there, which is saying something, and it's better on OTHER frames. She has the Grendel problem.
  22. From memory, it was deemed "fair" to console players to dissallow Founders gear on consoles. There might be something I'm missing but that was the big sticking point. Founders should absolutely be allowed to use their gear. Removing gameplay items, not just cosmetics, is a line you don't cross. Apparently, Rebecca claimed it wasn't possible to put Excal Prime and that on Consoles cause he uses "old code". I don't know how true that claim is, but if it is true that is what was said, it's the absolute biggest copout answer I've ever heard.
  23. At the time, it was because Console players couldn't buy the founders pack. That's the only reason iirc that Founders who did copy their account over to their console, didn't get to keep their founders items (something that wasn't taken very well either) Consistency in the form of a decision made 10 years ago that should not be influencing the decisions of today. Time has moved on, it's been 10 years. There isn't a reason to disallow this anymore. As far as we know, everything will merge, except for any tennogen bought after Nov 24th, and Founders stuff. We get 0 prep, and the players have actually recieved the short end of the stick here. Any new tennogen (say, if you bought it right now) you DON'T get to keep across platforms, and any DON'T get to use their gear across platforms. That's it. Cosmetics are just cosmetics. It becomes a problem when actual gameplay items start to be restricted.
  24. Hello Tenno and DE As crosssave is coming, we have been given the FAQ, with some... questionable decisions. The one I want to highlight here is, Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime are being locked to PC use only. This means, any founder who owns any of these items, will NOT be able to use them if they logged into a console. Why? This feels like a very arbitrary decision, and is quite literally locking founders out of INGAME GEAR. Cosmetics? Sure, fine whatever, you can lock that out and not affect gameplay. This is, very literally, locking out gameplay items, which is a MASSIVE no no in mine, and likely many others books. If this is to "respect console players who didn't get founders gear", DE are directly disrespecting founders by doing so. There is no harm in allowing Founders to use their gear on other platforms should they so wish. No, this does not mean they'd have to make Excal Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime purchasable again. Not only that, by locking gameplay items to certain platforms, DE are then not doing a true cross-save/progression. This is further emphasised by the handling of Tennogen. A true Cross-save/progression means everything is accessible on, usable on and carries over to, all platforms. DE are not doing this. To use Tennogen on all platforms, you must buy it twice (hugely disrespectful to players). To use Founders items, you must play PC. Because of these two things, DE cannot call this true Cross-save/progression. While yes, the founder restrictions don't affect a large amount of players nowadays, this still affects players, and is still extremely arbitrary and unnecessary. DE need to give a full explaination to this one. Disrespecting founders, the players who lifted Warframe off the ground and saved DE from bankrupcy, is not a good look.
  25. While this is admirable, there are flaws here. Pretty obvious ones. So, if we have a tennogen skin, purchased after the cuttoff date on PC, I equip that skin, log out, and then log into console. What happens? Does the game break? Does all my fashion get reset? Do I just not get to use the weapon? What happens? These are things you haven't answered or explained for some reason. Another thing not answered is, why did you not look at a solution to standardise purchasing Tennogen across all platforms. It would not be out of DE's scope to make all tennogen Plat purchasable, and then take the accumulated numbers of purchases on items every month or few months, and then pay the creator accordingly based on the purchases. Why was this not done? This would resolve the "locking skins to a platform" problem you now have made for yourselves, and still pay creators for their work. Not only that, you've arbitrarily locked Excal Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime to PC use only. So now I'm locked out of using my founders gear if I log into a console? why? This makes quite literally 0 sense as these items are just, part of my account.
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